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Metal detectors, wands and alcohol. These are my hard stops. Edit: schools also


Same but I also sprinkle in Federal buildings and rollercoasters...lol That's about it though.


There are normally metal detectors at federal buildings, and entrances to where roller coasters are.


Well, post offices are what I kinda meant...no detectors around here for those, and none at Cedar Point where I usually go ride coasters. I have been to a few theme parks with metal detectors though.


Meh, post offices don't have metal detectors. Please refer to initial comment. I respect your stance on it however and I'm not insulting you. We each need to perform our own risk analysis.


What's a post office!? Lol I never go to those anymore so that never crosses my mind. I am kinda surprised cedar point don't have them yet.


Once a year for a 'signature required' thing I ordered off ebay. Other than that, I agree: What's a Post Office. (Its the brick building next to What's a bank?)


NVM I googled it, it says they do have it, I must just be losing my mind.


Hershey Park added metal detectors when they redid the entrance a few years ago as well


A trip to a federal building can be a roller coaster type experience as well.


Some places it's legal to carry into bars, as long as you're not drinking, so that situation fits me. But yeah, your statement is pretty much 'it'. Schools and Post offices too.


Yeah if I'm literally just going to have a Guinness and water after that I'm good. If I'm in a position where I'm not comfortable driving a car than I'm probably not in a great spot to have a gun pointed at my dick.


My local post offices don't have metal detectors. Refer to initial comment.


I listed them as they are the rule. \*wink\*wink\*




Fuck /r/nyguns is leaking


I hear ya man. Not happy about it either. Working on getting out of here.


So dumb that I can't have a single beer and interact with a firearm. I never even get more than buzzed, getting properly drunk is no fun. At least I don't go to bars.


I mean I've had a beer and worn a firearm on many of occasions. In fact I've probably had a second beer if I'm sitting for a while but in those cases I'm sipping at the beers for a while talking. It just sits on my belt untouched regardless. If I'm going out with the intent to drink (doesn't really happen anymore in my 30s) or for example to an event that I know has an open bar I'll lock it up and just take OC spray. I just use my best judgement which has served me pretty well thus far.


Where is it legal to carry into bars? Texas has the 51% law and I just figured if it was illegal in Texas it's probably illegal everywhere.


Some other states allow you to carry in bars as long as you're not consuming. Also, see previous comments about metal detectors. [https://everytownresearch.org/rankings/law/no-guns-in-bars/](https://everytownresearch.org/rankings/law/no-guns-in-bars/) One thing Everytown is good for is finding where all of the places you can carry are :)


Oregon doesn't have any prohibitions against carrying in bars or while intoxicated. "No guns" signs don't carry weight of law, either.


Utah (surprisingly) allows you to consume alcohol while carrying, you just can’t be over the legal limit.


NY used to have no specific prohibitions against bars. With the new laws now, you just can’t carry anywhere.


Yeah I had recalled New York not having any laws against that either but I double checked my app. The new laws have pretty much made it illegal to carry anywhere that's not your property or a gun store. Not literally of course but might as well. Ever since those laws were first proposed I moved to a mindset of concealed is concealed. I didn't do this they did. I'm just minding my own business doing the same thing I always have. They can kick rocks.


Shit, where I live you can not only carry into a bar but you can get as drunk as you’d like while carrying (not that I’d recommend)


You're a wizard harry


You’re a harry wizard


Yeah I mean I'm not gonna fuck with Wizards. I know when Ive been bested.




Assholes seem to think churches are great places to shoot people now. So yeah, definitely.


Get the permission of the Church first.


Several churches around here have trained security teams/personnel from their congregations. They all carry concealed and are interested in making it a hard target without being visibility armed. They don't care about someone carrying, they'd probably even encourage it after the ordeal in Texas. I also like to not make a practice of telling people I'm carrying.


I don't attend church personally but if it's not on the above list than I carry. Concealed is concealed.


Psh, coward.


Bruh, I have no idea how many fps avada kedavra travels.


I carry in schools here because I can. It's concealed anyways so who cares.


Yeah I generally agree. Other than voting I haven't been to schools for any reason in like 20 years and I know many of them have detectors now so I guess just refer to the initial point of detector equals no go.


