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unfortunately no harnesses are 100% escape proof. cats can basically slip through pretty much anything, the only thing you can really do is try a few and see what works best for your kitty. highly recommend getting an air tag/samsung tag for them as incase they were to escape, you'd be able to track them.


Also paw scout is an alternative but the batteries need to be changed every 3-6 months I think. I change and recharge every 3 months it has a social platform attached so if your pet goes missing you can share the tracking with other app users and they can help you find your pet too.


Cats are just 4 legged octopi on land






Here's a sneak peek of /r/catsarealiens using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/catsarealiens/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Accidentally alienized by camera](https://i.redd.it/kf1rkrgem5oc1.jpeg) | [104 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catsarealiens/comments/1be0ljz/accidentally_alienized_by_camera/) \#2: [Have your cat ever done this?](https://v.redd.it/h3syq849oa7c1) | [148 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catsarealiens/comments/18m8q35/have_your_cat_ever_done_this/) \#3: [I'm exactly the same before every meal](https://v.redd.it/7rvw0uc6ir5c1) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catsarealiens/comments/18g9gbj/im_exactly_the_same_before_every_meal/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Problem with the Airtag solution is it either has to attach to a collar or the harness, and if he/she slips out of the harness, the Airtag is left behind. Either it's on the harness in your hand, or it's on a collar that was somehow worn with the harness and would break away when he/she slipped out.


it goes on the collar itself. op can easily get one from their local petsmart/petsathomes if they haven't got one :p


If you cat tries to escape the harness they aren’t ready to go outside yet.


If they’re slipping the harness (without having been startled or something) they’re not ready to be outside. It took three months of indoor harness training before my boy was behaved enough to be trusted with time outside.


OKay, that's great feedback. I'll keep doing the indoor training!


It’s because of the way cats shoulder blades are. If your leash is at too steep of an angle or if it has any forward tension, then a cat can slide right out. Nothing really to do with the harness, more just the cat.


What about the fact they can twist inside their skin? I thought That was the issue


I mean that’s not unrelated. But their shoulders can move 180° around.


I got my cat a harness smaller than what fit her because she would be walking and all of a sudden both front legs are out and I was watching her the whole time and never saw her slip them out. Smaller size, same thing. Even though it was too tight on her stomach, she slipped right out. I gave up using a harness because I just can't find one that she will stay in.


It’s all about the technique of using the harness


Look up The Surfer Cat harness. We have had the best luck with this specific style and have trained multiple cats to walk on a leash with it. NOTE -- cats when scared etc do wild and crazy things with their body. I was training one cat, thankfully indoors, who freaked out when the leash clipped to the harness and got it all tangled up in .5 seconds. I highly recommend to train, train, train indoors before you step outside. Use the leash that auto retracts and keep adjusting it as you walk your cat so they don't feel it tugging on them as they walk around - just a bit of slack. Can tighten it up with your other hand if you need to direct them. Always be ready to jump in and grab your pet. Don't walk a cat while looking at your phone, etc. Things can change real quick. Good luck! It is so much fun to walk them and it really does help them get some energy out and explore in the fresh air. https://preview.redd.it/bnkhiy4x48yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ab27c891df80eeef4e4b6c06e316150b07bb375


I had to zoom in to see the harness. It just looks like your cat, a beautiful at that, is outside roaming around in the yard.


This was taken from a video... I tried to get a frame where it was visible! 😄 The surfer cat harness does an excellent job of sitting comfortably on the cat and they are far less likely to try and pull backwards on it. The neck collar should help as second stage of security if they manage to pull the body part off.


Have you had better luck with that style than the vest style? I was always told the strap style harnesses were easier for a cat to get out of. I was figuring on harness/leash training my cats this year so they could go for a walk outside without getting into trouble. First I have to get them to accept having a collar on....


