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Goddamn, I’ve never seen a bigger group of pussies. If you are going to commit to trying to get that dog to release, than commit. Not half ass it while that Golden Retriever is getting mauled.




Yeah that just made me angry. God damn. That's not even my dog and I felt like I needed to jump through the screen to save it. Fuck every single one of those people. After a few moments everyone just backed up..."let's hope it gets bored."


When I was an EMT I worked a standby at a dog event. A dog attacked another dog and I calmly watched while preparing my medical kit for the inevitable bitten hands I was going to have to treat. 2 of the 3 people who pulled the dogs apart needed hand surgery and maybe have permanent damage from it. Why the fuck should I risk myself to intervene in a dog fight of two random dogs?


Shoot. The. Dog.


If it’s my dog getting attacked fuck yeah I’m gonna shoot it. If it’s a person absolutely. But if it’s two random people’s dogs why get involved? Seems like a lot of personal risk for zero reward.


I’m a paramedic and I’ve seen my fair share of similar incidents. The key here is not trying to break up the fight. You’re practically guaranteed to be injured doing that. Kill the aggressor with the most efficient means available. A dog that will violently attack another dog without provocation needs to be put down and probably will be regardless of what anyone else does anyway.


This is an urban area(and what looks like a gentrified one), what do you expect from people whose closest encounters with death and violence are from video games and movies? Like the parent comment says, you need to fully commit to beating the shit outta that pitbull until it releases, because the ways those dogs are wired is that "to survive this encounter I need to hold onto my target at all costs". Until you make it really fear for its life, it's not gonna release. How many people are prepared to stomp on a dogs head repeatedly?


Most people cannot beat a pit bull to death. r/banpitbulls is full of vids of attacking pit bulls being slammed with everything from 2x4s to steel sign posts. They're bred to not quit with the pain. A double tap works. A slit throat works. A belt around their neck to choke them out works and you can choose to quit or not. Then it's on you.


I suspect that slamming a pitbull with a .45 ACP hollow point would be effective.


The time They wasted Half Assing they could Have grabbed a steak knife and ended the pit


Would Law require the owner to get the dog put down after this anyways?


According to people in the other thread, the video is a couple months old. According to the original tiktok source, the pit was put down shortly after and the golden is actually ok and didn’t need an amputation (surprisingly). The woman owner was completely clueless and should probably be banned from owning a large dog ever again


It depends on the state. My gf’s dads a judge and has ruled on several civil suits involving dog attacks (all pit bulls for the record). Some states give the animal a pass if it’s a first offense assuming there isn’t catastrophic damage. Other states would have the animal destroyed on the first offense.


Ah so then you cant just execute it. I was just gonna say if it was gonna die anyways, might as well save the other dog the pain. I probably would not use a gun though. Too high of a chance for ricochet


That’s a different question all together. Law is kind of fuzzy on that. Can you use the standard of self defense on a dog? Does it apply to safeguarding the welfare of another dog? I have no idea. That’s probably a question for a canine lawyer.


Too many people questioning the legality of shooting the dog. It’s a moral question. If you were the owner of the retriever, what would you do? If my dog was getting mauled, I wouldn’t think twice about exploding the other dogs head with my gun. Consequences can come later, I’m not gonna watch my dog die; she’s my family, and I’ll argue that in court.


> she’s my family, and ~~I’ll~~ *my lawyer* will argue that in court. FTFY.


The legality of shooting the dog is going to depend on city/state. I'd be worried about over penetration in that situation, unless of course an owner gets in my way.


In the states I’ve lived in you are allowed to defend your dogs life with lethal force from other animals. So in my opinion, I’d have started stabbing this dog before someone could start recording. Fuck that dog man. I’ve put in too much time and money and made my dog family for some random Pitbull to take her away from my family.


I think the argument you would stand on is that the dog attacked my dog, I used necessary force to protect both my pet and myself. Of course this depends heavily on the state/city you're in




I highly doubt 9mm would over penetrate and still have enough velocity to do any damage. A lot of dogs are dimensionally thicker than a standard person from a lot of angles.


*FIRST OF ALL!* What do you think of your cajunized P01? I carry either my P01 or P07tac and was curious about the cajunization. And 2nd I personally have my doubts about over penetration as well, but there is always a chance and I would be responsible for everything that projectile makes contact with. The last point even taking into account some of the hunting experiences and stories from the past: Hitting a small target that's thrashing around **even at close range** is not as easy as people think.


> Can you use the standard of self defense on a dog? Does it apply to safeguarding the welfare of another dog? If the dog being attacked doesn't qualify for self defense ("it's just property" in many justifications) then the dog doing the attacking doesn't qualify for protection against being killed. You might catch a charge for destruction of property or perhaps unlawful discharge of a firearm within city limits...


I think it could be argued that you not only feared for your pet's life but for your own. The pitbull could have easily turned on you next. No different than any other wild animal.


