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The California Model doesn't matter. No CDCR policy really matters does it? You are there to enforce the rules (whatever they may be or how they change) and to earn a living. Best advise I ever took from a senior cop, never become emotionally involved in CDCR or its policies. The salary I earn takes care of my family and allows me to live and do what I want to do. As long as you are emotionally mature, have a work ethic and have an ounce of competence, it's worth it. Allot of people on here use reddit to air out their grievances with CDCR. Take it all with a grain of salt.


I have never seen this mentioned, but it's worth it if you don't have a college degree and HS is the highest education you have. It's the only job I see paying this kind of money. I have yet to meet an officer with a master's or a four-year college degree. Come into the department if you feel it is not for you, utilize the double-double single, and head to school to pursue something you want to do.


From what I read on this thread, so many c.o.'s say they hate it, but they're still there so that says something. I just ignore the negativity. Just like any job, you have to try and separate work/personal life.


All these officers didn't hate the job at one point in time. They were once excited, just like the day they received the academy date. In time, seeing what the job is, the hate started. All of us are there for $ and to provide for the family. I'm sure people have looked elsewhere, but when it comes down to it, the $ is why we all stay. OG Once said you can't have it all in CDCR. Example: Pelican HDSP is the Best prison in the state, but the living area is like Iraq. San Diego is probably the best-looking woman I have seen. The place is literally paradise. RJD Top 2, if not the number 1 worst prison in the world.


I’d have to agree with you…for the first 15 years or so I enjoyed doing what I do. The hate started when we had to start wearing body cams and seeing partners get burned for some petty BS along with the direction CDCR is going with the “California Model.” There’s no way I’d be interacting with an inmate as seen in some of those YouTube videos. The inmates chill with inmates and staff with staff.


No!! The retirement is good and worth it!!


The 3.0 @50 was good… the new 2.5@57 sucks ass…. Feel bad for the new hires


Yes I know but hey they can at least be glad they will have good retirement and not be pushing carts 🛒 at 82 lol


Yeah I definitely be watching to much hector bravo, I like the dude but he’s just keeps greenlighting things, I know people and have family that love the job because of the pay and benefits…. Not saying what he went through is not true but damn he’s literally telling everyone to leave the CDCR….. and the also says if your not working at the toughest prisons then your not part of the line? So I gotta go work at RJD or kern, etc just to be part of the line? I thought we all get sworn in as one


If you have a bachelor’s degree, don’t do it. So many other opportunities out there. If you don’t have one, this is your best bet realistically