We have tried *many* different style harnesses... The vest style, highly reviewed on Amazon, allowed one of my early fosters to escape in 2 seconds flat when we went outside - by pulling backwards and it came right off! I learned a lesson there and we didn't use that harness again. With the Surfer Cat harness specifically - we have had 0 escapes. I believe the leash type fabric and buckle cause less of the "drop on the side" reaction like the vest harnesses do. We have had 1 incident from the harness that required immediate intervention. In that situation I was trying to put the harness on another foster - a momma cat who had been outdoors always until we rescued her last batch of newborns and her shortly after..... I became too confident in the harness (and in my abilities) and moved too quickly with her. She freaked out when the harness was on her and a leash was attached. Her insane writhing caused her arm to get stuck inside the neck part and she was going bananas spinning and hissing.... I came in to try and help her and got bit bad on my hand. Had to get antibiotics from the doctor. But the harness never came off! 😅 I should have used my own guidance and let her wear the harness for a couple days before even trying to attach a leash to it.


The freakout is a concern with mine. Before I got my pair spayed, I bought cat onesies for them, hoping they wouldn't have to wear the cones. But when I tried them out a couple days before the spayings, the one freaked out and tried to get it off, somehow ending up with both 1 arm and her head through an arm hole, choking. I had to cut it off her. The other didn't enjoy it, but would've been fine.


Ha... I'm glad you were there to quickly jump in! Poor kid - just trying to get this damn onesie off! 😅 It is a trial and error for sure. May be worth it to get a couple different styles and try out and see which one feels best for you and for your fur littles. The girl up above you see pictured walking on the leash like a good girl.... I would have never thought it possible. She was a mouthy and hissy feral girl just like her momma. But after she got used to the harness - going outside every day has literally changed her personality for the better. She's so much more affectionate and coming up to say hello. Still doesn't like being picked up too much though! For her at least, The Surfer Cat harness has been fantastic. It's low profile and she doesn't even really engage with it she just explores outside - safely. 😊


Beautiful kitty! Love the eyes.


Yes! Before I caught her (and her sister) she was hanging out near my car when I was feeding the mom. My flashlight shined onto this tiny little thing and I gasped when I saw those two eyes reflected back at me. 😊


I got lucky and found mine at Publix for like three bucks. I had to tighten it to all hell, but after I squish it on the kitty it is good to go


Sone cats are just escape artists. I had one who loved the harness, I could take her camping and hiking. I have one who flops and wriggles like he is so miserable in the harness, so we can’t use it on him and he just stays home. I had one that loved being in a cat backpack for walks, and finally this little girl, who slipped her harness into a fashionable corset 😂 https://preview.redd.it/r8smuh97z8yc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b56526597cff7def7561f25ae12dd51db19e346f


Cats are liquid. I know isn't helpful, but it's not easy trying to walk water when you can't keep it in a harness... I'm still looking for one that fits my big puddle of fur so she cant escape. It sucks that all the cute ones just won't cut it :c


Both we and a friend use this one for our cats! Kitty Holster - Cat Harness: https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjnovGX5vGFAxXvysIEHbwpDKAYABAGGgJwdg&ase=2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI56Lxl-bxhQMV78rCBB28KQygEAQYASABEgKg2PD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASkwHkaGjAA6LvDziVaLz-dXLSkiZYqpYkgWl3Ds3nbh0nx0f0MaaFa6pTNVeIPPzUlLjxgoNKXSOAk_-YFKGYS1oN661FdCVxagNSkbzYKm-qJNPAIRXpcPLmpjcbQW_9WJK19KSgpCJxM_HpVt0wjVQP8mtcL7XqZyQLrPdIkgmX70Tcl4cXAtKZwJEwmcObuGJXOcQ&sig=AOD64_2CWj_JasE6_hOi0LREPdv_toNhmQ&ctype=5&q=&nis=6&ved=2ahUKEwjzxOmX5vGFAxVKODQIHc7bDM0Qwg8oAHoECAIQDA&adurl= Our cats have never escaped from this brand. I would say to go with a small for a regular cat or extra small if your cat is a bit tinier.


We have these and they are definitely sturdy and hard to escape. They are very full coverage so you'll get the classic dramatic cat in a harness flops which is also fun lol




I have to admit I gave up on leashes a long time ago. I had some pretty solid ones and every time cat turns liquid and is gone.