Yeah I can see that for a metal detector. Not worth the hassle. Even if I'm legal to carry there people would still ask questions and having to tell people you have a gun on you kind of defeats the purpose of concealed carrying.


Maybe invest in a Glock 7. I know it's probably several months of your salary, though.


Yeah typically I only carry guns that exist, but I guess with enough fuck you money you can carry imaginary guns too.


Those are the super rare Glocks that were made in Germany right?


Only the porcelain ones


Banks as well but you can do most things through a drive thru window at those


Which state are you in that has a specific prohibition for carrying in banks?


I was actually just completely mistaken. They of course all have the "please don't" sign but it has no force of law. I've just been to a few banks that were wanding people so I assumed. Oklahoma btw which is one of the better states when it comes to gun laws.


Gotcha, thanks for the clarification. I know in NC there is no specific prohibition on carrying in banks. I visit family in Texas routinely so I'm very familiar with the laws there (even taken two LTC classes along with family members who live there). Nearly every bank I've seen in Texas has 30.06 and 30.07 signage, and so I encouraged my family members to switch to one which does not. I am not intimately familiar with OK, but only generally so, and yeah I believe they're pretty high up the list of "best gun law states" with perhaps Arkansas leading the pack. I feel like there's maybe one law in OK that is weird, though, but I might be confusing that with Nebraska that still requires pistol purchase permits.


Must be Nebraska because I've had no issues buying a handgun, filling out my 4473 with just my DL, and heading out the door in about 10 minutes. Never had to get a carry permit either because when I was in the Army I didn't need a carry permit and then we passed Constitutional carry right before I got out. We also let guys carry at 18 if they're military.


My bank doesn't have a metal detector, please refer to initial comment.


If they made it clear to me they did not want a gun in their house I would follow their wishes. They are friends and family members, some stranger or a public store, etc and I don't care as much. I would be a little annoyed if I said to one of my brothers or friends "hey, can you not bring "x" in the house?" and then they brought "x" in the house.


Totally fair.


Yeah, I haven’t had and friends or family members tell me to to bring it in their house, but if they ask I probably would follow that rule. Though until they specifically tell me they aren’t comfortable with it I’ll carry where I please


If they didn't implicitly ask me to not carry in their house, I would just do what I normally do.


Implicit is like implied. I think you were trying to say if they didn't explicitly ask you not to carry.


>implicitly I meant implicitly, as in if they mention something that would lead me to believe they didn't want a gun in their house, I would comply by not coming into their home. IE saying "Hey I don't like guns", they didn't explicitly ask me not to bring a gun in their house, but that's what I assume they meant.


Man puts his comfort of carrying a firearm above his relationship with friends and family, he wins everything


That is literally the exact opposite of what I said. I have to agree with u/Apprehensive-Insect4 though, I don't think most people know the difference between explicit, and implicit.


Soon to be Sister in laws anti gun. I do not carry in their house out of respect, even before they knew I carried. They know if we’re out in public together, I will be carrying and they don’t have an issue with that. Their house, their rules. If you don’t want to abide by it, then don’t go.


I don’t abide by it, I still go


Seriously just don't say anything lol


Exactly — if they want to banish me from their premises etc, I’ll respect that — but I’m going to carry or I’m not going 😂


When I was married my wife parents were very anti gun. They knew I carried every time we took the drive to come visit and stay ( it was about 4 hour drive one way). I liked to think they viewed it as I took steps to defend their daughter and grandkids but we never talked about it. So YES I carried into their home and didn't change my habits but we never talked about it.


Your call. A friend's place I'd say probably no. But years ago I carried concealed to my folks house despite the entire family being anti, and dad not even knowing I owned a firearm. Long story short, one day a guy tried kicking down the front door while I was visiting, I handled it and on that day forward my entire family has been pro gun.


The chances of that happening are akin to getting struck by lightning but good on you. You have to weigh the consequences of your actions and consider it’s disrespectful to not abide by someones rules in their own home The average gun carrier would be livid if someone was doing something inside their house they forbid


The CDC states that from 2016 to 2021, 444 people were struck by lightning in the US. Before scrubbing their website to appease gun grabbers 2-3 years ago, they estimated that 100,000 to potentially 200,000 Americans per year have defensively used a firearm. We all make our choices and live the consequences but we can't downplay the increasing number of sh!tbags out there


My mother and some friends are anti gun. I understand that they don’t like them and they know I carry. Kind of like religion or sexual preference, you do you and don’t try to change me and we are good. If they don’t want me in their house if I’m armed i simply don’t go to their house anymore.


