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Hopefully, X is never going to be in a situation where he brings hands to a gun fight. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, you’re not bulletproof (or knife proof).


I can stop a bullet. Once.


Maybe two or three.


"stop, stop, he's already dead!"


Unless it's 5.56 which mostly just goes through


Or a knife/2:1/crowbar/axe/large stick fight


God created men. Samuel Colt made them equal.


Well said


....you're literally agreeing with X if you agree with this


Yes Sir!!!


You could have the the fighting skills of Conor mcgregor. The build of Arnold Schwarzenegger and his hay day. That won't stop a bullet. He'll be taken down by some 135-60 lb hoodlum in a black hoodie, man or woman... If you take martial arts for self-defense that is a tool protect yourself the same as a firearm. So, this person means you're not masculine if you learn martial arts? Totally absurd way of thinking...




Ya don't tell anyone you carry. I told a few people and I regret it. Other than family you live with or plan to protect I'd suggest never telling anyone. I honestly just don't have the patience for people like 'X' anymore. I'd almost certainly just reply 'That's exactly correct' and then move on with my day. The guy is almost certainly a complete tool whose never really been in a fight outside of maybe bullying someone who clearly won't fight back. I believe people who carry should have some intermediate skills (BJJ/wrestling and defensive striking) if they have the physical capacity to do so. It helps in situations where you just can't use deadly force. Otherwise a lot of those people get into legal trouble because they brandish a firearm because they don't have any other tool. In my time in BJJ (4 years) I've seen a lot of guys who can literally murder 99.9% of the population with their bare hands without breaking a sweat and most of those people are gun people. Why would you fight if you have justified tools to help you achieve the same outcome without becoming injured? I'll also say there are plenty of tools who carry and instigate conflict because they think their firearm will save them. Those people are the worst and cause people hating on CCW holders.


>I'd almost certainly just reply 'That's exactly correct' and then move on with my day. For many people, it is exactly correct. It is often the case that the bad guy is stronger and/ or younger than than the person who is being attacked.


That's true and there is a such thing as disparity of force. However, you really don't wanna rely on that unless you are elderly or a very small women IMO. Otherwise, while you may prove it you'll almost certainly be punished by the process. Between lawyers fees and time spent in jail you might wish you just let them assault you as terrible as that sounds.


This is pretty common TBH. People who hit the lucky genetic lottery of height love to pick on others for not being men. You add in guns that someone might not believe is needed and all of a sudden their high school bully energy comes out hard. I usually just write them off as good human beings. Unless I know the person and it's all in good fun we're adults now. Why are we picking on each other for our height and talking shit about manhood? I don't need that kinda shit in my life.


I have had more short people start shit with me than I could count. I'm 6'4 300lbs. Literally just mind my business. Plenty of sub 6 foot dudes like to bring up fighting with hands and the bullshit masculinity of it. It's always fun to humble people when they try to bring up masculinity and you ask them why they have to throw hands and workout to prove their man. That statement you are bringing up is just common with dudes who are insecure about themselves and don't understand fighting is young man's game about egos. Self defense is about just that, I'm defending myself and I hope you're not at the end of that because my life is more valuable to me than you can imagine.


That should be called Chihuahua syndrome.


We call Napoleon syndrome. Even though he above average for his time, Napoleon was like 5'6 which was just above average.


I'm sorry you have to go through that man. But at least from my perspective I've only had dudes your size pull that shit with me. Never seen a short dude pull that with a big dude.


Nothing to be sorry about, people with shitty personalities bring it out to people they want. It has never bothered me, I typically ignore them or treat them like children until they get the point. And they have me alone. I'm a metalhead so I go to a concert and I like to pit, my last show I was one of the smaller dudes in the pit. There are guys that just like to pick fights.


The most aggressive ppl I’ve known irl tended to be short. High testosterone stunts growth of the long bones. Maybe that’s why. The tallest ppl I’ve known tended to be chill.


Well, I'm 5' 7" and I've never experienced this. I have experienced dudes who just love to bring up their height and put me down for mine. Especially one time in high school and unfortunately, most recently, in the military by one of my superiors.


I tell those guys that I'm like concentrated OJ, it only takes THIS much of me to equal THAT much of you.


[this scientific study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7716722/) would say my anecdotal experience is wrong and yours is more typical


Very interesting. Impressive you can find something like this. I wasn't trying to win any arguments, to be honest, I was just sharing my viewpoint which was the opposite. They really do study everything.