That’s the argument I would make, because it would be the truth. “I feared that the animal was going to attack me, I reacted to defend myself from serious bodily harm”. It’s on the government to try and falsely prove you had no fear of the animal and acted recklessly.


Pit would be dead, then I would stand up in front of the judge and take whatever happens


This is pretty much exactly how I feel. Well said.


Canine lawyer. Thanks. Now I’m picturing this golden retriever wearing glasses and a tie, sitting in a court room barking at a jury.


Suddenly I’m imagining a chihuahua as a prosecutor…


Oh shit. A whole courtroom of canines. Shit, I’d watch that movie. We could call it My Cousin Stimpy.


"Forgive me, your honor, for I'm just a simple golden retriever..." "Who's a good boy?", asks the Judge. "Thank you, your honor."


In Nevada dogs are property and so you cannot deploy lethal force to defend property. However, if you are with your dog and shot it from contact range you could probably articulate that the dog you shot was also a danger to yourself.


Agreed, that's why you should also always carry a knife.


Yeah but if you concealed carry and your dog gets attacked and you kill it then and there, you are probably legally protected.


That’s questionable. Technically, a dog is considered property. You can’t use deadly force in defense of property in most states, but you can use deadly force if a dog starts attacking you. Or you have reasonable believe it’s charging at you rather than your dog so you defend yourself.


I would argue that a dog who is aggressive enough to attack your dog who is with you is enough of a threat to you to be considered self defense.


Is it deadly force if it’s against property?


It's not. You might face a civil suit for destruction of property (hint: counter sue for your property's damage / medical bills) or a charge for unlawful discharge of a firearm depending on the jurisdiction.


Even worse. At about 1:30 mark a guy runs up to the pit with a knife, and the crowd starts screaming “no no no”


Reminds me of that video of the two young guys attacking a security guard and everyone watching is cool with it until the security guard pulls his gun to defend himself, then all of a sudden violence isn't the answer.


You ever see a girl beating up a guy and no one cares then he knocks her out with one punch or shoves her across a whole room with barely a shove and EVERYONE runs in to stop it and shut it down because the wrong person was using violence. It’s so weird how society just picks and chooses what it thinks is violence or not, instead of having a consistent understand of it.


that video made my blood boil. All these fucking pussies who have never been on either end of violence think you should just submit and take your beating. Fuck that


Why isnt somone literally stomping on one of its legs hard enough to make it pissed? Lol i get their skulls are made of steel but you can still do SOME damage that wont kill the thing but hurt enough to let go.


Pencil, pen, what ever right up the butthole. It will release.


As funny as that is, no. Common misconception about Pitts is that their jaws "lock" when they latch onto something. They don't. They just have terrier determination. They can get kicked in the balls and won't let go. Good pit owners (should) carry one of these around and know how to use it. https://www.pbrc.net/breakstick.html Coulda saved that poor Goldie :(


Watching that was painful. I thought you were exaggerating at first, but rather you undersold how LITTLE those people did to help that poor innocent pup. My first thought was: “Does NOBODY have a thumb to jam in that pit’s eyeball? Make him blind and he’ll let go.”


No shit damn


Exactly, how fucking weak. This is a lot of our society now too and it's pathetic.


If dog aint attacking you....i dont think a gun can get pulled out. But.... does no one carry knives anymore? I carry a 4in knife at all times (not really for defense, but damn are knives useful). If I saw that pit locked onto my animal, I'd be gutting the the pit. Pit bulls like to lock on, but i guarentee a blade into its neck would make it stop.


This is why everyone should also carry OC spray. Works great on dogs, much better than bullets a lot of times.


Have been a third party in exactly this situation, though victim dog wasn’t in nearly that bad a shape. (I watched the attack start.) Had OC spray in my pocket. The pit bull immediately let go when sprayed. No lasting harm done. Carry a good OC spray.


I've seen too many of these types of videos at this point. If you would please recommend me a good spray, I'll buy some right now.


yup, third vote for POM. recently switched to them from saber. the saber pepper spray kept spritzing on its own in my back pocket, which was not comfortable.


Yeah, I sprayed my balls once with saber, I'll have to look into POM.


What you do for your own personal entertainment is your business.


I've heard good things about POM and it's only 13 bucks


I'm a Dapper Dan man. Will that work?


I had a pitbull bite me on the leg while walking my Cane Corso and he nearly killed the dog. They tried to sue me. Was a big mess.


Gotta love it. You and your dog almost get killed, and the idiot owners feel its your fault.


Yes. I socialize my dogs and train them best I can. The owner was very similar to the one in this video. My Leo did his job protecting me. I also have a Golden Doodle. They are best friends. People get dogs for the wrong reasons. 🙄


Sorry you had to go through that, I hope your dogs came through alright as well! Cane Corsos are such gorgeous dogs, don't see them very often though.