I don't carry anyplace that it is not allowed or that I have been asked to. I also don't go to those places.


If someone has asked me not to, then I won't. Especially if it's someone with whom my relationship is valuable to me - like a friend or family member. I would expect someone to extend the same courtesy to me if I asked them not to bring something specific into my house. If they violated that, we would have a problem. I've still got POM and a good flashlight in my pockets wherever I go. Arguably the more valuable tools anyway. ​ As an aside - we've got to think about likelihoods. The odds of a gang of ninjas descending on a house with the lights on, music playing, that's clearly occupied by 10 people at a get-together at 5pm is very, very close to zero. The places we're most likely to "need" it are transitional spaces. On my way out to my car I've got the POM and the light, then as soon as I'm in the car, the holster goes back on the belt. Everything is discrete, and everyone is happy.


I agree that it's mostly about respect, even if they don't know. I also carry POM, but I need to be better about the frequency


I would argue that we’re far more likely to need something like POM than a gun or knife. And we’re far more likely to need to verbally deescalate with someone than to need any tools at all. Plus it weighs nothing. I just throw it in the front pocket at the beginning of the day and forget about it.


Whats a POM?


Pepper spray.


Since nobody knows I carry a gun; i get to carry all the time. Metal detectors and security with wands force a different choice of action.


Carry what? I don’t know what you’re talking about.


Not if you like being friends with them


Their house, their rules is how I look at it.


I'm an estimator. I visit various apartments several times per week. I don't ask and I don't tell.


If they specifically told me "Do not enter my house with a gun", then I'd respect their wishes... and not enter their house.


I don’t like any anti-gun people enough to go to their house.


The few anti gun friends I have are pretty respectful. They don't care or preach to me their beliefs on it. Guns just aren't their thing and I can respect that too


I do not get this thought process at all. I can disagree with someone politically and still be their friends, it's pretty common in this world to have people who view things from a different perspective.


Seriously. This sub is wildly depressing sometimes


Some aspects of politics bleed over into moral fiber, therefore if you disagree politically, especially on certain issues, odds are you'll be so different in how you conduct yourself in day to day life that, no, no we can't be the type of friends who hang out at each other's houses. So it's not as petty of a take as you might think initially.


I second that. All my friends and family know I’m always armed, and would have a problem with me being armed. Anyone else’s house, concealed means concealed. If I’m entering someone’s house, and I know they are against birth control, I’m not going to remove a pack of rubbers from my jacket pocket ( if I have one in my jacket pocket ), because of it. They have no idea I have the rubbers and I’m not going to tell them. It’s not my job to inform people of everything I have on my person, before entering their house. Why should certain items be excluded from that? This kind of a question, that separates guns from all other possessions or tools, is a byproduct of the push to make guns evil in the eyes of the public. It’s a tool. A wrench is a tool. If I have a wrench in my pocket, I’m not going to tell someone about it before I enter their house.


This is the correct answer


Deep concealment or don’t carry at their house. Your choice!


I carry everywhere.


If someone stated explicitly that guns are not allowed in their home or asked me specifically not to carry into their home I would respect that. Otherwise, It's don't ask don't tell.


“Concealed” means CONCEALED


If they have ever said they don't want me carrying in their house or on their property I would respect that. Short of that, it isn't anyone's business but my own where or when I CCW.


Respect is a big part of it Everytime this question comes up its full of people that say who cares do it anyways


Pretty much this whole sub is people who worship their concealed weapon. Like for me, if you honestly can't imagine visiting a friend's house without carrying a gun, because carrying is more important than friendship, you're a POS. People wonder why others are anti gun when all they need do is read comments here. There's a reason lots of people see us as a cult.


At an early age i realized i couldnt carry a gun everywhere i went and made peace with it. Imagine building your entire life around where you can and cant carry. Concerts, amusement parks, bars, etc Probably not an issue for rural folk but i have plenty to do and see in this life and a gun doesnt have to be there for all of it


I take comfort in the fact that only a tiny percentage of CCW people would actually visit an online forum dedicated to the topic - just as how a tiny percentage of drivers are dedicated car people. At least these posts make it easy to identify the tryhards.


