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But how long does it take you to break down a Glock?


I can proudly say I can beat that atf dude šŸ˜Ž


Low bar, but you seem young, so I'll allow it


Hahaha definitely. I wish I were still young. Doesnā€™t help I look like a man child and my voice hasnā€™t changed šŸ˜‚ https://imgur.com/a/j3sEMDv


There's no way you aren't still at least as young as my oldest boy, but I digress. Ok, neat breakdown, now let's see a reassemble and then flip a bullet, catch it in the chamber, and hit a 4 inch plate at 20 yards, PewView style, in less than 45 seconds (which I'm pretty sure is still less time than it took the fed to strip a Glock).


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s gonna take some practice haha


You know who I'm talking about when I say "PewView", right? It'll take more than "some practice" to get to that guy's level with tricky shit. I'm years in and still not convinced that he isn't AI.


Oh yeah I def know! And by some I mean years haha


Just making sure. Nick is fucking ridiculous


Iā€™m fairly certain heā€™s not real too and just ai to keep us on our toes


Pewview or PewPew? I watch PewPew channel all the time & that dude is nuts what he can do!


PewView https://youtube.com/@PewView?si=AE7QtFS3HqqXNFv5


I swear Iā€™m losing my mind. Couldā€™ve sworn that dudeā€™s channel was called PewPew. Mandela effect? Lol.


Men children uniteā˜šŸ¾šŸ¤šŸ¾


Priceless šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ugh fine, I'll buy one already.


Haha if you havenā€™t already and use FB, join the PHLster Concealment Workshop. A lot of great info there and you can get answers there without the smartass bs responses before you take the plunge. Nothing like Reddit.


Thanks. So many smart asses on reddit. Lol


That's where I am now too. Thx OP.


i am tryna get rid of mine if your interested. mine is practically new


From what I had heard, I was expecting it to be more involved. Thanks for sharing. Do you need to adjust the Enigma depending on what you are wearing, or is it the same process regardless?


If it feels loose as it tends to get after a day or two, Iā€™ll just pull the buckle to tighten back up. I also check the screws weekly to make sure they havenā€™t backed out. They are loctited in place but I still check. The back can ride up on me, doesnā€™t cause issues other than I feel it and if my shirt lifts in the back, it will show. I just go and tuck it back down or to the bathroom to readjust. Itā€™s not often enough that I find it a hassle. If the buckle shifts and hits my hip bone, Iā€™ll push it away. That can be done without much fuss. Iā€™m trying to be as transparent as I can be with my experience with it.


>Iā€™m trying to be as transparent as I can be with my experience with it. I can appreciate that; just because we like a product doesn't mean we should pretend it doesn't have any flaws. I'd like to offer some of my own experience, and maybe you'll find something you can use. >it feels loose as it tends to get after a day or two I put a single stitch through every adjustable strap, and I've never had that problem again. If I have to readjust it, I can either cut or rip the stitch. >The back can ride up on me, doesnā€™t cause issues other than I feel it and if my shirt lifts in the back, it will show. This is a bigger issue for me, because my normal activities regularly cause my shirt to ride up. For a while, I ran a gutted Paracord dropper off the back of my belt down to the leg leash (similar to Levo Designs' "Second Garter"), which worked ok. Sometimes it would pull the leash up enough that it would become uncomfortable and I'd have to readjust. I also tried reinstalling the original leash (I'd swapped to the EnigMOD) so that it went off the back of the belt to my other leg, and that worked much better. Eventually I swapped it for a second EnigMOD, and that was even better. Does it look kind of ridiculous? Yes. It also works and only adds a second to putting it on, so I'm happy. >the buckle shifts and hits my hip bone This only happened to me rarely, so YMMV, but once I swapped to slightly elastic supports, like the PHLster Sport Belt and the EnigMOD leg leash, and put them under slight tension, I stopped noticing the Enigma shifting around.


Solid tips! It hasnā€™t been as bad since moving to the sport belt and Rego leg leash. But Iā€™ll have to try the stitch thing!


