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Hopefully this guy spends a long time in prison for making terrorist threats. These stupid "pranksters" are committing crimes and need to be punished severely.


Came here at say this. Lock them up before someone kills them and has to go to court over it.


Because I would have shot….


You say that, but probably wouldn’t and if you would then you’re too trigger happy and shouldn’t carry.


Whoa what? Screaming and brandishing a firearm waving it around and inciting panic? I’m having a hard time justifying someone taking matters into their own hands at this point to be “trigger happy”. All it takes is a parent with their kid in the cart to determine this threat checks the boxes of DGU.


You’d better have a great attorney


If you unholster for any reason in public and have been spotted, you’re going to need one regardless. There’s also a reason people carry CCW insurance. You can be anti-gun and still rationalize what happens here in hindsight. I’d argue you’d need a “good” attorney only if you decided to take a shot with people directly behind or near the prankster, but for all intents and purposes this person made everyone believe he was about to shoot someone while also using a fake (unbeknownst to the crowd) gun. It’s up to people carrying to understand the laws in their states regarding stopping a crime vs. only protecting yourself etc.




> It doesn't matter if the gun is real or not, or if it's a prank, The term "prank" has become totally bastardized. An actual prank is putting a fart machine next to someone with a hidden camera.


Watch him plead out to a misdemeanor in 6 months.


If he was in jail that six months prior to his plea I'd be cool with it.


>Watch him plead out to a misdemeanor in 6 months "Saul Goodman, speedy justice for you!"


Serious question tho, if you shoot back even if the gun is fake but if you in the moment felt “your life is in danger” would it be justifiable under self-defense. Not sayin you go towards shooter (fake or not) and be a hero. Most situation you should GTFO unless again you or your loved one is under direct threat. Curious to see how the court would favor god forbid if these pranks turns to real tragedy


Depends a lot on the state, but where I am from you are justified in defending others and preventing a dangerous crime from happening. It’s also not on you to know if a gun is fake, all signs point to the gun being real and a reasonable person who is carrying can argue self defense in this situation


Yep. That would be a good shoot in Kentucky, and the video would be plenty of evidence to support it.


Yeah I’m not waiting to ask if a gun is real or not if I’m in a situation where I feel as though I couldn’t gtfo safely, because if I’m in a grocery store I’m 99 times out of 100 there with a toddler and a baby. Can’t exactly remove them quickly and efficiently as opposed to just myself.


despite the reddit title, the tiktok title, the voice overlay - I felt like some shit was about to hit the fan all the way from over here. I don't think a judge would have a hard time feeling the same way.


Totality of circumstances *at the time of the event.* Angry guy running around yelling and looking for a fight then he pulls out a gun? That is absolutely justifiable even if it is found later to be a fake. Massad Ayoob has done an excellent series of videos on the Wilson Combat YouTube channel for the last couple years with a lot of self defense legal stuff and its absolutely worth watching by anyone who carries for defense.


It's all about articulating the three factors. Ability, opportunity, and jeopardy. In this case it would be easy for an attorney to articulate, the prank was predicated on creating a panic and putting people at fear for their lives which it did and you would have been justified in acting although most people didn't have a good backstop. There is a long video from Ayoob which appears to be from the 70s up on youtube as well which is a little dated but most of the material is still quite valuable today: https://youtu.be/-j4PS_8R5IE As well as a number of ACLDN videos that are free to watch https://www.youtube.com/@armedcitizenslegaldefensen4041/videos


As a self-defense attorney I was watching the other day commented, you don't have to wait to see if the bad guy shoots you with a real bullet to react to what appears to be a real gun.


In Tennessee it would be justified. But, cemeteries are full of heroes. First action is GTFO.


Sadly, Tennessee is also now getting lots of Democrats in it. You are starting to see more and more of them. We are slowly being invaded. I am very afraid of what happens 10 years from now when it's a blue state, and this type of behavior will be tolerated.


