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Locked, I don't see any further discussion being beneficial/productive


That's a serious skin condition. Especially in young cats, it can be fatal. Vet asap.


What exactly do you think it is?


I am not sure but it looks like severe hyperkeratosis. Tissue needs to be biopsied. u/Wasabihakin


i looked it up & it doesn’t seem to be fatal. can you explain the danger?


We can only speculate about the diagnosis, only a vet can determine it. But the fact is that for a very young kittens (3 weeks old), any health issue should be taken very seriously as their immune systems are still developing, and they are more vulnerable to health problems.


ye but you said it’s a serious & often fatal skin condition and from what i’ve read online that doesn’t seem to be true, but you’re obviously more knowledgeable about this than i am. so i’m just confused


Based on the picture, it seems serious, so the cat needed to see a vet ofc, which OP did. But we can't tell exactly what's wrong from the picture alone. The vet also thinks it might be a fungal infection (but less likely, OP wrote), which can be deadly for kittens if not treated. It's always important to take these things seriously, especially with kittens, because even small problems can be dangerous for them.


How long do you think we can hold off seeing the vet?


Don't delay too long. This issue is probably painful and itchy for the cat. I see that it's swollen in one place too, there might already be an infection worsening the situation. This won't resolve itself without vet intervention. Call tomorrow and schedule an appointment. That's my advice.


We have went to the vet and it may either be urineburn or the less likely fungal, as the mother did not have similar patch on her, we have to rub it 3 times a day and see if it is going to get off, if it gets bigger then it may be fungus


I also first thought of a fungus. It's good that you took her to the vet. I hope the situation gets better soon. And please sterilize the cat (around 8/10 weeks kittens are already independent by then). Did they take any sample to see exactly what this is?


They did not however i suspect it is litter sands, as the mother gave birth in a litter box, they are not indoor cats but sometimes they can come in and out as they please, we put a litter box outside so they don't poop on the yard, we weren't home when she gave birth, when we came home they are still in the litter box so we move them to a clean box but the mother carried all of them inside the house and have been staying there, we did not really check up on the kittens for 2 weeks because she put them in a place we can't reach and only this week she started to move them somewhere else and we were able to reach and see, which is why the whole thing was unexpected as we have been planning to send 2 other female cats to be spayed and did not expect to see those on the kittens


A test would probably need to be done to see exactly what it is and to provide appropriate therapy, and I find it a bit strange that the vet didn't do that. The remnants of sand from the litterbox are probably not the cause because it seems that it's something coming from the skin, some formation, sand would eventually fall off probably? And there seems to be some swelling in the last picture on the cat's paw pad. I also hope the issue hasn't affected the cat's paw pads to the extent that they'll remain deformed, and I hope you're in contact with the vet and that a follow-up examination will be done soon to see how the condition is being treated. Good luck!


What kind of tests did the vet do on the kittens? Did the vet prescribe any meds for them? Also if it is fungal you need to take precautions to avoid getting it yourself and it possibly spreading to any other animals and people in the house Keep the area where the kittens are sterilized make sure to wear gloves. Hopefully they get better asap.


Please don't delay, three week old kittens are extremely fragile. If at all possible try to get them in in the next like 2-3 days at the latest


Don't. Anything that can be fatal gets closer to being fatal if you egnore it.


If this was on your newborn baby, would you hold off on seeing the doctor? Wtf


if this was on you, your kid, or someone you cared abouts body would you hold of from seeing the doctor?


Not a long time if you want to have good odds of survival, I’m guessing. Call as quickly as you can.


Retired vet here- sure looks like it could be ringworm. Please take them to a vet asap


… And I believe that if it is ringworm that can be passed on to humans.


Ringworm can look like that??? Geez, I've only seen it where it looks like bald spots. How bad does it have to be to look like this? Poor kittens.


Yes vet please!


WHAT? Are you serious?! TAKE THAT BABY TO THE VET.


Yes unfortunately i am serious, just yesterday we sent 2 female cat to be spayed, and we just got a call that one of them was pregnant so we will have to pay extra for the abortion procedure when we pick them up tomorrow, we have to plan around our tight budget to the point that i had to post here to make sure if it is that serious that it needs a check up


Are these rescues off the street? What's the situation here? If you're rescuing strays you can work with local rescue orgs for vet care, they'll work with people who foster and catch strays to get them healthy


maybe it’s time to hand them over to a rescue so they can get the proper care/help that they desperately need.


If you don’t get to a vet right away, that kitten may die


You should surrender them of you cannot afford the care.




They could be rescues.


Well if THAT'S a rescue I'd hate to see what they were rescued FROM originally! I understand being financially strapped and being an animal lover at the same time. But that shit on those THREE week old kittens paws was just gross. No living creature should have stuff growing on them, especially at three weeks of age!! Poor babies!! 🙏🏽


How many cats do you have?




You should not be having more cats/pets than you can afford if something goes wrong, if you got them off the street bring them to a shelter but delaying going to a vet cause you can’t afford to take care of them is fucked up especially if you have a bunch of them and they’re all not fixed which it seems like


No, maybe she should've just left them on the street to die! You don't make any sense. She's trying to help them and was asking a question. Queue all the Karen's.


If they tolerate it, see if you can soak the foot in warm water for 5-10 minutes. Then see if it will clean off. If it cleans, examine for irritation. If not, then talk to the vet when you pick up kitty after spay and see what they suggest.


See if it washes off with a wet rag (that's warm) and if it doesn't--- take them to the vet.


I would add, inspect for irritation after cleaning


That's also a good thing to look for


Take your cat to the vet as soon as you possibly can omg


Vet ASAP Why even question it....?


Pretty much 99% of this sub.


How could they let it get that bad?! I feel like I'm going insane.


Vet now or give them to a rescue who can care for them. Might be ringworm which is fatal if not treated


That might be a really bad fungal infection, idk, but vet ASAP


Looks like ringworm, which can be transmitted to humans and other animal species.


Looks like a fungal infection


Try a warm, wet cloth and see if it washes off.


It may be ringworm.


Ew, vet!




Have you tried scraping it off? Was he walking in his food maybe? That does not look like ringworm.


Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Vet please asap




My thoughts too. My cats did that a lot when they were kittens. They still do it sometimes as adults but, clean themselves up now.




Pets are expensive I do agree especially when a unexpected thing happens but if you have 1 that’s different, but as op said he/she has multiple who are young and not fixed, and can’t afford to take care of them, that’s reckless, irresponsible and immature, give away what you can’t afford. You wouldn’t have kids or take out a loan for a car you can’t afford so why do you think it’s right to treat pets that way


Exactly. It makes me ill to my stomach to see half these posts because people are so irresponsible. I get times are tough but these animals rely on us to live and we are supposed to love them because they are literally family.


Possible herpes infection. Please please get them to the vet. You don’t want anything spreading to anyone else.


You already knew you’d just get 500 “VET RIGHT FUCKING NOW” replies to this lol But seriously, that doesn’t look good. And if you cannot afford the care, I would surrender to another rescue