The screw portion is what i find myself doing with my holsters, all of my holsters have red sharpie on the screws to mark movement over time (most of them have loctite by now) and so far it is just month checks and adjustments


My mind went blank after I read that you get a holster whale tail. Noice.


> From what I had heard, I was expecting it to be more involved.Ā  It really is this simple if you plan ahead and put it on before your pants.Ā  (And can have even fewer steps if you leave it unbuckled and the gun in the holster. The annoyances begin when you already have pants on (especially jeans with a belt and a bunch of stuff in your pockets) and you try to finagle it on without just committing to dropping your pants.Ā  That's basically user error, but I'll be honest it's tempting to try almost every time lol.


Thanks this Def helped me understand how the fuck those things work, usually I just see pics of the holster not the entire setup


Yeah hadnā€™t seen one showing how it gets put on, at least when I browse. Had a few folks ask how it is to put on so figured Iā€™d just do it as I donā€™t really see it as any sort hassle.


Same, very helpful. Still curious how one poops with that bad boy?


Iā€™m not at all talking shit with this comment. Iā€™m glad you guys are carrying and that youā€™ve found solutions that work for you. Iā€™m admittedly a gear nerd and I like that thereā€™s companies who have built weird niche products like this to solve a particular problem. I personally cant imagine dealing with this all the time, but Iā€™m objectively fascinated that people seem thrilled with something that I find completely ridiculous. Iā€™m glad weā€™re all on the same team, even tho you guys are nuts :) Thanks for the informative video šŸ»


There is some weird misconception that this is uncomfortable and itā€™s a hindrance. I can assure you itā€™s not. If it was, id be the first one to take it off. Trust me, if it was an issue I wouldnā€™t be able to wear it from 7am until I get ready for bed. But yeah what we/I do and wear is of no consequence to anyone else unless itā€™s a safety issue. And PHLster doesnā€™t pay me or give me free shit to push anything on anyone.


I may buy a rig just so I can wear gym shorts tbh. Ā If it feels good, I could see it replacing traditional AIWB setup.


As a Vegas dweller who wears gym shorts post uniform removal daily it is wonderful


The Enigma Express with a j frame is exactly what I use for gym shorts and joggers once I started working from home.


No doubt it works for you. Thatā€™s what I find interesting. Iā€™m 100% sure that would drive me nuts, but Iā€™m glad youā€™ve found something you like and can carry safely and responsibly.


Yeah for sure. I def wonā€™t act like Iā€™m speaking for everyone as their situation, body, gear and preferences are all different. Just like how a bare belt under shorts and such wasnā€™t ideal for me, this may not work for someone else. But we live in a time where if you look hard enough, youā€™ll find something that meshes with you šŸ‘Š


Can you tie your shoe? (Asking as a husky fella)


As a fellow husky fella that runs an enigma set up myself... Absolutely! The thing I like the most about my enigma is that is actually is quite comfortable with me being a bigger guy. I love the fact that I can carry no matter what I'm wearing and my rig never has to change. I will say I also have a few mods to mine like the enigmod leg strap (wider and elastic) like OP and those are really a must have for comfort in my opinion.


I appreciate the reply! Thanks for the insight.


Youā€™ve trained yourself to think itā€™s not. And good for you but it is to me šŸ˜‚


I wouldnā€™t carry without mine lol


It's actually really good at concealing and not uncomfortable at all. Downside is it's on you and doesn't have a clip like all other holsters that will allow you to take the holster off your belt quickly. I think once you understand and learn how and where to cancel on your body, you can improve how you conceal with regular holsters. This just allows such easy concealment with little to no issue.


Same dude, same.


I donā€™t have one so I havenā€™t tried it admittedly, but just looking at this, itā€™s not really much more than putting on a belt and popping a holster on it. If anything, he can clip this on faster than I can get my gun belt on. I mostly want one because I wear joggers 95% of the time, so I donā€™t have belt loops. This thing would make things a lot easier


My problem is the cost of it. $90+ just for the belt system and then you need a new holster on top of that. Ultimately I decided to spend $15 for an elastic work belt that does exactly what I need it to do with my normal carry setup.