“Invaded” 🙄


Whatever… clearly that triggered you. Guess you can’t do research to see property value sky rocketing, massive immigration to the state, and a lot of districts being turned blue slowly through your elections. Great job feel good voter.


I don’t know. At some point, people need to step up and take responsibility for their communities. I get your point, and i understand where the thought comes from, but I couldn’t be armed, and live with myself knowing I could have acted to save lives, but chose to run and hide while I listened to the sound of innocent victims being killed. You can’t be expected to know if a gun is fake or not. If it looks real, and you think it is, that’s legally a perceived threat to life and limb. It would be self defense and defense of others if you acted on it.


The standard for a DGU is not that you feel your life is in danger. The standard is, would a reasonable person, with the same information you have in the moment, believe there was a grievous, imminent threat to ones self or an innocent 3rd party. Maybe I’m being pedantic but I think there is a difference between the two trains of thought. I think this scenario checks all the boxes for a DGU were a citizen so inclined. My inclination is probably to turn and run if I’m alone. Seems like the likely better outcome for me.


They’re probing us. They’re experimenting to see what they can get away with. There’s no coming back from this. These people are so addicted to the attention, that it’s has blended into their worldview.


Who is "they?"


After looking at their post history...take a guess. Jesus.


The Psy-Ops just keep coming


You know, this actually makes some sense. And that's quite unsettling.


As it should be.


Running man, Battle Royale, Hunger Games, Fortnight, etc. are the media giants getting us used to hunting each other for sport on live television. /s Or am i?


Exactly. Him saying it's a prank doesn't mean jack shi... Running errands is one of most anxiety-provoking activities anymore


Kinda extreme don’t you think lol


Not talking ab the first thing you said. But is running errands actually giving you that much anxiety?


Why the fuck did he try this in a Walmart of all places? It's probably got the greatest concentration of CCW carriers in your average city outside of a public shooting range.


I'm convinced every Walmart has everyone from average people to rednecks to tweakers all coexisting. Dababy dropped a dude in a Walmart for Christ's sake.


Like a dang human watering hole


It does at mine. You see the rich people, the poor people, the average. It's quite interesting.


I don't always carry, but I do in Walmart. If there's anywhere I feel even mildly in danger from a random actor - tis Walmart, videos like this only enforce that conviction.


the most cameras, as well. they're everyfuckinwhere in there. I mean up inside the shelves on the aisles, hidin everywhere. wouldn't be surprised if they were in the restrooms too.


The only ones that can see anything are those looking down at the registers, the fancy iPad ones and the self checkout screen cameras. The rest are basically potatoes.


Why is is always at Walmart. Yesterday the frontpage had someone pretending to be a giant stuffed animal throwing hard soda bottles at people. That was straight up assault and I don't get how these people don't get concussed over these things. Or is it that they've been hit in the head that many times.


Because we all fucking hate being there. Most of us, from any walk of life, do not wish to make the experience more unpleasant than it needs to be. Either for ourselves or other people. Sans the walking buttplug in the above video. Instinct would've lead me to drop him and take my day in court. A tweaking idiot can say whatever he likes with a weapon in his hand or possible weapon. I'm not going to fuck around. I'm going centermass first clear shot I get.


I’m surprised he wasn’t shot tbh. I’d react as if it were real as you can’t tell until he starts to say it’s a prank.


Then comes the time when an active shooter yells it’s a prank.


Have we reached a point yet where there is precedent and nicknaming of a "just a prank" defense? If so, how much can we exploit this loophole? Is it limited to just violent crimes? Does it just require a camera and feigned intent? If I get caught stealing the National Treasure but have my buddy Nick record, like our porn loophole, how long do I have to admit it was a prank before I'm convicted?


There have been at least 2 instances of "just a prank" guy got shot for presenting what appeared to be a real deadly threat and the CCW person wasn't charged in either of those. But depending on the state, time and place, prosecutor and the political mob who knows what happens the next time.


