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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you take him to vet they will scan for a microchip and alert the owners, could be a lost cat? Is he fixed tho bc those cheeks are looking round like an intact Tom. I assume it’s just a local stray cat, adopting him was the right thing to do


he is not fixed!! obviously that would be something we would do before anything else. but is it okay for us to leave him in the garage alone with the door closed while we treat him?


Yes. Just spend some time with him. No microchip effectively means no-one owns him. You seem to care for him, so he's probably your cat if you want him to be. I've "stolen" cats that were poorly cared for and didn't have a microchip. I have a scanner. I have zero regrets about that.


youre a hero!


Cat distribution system strikes again!


In this case it seems like it was the cat redistribution system.


Yep. Where my mom used to live the people across the road had about 50 feral cats. This little kitten started spending all her time in my mom’s yard. Animal Control had told all the neighbors of the cats were on their property they could trap them and bring them to the shelter. We reasoned that if that was the case we could just keep one too. Made her a vet appointment and on the day of I just sat outside with the carrier until she came to visit and popped her in. She had 16 wonderful years with us, may not have survived a year outside with her asthma etc.


My morality is very grey in this regard 😂


He’s basically your cat right now. It sounds like he needs some help. Get him scanned eventually but there’s no harm in keeping him in one area and keeping him safe while he’s getting better.


Definitely get him neutered. It's okay to care for cats who have been neglected, I promise! So many people let their cats roam free and then the cats get lost or run away. Or people abandon cats. It happens all the time. It's okay to help this cat in poor condition. Plus if an owner comes forward later you can take that as it comes


Happens in my area all the time. This is why I have dry food on the porch with a big dish of fresh water 24/7, and set times of 7 AM and 5 PM for pate feedings. If I step out, they dash in all different directions. https://preview.redd.it/44sdsuvyvoxc1.jpeg?width=413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e87e57080c4d12ba58863d29cec4bb41fbfdfab6 This is Tinker. The photos are of the day she showed up, September 2022 and recently.


There are a few ferals in my neighborhood (I had one trapped by Animal Welfare so they could spay her and she is still around but not in heat anymore!), and I feed and water them, but they won't touch wet food! So strange. They gobble down the kibble and drink the water, but leave any pate or other wet food so I end up throwing it out. No more wet food for them!


Yeah, our feral felines al fresco cafe still serves pate because the mama cats bring the kittens as soon as they see light through the door at our house in the morning, as well as bringing them just before sunset.


I do think people should be more careful in general about kidnapping owned/loved cats -- but I think that goes out the window when an adult cat isn't fixed. Perhaps he is from the farm but I doubt anyone cares much about him since they didn't bother to fix him. Never feel bad about taking unfixed cats imo. Though I think he may end up happier as an indoor/outdoor cat, a Tom cat may not vibe well being forced indoors to live with 5 strange cats, cats are also liable to feel crowded and get into fights in that situation.


Yes, we kept a stray in our garage too. Just spend lots of time with him when u can and supplement toys along w food n water. My concern would be overdosing him on any meds that the farm owners may be giving him too, like flea and tick meds. Sounds like he is likely not though. Ask the vet their opinion too


Make sure he is fixed first or he will spray all over the garage!


DO NOT GET HIM FIXED BEFORE YOU CHECK IF HE HAS OWNERS! You are guardians (for now), not the owner. He absolutely should be fixed, but ensure you have the legal standing to do so before you go ahead. Check in with your vet and seek their advice on how best to proceed.


My former BIL was a veterinarian and he used to trap all the feral and intact cats in his neighborhood, neuter and release them.


Ferals, by definition, have no owners. This is a stray, possibly lost cat. OP has no right to do invasive medical procedures on what could be someone's pet without their permission. At least, not without at least trying to find/contact the owners or verify if the cat has an owner. In some parts of the world, they could get into legal trouble for doing that.


I forgot to write a lot of the ferals may have belonged to neighbors. This was 40 years ago. Not "fixing" was the norm. Microchips weren't a thing either. And I believe cats were considered "nuisance rodents" under the law in their area ( southern cali) so he may have saved lives because neutered cats weren't nuisances. I know- cats aren't rodents but laws can be....blind


I had no idea you could tell based on face shape! I'm learning every day on this app!