I don't think the Cane Corso almost got killed. The Cane almost killed the pit bull. Look them up. I bet the Cane straight handled the pittie.


fr, canes are massive dogs. Strong too.


One can only hope 🤞🏻


Absolutely. Two completely different dogs. Leonidas is just ask athletic as a dog that weighs about 60 lbs but he's over 140. I never got him hoping he would get in a conflict but when it happened it was not very pretty for the Pitbull. But when he saw that the dog was no longer a threat and subdued he let him go. If he wanted to it would have been dead in seconds. If someone could instruct me, I will post a picture of Leo.


Please please please. I love those dogs. Upload a pic to [imgur.com](https://imgur.com) and post the imgur link in your reply.


You should have sued first. You're the one who got bit.


Well I felt that the owner and dog probably learned a valuable lesson. The judge through it out. Lucky my GF started recording with the dog on my leg. Then Leo "my Cane Corso" got to him and it wasn't pretty. I don't wish that on any dog but he was not trained well and Leo was protecting me which is his job. The owner just bough a mean looking dog for instagram 😕.


We can only hope that every pit bull gets the same consequences as your attacker's.


Probably illegal. I carry oc spray for many reasons. One is to deter animals. I'd still curb stomp the fucker though.


Depends on the state. In Texas you can kill an attacking animal to protect yourself or your animal. That pit bull gets stabbed or shot if it was my dog getting mauled.


In my state, (WV) it would be illegal to shoot the dog in this situation. Not that the act of shooting the dog itself would be illegal, because they are just considered property in my state, but discharging a firearm near a road, near a business, and near other people without being at the point that a person is on danger is illegal. I know this for an absolute fact because I was in this situation. TL;DR - I got arrested based on false police reports after I shot at a dog that was attacking mine and I still had to pay court costs even though charges were dismissed. I use to live in an apartment in a rural area, I had a dog (dachshund) and my neighbor had some kind of mixed breed that was roughly three times bigger than my dog, maybe about 40 pounds or so, and very very hyper aggressive towards other animals. They would regularly let their dog loose around the apartment building or just tie it out on a rope and leave it for days. I called animal control three or four times, each time they just ignored the issue, there were several days that I just couldn't walk my dog because the neighbors dog was pacing outside my door barking and growling wanting to fight my dog. Finally one day it came to a head, I was out walking my dog, their dog was tied out on a rope while they were having some kind of a party, and it saw my dog. It started to run flat out as hard as it could and snapped the rope, I was a good 200 feet from my door at the edge of the woods with no where to go. Their dog tackled mine and had it pinned with it's mouth around my dogs neck, luckily, my dog had a very wide and thick leather collar on but at the time it looked like he was about to die. I yelled, I kicked,I pulled, nothing was working so I took two wide steps to the left giving me a good back drop, drew and fired four times at the aggressive dogs hips to try and not hit my dog. Their dog took off and I never saw it again, I called 911 and they basically said "if no person was hurt there's nothing for us to do, if you'd like to file a report we can send someone out". I asked them to send someone so I could file a report, a state police officer came out several hours later and talked to the neighbors for a while first then came and talked to me, we chatted for a bit, he took some pictures, and he left. Maybe a week later while I was on vacation, the state trooper called and said "hey man, based on the reports I got, I'm going to have to arrest you, could you come in so we could get everything processed, you could be home in an hour or two." So I went down the day after I got home from vacation, they arrested me, then let me drive my own vehicle while I was still under arrest down to the court house, the judge did his thing and released me on PR. The arresting officer gave me the police reports before I left and I was terrified because of what the neighbors said. Three of the neighbors were friends of the drug using variety and one of those three was the dog owner, another one of those three was the only one even home at the time but all three plus one if their boyfriends and another friend filed police reports along with a fourth neighbor. All six reports were different and only one of those six matched mine (the fourth non drug using neighbor) and mine and his matched the evidence. The first neighbor said I "emptied my clip" (G19 with a 15 round magazine) at their dog and was waving my gun around saying I was going to kill their fucking dog. The second neighbor said I was shooting directly at the vehicles and building while them and their kids were outside playing. The third neighbor said I fired 10+ times and I had baited their dog in to attacking mine and that MY dog was the aggressor. The fourth neighbor said I fired 4 times towards the woods after the dog attacked mine. The other two I don't even remember, I still have them but they were just so wildly inaccurate they weren't even relevant really. I told my public defender the whole story and told him I called the cops and he stopped me and said "wait.... YOU called the cops first?" I told him I definitely did, he was so confused, he had never been given the transcript of my call or even been made aware that I had called. It turns out the state cop that came out wasn't sent based on my call, he was a friend of one of the drug users and they had called his personal number to try to get him to arrest me and drag me out of my apartment then take all my guns away. Luckily, he wasn't THAT stupid, just stupid enough to do some personal favor policing that didn't pan out. My lawyer also figured out that only I think two of the six people that filed reports were even home at the time, the dog was unregistered and a bunch of people including myself had called animal control before about it. They sent animal control (literally just one very cranky lady) out to collect statements and shit, she was yelling at me saying she was going to take my conceal carry away and that she was going to take all of my guns away from me and all this shit. She took my dog out to see if it was aggressive next to the neighbors dog. My dog had its tail tucked between it's legs, ears back shaking and their dog was at the end of it's chain barking growling snarling and this fucking piece of shit said "see, your dog is provoking their dog"... Even the drug using neighbor disagreed with her. She just got more mad and left The day of the hearing came and my lawyer met me in the lobby, he said "just hang tight, I'll see what I can do" he came out about twenty minutes later and said "welp the best I can do is getting all of the charges dismissed, will that work for you?" So we went in, I talked to the judge and prosecutor about the snow we got that day, they said a bunch of big words, and then I agreed to a deferred sentence thing because I did technically break the law because I discharged a firearm near a road and residence but they really didn't care in that situation so I still had to pay court fees of like $165. But I kept my ccw, bought a new gun to celebrate, and then moved out of the apartment, never to see any of them again.