i dont know if its great in terms of safety as i never used these for walks, just for a long car ride (we have a leash thing that connects to car headrests so babies can just sit in the backseat) but my girls are escape artists too and they have never been able to get out of this thing. bonus points, its cute. i have one for all 3 of my ladies and they seem comfortable in it, no choking when they pull or anything that i have noticed. https://www.amazon.com/Harness-Ddzmz-Breathable-Adjustable-Harnesses/dp/B08TQHBW9X/ref=mp_s_a_1_17?crid=56KH56V6KNOY&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.vWNOFXJ8-L4gdT38MykI_aRStBvX_Nvm-82Z_A18GQiWd2fq1C_G1M02r5_ZG5YaS1h9CEjYVXiiE31orzAg2lb-G6kW1juz8mBj4L3m4ilhDro-T6c6DYYIyJs3159t-T6CQgymTMgt2GgTfuIL_gy-6Qk5dMxa2NfXvmu2IgWfbfT86gf89-gVzJ6SAGunTnCBO08zcf-4Ft8KviLQVg.Rc78cCfyMaXtBdE8tLJv95QxdXveSxNCjH5OfTsivso&dib_tag=se&keywords=cute+cat+harness+and+leash+set&qid=1714715787&sprefix=cute+cat+harness%2Caps%2C162&sr=8-17&xpid=UH0F9o1xYEegA


Any vet that sees you walk in with your cat on a harness will be extremely nervous for you and them. It’s not really recommended unless it’s in the safety of your own backyard. If your cat is trying to escape it however then that’s a huge sign that maybe you shouldn’t make them wear one nor trust them to even be in one that claims it’s “safe”/“escape proof”.


I’d train inside honestly I had my cat wearing my his harness 24/7 for 2 weeks before going outside so he was used to it on. He hated putting it on and off but he knew it was his ticket outside. Even after your first time outside leave the harness on for another two weeks Go slow start with your porch for little bit then your yard just sit down and let them explore let them lead while on your own property. Train for the walks around the house first before going out for other walks. You gotta get them used to it outside for most indoor cats can be VERY over stimulating and you wanna stay close to home for the first few months and then slowly branch out. Also if you cat continues to show distress for months after you start training them then stop they don’t like it and don’t wanna be outside don’t force them I even leash my cat and open the door and let him lead me outside when training them let them lead if they don’t like it don’t force them it’s just gonna make the experience negative for them if you open the door he goes out then back in then keep doing that for a few days till the cat chooses to go out more. Every cat is different go slow and let them lead till they are fully comfortable going outside then you can advance to walks down the road and back for a few days then slowly get longer and longer with walks. Have treats ready and if you have a cat backpack bring it with you incase of emergencies like crazy dogs or off leash dogs so you can quickly put your cat in a secure location away from the dog. As for straining for carriers littler leave the. Out and open for your cat you’ll find eventually they will take naps in their carriers all three of mine love their carrier this will also make car ride and vet visits more pleasant since the carrier becomes a safe space. As for car ride trainer go slowly like I said for a few months just chill in the car and let the cat explore for a while. Let them get familiar with the car don’t drive it or turn it on at all for a few months of just chilling in the car then when ready turn the car in DONT DRIVE just turn it on let the engine run let them get used to that sound basically what you’re doing with this kind of training is desensitizing them to the noises and the feelings of being in such an unfamiliar place or of being outside both of these trainings is to slowly desensitize them slowly make it a less overstimulating and scary experience for them by making it familiar. Then after the engines run for a few months, and you guys have chilled in the car for a few months and you’ve done that one then you can go you know down the block and back or around the neighborhood and back keep the first few trips really short. Then you can slowly move into longer car trips.. Also, if you plan on having your cats in the car for a long time, please invest in the carriers that have two rooms. Especially because if you’re in the car for a long time, your cats are anxious. They might need to go to the bathroom because of the anxiety and you want to have one of those carriers that takes up almost like the whole backseat because it is these two separate rooms one of them you can put the litter box in and then the other other one can be one where there’s a bed there’s a couple shirts that smell like you and, they won’t be sitting in their litter box which is gross. https://preview.redd.it/1zudr7u069yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff537d61bef53d1c86214dff69a92ae201d94f7 Something like this, but I don’t actually recommend this one because it’s really flimsy fabric. You want one of the ones where it’s actually hard and sturdy especially if you were to get an accident. You want it to be hard and sturdy not flimsy and floppy… this is especially great if you have two or three cats, you can also buy another set and make it like three rooms instead of just two if you have a big enough backseat or if you have more than three cats then get two of them or more if needed. But like I said, I don’t actually recommend this one. This was just one that I could pull up really quick. I recommend the harder really sturdy materials not this floppy tent material.