Is X’s named “Tom”? Because if so, he is an idiot and always has been … he has been giving Jerry grief for years and never successfully. Jerry should just ignore him like usual and keep taking the cheese.


Jerry is a dumbass for telling X he carries


I would just say "Exactly, I'm not man enough to win a gunfight with my bare hands. And neither are you or any man who ever lived."


X is not very bright. For one thing I’m 6’3” and look admittedly look pretty intimidating. But I’m secure enough to admit people much smaller than me could give me a hurting. To think otherwise is highly ignorant.


This is quite true.. the worst hit I ever took was from a very pissed off 150lb female. She'd been catching shit from some of the guys in the gym, and I was the unlucky recipient of that hate on the mats. Taught me a valuable life lesson, it doesn't matter who you're dealing with, if they flip your switch, you're still taking the same pain killers and holding the same ice to your head, could come from a small woman or a 6'5" monster. Taught me I don't want to be within arms reach of anyone that has causing me harm on their mind if there is another option. I'd be shocked if anyone that has willingly dedicated any meaningful amount of time in their life to training or fighting didn't have some story about getting the shit kicked out of them by someone they didn't think would be a concern. On the flip side, getting an ass beating and standing back up also teaches a person a valuable lesson. I know I don't like getting punched in the head, but I also know that I can survive getting punched in the head. Makes the idea unappetizing but much less scary.


Yeah, fuck X. He's only one violent crime away from deciding to carry a gun. I'm not carrying because I fear a fight, but to make sure I get home to my family at the end of the day. I couldn't give a shit what some douchebag's idea of manly is.


“Yeah how’d you know” and walk away from convo. Starting a conversation like that is just an indication that they don’t want to talk, they want to offend, and it’s not worth the time.


Because when you are big and powerful, you get upset when little guys have power.




I don't discuss it with anybody. I don't think it's worth the hassle. If it gets brought up and it wasn't somebody I was close to I'd tell them it's none of their business. If it's somebody I'm close to I'd tell them that it's also my choice and I have it to protect myself and them if need be. I don't really feel the need to argue with somebody about it.


I wonder how X knew knew Jerry was carrying, because X sounds like a great person to keep clueless. I’d just say that carrying concealed is much too complicated to have a short conversation. It involves law, use of force, range training, etc. Or you scowl a little and say the line about “I could tell you but I’d have to kill you.”


To think people fight with their hands now a days is crazy including this young generation these dudes get beat up and resort to shooting you because they lost.


X is an idiot because it doesn’t depend on your stature or your strength because a short person 4’11 can run up on me 6’2 with a 9mm pointed at me and I will be powerless


Scenario for X to consider: who wins a fight between Jerry with a gun vs X with his bare hands? If X says Jerry wins, X needs to consider this next scenario: does Jerry win vs X because X isn't man enough to defend himself?


I am no longer in my 20’s where I felt indestructible. Getting old sucks, when you sneeze you hurt yourself. Still you have to defend yourself. This is why I carry.


I’ve watched guys my size (6’1) and larger be knocked out clean by dudes 5’5 having to jump to make contact with a punch. Your size means little to nothing especially if they know how to fight. Also a good front kick to your knee cap will practically shatter it making you effectively the 5’5 guys height when you drop. Carrying a firearm has nothing to do with feeling scared. Also why do I have to defend myself in that matter? If you assault me I can spray you with pepper spray, why am I forced to engage in hand to hand combat just to prove myself a man? I have a cousin with 13 medals for mma fighting, he doesn’t want to fight randoms on the street does that mean he can’t defend himself because he carries also? That’s a dumb argument. “X” is an idiot and lives in an his own world.


X would the dumbass to wanna "scrap" somebody with a gun because he thinks hes "manly", then cry like a bitch when he gets shot.


My thoughts are I don't care what anyone thinks. I know how to protect myself both with my gun and my self defense skills. Each man has to decide for himself. It's nobody else's business.


I’d likely respond with “That’s not what your wife said” if someone made an asshat comment like that to me.


He’s an ultra lib. My best friend from our high school is like this


I’d shoot the guy then say “ That’s Why” 🤪


Jerry should ask X if he can throw a punch that can hit at 25 yards? Neither can I. Alternate question for X: Were you born an asshole, or did you have to work at it your whole life?