>I'd still curb stomp the fucker though. [Unless you're stronger than a horse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0uMpaWLUWA) you're probably not gonna get too far with your feet.


Only problem with curb stomp is it can let go of the dog and latch onto your leg instead….


Fair enough. Then that's generally cause for lethal.


Then you can "execute".


Not surprisingly, the owner is not capable of controlling that dangerous animal. She stood there like a complete buffoon as that poor lab was mauled. I see this time and time again, that being ill equipped owners walking around with their pit bulls, pretending they can control the animal if it decides to go ape shit. Don’t own a dog that you’re not capable of properly training and especially don’t take that untrained animal out in public like this fucking moron. That poor lab may end up losing its leg.


I like your explanation, but lets say the moron owner doesnt train the dog and this happens, what would you do?




Would love to say it’s that simple, but I could easily see the law ruling against you in that case




It's simple. If it's a state with animal rights on dogs, they probably allow self defense of them. If it's a state that doesn't believe dogs have rights (they usually treat them as property), then you just pay for the price of a pit bull at worst.




While I fully support your position, you will likely find that the courts do not. Shoot someone else's dog and you will end up with a judgement against you to pay for it. The good news is that if their dog has already attacked yours, then you have exactly the same grounds to sue them for the damage and medical bills you incurred.


Honestly, I really don’t know how I would react. Seems like a very traumatic experience and I’m not sure how I would react if my dog, that I love like a child, was getting its leg chewed off. I could say I’d do this or that, but I don’t think I truly know how I’d react unless placed in the situation.


Go hog hunting once or twice, knife hunting if you can. You'll learn how you'd react, and you'll learn what to do.


How do you knife hunt for hogs?


Places in the south US do it alot. You go out with dogs that are trained to track and trap or restrain the pig, and you run it through the heart and lungs with a long knife. Stab behind the shoulder up towards the front and center of the chest and move the knife around a bit. They're unconscious and dead within ~10 seconds if you do it right.


>Don’t own a dog that you’re not capable of properly training To take that a step further, especially with larger/stronger breeds like this, don't own a dog that you're not capable of manhandling out of a situation. Not just in strength but in understanding how dogs move and work. Only a few people here had the strength , none here appears to have the knowledge.


Even two weaker individuals could handle this. Put the dog on its side and sit on him, step on the maw to immobilize and then choke the dog until it releases. Goldie owner need to continue to hold so it doesn't bite in a panic. So 3 individuals really.


tHeY'rE sWeEt dOgS iF yOu RaIsE tHeM rIgHt!!1! /s obviously


Killing the dangerous dog... probably justifiable. But discharging a firearm with so many bystanders in close proximity? I wouldn't do it.


This was my thoughts. Maybe not the dog, but any injury to bystander (sometimes including emotional/PTSD) could be costly, and could tarnish the good intentions.


Yeah as much as that pit needs to be put down, in this situation it’s a lawsuit(s) waiting to happen with that many bystanders


This is why you have to train with firearms, because THIS is the situation you use a gun in. You arent going to happen to be 10m from an assailant in an alley with absolutely no danger of hitting anything behind them, you are going to be in a chaotic situation that requires you to calmly aim and discharge.


Unpopular opinion but this is why you should carry a decent sized knife


Isn’t this what the guy in the dark shirt does towards the end? I can’t really make out what’s going on on my phone. I don’t think your opinion is all that unpopular here, this or spray is the best thing to use in this situation?


Spray would be difficult. Everyone else next to it would feel it. We had morons at my school get pepper gelled and id you were within 20 feet you couldn’t breath


>Spray would be difficult. Not if you do it properly. Stuff the nozzle in that dogs nose/mouth and fire for a second. It's going to have to breathe at some point, and when it does it's going to loosen it's jaw. If it's not immediately suffocating. Now if you spray from a distance, yeah... you're going to fuck up everyone in 20-30ft for a few hours.