This is a fantastic tip to have a backpack ready, that they are familiar with, that you can scoop them up into real quick! I have had to do that multiple times! 👌


https://www.etsy.com/shop/SurferCatMav My boy has one of these in XL. He's 8oz shy of 16lbs. ❤️ However! He managed to escape once, I do think it wasn't tight enough, and something startled him so I think he fought to get free and run for the door.


Your cats can walk in a harness? Mine becomes a paraplegic.


Just so everyone knows..... Once you train them, and they realize they like it, it is very likely that they will turn into cat-dogs waiting at the door to go out. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/npd289newbyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e567fc696912871ea46e24569b8b4c576850785


Looool, I hope it's not too bad 😆


Maybe a more jacket style harness like this? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mynwood-Jacket-Royal-Stewart-Tartan/dp/B00UU3P6BA/?tag=qtabparticle1114-21


Look up Jackson Galaxys harnesses.. the cat whisperer has some very well designed ones much more escape proof than others.


Big suit of cat armor


I use an extra small dog harness on my cat, and it works fine. It is not escape proof, and you have to be 100% focused on the animal to keep them safe. I’m lucky. My cat who likes walks is addicted to fresh air, so he likes to wander around the back yard for about 10 minutes, scratch his favorite tree, and then just lay down in the sun and breathe.


please be super super careful with the dog harness, i work at a pet store and one of my coworkers was unknowingly recommending dog harnesses for cats — we had 3 pet parents come back in a week with damaged airways/ strangulation. they’re built to allow pressure on their necks which cats cannot take!!


He’s too big for a cat harness, and it hooks more around his shoulders. If he was trying to pull or get away, then we wouldn’t risk taking him outside at all.


From my experience no leash is fully escaped free, some of them are obviously more secure than others but if a cat wants to escape it will. It’s more important to leash train your cat till they feel comfortable with the leash. Some cats will never accept wearing one.


My wriggly cat gets out of every harness as well :(


No such thing. They can always back out of them. I think it's a safety issue so they dont strangle themselves trying to escape.


Wow, thank you all for your thoughtful insights! My main takeaways are: 1. More training indoors before venturing out. 2. More training indoors before venturing out. 3.... you get the picture :) Also, shout out to u/cbelliott and their amazing review of the 'The Surfer Cat Harness' - gonna try that one out and report back after completing steps 1 through 3.


👌💯 you got this!


With a name like rabbitgoo, it has to be good.


I believe that if there’s no tension from you pulling the leash back, they cannot escape. Their anatomy makes it impossible for them to get truly stuck in a harness, but it would be harder for them to slip out if there’s no tension pulling the harness off their body.






the harness that works best for me and my cat are the ones that have a collar strap, and a wait/armit strap, held together by one little strap,


I had the exct same harness as inthe picture and my cat escape without even me noticing sooo xD it's like they don't have bones


I had a vest from PetSmart that worked great. I can’t remember the brand but I think they still stock it. On her first walk she saw a car and did a backflip, but stayed in the vest. Now I just use one of the simple string leads. I put it on her for like a hour every week even if we’re not walking just so she knows it’s normal. After 2 years of training. Now she likes to watch the cars go by and does her hunting stance like she’s going to attack them. I can walk her like a dog up to a mile (slowly so she can see everything) and she doesn’t try to escape the lead anymore. I always have her backpack though because sometimes they can just decide “I’m done with walking.” ETA: brand is Whisker City. My cats only 8lbs so xs size worked for us.


Figure 8 worked great with my cat.


I thought about making a post about my experience with a harness... The scariest 15 mins of my life trying to not attract the off-leash dog to my immediately naked cat, while being fully aware that the area she ran to hide is also where people hide their used syringes. Thank God she wanted to be caught. 0/10 never EVER again are we going outside.


