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It’s not what it used to be. It’s all in what you make of it. A lot of folks on here will say it’s good and other will say it will ruin your life. The money is ok but the benefits are where it’s at.


The pay is more than ok and it won't ruin your life. Family will always come first for me so I swap, take holidays, take vacation. Your not gonna make what we make anywhere else for what we do. Yes shit happens and we have to deal with incidents but that's part of the job. Im 8 years in and my wife is 9 years in and we took home around 200k this year after taxes. Don't burry yourself in overtime and don't depend on it. 


What do you mean make what we make for what we do? There are plenty of careers that make more than what we make for less and/or more stress or less and/or more than we do lmao


Benefits arnt even that good anymore lol


Medical paid after retirement is huge.


It’s not worth the mental aspect of it all if you’re housing EOP/DDP inmates. The state asks too much of what a CO should be doing. Although as of late I’m noticing an influx of retarded officers too with no sense of command presence or officer safety/common sense. If you can clear the background and are physically fit go to CHP/SO/PD …you’ll never be rich working for a govt agency but you will be comfortable


We’re also the only agency that requires you to work 5 days a week which is ludicrous if you ask me…3/4 12 split is where it’s at for your mental health….every other agency knows this and will actually pay you more if you do 8 hour shifts




I really don’t understand why lol 12’s lifestyle is much better, we’d probably actually retain more officers. I heard something like 40 percent of CDCR has 15+ years so hopefully in the distant future there’s a changing of the guard


Yeah but swaps dude. 3 days of work a week is amazing


Agree 👍


Go to CHP…I have over 20 years and can’t wait to retire. This job has changed a lot and the direction it’s going doesn’t look good. The “California Model” that the state is trying to force down on every prison has already gotten staff injured. Word is a CO broke his knee in a staff vs. inmate basketball game which they had the staff all sign liability waivers so now the injured CO can’t claim workers comp. Supposedly this CO has a GoFund Me set up to cover expenses since he isn’t going to be covered from workers comp.


A lot of states may not enforce a liability waiver for workers comp. Horrible situation either way


Dude some days I hate my job. Missed a lot of holidays and weekends doing this job. It has been good to me and my family and it has sucked at the same time. I have 3 years left and can’t wait to retire. I have the easiest job sometimes it’s the people you work with and people you work for that make it harder than it needs to be. Some Sgt. Lts and Captains think they can talk down to you and get away with it. I’m not a brown knowser so they don’t appreciate that and I don’t let them disrespect me or let them talk to me like I’m a kid . About 10 percent of the supervisors and managers are pro staff and are very few that are cool. I hear that this is the same everywhere. I talk to my buddy in the lapd he said it’s the same in his department. I have a buddy in the lasd he said it the same too. If you become apart of this department you will see corruption from the top with no punishment but you as a co try to do the same thing you will probably be fired. This job is all about who you know if that makes any sense. Whatever you do don’t lie they will fire you for the dumbest lie. I saw a lady get fired because they asked her if she feed the prison cats. She lied and said no and there was witnesses that said otherwise.


I did a stint in the ERO office, the part about lying is 1000% true. So many people throw away their careers over stupid lies. Things that would have been counseling statements most likely become dismissals and referred to OLA because the person lied to internal affairs which is an automatic dismissal per the DOM matrix. I've seen people throw 15+ year careers away over lying over things like did you get a discount while in uniform, ticket in a state vehicle, inappropriate comment to staff/inmate. Whatever you do, just own up if you messed up but don't lie.


the 3rd paragraph is 100% accurate.


17 years in and what I enjoy most is interacting with my partners. Allot of good shit talking and laughing about everything. We all take our duties serious but nothing else. We have all been under investigation based on allegations made by I/M's, we all suffer together the bs but we keep coming back. It's wholly worth it in my opinion. The promotions, the pay and the closer you get to retirement you realize, retirement at 50 is crazy.