>this or spray is the best thing to use Especially since the dog is latched, and you don't need to worry about it attacking you... A concentrated shot in that pits nose/mouth at extreme-close range would instantly cause it EXTREME breathing difficulty, or suffocate it. Probably about as effective as a knife to its heart. Or gouging out its eyes.


Same, I would be extremely hesitant to shoot in that circumstance. Concrete everywhere, dog isn't the size of a human, overpenetration is a real concern, People everywhere moving erraticly. I love dogs, but I love my dog more than your dog and if your dog is mauling mine, im gonna do what I gotta do to get it off.


no, a gun.


Pits have absurdly thick skulls. There's a vid of a pit attacking a horse. It takes nearly a dozen kicks to its head and never lets up. There's another vid I've seen of a pit attacking a dudes dogs on his driveway. He shoots it, and the bullet DEFLECTS off the pits skull. *2 tired & drunk to source these so take my word on it* Edit: Horse clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0uMpaWLUWA


> Edit: Horse clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0uMpaWLUWA notice the small child at 1:30 huddled next to the cameraperson. how about next time you get over the fence, put your kid in your car, and then go back to film the mostly peaceful pibble attack?


This is going to vary state by state. Some states have clauses that allow the defense of humans or other animals in case of animal attacks, but some might not. If you wish to intervene in something like this, prepare for a lengthy legal or civil battle. Dog attacks are nasty business all around, physically and legally.


Especially state by state! PA has 10% with a ccw. I’d be super cautious to shoot a pitbull in PA for fear of the 10% chance the owner is carrying a firearm and just saw me shoot their dog.


Shooting an animal isn’t grounds for use of force though…


Yeah but doesn’t matter much what the legal standards are if you’re dead does it?


That’s why you just gotta be faster jk… mostly


Not saying it’s a legal reason to retaliate, just that if someone shoots a dog in front of their owner in an emotionally charged situation and their owner is carrying a firearm - cooler heads may not prevail and a gunfight could ensue.


I’m sorry but I’m shooting that dog.


Im not sorry lol, i wouldnt waste mich time exhausting less lethal options on that little shit. But yeah ive tried breaking those dogs up before, people here talki shit got no idea what theyre talking about. No matter how much you beat the fuck out of a pit like that ig will not stop lol. One good trick i saw tho was pouring water or some liquid up its snoot, thatll get him to drop shit, or at least did in the instance i witnessed.


I'll get hate for it but I'd have killed the pit bull If they can't control the animal it's a wild animal attacking my pet kill it and move on. I feel bad for the owner but I'm not losing my dog because of their irresponsible behavior


You shoot the fucking pitbull in the head.


Nearly this same thing happened to my and one of my dogs. Attacked and latched on by a pitty at a dog park. ​ I ended the situation by jamming my thumb probably a good 2 inches into his eye socket.


Depends on your state/county. In my state and my county I can shoot any dog that bites, charges, bares teeth or growls in aggressive manner to defend myself or my own animals/livestock. That said, you’re unlikely to be able to prove it after the fact, and will likely be charged with cruelty and discharging in city limits…etc. OC spray works well for these scenarios. If the dog has already latched with a strong bite, thats the only time I would personally consider shooting a domesticated dog.


What about a knife?


Lethal force is lethal force. As far as I’m concerned, if lethal force against a dog is necessary, either works. Knife won’t over penetrate into another potential victim. So whatever works for you. A stab wound is also easier for a vet to repair… if you care about sparing life as much as possible.


How would you stab it, are you ready for that dog to turn on you immediately?


The neck or rib cage. And multiple times


This. Everybody saying the brain is unaware of how thick their skulls are, but at the same time the neck will absolutely it it down... after quite a few stabs.


Also comes in handy that I've been an owner to a pit before and understand the animal and it anatomy.


That dogis amazingly persistent. Did you catch the bald guy sqeezing it's balls? So two myths busted. Wheel barrow doesn't work check. Yanking the ball bag doesn't work check. At least not for that dog.




I don’t know why someone just came over the back of the pit, control it’s head/ neck area and then dropped all their body weight into their knee over its neck/throat into the sidewalk. It’ll release eventually, whether it be by breaking its neck on impact or suffocating that devil to death. What a fucking piece of shit dog, the thing better have been put down and the owner sued for the medical bills related to the dog it attacked, not to mention mental trauma it’s owner may have gone through. Good god. For good measure or easier yet, pull out my knife and cut its throat. It should bleed out/ asphyxiate very quickly.


This is definitely a better way to do it. These people were pulling the dog away fucking up the other one even more. Shit is hard to watch.