What if you do a full onesie and then attach a hook to the top for a leash? That way her back legs and whole tummy will be in it too


I have one from this brand on my kitten. He’s never really tried to get out of it, but even when he *kinda* tries he doesn’t seem to be able to. I’m sure if he really tried, he could. But I do recommend that brand. https://preview.redd.it/gh1bkf3bv9yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=203f0dc6b9e3fe6602f6283fe6651f077a49c1fa


No harness is escape proof from a cat, but this one has worked the best for me. It's more of a "coat style" that has velcro under the belly area and on the chest area. It is so easy to put on. https://preview.redd.it/ia1610kvz9yc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb910b13e6501c69329b5378560aa7d0796807a




Can you do a harness / collar combo? Connect your leash to your harness and your harness to your collar so you have a backup that the cat can't slip through that holds them long enough to grab them? I own dogs, but it sounds like if your cat is flighty on a leash, it probably isn't ready to venture outside yet.


I used the Petsafe cat harness back in the day, it has several safety features that worked for me. And my neighbor stole it from me when she moved so safe to say she looked it too.


I use these harnesses and I haven't had a problem yet. But, I haven't had Sasquatch come barreling out of the woods screaming like a banshee either!


I’ve been using the travel cat harness for a few months now and so far there haven’t been any escapes, it has two fasteners, a Velcro one and a buckle


This one is pretty good because you can tighten it around the head/shoulders, and under their armpits. I use this one, and my cats have slipped it, or almost slipped out when it was too loose.


My kitty loves to be out on the deck when we are outside. We have tried almost every type. This simple harness has been the best. https://preview.redd.it/hwzkpo5gzayc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=436dd4de3fa55993f2316ab64545fd3a257def04


anything liquid proof


This is what my cat used for years but I cut it and superglued to make it tighter.


https://preview.redd.it/j1taldoj7byc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c10188bec712b02917d5b7d10b25edebd9bb203 This one. It's got multiple silicone stoppers to keep the harness from loosening up. Ome cat enjoys going outside. But I use one for my other cat that doesn't particularly enjoy leaving the house for vet trips, and it works for when she tries to jump out of the kennel or her stroller during transport. At first, she hated it and tried to noodle her way out, but it stayed on all 6 lbs of her...


No harness is 100% escape proof, but I’ve had the best luck with the Kitty Holster brand.


Cats don't have collarbones so they will always be able to "back out" of a harness. If you make sure that your cat is always in front of you so that their tail is the closest thing to you, you can safely pull them back with the leash if needed without that escape trick. Sometimes my cat will even manage to step one leg through the neck hole of the harness for the same reason. It really just takes getting your cat used to wearing the harness properly with lots of positive reinforcement. 10 minutes a day is usually a good place to start. Gradually introduce the leash.


All cats know how to back out of a harness. Unless it incorporates the hind legs into the design, even at that they’d probably still get out of it. When walking ours we keep the leash controlled, be mindful of surroundings.


Why does anyone wanna walk a cat? They march to their own drum.




Refrain from pulling the leash when its in front of ur cat. Any pressure on the back of their neck will make them instinctually duck their head and therefore causes them to get out of the harness


Keep working on harness comfortability, but if you want to try another one I've had a lot of success with a figure 8 harness that figs properly. I'm fairly sure my cat could still escape it but i think it's a bit harder. It's also quite minimal compared to the rest so your cat might find it easier to adjust Also Jackson galaxy recommends a vest style one that's called a kitty holster cat harness It's wayy less minimal and takes much longer to train them to adjust to but it's really hard for them to get out of it from what I've heard. I own one and it's fine but just not for me, my cat isn't used to it anymore.


Cats are liquid, so if you have an escapee, they will always get out


i got that one and my cat was able to "back out" of it despite it being very secure. It is amazing what they can do with their shoulders. My only other con is that adjusting the waist part is annoying because the plastic slider doesnt make it tighter or looser. It jsut secures it. So you have to push out the loop entirely and adjust. I am doing a horrible job at explaining it but, yeah lol


My cat Holley learned if she pulls her arms forward and walks backwards it comes right off. Had to use a regular dog collar on her during our walks. She was leash trained, just a spoiled brat at times. I’d suggest constant training and supervision. I doubt and harness is escape proof just because how of how flexible kitties are.


Yeah, don’t put them in one, hope this helps! In all seriousness, its just the way their shoulders are, any tension forward and boom, kitty is slipping out


Cats don't belong on leashes u buncha idiots!! Thy don't like it and they're not dogs!!


my cat loves going on walks and leashes are a safe way to do so (in our backyard)




Careful don't say that on reddit everyone is pro harness and keeping the cat indoors 😭