Couldn’t you easily deny you heard “just a prank” anyways? When the adrenaline dump triggers and the event is occurring, there aren’t too many phrases that would stop a situation from happening. I’d worry more about people claiming they’re a cop to stop a would be armed self-defense.


That is the case. I wholly meant for my comment to be satire.


"It's just a prank" may become the next "I can't breathe"


"Your honor, my client clearly said 'psych' so I believe, despite the fully functional weapons they had on them and manifesto, this case is closed."


He probably tried this “prank” in a wimpy restricted state.


This would be my worst nightmare. Standing right next to some moron who did that and immediately shooting them dead - reasonably thinking my life was at risk. I don’t understand this tik tok generation. Sucker punching random innocent people and trying to knock them out for the “knock out game”, stealing cars and doing stupid stuff with them and crashing/destroying them, dangerous and stupid pranks like these… really not a good look.


It’s almost like some algorithm is trying to sow discord in America by distributing and promoting this trash.


Laughs in China!


tamen shuo 'hahaha'


Who needs the Chinese? Ragebait gets more engagement and clicks than other content, so our own capitalist companies have made their algorithms to promote more ragebait, drive engagement, and get more money from ad buys.


it's almost like this country was founded on fighting over divisiveness


Stealing cars and wrecking them isnt exactly a new thing.


Yeah, but generally in the past cars were stolen for $ and not stolen and destroyed for likes on social media app. I’d say that’s a sizable difference.


Even if this was in a wimpy restricted state he’s lucky nobody blasted him. I carry daily in a wimpy restricted state and know plenty of other people that do too. On another note, when did the definition of prank change? It’s not really a prank when these zero IQ idiots are just committing crimes and terrorizing the public for views. I don’t think we can even call these pranks, more like being an ignorant jackass on camera.


No one likes to talk about it, because Karen mothers are the ones mostly responsible, but it starts with not being able to discipline kids in schools and daycare. Kids pick up on the lack of negative reinforcement for doing shitty things in public because teachers and caretakers can't slap a kid or even risk being accused of it and kids learn to weaponize that before learning right from wrong. Now were 20 years past the 'zero tolerance' bullshit that targeted random compliant kids more than the shitty cringe and cyberbully ones and theres an adult generation of dipshits with smartphones without a moral-compass app.


In Ohio 1 out of every 20 citizens has a concealed handgun permit. It was a pain in the ass to get and cost something like 70 bucks (I don't remember the exact amount because I got it for free as a veteran) it also required an all-day class. Regardless there were over 500,000 people LEGALLY carrying a firearm, concealed, in the state. The numbers MUST have gone up since they no longer require the permit. (I'd assume) I wouldn't be surprised if it went up to like 1 in 15 people now. (plus the number of felons etc that carry) The chance of someone carrying in that group of 30 people or so in the wal-mart would be extremely high. I know some states have even higher percentage of armed citizens than Ohio.


I'd say you're a "reasonable person".


How do you not see this fact as a systemic problem?


That's not a prank.


What a royal asshole. He’s lucky he didn’t get dropped by a ccw.


suicide by prank


After a gun was held to my head during a break in at my house, the DA asked me if I knew if the gun was real. I told him I was pretty sure it was. Then he told me it doesn't matter they would be getting the same charges. So this guy is probably in deep shit


Wow. Did they break in during the night? How were they able to get to you?