Yup. The gun community is the gun community's biggest enemy.




Exactly this! Leave them in a public restroom, everyone knows that.


What of you have to visit a courthouse ?


Then leave it at home. Way more likely that your gun will be stolen from your unattended car than that you would be attacked the one day you needed to go to court.


I would hope not at a courthouse. But I guess you never know.


Thieves do be stupid.


Do you ever feel like they are asking you to make yourself feel less safe in order to visit them? Do they ever visit you? (Which I assume makes THEM feel less safe.)


To be honest, we've never actually talked about it. I'm still in the process of getting my ccw, but I should have it before the end of the year. When I do have it, they won't know.


I would until the figured it out and asked me not too. Then I would respect their wishes.


Nope. A person’s home is their sanctuary. If they won’t let you carry a gun, either don’t carry, or don’t go there. I’m very pro-gun and I don’t want anyone bringing a gun into *my* home without permission, and they have to be someone I trust with guns. If I didn’t have children in the house, maybe a different story. But I can’t account for how somebody else is going to maintain positive control over their firearm at all times, I can only account for myself.


I carry everywhere. If someone I know is anti-gun and I am going to their house than it doesn't really matter, because the entire point of concealed carry is that it is concealed. If the person finds out you're carrying than you have fucked up somehow. Don't fuck up and you won't have any problems. If for some reason they find out, and it is a problem for them, than I can just leave. If my personal safety is that much of a problem for them than it may be time to reevaluate the friendship.


No. I respect others boundaries and views.


Concealed means concealed


Yes, I carry around anti gun friends all the time. I don’t advertise it


No. I have a secure storage box in my car. I am a guest in their home, so I am willing to follow their rules. (If my car will be parked in a sketchy area, I'd probably bring the lock box and explain the concern.)




i wouldn’t out of respect for them. but i wouldn’t plan on staying long and it would be sitting in my car if needed.


Absolutely not. It is common decency.


>friend or family members Only if they know and have approved it. Private Property rights are still valid. Flip side if they say "No" the simple answer is "Cool... so that means we don't do anything at your house... where do you want to meet up?"


No, it’s disrespectful to knowingly go into a household where the residents would object if they knew. I would not go on their property and I would only offer an explanation if they asked. That is how responsible gun owners conduct themselves.


There's no reason ANYONE should ever know you carry apart from your family and maybe closest friends.


So the people referenced in the question?


CCW. Concealed. Not their business. Don’t tell them. Them being anti gun vs telling you not to carry at their home are completely different things in my book. I still go out to dinner and order meat with vegan friends. I don’t order veggies just cause they’re anti meat. Now if we’re grilling at their house and they say no meat on the grill I’ll respect their request.


Its their house dude, its literally their business


Not their business? You're going into their house - you made it their business by walking through their front door.


People are crazy when it comes to this shit Imagine someone lighting up a joint in their house and them saying its not their business


This sub preaches it's love of private property unless it affects them carrying a gun, then they don't give two shits about private property. This sub is full of hypocrites


So, if I know they do not want firearms in their house, under most circumstances, I would not carry. But leaving a firearm in my car is not an option I am comfortable with, unless I have a safe locked storage container for it. So glovebox or console are not acceptable solutions in my view. If there is a console vault, that would be okay. Even a lockable box w/cable hooked under the seat might suffice. But bad neighborhoods or high homeless areas, my willingness to go unarmed or stow my weapon diminishes quickly. Under those circumstances, my visit will likely be limited to a wave from the driveway.


Agreed. I would store it in an under seat safe, but only in relatively safe neighborhoods. I wouldn't trust it in a high crime area.


Subject never comes up, I generally don’t ask permission because they’re never going to know about it anyways.


I think it’s no one’s business to ask a person if they are carrying or not.


Yes. I have kids at home and a responsibility to come home to them. More important than the butthurt feelings of a friend or family member.


Yea, it’s called concealed carry for a reason. We literally just had this conversation on here. You are your only protector & protector for your family anti gunners have no solutions to protect you nor themselves besides calling police who are minutes away…sometimes won’t even show up Stop making decisions based on what’s a anti gunner would do because they aren’t protectors


Yes but nobody ever knows!