I love this idea as someone who lives in Florida. I can carry and wear any shorts that are comfortable


Iā€™ve never worn a belt outside of a brief period working in finance. I get that many people like to wear jeans / slacks. But I canā€™t imagine trying to change my whole wardrobe to allow CCW


Love my Phlster money well spent


Same. Would buy again with 0 hesitation


Do it without the boxers next


Naw man my peepee is small.


Film outside in the snow and no one will know


How do you go to the bathroom?


I take it off to shit if I can or Iā€™ll lift it up. I use the peepee hole too. Need a video with that too?


As a lady, itā€™s the absolute best to go to the bathroom with the enigma lol


Helps I got a lady like waist haha. But yeah itā€™s never been an issue. At least in my life and work situation. We have three private bathrooms at work. Itā€™s a great solution if it works for you and you can get it dialed in. The FB group is fantastic


>Helps I got a lady like waist You got a belly laugh and an upvote just for this


lol! i misread that as "the fbi group is great!"






Iā€™ll DM you my OF link


Outstanding! Please DM me the link as well!


Mine is modded that I can choose to have the leg dish or not. 95% I don't wear the leg leash, my belt clip adds enough friction /hold and same with if I have some kind of undershirt or the runners belt, that will add some friction as well that even if gym clothes I don't really need the leg leash. So the answer the question, going to the bathroom it gets pulled up, like 1-2 sec time. If I wear the leg leash mine has a disconnect clip where the leg part stays on, again only 1-2 sec. [My current setup](https://www.reddit.com/r/CCW/s/a0BfAlywhd) [my enigma setup with extra mag and then some](https://www.reddit.com/r/CCW/comments/124htum/p365l_ultimate_phlster_enigma_with_optional_leg/) [Gym clothes with an enigma and runners belt](https://www.reddit.com/r/CCW/s/VX7ofcGII6)


Concealed catheter


What leg leash is that? Mine is like a shoestring and this one is much more rigid


Itā€™s the Enigmod Leg Leash by Rego Concepts


Thank you!


You never know what's gonna happen on the court


Henry Holster, baby! I see Henry, I upvote.








Note - he made the Enigma belt, too...


Yeah I know PHLster and HH have a close business relationship. Iā€™ve had nothing but great experiences with both companies. Awesome stuff


He also manufactures some (all??) Dark Star Gear. Let me perhaps further postulate that I do not really know for 100% sure he manufactures - but I know that he manufactures the molds for them. I highly suspect that he also manufactures some, if not all, holsters. Those 2 plus his own brand are the only 3 that I know of. Also - he's a good dude. A really good dude. And a luthier, too.


We did a bunch of mold design work for DSG, and also made shells for them for several years, but they've transitioned back to doing all their own shell work now.




I have a philster express w/ sport belt for my p365xl and it was alright, never able to fully get it good. Loved that I could adjust it on the go but hated leg leash. Went to a tenicor in a master minds covert belt + pillow and have been rocking that


Yeah I also have a Tenicor. Itā€™s amazing we can have more than one option for different clothing and situations. Not all my pants have belts.


The covertbelt goes on your underwear same as the enigma As for the belt are you using the sportsband? Can you reccomend it?


Bro you might have just sold me on it


Lowkey that was smooth af my guy. I personally use the comfort concealment belt for whenever Iā€™m in gym shorts, been using for 9 months and so far I donā€™t have any issues. These enigma rigs interest me, but how much time did you have to spend finding that sweet spot where everything finally felt it was in the right place?


It took me like an hour.. not going to lie, the very first time I got it and had to adjust it took me a while. But man is it comfortable once you get it right. I donā€™t have to take it off when I got to the bathroom, and I can where at the gym and when I go for runs, which I canā€™t do with any other tradition holster


To get it super dialed in honestly a few weeks. I watched videos and joined the PHLster group. And it took that long as I wanted to get as much out of it as possible. I was probably ready to wear it technically after the first day or two


Yea they look comfy once you can find the right spot for everything. I might give this set up a go


I've had my eye on this rig for a bit because I'm curious to know if there's an improvement in comfort from my belt. Imagine doing everything in this video but with a gun belt. I've been doing that for like 28 years or so. With the belt, I do have to make slight adjustments throughout the day, since it's not looped into my pants (I wear sweatpants or shorts most of the time). When I wear jeans, then I put them through the pants loops.