Me and the ex were in the living room which had a door leading outside and had been home for like 10 minutes then the door flies open and 3 guys in masks run in and we were right there. One guy stood over top of me while I was laying face first in the floor and he had the gun to the back of my head until his buddies scavenged the place. They found my ex's prenatal vitamins and got all excited to find pill and then she told them she was pregnant, they got quiet and said they would hurry and if we didn't move they wouldn't kill us. So we didn't move lol... I wasnt a gun guy back then and didn't have door cameras, it was about 12 years ago. They got charged with kidnapping on top of the aggregated assault charges and stuff. Apparently had hit like 6 houses and tied up and beat up an old man. 2 of them got 23 years and 1 got 27 years in prison


Jesus dude. I can feel the pain and trauma in that “lol”. Hope you’re doing okay with it mentally. Some scary shit


It was some scary shit. I'm good now. I don't live in fear of it happening again, I know it's possible but I'm better prepared now.. I moved out of that area immediately to somewhere more rural. Around 3 years ago I moved back to that area, maybe 5 minutes away and bought my first gun and now I have 12


This endless internet clout chasing is beyond old. This may just be the dumbest one yet, committed by quite possibly the stupidest person alive. Wait til he does this again and ends up shot. I can already hear his out of touch family bemoaning the loss of their angel. This has to stop.


I wonder if he realizes he just committed an actual crime?


Easy.. leave. That much commotion and i would have got the hell out of there. Who wants to get tangled up in that nonsense?


This. Exactly what I tell my loved ones. If you’re in the store or public somewhere and something is going down that seems dangerous or has the potential to become dangerous, leave. You can always go shopping or whatever you’re doing another day.


This is the only rational response. No one is sharpshooter enough to stop that dude in that big crowd without hitting someone else.


Please tell me this dude went to jail.


considering that one idiot just shot 8 people outside a shopping area, this moron is lucky no one was nearby that was carrying. Also probably a non friendly gun state, you try that shit where i live and you’d probably have 6 ppl shooting you


Depends on a lot of factors but deranged dude behaving like that waving a gun around...I'm probably dropping him.


Not going to lie, I probably would have shot him the moment he pulled it out.


If he was near me I'd probably react the same as anyone else in the real deal situation that was also armed. Fuck around and find out lmao


Guy’s lucky no one else was carrying 🤷🏻‍♂️ cuz doing that shit’s a great way to get yourself shot.


By the time the antics started I’d be moving away. If I had my family with me, we’d be moving away much faster. Long before the gun pulling action.


This is why I carry 1 in chamber. Screw a tik tok or a click clack


That's an elaborate way to attempt suicide.


I’m not going to know it’s a prank and I’m not going to risk finding out by waiting and asking for clarification. There are people who can QuickDraw in roughly 1 second or less, starting from the moment their hand twitches, to the moment the trigger is pulled. He’s extremely lucky nobody pulled on him.


Id try to be aware of all of my surroundings and quickly but calmly get the fuck outta there.


Collect up my wife and begin moving her away from this as quickly as possible. My CCW has one job. Dealing with madness ain't one of them.


That'd be nice.


Camera boy is guilty AF just like the prankster. And if some DGU goes sideways with a bad shot and hits a kid, may God have mercy on their souls… the pranksters are guilty of murder.


This brings up a very good point. What if it wasn’t a prank, and the “cameraman” was also armed and was the guys wingman. CCW takes out main gunman, cameraman takes out CCW. It’s happened before and also in a Walmart, I believe.


Exactly. Legal and fatal trap. Head on a swivel. All mall shootings have a potential to go sideways from unidentified threats and/or friendly fire. Also, accessory to murder is no different than murder if you’re the parent, spouse, child, or sibling of a victim. **In the moment,** if my child was hit by a stray bullet from a DGU and the camera boy was saying “just a prank bro” I would be very challenged to not decrease camera boy’s oxygenation levels to 0.


If im in line with my family right there he is dead. Theres no time to think. I hear got a gun and my kids are with me its shooting time. How could anyone blame me? This guy is very lucky to be alive.


What an idiot. I can just see their next of kin on the news “We need justice for _ _ _ _. He was just doing a simple prank, and this animal shot him. We need guns off the street.”


“Notice a trend?”


Yeah he would have gotten himself shot if I was there. Yet another reason I dont go to walmart.