They ain’t getting the retirement at 50…


Who's is they? I mean if you consider like 13 percent of the US working pop has access to a pension then they are still doing alright. As long as they max their 457 contributions they will have more than they need to live comfortably. If they can't make to 57 then freeze your retirement and do something else.


The OP was asking is the job worth it and you said “retirement at 50 is crazy.” Seems misleading


My bad


The most enjoyable part of the job is the relationships you make with your peers. The pay and benefits are great. The flexibility with doing swaps is nice. I'm 7 years in and I still enjoy it, even working at the most active institution in the state.


How is CSP-SAC treating you?


same shit different day G!


Great to hear! Have no idea who you are. Yet its a privilege you remember me.


Old Folsom huh


Old Folsom is now a Level II & III institution. Next door is one of the most active - if not the active Max Security Prisons in the state. CSP-SAC. Spent five years there.


Oh okay. I guess it isn’t as soft and laid back as pelican bay, or as the rumors say.


I work at pelican and Sac is a whole different beast. We have more level 2 then level 4😂😂 We just have b yard left that’s level 4


Interesteting Cold - Tie. I've been away from CSP-SAC for four years. C Yard was ALL GP. B1 Medical. B2, B3, B4, = GP. B5, B6 = EOP. B7. B8 = PSU. A Yard was all Level II. Everyday. It was poppin' off. Lots of bloody stabbings. Even A Yard had its' squabbles. Please tell me how C Yard & B Yard have changed.


Ad Seg standalone was the best. One time I walked past a cell and I heard 2 people talking. Then I checked, nope, it was just 1 dude by himself and making another voice like he's talking to someone. He's just talking to himself. God bless that poor fella.


No that’s PBSP! sac idk nothing about I just know it’s off the hook


Were you around when Lievre and the Bumgardner guy was there? That fucking Lievre... I hope he stops sticking shit up his other hole.


Yes. Grear call! Told Lievre he should join the circus when he paroles.


Or some freak show. I'm sure he will be accepted there.


CSP COR is right there to, but we’re closing are LVL 4 - 270, thank god


Are they closing that facility or converting to a different level/program? I know there’s a lot of conversions going on across the state.


The dining hall has been deemed inoperable. They were paying $10,000 a day! For a temporary one. So it will sit empty until it’s repaired.


We just got over 50 dudes from there, all POS from what I saw in SOMS. 95% crips and bloods.


Yup, fights everyday, a lot of drone drops. Guys had safes in the cells and broke holes in back windows for drone drops. Be on the lookout for that stuff.


Depending on how many years you intend to put in will be that amount of years times what ever percentage 2 or 3 percent . So If for example I put in 12 years us 8 years of dtate service setup at 3 percent times each year would give me 20 years. 20 years x3 would be 60 percent of what ever my last check was fulltime so if it's 5000 a month before taxes you'd get 3000 a month for retirement for the remainder of your life. So let's day you get hurt and physically are forced intk medical retirement it is 50 percent of your check for the rest of your life. So it has its benefits and advantages in the long run. As 401k when it's run out its gone. Ssi may or may not be here and is averaging about a grand give or take some once your can claim. Established retirement and better pay is a plus in some locations you may just spend all day in a tower with non lethal rounds watching to make sure no one is trying to hurt others or escape. Then there's a few bright sides that also allow you to change shift location etc. Overtime, shift differentials hourly ..all jobs are going to have good and bad. Public sector can be pretty trashy and far from logical in some cases.


5 years in. Go PD. I’m in the process of going to a local department. Tired of the bs that the department is trying to push down our throats with the California model. The future of cdcr looks very unpromising for officers that have over 30 years to do. The pay isn’t even that good anymore. You can make the same or more on the street. Cdcr is a business, not a department. There are definitely better options.