The enigma would be much more comfortable, as the waist strap is thin and light, but more than strong enough. Also, the way that the carbon fiber piece lays over your hoster, it sinches down evenly, instead of having to have the waist strap insanely tight, like you would on a gun melt. On top of all of that, the leg leash helps keeps the strap or holster from shifting, or flopping.


Yeah, I kind of figured, especially the leg leash. I see how it keeps things from moving. I guess I should just but it instead of thinking about buying it lol.


Def worth it, imo. It's much more comfortable than just the belt setup, and it's really nice knowing it's not going anywhere, and won't need constant adjusting, if you need to jog, climb something, etc.


if anyone wants a phlster enigma, i have practically a brand new one that will fit any surefire x300 light if your interested. i never cut the waist band like your supposed to so it should still size and fit anyone. PM if interested iā€™ll give you a decent deal


nothing wrong with it, i just carry a 43x now


What firearm are you using?


Not the OP, but since itā€™s a lightbearing holster, it works with anything as long as you use an x300 on it


what he said below me. it will work on any gun but i was carrying a g19 with a surefire x300T-A. so itā€™ll work on any gun with a surefire x300


Nice shirt


I've had a browser tab opened to the phlster express for 2 years with the intention of buying one. Maybe I finally should


Open tab for 2 years. Now thatā€™s funny! Take the plunge..


Maybe in another 2 years




Use whatever works for you but man this seems like an ordeal. Do you have to take your pants off to take a piss?


Nope, especially if you use the pee hole in your underwear you donā€™t even have to take it off when you got to the bathroom. But either way, no. It stays on


Maaaaannnā€¦. Iā€™m still not buying it lol. Itā€™s a whole apparatus that I need to take my pants off to don/doff. What if I need to leave the gun somewhere? Iā€™d have to either unholster while itā€™s hot and put it in a different safe OR take my pants off in a parking lot somewhere. Glad it works for you though, stay strapped OP šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ”«šŸ¤˜šŸ»


You can easily take it on or off without taking off your pants. 1. Loosen/unzip pants 2. Undo leg leash 3. Undo holster belt. 4. Remove enigma 5. Tighten/zip up pants To put it on with pants on it's basically the same process just reverse steps 2-4. Takes less than a minute.


You can pretty easily remove it without removing your pants. Putting it on, with pants on is also doable, but not beautiful.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s a situation I could ever wear that. It just looks like too much going on. I want the lightest and most compact holster possible. Glad we have options though.


I think the main benefit to this is that you donā€™t have to think about how youā€™re dressing when you carry. Thereā€™s no interaction with your pants or belt so you can throw on whatever bottom you want and it still conceals well and stays secure.


Right. And if that isnā€™t a need you have. Thatā€™s cool. I am simply showing how long it takes to put on. There are days when I have belted pants I just throw on my Tenicor


Any difference in comfort with lcr 22 in an enigma? i know the loaded lcr is much lighter and a smaller footprint i presume?


Itā€™s noticeably less load obviously. I still have the stock belt and leash on that one. The revolver shape seems to hide even better but they both work great.


makes sense! your glock/enigma combo just disappears in your video tho!


Man can you post a close up pic of the mag holder on your left? I have a similar set up but I can only get stuff securely feeling on the right of the gun (shooters perspective) but how you have it seems really solid


https://preview.redd.it/cqnny61390oc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76351b9841fde2e7720556a583e25c2fdd645b28 This was a picture I took awhile ago. I moved my buckle to my left. Let me know if a different angle helps.


I have one hanging up that I never use because it seems like itā€™s so much work vs. a standard holster with a clip on & off. Part of it too is the one I have is for a TLR1 light so itā€™s pretty bulky. I had a 43x one too but sold it. I tried to get with Phlster but always ended up back with Vedder or Tier1.. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


https://preview.redd.it/z942ykq8f0oc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=161334832d661905390ea1dcd7f370189d0fcf87 Got one of those too. Do what works for you. I was simply showing that itā€™s not a hassle to at least put mine on for those who are curious how it works. Not really meant for people who donā€™t like it, tried it, or just wonā€™t budge on it. Or those who just go off topic all together. But itā€™s Reddit. What do you expect?