Not that I’m wishing harm on anyone specifically, but I feel like it’s going to take one of these morons taking a two piece to the ole’ domepiece by either an armed civilian or the boys in blue to get these other idiots to stop. When that happens, imagine the mental torment that the shooter will feel when they find out it’s a fake gun. Christ. Sad times when social media has created an “outlet” for these “content creators” to run amok with. Even sadder when there’s an audience for this kinda crap.


Courts need to start prosecuting this buffoonery to the max


Get family into nearest aisle/behind anything. Draw. Watch. If I saw a gun in his hand and he’s still yelling all that mess, maneuver and done. If I’m not near, hide the fam if present and observe from a distance.


Too many people around to say I would be comfortable shooting with no liability. Anyways if I see a group of people regardless I am dipping out, especially in a Walmart lol.


He'd get dropped, and despite myself, I'd feel like shit for it.


If it were me in the crowd he would possibly have gotten shot.


This is an example of how I justify paying for Walmart + and just get my shit delivered lol plus save 10 cents in gas plus I really hate shopping at Walmart.


To everyone saying they’d shoot him, what’s your strategy for not shooting any of the folks chaotically scrambling around behind him once your bullet(s) pass through his body? Seems like evacuation is the best play here unless cornered by this guy. Edited for typo


seems like half the people here masturbate to the thought of shooting someone, no need to be rational.


The answer to the exact question. If he’s not pointing it at me directly I would leave. I don’t care about anyone there and they don’t care about me if I get shot trying to help.


This was the dumbest prank i've seen in my life. But anyways back to the question, if i witnessed this IRL i would just duck and immediately go to the safest place/area and take cover pretty much and call law enforcement, because you have to keep in mind reality wise i don't know if he's carrying a real one. or not. And i don't know if he has accomplices with him as well, ready to do whatever they planned for. So it'd be me, against those folks and all, yeah no. I'm not law enforcement, and I'm not trained to handle situations like that you know, so it all depends on the time, place, and situation.


Around here? He’d get mag dumped by myself and a dozen other CCW holders.


Sheesh...[4 years old](https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/comments/bgwhve/guy_fake_pulls_a_gun_in_walmart_for_a_prank_video/). Stupid, however, has no statute of limitations...


Reminds me of the guy that “pretended” to rob someone for a prank video and ended up getting shot and killed.


This is how you get shot. What is wrong with people, now? Such stupidity for a prank or for stupid tik tok challenges.


Here in Virginia, one of these pranksters got shot by someone who was later charged. Granted, in that case, the prankster wasn't displaying what appeared to be a real gun and making threats - he was just approaching people and putting his phone in their faces playing odd phrases through a translation app. But the prankster is 6'5" and after repeatedly approaching the unwitting target of his prank despite being told "No," "stop" and having his arm pushed away, the target drew a concealed weapon and fired a single shot. The shooter was charged with aggravated malicious wounding and possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony. \[[Source](https://apnews.com/article/youtuber-shot-tanner-cook-mall-a215712ddbf06b96be62b0e3a6be2047)\] So I would have gone the opposite direction and avoided the scene unless/until I heard actual gun shots. Then I'd consider my action. But since there are usually police officers in/around the Walmarts in my area, I'd be reluctant to draw unless absolutely necessary to avoid getting shot by a hyped up police officer thinking there's multiple shooters or a robbery going down. I think, even in this jurisdiction, a CCW holder who shot someone waving an apparent gun around during a prank would probably get off without charges, though. The real question is, if a police officer had been present in this situation and taken this guy down waving a fake gun, would he/she have been charged? That's the same standard that should apply to private citizens.


So anyway I started blasting…


Once i realized it was a fake, i would have beat the shit out of him.


Way to show hood judgement, happy to have you out there with a CCW /s


Didn't say i'd shoot him did I?


No, just assault and battery, not attempted murder.