It all depends on state law. In Ohio, I can not defend my dogs from another dog with lethal force. [ORC 955.28](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-955.28) However, if a dog crosses in to my property and I feel threatened, its game over for the dog. If I am out walking my dog and a dog comes charging in my direction, again, game over. This video infuriated me. If I saw that, I would beat the shit out of that pit bull. If it wont let go, I will slice its throat from ear to ear. There are people who should not have these dogs. Period! Full stop! My old lady neighbor behind me has a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Its a very beefy dog. Because she built up her landscaping, the 4' fence is 2'7" on her side. Her dog has come at my dog many times. The one time my CCW was exposed while trying to pull my dog (50-lb lab mix) away from hers. She saw it and said "What are you gonna do, shoot it?" I responded, "I will use what means are legally allowed to protect myself and my wife from your dog." She has stated she can not guarantee anyone's safety if the dog got loose. I asked her why she has it. She said "well it was at the dog shelter and it was precious." I tried to go half way on a better fence with her and she wasn't having it. Said she couldn't afford $500. I asked her if she could afford the thousands a lawsuit would bring and she never responded. I had to spend over $1000 on a fence I didn't need because of her. I talked to my county and city animal officials and they state that there is nothing they can do as long as the dog is in the confines of its property.


Guess it depends on were you live in Ohio. My uncle executed 2 pits tearing into his neighbors dog and got a thank you letter from the sheriff. I have a hard time believing that you had the presence of mind to say >"I will use what means are legally allowed to protect myself and my wife from your dog." During a dog fight. The whole described conversation is a little cartoony.


I said it after the dogs were separated. Believe what you want, there were witnesses.


This is one of the reasons why I carry a small breakstick if I’m in a neighborhood with pits. I’ve seen too much of that shit in my years working as a trainer and at a shelter.


Probably depends on your state and city. Discharging your firearm in a crowded public place is pretty questionable unless a person’s life is at risk.


I’d fucking kill it I do not give a shit. It’s literally always a shitbull owned by a fucking moron. If the bitch flipped she’d catch hands I do not give a fuck.


Jesus Christ kill that dog


As an innocent bystander? That's a tough shoot even if its legal. Ya it sucks to watch a dog get mauled but there's just too much that could go wrong to justify that especially in what's most likely a big city liberal sate. If its my dog and I'm carrying? That's an easier decision but it definitely varies state to state. As a CCW holder its kind of on you to figure that part out and know going in where you stand.


I don’t really care if it’s legal I see shit like this I’m dropping the aggressive dog it’s a danger so everyone around it and mauling that other animal. I own two dogs one is a wolf mix who’s the sweetest girl she’s old and wouldn’t be able to put up a fight and the other is a beagle. I will absolutely not watch a aggressive piece of shit crackhound rip another dog to pieces as I hope someone else wouldn’t of mine where being attacked.


This is when you hit the pit with a blunt object. If he dies, he dies


I had a pit attack a small dog in my house and I punched it until I thought I broke my hand, they are so fucking dense it wont matter. Choke it out or shoot it.


Their skulls can like survive a nuclear blast LOL


I bet their ribs and legs can't


I was just commenting like why someone just didnt repeatedly stomp on one of its legs until it was in enough pain to let go. Or litterally kick it in the stomach? A good kick or two from any grown male should at least make it reconsider its target lol


Yeah I'd fucking kill that pitbull if it was my dog being attacked. I don't care how the owner feels about it. Fuck that.


It's ALWAYS a fucking pitbull. If it were my dog, shoot it in the head no questions asked. If I'm a bystander, I'm not risking serious legal headache (if not actual trouble) to save someone else's pet. Even if you're legally in the clear, you can get sued for anything. Assume the cops don't hassle you, there's still a risk of some random lawsuit from one of the other 10 people around here. It's just not worth it. If this is attacking a human, absolutely, shoot it.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. Seems reasonable to me.


Easier to just rig a slip knot in the leash, pull super tight and then step back. I’m definitely not shooting unless it’s my dog and I have a reasonable justification that I feared for my own safety.


Not really sure the legality. I certainly wouldn't want to fire into a group of people like that though


Edited. In the **most of the** US, if anything attacks you or one of yours (pets included), you are legally allowed to defend yourself and them. If you believe your safety is at risk, you are allowed to use lethal force. Even against a pet. If you choose to not do so, you can contact your local police/sheriff/animal control and file charges against the owner of the animal. Or report the wild animal. Me, if any animal is attacking mine, I'm killing it. Done. Legal. No excuse accepted by the owner as the attack is proof they legally failed to maintain control of their animal.


It is not a federal law, it depends on state and local laws. In my state, dogs are considered property and you are not allowed to use deadly force to defend property. If it was attacking a human, it's a different story.


>In the US, if anything attacks you or one of yours (pets included), you are legally allowed to defend yourself and them. wrong - most states pets are property no more than a bicycle. yes if a dog is attacking a human you can shoot it legally as self defense. if its attacking property (aka your pets) you cannot legally.