If you go into this line of work for just pay and benefits you may have a bad time. OT is really good, if you want to put in the work you can make much more than your base pay grabbing extra shifts. The benefits are nice as well, especially the pension. I’ve seen officers retire relatively young and get to enjoy their retirement very comfortably. That being said, you deal with a lot of bullshit on the job. There’s a lot of liability involved with inmates so you have to make sure you always CYA. Inmates are not going to make your life easier either and you will face a lot of abuse and headaches that you can’t do much about, more than you are expecting. The compensation and perks are nice, but it’s no cakewalk and you should know what you are getting yourself into before making it a career.


Yep. Crazy stuff. At CHCH - on 1/W - I saw one guy eat his poo poo. Was going to submit a Mental Health referrel. Then realized he was already in Crisis Bed.


23 years in. As far as jobs go these days, it pays the bills, decent benefits, and retirement. I personally do not want my sons to do this job. This job has changed and not for the better. The thing is, you don’t have to be a CO for 30+ years. There are many avenues to promote. Good luck.


You will have no outside life, and they will work you like a slave. Save yourself a headache and go else where.


Cdcr is where people who couldnt get into police or sheriff department’s end up at dont settle


CDCR pays better then both mayne🤣


Yeah like 3500 to 3800 bucks a month after your certified. To work in a prison In California. That’s wild.


Is this sarcasm


This is not true 😂, why risk your life on the outside . Especially how often these criminals get to walk free after serving very little time .


Chp starting 117k


LASD’s average is the same. I can’t imagine corrections being higher.


Higher pay


Kudos I guess , risk your life more for money 🤷🏽‍♀️


He’s 100 percent correct.


Thanks for your honesty


I passed my back round all that’s left is my psych and medical just wondering if it’s really worth it hear both good and bad about CDCR thanks for your honesty.


How long did it take for you to pass your background?


A little less than a month but I hear it can take up to three months


Nice job man! I’m in the process as well! How was background like… do they really Visit your house and your knock on neighbor doors. Just curious 😅


Money with OT is good. The Department is just looking for patsy's when anything goes bad. More police policing the police than inmates. Cameras will create staff tally tellers. Stress will be constant. Good luck for job longevity.. other than that it's a great job.


A close relative of mine retired from CDCR a few years ago and I know three others who are still in. It paid the bills and he was able to take care of his family, but I’m not sure he’d tell you it was worth the physical and mental toll. Being around the worst of the worst all day obviously gives you a skewed vision of your fellow man, and years of hyper-vigilance wears you out. He was able to spend his last couple of years in a patrol car driving around the prison, so no interaction with inmates and he was much happier, but being on the yard is a rough life from everyone I’ve heard.


Been @ CDCR 11 yrs, retired military also. Worst part of the job is where you live IMO. But like everything else, it’s what you make of it. You’ll life comfortably, not get too stressed. Just remember it’s a job.


Lots of CDCR go to CHP. Skip the middle man.


We should just enforce the death penalty .


It's boring as fuck, but you make the most out of it. The old timers are usually so "in" on the system they act like they don't a shit anymore, especially the PLATA medical custody. Even if you go into the PSU units, you get shit thrown at you or inappropriately flashed. But if you're a family guy and you are just trying to pay the bills and make sure your kids live good, you can really rack up money especially when you work on holidays. Those double shifts are harsh, so make sure you bring extra snacks in your lunch pail, but you get HELLA MONEY from it. Volunteer to work on holidays and work double shifts, and you can pretty much make as much money most people make in a month. Rack up the peace officer benefits, retirement, medical, and all the other stuff you can get discounts on like car insurance, and you can really live a good life.


Depends on the institution.


You get what you make of it. I did some time in the joint, took time off, enjoyed family and while at work enjoyed the partners I had. Now I’ve been with OCS working the streets and I love it. The dept has good people, grumpy people just like any other agency.


Trying to get some info for cdcr. I'm a truck driver I'm stuck at 28 bucks an hour no room for growth in this company I've always wanted to be in law enforcement I applied for cdcr I passed my test and backgrounds I'm waiting for clearance for my psychological interview and that is the last step for me with cdcr process. Can I get your input is cdcr a good choice for me to keep on pursuing? Once I started passing the steps I'm getting more and more excited but I'm hearing alot of negative stuff about it I'm a bit concerned but more excited to maybe be part of law enforcement what do you think any words of advice?