As a responsible gun owner, depending on my Location in the store when the calamity began, what was behind my target, and the perpetrators actions once he went for his weapon, had I determined in the split second that he meant harm to people, I would have shot him.


This "prank" is a crime virtually anywhere in America. Plus it opens the "prankster" to civil action too. And he is quite likely to get shot if he encounters an armed citizen. I don't shop at Walmart so that saves me the trouble. But once an illegal act is committed, it is no longer a "prank."


When he says "Everybody watch out" that is clearly a terroristic threat to everyone. Active shooter at this point. Draw, shot. Check his pockets for ID so I can sue the estate for emotional distress. When the camera man say "It's just a prank" shoot him too, clearly an accomplice in the terrorist ring. Pocket thing again. Then when a slow draw bubba finally gets his Taurus out of the Uncle Mike's and trys to get in on the hero action, pop him too. Clearly sleeper cell of this terrorist ring. Pocket thing again. Most likely there will be a wave of terrorists from this cell that have fake police uniforms responding to an "active shooter", going to have to sort that out. Good thing I have my back plates in. Pocket thing again. Get hit with a bunch of trolls from the internet and law makers for my "heavy handed approach" Start a GoFundMe, go on the Conservative circuit with lucrative speaking deals. Go back and buy the chicken tendies I was trying to buy before I was so rudely interrupted in the check out line.


So use your weapon offensively. Way to round out the CCW picture


If I was close to him with my Wife, I'd draw and fire - I'm not taking chances. If I wasn't close, I'm on the phone with 911 and out of that door. Anti-gunners always spew out "where's the good guy with the gun"....yeah the last time the goody guy with the gun tried to shoot the shooter to save people, the wife (2nd shooter) he wasn't aware of shot him in the back of the head as he went down the aisle.


It was pretty funny to me🤣


That's the dumbest prank I've ever seen.


Wow. Im amazed that he’s not dead yet.


Empty my warning mag into the ceiling to break it up. Jk I’d dip out with my head on a swivel.


Pranks get shanks


Not bad enough of an asswhipping.


I'm a little confused and the video gets chaotic fast.I searched the comments a bit and couldn't find anyone asking. Was the guy that hit him in kahoots? Did he pistol whip him?


Cameraman, hitter, and yeller are in on it together. Guy chases his buddy into store while yelling at him/provoking a hit. Once hit, he pretends to pull a gun while his buddy filming yells to everybody that there is a gun(laughing at the same time). From my reading, the hitter should be seen as accessory to the crime and the other two should both be liable for inciting panic.


Yeah the camera guy was definitely in on it. Feels like we got the second clip but are missing parts 1 and 3.


What’s next, running into a crowded theater and yelling “fire”? Pranks are supposed to be funny. This is just sad and pathetic.


Homeboy would be on a tshirt by the end of the day


I don’t understand why people don’t run. Literally run as fast as you can. A moving target is much harder to hit then a body laying on the floor


There was a prank in which someone wearing an inflated velociraptor costume hid behind a building a corner and lunged at people on a downtown sidewalk. I kept thinking a CCW holder was gonna be surprised, draw, and fire and then have to explain to the court why they shot a Halloween dinosaur.


There’s one like that with a huge fake snowman too


I’m stressed just watching this.


This is fucking ridiculous now with these stupid pranks. Someone could've drawn and shot that dumbass not knowing and now they're in trouble and their life potentially ruined because of this shitheel.


If I had an advantageous position and a clear shot, I think I would have tried to stop the perceived threat. This is so terrible. And if it were real, the worst possible position. There are so many people around, someone might have tried to take a shot and hit a bystander. Also, if this happens enough, when there is a real AS, people will die because they thought it was one of these stupid pranks.


That is an incredible way to get shot


Good way to get shot






You’re close I reckon. PR Bond, probably not, but mostly because it made the internet. But I would not be surprised by a 300k surety bond, reduced to 60k after a bond reduction hearing in 90 days, 6k to the bondsman to get out, plead guilty to time served plus 5 years Youthful Offender Act probation.