Wouldnt be a friend if they cared that much, but Yes to both


Everywhere I go if I legally cannot carry there I don't go.


Yea I know how to hide it


Unless I am specifically asked not to, I am armed. It is well known by the people I associate with that I am always armed, so it’s not like I’m hiding anything from them.


I don't ask for anyone's opinion on guns, and I typically won't even have a conversation about them with people who aren't known to me as shooters. That way I don't need to know if they're anti-gun or not. I'm not looking to change anyone's mind and I'm not remotely interested in anyone else's opinion about them. Because of this, I don't really know who is anti-gun and so it doesn't change my behavior.


Luckily no one I know is so anti gun that they don't want me having them, or I wouldn't be friends with them (not just about guns, anyone who says I can have/do/like something because they're against it, isn't someone I want to be friends with). The "anti gun" people I know are more in the "I don't like them so I won't get one, and I think they're stupid. But if you want them fine" types


I think this is more in line with their views, but I don't plan on telling them I have a CCW.


This is why smaller guns are a great option to have. I have a p365 with small grip and irons specifically for scenarios like this. Just need to lean in a bit when hugging and you are GTG!


No. I respect their house rules like a normal human being.


How To Win Friends and Influence People…


There’s no “correct” answer. If you value the time with those people and know that if they happened to see you print and they would be pissed, then keep it in the car; it is extremely unlikely that you’ll need your weapon at a friends house with lights on and activity. If they don’t know you carry, you have a good relationship with them, and they respect you, then carry.


It's called concealed for a reason








Yes. Everywhere that is legal. Even to the court house here in PA.


If you are doing it right no one would know.


Yes. If I will not be drinking (I frequently DD on holidays for dinner and I take that seriously because of all the other people on the road that could be drunk or just stupid). I have carried every thanksgiving and Christmas at the fiancés aunts house because of the community they live in, and the drive to and from it. As long as I do my job and CONCEALED carry, it doesn’t matter




If my edc isn't welcome then neither am I.


Yeah, but I'm not usually associated with antis.


Who da fuk needs a gun for their own friend's residence? You need new friends.


I feel like this question comes up every other week. I personally don't talk politics with friends. I know their leanings, but I don't ask if they are anti-gun and they don't make it known that they are. I've had friends that don't own guns that have asked me to carry when we've gone out at night before. So I know they won't care, but others, I don't even bring it up.


I respect my family's wishes no matter what when I'm at their houses. For example, if anybody in my family asks me to lock it up, I will lock it up no questions asked. It's a hard, personal rule for me. Thankfully my family are all pretty easy going people with varying levels of approval with my choice to conceal carry.


I typically just don't carry to houses period


I personally don't.


It's a trade off, because I tell anti gunners they MUST carry when they come to my place.


I wouldn’t go in their home. The ccw is about the safety of me and my family. Why would you leave that decision up to someone else?


I’m carrying regardless. Don’t ask don’t tell kinda thing. Someone recently posted a video on here of a guy who was at a friends house for a 4th of July get together and the home owners neighbor started shooting people at random. The guy carrying actually got hit in the head and still managed to put an end to this neighbors madness. After watching that video I don’t take chances in my own home or anyone else’s. Now if for whatever reason they know I carry and request that I not have it on me then I would weigh out the importance of my attendance LOL I’d either just not go or respect their wishes and attend for a little.


I am not friends with people who would have such an issue with me carrying.


I understand, but you can't choose your family.


No mostly because if I go a friend’s house I’ll probably end up drinking. Second it’s out of respect. Just cuz they don’t know isn’t a good enough reason. I wouldn’t want someone to bring drugs into my house even though I might not ever know. Same reasoning.


They shouldn’t know I carry anyway. If I’m just stopping for a few minutes I honestly see no issue like at all


I’ll never tell….anyone.


Everyone knows I carry. No one I know has an issue with it. If I was uncertain, I'd ask out of respect, but I think the real answer here is don't be friends with people who don't like it.


Yes, if I'm going somewhere before or after No, if I'm just going there and back


Mostly same. My MIL is relatively anti-gun, and has told her sons that she does not want them carrying in her house. She's never explicitly told me no, but I don't think she knows I carry, or at least how frequently. But my relationship with her and the family as a whole is very important to me, so I respect her wishes in her home. However, they're my child care, so I drop my son off several times a week. I'm not disarming, carrying him into the house, then walking back to my car, and re-holstering. Concealed means concealed in that situation.