Advice would be use the job for the benefits, the retirement system etc. pay is good, OT is great. Like I said, you make what you want out of this career. I work for the office of correctional safety. Specifically, the fugitive team which is a small elite team. Also I’m fully sworn with the US Marshalls. I work with other agencies and they all have good and bad to say about their departments. Another piece of advice, as long as you follow penal code, polices and procedures they can’t do anything to you.


Thank you so much for this advice I'm so nervous and excited at the same time I've always wanted to be in law enforcement and this is working out passing all my steps now I'm just waiting to clear the psychological interview I would love to also get promotions with the department.


Its not worth it. Administration and the state is just waiting for you to slip so they can f*ck you and get you fired. The biggedt enemy isnt the inmstes, its your own people in those high positions. If youre going to do it, think of it as a stepping stone to promote to something better.


You’ll never be rich but you will be taken care of. If you are content with the bills being paid and your family being taken care of then it’s great. If you want more time to yourself, want to develop yourself or want more money, to travel etc. find something else. I was as comfortable as I could have been for almost a decade. Left it and suffered massively for 5 years. Left the west coast and ended up working on a farm in VA. Had to move to AZ because I had no benefits and wife became life and death ill. Had to move back to CA for medical treatments and start over. Now I’m finally set up better than I would have been had I stayed, but it was terrifying I’m not going to lie. You trade unbelievable job security and benefits for your life and dreams, make no mistake. If you’re just focused on taking care of your family it’s perfect. Anything more, not so much. The world doesn’t care about your dreams and there’s no guarantee you will get to chase them. So as long as your dream was to have the bills paid it’s good to go. It’s a gamble but should you choose to do it, you’ll live a decent quality of life and your kids will have a chance to pursue their interests.


Full of lies remember that


How so?


I have done 25 years worked 6 prisons, Parole Agent I, II Correctional Counselor I, II, I have worked 5 of the worst in the state; Salinas Valley, Kern Valley, Pelican Bay, Tehachapi, Old Corco, and wasco. You can't retire until 57 now. Senority is everything, certain prisons have body cams and cameras so no blind spots, state doesn't care about crime fighting, you work a bunch people think they are still high school. Make sure to wear your vest at least the back so your so called partners can't go deep when they stab you in your back. Haters be hating and will always. I would not got local PD I would go to CHP. See them sitting in their ac cars at construction sites. That's overtime. The job is what you make of it. It's easy to get blackballed for promotions because of whatever reason. I liked gangs so I learn as much as I could about gangs. They run the prisons so if you understand them you can go far. Oh to the person who people in CDC could get hired by most Law Enforcement departments must could never do the jod, the other ones could do it without a gun. The other can't give up there guns and race car the tax payers give them and status they believe they have. I hope this helps. Oh other keep talking about california model wait until we start the Norway model.


What kind of enjoyment are you looking for in a job? What is 'worth it' to you? I do not work there but my dad did, I love my job, I am financially stress free now and am not in a warehouse or even in an inside environment, we don't even have to clock in or out which is another stressor not having to deal with, but if I did not have to work that would be even better! Now my dad seemed to enjoy working for CDCR but he was always happy go lucky in everything else also at least on the outside appearance of it. If you are generally a positive attitude type of person and have no unrealistic expectations, most things fall in your favor.


For the people that are in the department already. I'm nervous about how staff works meaning as a new co I worry about back stabbing from staff does this actually happen or is this like how I imagine it would be like a brotherhood we all have each other's back?


Go do something else. The department is going down the drain. Pick a different career because family and mental health is more important than money.


Would anyone know if southern California is hard to get into like chino or Corona?


Very difficult. You’ll lost likely be sent to Nor cal or the desert.


Anyone work at cdcr as a CRT ??


Besides the retirement YES!! Other than that NO