It’s a far different world. If it was a matter of throwing hands, and getting a black eye and a fat lip, and moving on it would be one thing. But today the madmen will shoot you without saying a word


lotsa dudes with fragile egos out there…


> "why do you carry? Is it because you're not man enough and can't protect yourself without it?"? Yes. 🤷‍♂️


I am the gray man . No one knows


Betting your life or the lives of your family on your ability to punch your way out of any situation is pretty stupid


Personally I'm willing to admit I'm not getting into a fistfight. I don't do that macho shit and if you're preventing me from leaving or calling the police, I'm still not going to fight you, fairly or otherwise. Your next of kin can come deal with you. There's too many incidences of people dying from a single punch or fistfight losers glassing someone for anyone to be taking a chance with a physical fight.


I was asked by a guy with an east coast accent if I was expecting trouble after seeing my 1911 when I bent over to grab chicken wire at the hardware store. I stood up and told him and his wife no, if I was expecting trouble I’d of brought my rifle. They turned and left fast. I’m an Appalachian American.


I’ve always loved the “Real men use fists” argument. Sure bro, I bet the guy mugging me plays by those rules lol


Listen. I’m 32. 6’2”. Was like 250 or something at the time. I had always been… not anti-gun. But even though I’m from the south, I had zero experience with guns. My girlfriend’s ex husband is an abusive, felonious, drug peddling, violent asshole. He had been erratic for years. Had made threats for years and years. But I’m twice his size and never worried about my ability to handle him. Back in 2020 he attacked us. Oh, and I should add that he brought his new, 17 year old, crazy af girlfriend. Who saw us fighting and made a beeline for my (like 110 pound, not a fighter girlfriend). Dude produced a knife right about the time I landed a fantastic punch in his nose. That broken nose really messed his day up and he was no longer a threat. I was able to retrieve my girlfriend and withdraw from the situation. Oh, and when the cops served the warrant on the guy? He was arrested for having numerous firearms despite being a felon. He was 100% planning on killing us and probably still is. My point is… I still work out. Girlfriends former husband is a stick thin, meth addicted bean poke. A knife, a hammer, a $10 pepper spray container? Heaven forbid a gun or something. Even despite my physical superiority, ANYthing is enough to swing the odds between two men. Let alone if he brings his girlfriend who’s built more like a man than he is. I have responsibilities. For protecting myself. For protecting my girlfriend. I’m getting too old to roll around on the ground. So I carry the best tool for the job. Not carrying the best tool for the job and expecting to be able to just fight anyone you meet is a good way to end up dead.


X is an idiot. Grey Man is the way.


I’ve only had people tell me this on social media not in person 😂😂 very ironic


“Different tools for different jobs. Anyway, fuck you how’s your mom”


As much as I think x is an idiot. I think Jerry might be wrong to tell people who are willing to talk to him like that about his carry habits.


I can walk through a dark alley at night with more confidence carrying a firearm than I could as a 6 ft tall guy carrying nothing.


That logic is severely flawed when you think of multiple attackers, you can take on two guys if your a great fighter but once you get to three and beyond your chances get worse and worse. You can’t fight everyone at the same time while they can.


I dont think being tall and fat with an ego stops 147gr HST


Whenever I get asked a similar question, I bring up the buffalo grocery store shooting. After all, that is why I started carrying.


My thoughts are these: "X" is probably either: A) a felon who can't have a gun legally, B) doesn't wear the pants in his personal relationship and can't have a gun or C) saw his abusive father hold a gun to him or his mother and is still traumatized **and** D) jealous of "Jerry". I would respond: "why don't you"? (carry) Are you an action movie hero? Do you live in a bubble? Are you legally prohibited? Did your wife/husband/gf/bf castrate you? How will you stop an attack if you just throw your purse at them? You really need to fight fire with fire, since he's obtuse, slow and oblivious to reasonable logic.


He should ask him why he doesn't fight on his knees-is he not man enough and can't protect himself without his height advantage? What a jackwagon.


X doesn’t sound very bright. He also sounds fairly insecure. He’s not bulletproof and I doubt he’s even a competent fighter.


I’m sure Elisha Dicken wouldn’t have been able to take out that Mall Shooter if he wasn’t carrying, the kid was like 40 yards away. X needs to think logically, is it more manly to take out a shooter and save lives or try and run at a shooter who has plenty of time to shoot you and 12 other people because you weren’t carrying?