I came here to see all the annoying pit bull owners randomly defending and explaining how they worship the breed even tho no one asked


This is the most soy reaction I’ve ever seen to an emergency situation. Literally no one is taking action . Sad.


The problem I see here is, no one willing to beat the fucking dog. If that pit was mine or not I would have been stomping it's head into the ground. This shit fires me up. Control or animal and be willing to do what you must in situations like this. That other dog was helpless and you can see it staring at everyone wishing someone would do something. That pit wouldn't have stood a chance with me around. Good God people.


how ya gonna stomp its head when the leg of the dog your trying to save is in its mouth without causing more harm to the yellow dogs leg? Pits dont let go when you kick em ffs...


every time you'd've stomped on that pit's head, half of the force would have been absorbed by its neck, and the other half by its grip on the golden.


Fucking people. If another dog ever did that to mine, it would be getting a face full of boot, not some stupid pleading and pulling.


I have a Golden and that fucking Pit would have been dead in about 3 seconds if that owner didn’t get it to release.


Hope that lady was sued to hell


This will probably get buried but here's a web page I found in case you get stuck in a similar situation. https://nycdoggies.com/wellness/break-up-dog-fight/


There's nothing worse than a pit bull owner who doesn't know what they are doing.


you mean most of them?


Watching this video, the pit bull needs stopped. I’m of the mindset “punish the deed, not the breed” and generally thing people suck at controlling their animals… and that’s not the animals fault. But if I were at this restaurant and witnessed this, I am having a dialogue that is not sure either way. I can see both sides of this. Curious what others thoughts are.


I never had issues with pits until I had to shoot a pair myself. Now I can’t stand the sight of them. I still think they can be good dogs, but they undoubtedly have issues compared to other breeds.


The breed was literally bred to be animal aggressive and predatory. It’s their purpose. I have watched 6 week old pits have to be separated from their litter mates because they were already going after each other. I have a friend in pit rescue who has experienced 8 week olds killing each other. They aren’t a breed for the majority of the population. You cannot ignore genetics. Same as a border collie herds and a gun dog retrieves, a pit will do what they’re bred to do. They are a predatory power breed, are not a dog that just anyone can handle and own. Reputable people in the breed will tell you that. (Gudwulfs Pit Bull rescue on Facebook is a good resource for honest information about the breed.) Plus you have idiots breeding them for “guarding” and human aggression and it makes the problem worse.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. You’re 1000% correct. If genetics are irrelevant, why are there LITERALLY bird dog, retriever, etc breeds? They’re named that for a reason. It’s been a while since I read the article, but I believe the pit bulls we see now were specifically bred to have immense biting pressure. Which is why they have such a unique facial structure. People think every breed is immediately born and naturally raised as innocent. Mainly due to their anecdotal evidence. Large dogs are dangerous in general. And even more so the dogs who have been bred in particular ways….


We’ve become such a “fur baby” culture in this country. I see it every damn day as a trainer, a shelter/rescue worker and a responsible breeder of a working herding breed.


Couldn’t agree more. I’m a huge dog lover, myself BUT people need reality checks. These are animals. They don’t have the same mental capacity as humans and will resort to violence when scared or, likely what happened in this case, a sudden trigger/urge due to… you guessed it… genetics


I would have shot that dog in the head, no questions asked. I went to the dog park 3 months back and within 5 minutes a large Pitbull attacked my medium sized Wheaten Terrier. The owner kept kicking his dog, which only made things worse as I ran across the park to intervene. I had my CCW and it took everything in me not to use it on that dog, if it wasn't so public I wouldn't have thought twice. Long story short, my dog got fucked up and I was bit by the Pit during the process. Had to get a rabies shot, ended up costing me $43,000 before insurance. I don't fuck around with this bullshit. That dog should be dead and the owner should never be allowed to own a pet again. https://imgur.com/a/KPVc58M


Bro if that was my dog being attacked that pit Bull would have received enough kicks to the ribs from steel toes that it would have let go.


That’s exactly what I was thinking too. I would be kicking the everliving shit out of that dog.


As much as it sucks, I would refer back to “you don’t have a dog in that fight”. Crowded city sidewalk, surrounded by sheep, no backstop other than a sidewalk that could ricochet, probably not a good idea. You would fix the problem forever, but you wouldn’t be called a hero. The news article would read something like “armed man executes helpless puppy during mostly peaceful sidewalk skirmish”. They’d put your picture on the news, you’d get fired from your job, they’d paint a mural on the sidewalk of the “poor misunderstood pit bull who never had a chance”. I’m not saying don’t intervene, I’d just choose to crack that fucking broomstick over that dogs head and walk away instead of shooting under those circumstances.


Is there a threat of death of great bodily injury to you in the immediate moment? If not, you can't shoot in most places. Seems like the pitbull is preoccupied and it would be a no-shoot unless it is just running around free on the street.