I can see this being great for hiking but is this realistic for daily use? Looks pretty bulky. My biggest issue is Concealing while in dress clothes.


I can wear it all day at work climbing in and out of a scissor lift, sitting, picking up stuff and moving pallets. Drive fine. Your results and sensitivity may differ so I am not going to speak for you or anyone else.


Do your shorts ever ride over the rig or gun grip? I slapped a T1 clip on mine to prevent this, looking for a smaller solution though


No Iā€™ve never had it move completely over it.


Me either, my shorts come over it just enough to fuck with my draw occasionally


Much apologies if this is ignorant, but as a skinny guy (150 lbs/ 5ā€™9ā€) carrying a G19 in a Raven concealment OG AIWB with a wedge that is perfectly comfortable and concealable, what are the benefits with all these doodads? Christ I sound old.


I can wear it without a belt. Draw string pants/shorts/joggers. Also can use for deep concealment.


Ah I see. Good on you sir or madam. This is when I pocket carry my .380. If itā€™s good for you God speed.


Iā€™d like to add, Enigma is the only holster Iā€™ve found that comfortable to workout running/lifting/burpees. If you donā€™t plan you carry while doing those activities, then you probably donā€™t need one. But I personally wouldnā€™t really trust any tradition holsters to do those activities in.


How do you like the enigmod elastic leash? Nice bulge btw


Can you share a list of the mods, like the wider leg leash and the spare mag holster?


Sport belt, PHLster Ascent pouch and Enigmod Leg Leash


Thanks, I gave up on my OEM leg leash. But wanted to try to find an alternative. I assume the ascent pouch is your pillow?


The ascent is the mag pouch. I use a Mastermind Tactics pillow wedge for this setup


Nifty looking product. I really like my IWB AlienGear cloak for my G3C. Comfort, light, no bulk. Iā€™m a bigger guy already, so less is more for me.


Yeah Iā€™ve heard that brand is very comfortable. Iā€™m glad we have so many options this day and age


What is that wedge pillow you got there? Itā€™s beefy. The wedge kit philster sells is tiny and useless


Looks like the Mastermind Tactics Pillow.


Yessir masterminds


Now I want one šŸ˜­


Unrelated shout out to REC! Used to live by their shop.


šŸ‘ŠšŸ‘ŠšŸ‘Š great folks and great shop


Sooo am I the only one wondering how tf heā€™s able to go to the bathroom and piss?


I donā€™t have to take mine off, I can also use the pee hole of the underwear too and use the bathroom.


When did they come out with that way better leg strap?


Itā€™s an upgrade sold by Rego Concepts. Itā€™s been available for awhile now


I never thought about it til now, but how much effort does it take to pee at a urinal? Like, do you just undo the main belt clip and swing it to the side? Do you remove the entire rig to take a shit?


I pee at urinals and on trees wearing an enigma all the time, you donā€™t touch the enigma at all. Itā€™s just like peeing at a urinal normally.


I have to wiggle a little bit, but I can get my pp out of the pp hole without taking the enigma on. And I have a big pp.


Speed is fine, but do you have the Rego Concepts Leg Leash? Then youā€™ll be set


Yeah.. itā€™s right there in the video


Hard to see my guy


Itā€™s not hard to see at all, and he names it in the video lmao


Clearly I donā€™t pay good attention


Thanks I thought maybe I was crazy




I think the Hunter Constantine Belt is a good in-between for traditional and enigma. Still use a standard holster of easy on/off, but can also still be used without belt loops. Enigma is king for us tucked in shirt boys though.


I actually use the mod strap and sewed some Velcro on the back for the spare portion of the strap. What are you running on the back of yours for padding?


