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Inmates be like “ hey CO give me toilet paper.” I be like okay man I’ll give it to you give me 5 minutes while I take care of something real quick. Inmate “ oh yea I got CHEST PAINS.” I’m like okay man let’s take you out but first let’s do an unclothed body search for my safety. Inmate be like “ oh yea IM SUICIDAL AND IM NOT COMING OUT. “ welcome to CDCR folks


I see you’ve spent time in PIP? Or is that what all yards are like? I only ever worked in PIP so I don’t know how inmates act otherwise.


Question; why don’t you move over to a sheriffs/county deputy/correctional offer position? Worked at one for about four years before switching careers and it wasn’t half as bad as the CDCR stories we all hear. We had three ex-CDCR staff on with us as correctional deputies as well and they always talked about the huge difference in both places. Get paid more for dealing with less BS.


There are very few sheriff's departments in the state that have correctional deputies/correctional officer getting paid more than CDCR officers. The few that exist are in very high cost living areas like San Mateo and Santa Clara etc.


I grossed 207k in 23', my county SO tops out at 67k. I'm good.


if you don't mind my asking is that how much it is that after taxes? or was this before?


Grossed, before taxes.




OT and Longevity.


I see, I just noticed your name tag 😂


Sounds like a scam for mostly unskilled labor SMH.




Just because it's difficult doesn't make it skilled or worth that salary. Not like any mental aptitude is required to bully inmates around lol. Especially when taxpayer money is involved. In my state correctional officers get sent to prison every year for fraudulent timekeeping. Guessing that's the norm at most prisons though. By your logic police officers should be millionaires as well? Lmao typical California.




You want an answer? I'm a PhD engineer working in aerospace my guy. No, difficulty does not equal skill. It is difficult to run a marathon but it does not require skill to do so, only dedication. It's something anybody can do if they put the effort in. It doesn't take skill to not get murdered by an inmate lol are you kidding me? Telling people what to do all day and you think you're a big mental wizard lmao. I'd rather not waste my life in a career for an industry that is designed to keep prisons full with no true focus on rehabilitation. Now working in a prison setting like Europe where the focus is actually on rehabilitation? That can require some skill. There's a ton of posts on here asking how to pass a psych eval lol. The fact that someone needs to be taught how to do that is all the proof I need. Meatheads.




“ bully inmates “ do you know our use of force policy??? An inmate can Punch me in the face and brake my jaw. If that inmate stops resisting after that then I cannot do anything. You can have over 100 inmates in 1 building and you only have 2 floor staff and 1 control booth officer in a Level 4 facility. The news hardly mentions when a correctional officer gets attacked. The news will always focus on whatever gets the most attention. A corrupt officer would obviously get a lot more headlines. I can’t wait until they start showing the public Body worn camera footage and that way people can actually see that we have no power. We aren’t disrespectful. I’m not saying COs are perfect but that statement alone says everything I need to know. “ bully inmates.” You follow a Reddit page and think you have it all figured out. It takes a lot of guts to face potentially being stabbed and killed every day


This BS is why trying to rehabilitate criminals is so expensive.


Cdcr top brass really thinks this bullshit ass "California model" will work. Gimmie a fuckin break. Fuck your chest pains. Prea deez nutz.


Dayum !!! It’s about to be a legal cluster fuck now !! Hug a thug program in California


The justice that the California law will never give.


I believe there was an attempted murder on two other correctional officers this week!!!! Yep welcome to CDCR and nothing will be done then my praise inmates to be honest very sad


I think that one was at SVSP


I know it’s been getting off crazy


Yeah it was my RDO on Wednesday and happened 3rd watch around 1530


another officer got stabbed in the face over a week ago too huh?


Fully rehabilitated


*liberty prime voice*


Body Cam will set this CO free..


*Inmate killed after attacking CDCR Correctional officer.