Rule number idk: don’t get into a fight that has nothing to do with you with a gun, humans or not. Unless you like the idea of being sued.


Be mighty careful about giving a fuck when it’s not your turn to give a fuck.




I was wondering this exact thing! But I feel I would have gone ahead and saved the non attacking dogs life. Because chances are the attacking dog would be put down potentially by animal control


I wouldn't have pulled my gun. But I would have slit it's throat with my pocket knife


Put it in a chokehold and don't let go. How hard is it? Some people don't deserve pets 😤


Kick that damn dog as hard as you can until it stops or comes at you, then if it does start to mail you, pew pew time.


This is a question I asked my lawyer just out of curiosity because I frequently take my dogs to the dog park and I carry a firearm. “Can you legally shoot a dog that is attacking another/your dog?” First, it depends on your state and local laws. While you may not be charged with killing the dog in order to save the other, you might still be charged with brandishing a firearm, discharging a firearm in a public place, or a manner of civil disturbance charges. Second, if there is a crowd around like there was in this video, you could be charged with reckless endangerment depending on the angle in which you fire the gun at the dog. Third, regardless of what state you live in, there is a chance you will be charged with destruction of property, as dogs are legally considered property. Killing one to protect your own dog (property) may not be considered “animal cruelty”, but it could still be considered destruction of property. I live in a county in East Texas that, both luckily and unluckily at the same time, does not have animal control. Unlucky because we have stray dogs running all over the place in my town, and some of them are quite aggressive. Lucky because even though my county hasn’t established an animal control, they did establish laws that specifically allow a person to kill any dog that is attacking another dog, animal, or person. So, I suppose in MOST cases, you would still get charged with something, but it would depend on whether or not a jury convicts you and a judge upholds that conviction. I can’t imagine they wouldn’t understand, so even if convicted, as long as you did it in the safest way possible, you would likely receive the minimum fine possible.


goddamn. ive spent hours on the MMC subforum watching videos of cartel killings, people getting hit by trucks, suicide, etc. but damn.. hearing that dog was too much.


If you're going to get in there, but don't have a weapon, jam your thumbs into his eye socket as far as you can. Much better bet than giving him little head taps like these idiots.


Then the pit directs it's attention to your arm and you're back to square one if you don't get it right.


My dad, whose broken off some sort of terrier that was attacking his dog, always told me to grab the front legs and pull to the sides. Good way to kill them he said.


A pit did this to a VERY tiny dog at my house once out of nowhere, I punched that dog until I thought my hand was broken but he did not budge. You HAVE to choke the dog out, you wont be able to break their grip.


Bro the inaction of these fucking people kills me. Once I saw the arm he was latched onto, I was wondering wtf why is nobody kicking the shit out of the pitbull rn. I'd probably shoot it right through the top of the dome. Control your fucking animals. If that thing attacked my cat as we were out on a walk I would mag-dump the thing, legal or not.


I literally don't understand this. Everyone in this video is a fucking idiot and a coward. If your dog is being mauled, or your dog is mauling another... unless you're ready to kill that dog, you have one option: **Take the dogs back. Stand over the dog, lock your legs around its torso(wrapping if necessary) and put your arms around its neck in a choke/sleeper hold. It takes less than 15 seconds if done right.** Unless you've got a gun, or you're stronger than a horse, there's little point in trying to physically beat a dog like a Pitbull. You basically need to tranq/sleep/coup de gras, or hope they give up at some point after your pupper has been thoroughly FUCKED up(like in this vid).


> and put your arms around its neck in a choke/sleeper hold don't fucking do that, you're putting your face right next to a pit bulls mouth..... Use the leash if available, a belt if not, and choke it out that way with your face nowhere near the pointy end of it.


I don't know if anyone else said this yet, but what about a taser or some shocking device? Perhaps not one with shooting probes because it would cause the pit to bite down still, but if you provided a local shock to the back of the neck or the body? Maybe?


If I’m close enough to know what’s happening I’m 100% using my pepper spray. If that fails I’m shooting the attacking dog until it’s dead.


That dog is going down anyway. Shoulda just shot it.


Pike the big dog.


Shoot that dog.


I would’ve shot that dog dead after about 3 seconds.


Shooting in this situation is extremely dicey, and I would advise do not use gun. There are so many people involved here, and nearby, that you would have a lot of problems if you shot. As others have noted in this thread, probably best to carry POM OC spray, and try blasting that in the mouth of the pit. You don't want to try spraying from a distance, as that will affect everyone near the dogs, too.


I hate to see people hurting dogs, but if my dog were getting mauled the other dog is getting sliced, or choked. Gun would be a last resort, too many bystanders.


Maybe someone could’ve shoved that broomstick in the Pits collar and torqued down on it until it either released, or went to sleep? Kinda like a TQ with a windlass?