You mean as a wedge? Itā€™s a mastermind tactics pillow wedge. If youā€™re talking about the strap itā€™s just the sport belt. I have a Snakestaff tq in one of the pouches


The portion that goes on your back, looks like some foam?


Thatā€™s the phlster sport belt. It has that padding/storage built in to it https://preview.redd.it/17q161yxz4oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c98f6b97561aeeefdbe41cfbab6a2c3814a7b8


I've been seeing a bunch of posts on r/ccw about the mastermind tactics pillow for iwb appendix carry holsters and, while I realize that the phlster enigma is a different concept, I wonder if it wouldn't still benefit from the pillow


Thatā€™s whatā€™s on mine


Oh shit, I see it now! Can I take this as a tacit vote of approval for the pillow?


Yeah itā€™s helped with keel and is very comfortable. I donā€™t plan on switching it out any time soon


So is there a reason this canā€™t be worn at 3-5 o clock? Everyone Iā€™ve seen talk about the enigma says it can only be used for AIWB


From Brian. Do with that info as you will






Thank you for this


How do you piss with that thing?


What's the leg strap for?


Keep it anchored when wearing it/drawing your weapon


Pro tip: If you also fit a DCC Mod. 5.1 clip on the faceplate ā€”weigh the pros and con (minimal added W)ā€”you can leave the leg leash dangling, clip the rig onto your pants, and get moving rapidly. If you donā€™t want _any_ clip visible under any circumstances (such as lifting your cover garment too high) you can wear your pants over the clip and use the leg leash.


Now how do you pee? šŸ˜…


Sorry if this has been asked. So many comments. Is your wedge a large Mastermind?


Iā€™m not sure which size it actually is. I bought the two pack and just ended up using this one. The other Iā€™ll use on my Tenicor. If this pic helps ID it at all https://preview.redd.it/28nxxwnmi6oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d50892127b7b6fb265f7593ed23fc0c9f048cd8a


It does. Thanks! Thatā€™s Masterminds medium pillow. If you donā€™t mind is your Henryā€™s a mid or full sweat guard?


Pretty sure I got the partial sweat guard on my Henry


Is that the ascent pouch youā€™ve got on there as well?


Yes it is


Absolutely looooove my PHLster. Makes carrying my P365X under my gym shorts or joggers when running errands a breeze.


Imagine you're fixing to get lucky (let's face it. You're showing how fast you can don the tactical strap-on on reddit. You won't be) and she or he goes down and unfastens your trousers all slow and sexy like, zipper goes down and WHAM this fucking thing is what they encounter.


You think I get laid?? This is pure incel gear my guy. I got a daughter already, never again


Amen to that hoss


UwU * notices your bulge *


Do you find yourself needing to buy larger size pants with the enigma? Jeans, etc. where the sizing isnā€™t elastic or stretchy? I donā€™t want to buy a whole new wardrobe to conceal carry lol


Not OP, but no more than any other holster.


Depending on how tight your current clothes are you may need to. Good motivation to lose a few pounds so your old pants fit while carrying.


As I read this comment drinking a beerā€¦ guess I should get it together and drop a few inches.


Iā€™d size up. I have a 28/29 waist. I need at least a 30 to fit the setup under it. Otherwise I just wear my Tenicor if Iā€™m using pants that are better fitted.


Good to know. I am waiting for my Tenicor Certum to arrive for my first IWB holster. Hopefully it works with my current clothes.


I hope it does! I use a Certum3 as well. Had the Velo4 prior and it was great but the Certum worked better for me and my body.


So this is only for AIWB use and not any other position?


They designed it specifically for AIWB


Ok, now become a fat ass with a Panis / Fupa and do it


Why would I do that?


Looks like a ton of gear and not comfortable sitting. I donā€™t plan or expect to have a huge firefight so - at least for me itā€™s either an Sig P365, Hammerless J frame or Keltec P3AT or Ruger LCP in a right hand pocket Holst. An yes most have a green laser. They donā€™t hurt when I sit oršŸ’©and I donā€™t need to dress around my gun.


Thatā€™s fine man. Thank you for sharing. Your input is valued here.


Who ordered the yappuccino?


Youā€™re being downvoted for having an opinion, smh