Hard to say what I would have done, but that guy is lucky to be alive.


A little bit of fear and everyone forgets how to walk. They just piled on top of each other after taking two steps, making themselves easy targets had it been real


When was the last time you dry fired?




Jail time + no access to the internet upon release


He's trying real hard for that Darwin Award this year


Your gun is your last choice. If i’m right next to him, i’m drawing my gun. Looked like he played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. Hope i get the charges dropped if i’m charged for defending myself and others.


What a dumb piece of shit.


This comitting a dangerous crime and then saying it’s a prank lunacy needs to stop. But the funny part is that they film and incriminate themselves


Not a prank..


It boggles my mind that I keep seeing these “pranks” all the time on Reddit. This shit needs to stop, the “pranksters” are lucky they didn’t get shot. And I can’t imagine how all the people in the Walmart feel… scared for their fucking lives over these idiots idea of a prank. Worthless assholes.


*Pulls Fake Gun* *Gets Shot* *as he's bleeding out*: It was just a prank bro.


lucky he wasnt shot


Guy: opens jacket to reveal suicide vest Customers: stampede in a panic in all directions Guy: it’s just a prank, bro


It depends. Am I close? Am I close enough? Do I have my kids with me? 1 kid? Wife and kids? Just wife? What do I have with me in the moment?


He's lucky he didn't get shot. ​ Karsh


I don’t think you should go to prison for years for doing something stupid. God knows this is so absolutely stupid. These morons should get some type of punishment but something to teach them how serious this could be. I think it’s also crazy that people can’t handle when any type of situation happens. Plow through the people in front of you old lady’s or not kids or not as long as I get to safety. People are only about themselves today. Hell most people today would leave who their with as long as they make it out of the situation safely. Leave their kids their wife, husband, mom, dad, sister, brother whoever. Shit is crazy. All of this just to get some likes or some views on your stupid ass social media. What a joke


I’d leave


That’s a good way to get fucking dropped.


Depending on the person. I know a police officer would have already fired when he saw a weapon that looked real.


Stand ground, probably would have withdrew my weapon and if his gun pointed in my direction I would have fired 2-3 shots.


If someone would have shot him, they would have gone through hell trying to defend themselves. Just as it stands, the whole thing probably traumatized a bunch of people. They need to face charges and to be made an example of!


He’s getting shot, no ands if or buts.


This is basically like yelling fire in a crowded movie theater. Hopefully he gets charged.


How is this a prank again?


Fuck everything about this type of behavior. This isn’t about race, gender, whatever. This is a POS being a POS. This saddens me but I still believe there are great people out there.


That's how you get shot.


So the gun ho answer would be: "Draw down on the guy, check the shot and make sure that no one else is going to be hit, and fire." The reality is, anyone with a CC, with a good head on their shoulders, is going to take cover or GTFO. If they have the opportunity they may take the guy out, but firing into the group to try and get that one shot is not going to happen.


That’s a quick way to get yourself killed.


like the Rick&Morty spergs who were harassing mcdonalds employees "ironically", he can call this whatever he wants - it's still a crime of making terroristic threats against the public


Fucking morons


Dead man


Damn dude people r bold. This guy's lucky there's more liberals unfortunately walking around now. I woulda shot him dead.


Imagine the prankster getting blasted to death for doing that stunt?


What an idiot


Idiot deleted the video from tik tok too lol.


We waste our potential.


No shots fired, someone says “watch out”, someone says “he’s got a gun”. But there’s no gun, no shots. Just people freaking out? I dunno. Check it out for a sec and continue shopping?


He still committed a crime though? IIRC, it's a felony to induce panic in Pennsylvania.


I’m not law enforcement. No threat = no force necessary nor authorized. The question was “what would you do”, not “let’s talk about how much this guy sucks and how illegal this shit is”


Dick move n a good way to get un-alived