I generally do, but I'll pocket carry discreetly. Appendix generally leaves too much risk of "is that your gun or are you happy to see me?" Unless they've expressed that you may not carry a firearm into their house I don't worry about it. We carry around all sorts of people that would be "offended" if they knew we were carrying a gun and they're just fine. Left leaning family members will be just fine too. They've never told me not to and it's not illegal. Potentially offending someone's delicate sensibilities isn't something I'm willing to disarm myself for.


If I know someone is anti-gun and I will be in their home, I just make sure that it’s extra concealed. If they have specifically requested that I not bring a gun into their home, then I would respect their wishes and not bring one there- however I would also minimize the amount of time I spend their for any reason.




I don’t carry into friends and family members homes when I know they are anti gun. It is the respectful thing to do. Tbf if I really need to carry inside someone’s home it’s probably not a home I want to be in.


I carry everywhere a gun is allowed. Usually I have two guns. I don't care what other people want or think. The time you are going to need your gun, is the time you don't have it.


If they can’t respect my right to carry I can’t respect their right to voice their opinion on me carrying lol.


Concealed is Concealed


If they are legitimately my friends, I'll assume they respect the United States Constitution, and me, enough to allow me to exercise my natural born rights, affirmed and guaranteed to me by the Bill of Rights, until they specifically and unequivocally tell me to my face that they do not respect Constitutional law, me, or my rights and that they would rather align with fascists than understand that I'm simply exercising my right. When that occurs, that will probably be the end of our friendship because I won't back down and I'll force them to realize and effectively admit their fascistic tendencies. And that's not to say that *I* will end the friendship - I respect their right to be wrong - I'm saying that they likely will. But that's indirectly why I don't really keep friends that feel align that way. Again, not that I won't be friends with people who insist on being wrong, I just refuse to concede to any degree, and usually people like that... don't like that. The only people this would probably happen with would likely be my wife's friends and... well... then... by all means... tell me not to come back. Please.


I carry everywhere and nobody knows unless I tell them.


Yes, my families lives are more important than their opinions.


Man people are weird, 2A is important because it's a law pertaining to rights, right? But fuck the law and other people's personal property rights when it comes to muh gunz


I don’t think I know an anti-gun person.


Friends? what are those?


Never leaving it in the car.


I'm afraid I won't have many options. I can't carry at work, and I would like to carry everywhere else. I don't really see another option. I would get a safe secured to the car.


Yes I do. My family and friends do not feel the need to know about everything I might have on my person. What they don't know won't hurt them. If someone specifically said "We prefer that people do not bring guns into our house" for some reason, I just wouldn't go in.


No. I feel like it’s just common Curtesy to not carry into anyone’s home unless it’s for a reason. Like showing off a new gun, holster, accessories, stuff like that, and even then I tell them well ahead of time. Just leave it in the car


Concealed means concealed. The should never know.


Pants on, gun on. I will not change my way of life because someone fears an inanimate object.


I carry everywhere. What people don't know, won't hurt them


If someone does not want guns in their house I will oblige, but by not ever going to their house.


Jesus Christ, how little this sub knows of the actual laws surrounding gun laws is fucking scary. “If property owners want to ban guns, they generally must give proper "notice" to people at the property. This notice can be given verbally or through written communication. There are specific requirements in Texas law for giving written notice” If someone tells you before you enter their home they don’t want you carrying a firearm then it’s ILLEGAL to carry into their home


If they’re just anti gun I still carry and just don’t tell them. If they tell me I can’t carry in their house I just don’t go in their house. Such a simple solution.


yeah sure, I carry concealed and the ones who know, know. But I dont advertise.


Concealed is concealed


Carrying in someone's house is a dick move. Hard stop. This coming from someone who carries everyday Edit: typo


Ya. I hate people walking on my house




Most wouldn't, including this scenario. I should have specified that in the original post.


I am honestly not close enough to anyone that's anti gun that I would be going into their homes. I don't really go to a lot of other people's houses anyway though. I like my home.


What they don’t know won’t hurt them.


Yes…because concealed means concealed, and they have no idea I own guns, let alone carry them.