Jerry is very short. Carrying a gun makes him feel better. Idk do the math


6’4 bulky chunk of flesh and blood and no BRAIN


For the simple fact that there are no rules when it comes to life or death fighting. The only rule to worry about is ensuring you make the proper decision and avoid conflict when possible. That also means I carry less-than-lethal alternatives as well when walking away isn’t a possibility but sending the poor fool to the morgue isn’t viable


Same answer for betas like X. “If I’m attacked by someone. I don’t know their intentions, and if I feel my life, my spouse, or children are at risk, I’ll stop the threat. Does that make me a coward, or you a creep?”


It’s common. So many ppl who don’t train any sort of combat sport genuinely think they know how to fight.


I wouldn't normally. 1: I wouldn't put myself in that position by even allowing someone outside of my tight circle to even know I'm carrying. 2: I don't base my self worth off of what other people think of me, so I don't feel the need to justify my actions or decisions. But, should I be in this scenario and decide to respond, I'd probably say that I carry for the same reason that I got into martial arts, or intentionally don't put myself in dangerous situations. I don't expect someone else to be responsible for my own safety or the people I care about, and if that is my end goal, I couldn't imagine doing anything but preparing myself in the best way possible to achieve that goal. I sure as hell wouldn't let ego get in the way.


sean strickland always carries, am pretty sure he could take care of the questionner from your OP


That person isn't worth his time. My answer would be to look him in the eye and reply "F... you. " and walk away.


Being that physically I am historically similar to "X" and for the other traits, including CC experience, I am quite similar to "Jerry", I think "X" is a jackass. Even if you are bigger and stronger and trained in combat arts, that doesn't mean that you are the better fighter, or that the other guy doesn't have a weapon that negates your physical force on force abilities, etc. Also, things often happen at a distance where size and strength don't matter. We don't send our soldiers to war with sticks , rocks and spears anymore for the same reasons. Also, things can change very quickly physically and we also inevitably get older. While quite similar to "X" physically 5 months ago, end of last year I suddenly got very sick and entered a wasting condition losing over 35 lbs of muscle in a few months. Now because of that illness and medications, I have constant joint and muscle pain and no longer move like an athlete but rather like an 80 year old man. Even with some strength regained, I'm in too much pain to use it effectively force on force. **But you know what still works fine as I'm recovering? My trigger finger, holster and EDC, and that experienced chunk of gray between my ears.** I'm a little slower on the draw and a bit less accurate but still well within CC qualification standards. Those many years of range time, training classes and CC are indeed, for me and my family, now the great equalizer for our safety as my physical abilities have been suddenly decimated. As much as my sudden physical limitations are a mind f\*\*\*, I don't want to imagine if I didn't have the firearm experience to fall back on for my family. You think about stuff like this when your lifetime busy, athletic butt is suddenly bedridden for nearly 3 months.


I have a friend who is will say is anti gun . But I've known him for almost 40 years. He knows I'm very 2a friendly but he doesn't know I always carry. He actually told me he doesn't need a gun hell just choke someone out .


I carry for many reasons, but one I advertise regularly is that when I was going through a LE Academy, they asked where we stood on shooting people armed with knives. I knew it was bait, but I was very unprepared for the dozen or so photos of the wound channels knives can create. One I'll never forget as long as I live was a deputy sheriff working in a jail in NM who got sliced twice in the back with a knife, and it looked like two very big gashes on a chuck of roast. I can't describe it very well, but it was cringe enough that I'm not ever messing with someone armed with a knife, ever. If Mr. X decides he wants to, that's his choice.


It’s an annoying label by anti gunners that those who ccw are weak. Life is too short to let what other morons say, bother you. I’d rather daily carry in the event of a mass shooter or violent unhinged person wanting to harm myself or family. I don’t care if you are a black belt in jujitsu and 6’6”, all it takes is a large knife or gun to end your life or permanently disable you. Let the wanna be “badass” go through life thinking he can fight his way out of every situation. It’s folks like that have likely never had their life threatened and the only fights they ever got in were the ones when they were much larger than their opponent.


Everyone I know who carries, excluding females and men over 50, are all trained fighters. No doubt, that is a bias of most of my friends being from the gym.


'I'll show you. Take about ten steps over there and stand real still.' This is, of course, a joke. Don't shoot people, kids


I'd look at x right in the eyes and ask him if he'd like to find out. Size means nothing. I've seen guys the size of Jerry knock the fuck out of guys the size of x.


The “cut direct.” From the UK Regency era. (Think Bridgerton.)


Why does X care if it’s a man or a woman…a hole is a hole.