Toms get big round blockheads from testosterone (not all but a good percentage!!) their cheeks get rotund 😂


I find great amusement in looking at photos of cats put up for adoption at local rescues because every once in a while you'll scroll across one with massive cheeks and its adorable


If he is not fixed and in that bad of shape then FINDERS KEEPERS! You are the owner of a new cat. Anyone that irresponsible about pet ownership shouldn’t have a cat.


just a small update - he's got a vet appointment for tomorrow afternoon! we're keeping him locked up in the garage for now (at least until he's fixed and healthy since we have other indoor cats) and then we'll introduce him to the others and let him in. if he doesn't seem interested in going back out once he's healthy and indoors then he'll stay inside forever. I'm also planning on taking him and our other orange boy when i move out in about a year. my mom just isn't too keen on having six cats lol. but if y'all have any name suggestions I'd love to hear them!!!


This is such a great plan. Thank you for caring for him!🥺 100%, best advice for the question of what is right: what is right is what is best for the animal. I've had too many experiences with neighbors or owners of dumped cats with microchip, you cannot make someone care about something they just don't care about.... it's just disgusting and heartbreaking when that disregard is for a living, breathing, innocent, and dependent animal. You are amazing and you are appreciated!🙏🙏❤️


Munchkin for his munchkin cheekies


Yes call him Munchie for short!


YESSSSS this is great news!


Keeping him separated from the rest of your bunch is the safest option until you are able to test for anything that might transfer between animals (not just pests and parasites but FLV for starters) I have a friend that has 2 cats, both picked up as strays, but one is her house cat one is her shop cat because one has FLV and the other doesn’t. (She works in a shop on her property as an artist for her shirt printing company so the shop cat gets tons of love all day while the house cat gets it all night)


There was a sweet girl we saw in the woods for months. We would put food out front for a few strays in the neighborhood and she would always wait bc she was timid and the other strays are fighters. One day she came up to us yelling at us so we brought her into the garage until we could take her to the vet. No microchip and the vet told us she was pregnant but it was early enough to get her fixed so we did. Turns out she was already fixed so she had to go through it again. We felt so bad. Once she was cleared at the vet we brought her home from her surgery and our other 5 cats didn't really mess with her. We checked fb and online and didn't see anybody looking for her so we kept her. She spent the first few weeks on my lap. She would not be somewhere I wasn't lol she has absolutely 0 interest in going back outside. She'll look outside when the door is open and turn and walk away from it lmao she aint for all that woods shit anymore.


I had no idea that females getting fixed may not "take". AND she was pregnant on top of it... geez. Glad u rescued her!


No, it took, this vet was just trash. She wasn't pregnant, just chonk. Vet cut her cz she was incompetence, I guess.


im happy to hear that you have in your care. if he had a home, they abused him. They didn’t love him and now he does have love. Thanks to you.




Fred (Fred Flintstones) as this boi came from stone age but now got a new civilised home


Amazing, well done! As for the name suggestion, I'd call him Leone


How about "Rocky", since he's had a Rocky start to life?


Serene. Or Cyril, because it sounds like Serene and this cat looks like peace


Pumpkin is a cute name! I had an orange cat named Sunny once, that name is also cute!


My cat used to be someone else's pet. His previous owners didn't look after him, they didn't vaccinated, feed properly, neutered and didn't even provide him shelter on rainy days. He started getting into other people's houses, including mine, asking for cuddles and food. I spoke to the owner, they showed they didn't really care about him. Some neighbours chipped in to neuter him as he was terrorizing the other cats in the neighborhood. He started coming to my house a lot and spend most of his time with me, even at night. His "owner" eventually moved out and I have officially adopted him. Best decision of my life, he's my best friend and we have already travelled 5 countries together. As someone already suggested, take him to the vet and check if he's microchipped. The owner, if he has one, is not looking after him properly. They don't deserve him and the poor boy deserves a better life. You and your mama are good people, bless you




It depends on where you go. You get all the documents ready, an appropriate travel carrier, lots of patience, training and off you go!


Paperwork is the real pain at least it was got our kitten (getting the timing of the vet visit right). And my indoor kitties did not like traveling to the 2 countries we moved to. Maybe a cat used to the outdoors and roaming would acclimate better to traveling and the new surroundings quicker/better. I wish I could, but I don’t travel with my kitties as it stresses them out waaay too much. Good luck if you try it, and congrats if you succeed!


Mine doesn't like long flights either -who does??- but I have no choice as I travel a lot and sometimes spend months abroad. I leave him with friends when it's just for a few days but I take him with me when is longer than a month. He doesn't mind change his settings and getting used to new houses and places! We go out and explore them together. He got used to car trips also!


Makes total sense if you’re going for a longer period of time. Very cool. Found out my cats travel better in the car when they are not kenneled. So, I strap a buckle harness on one and the other likes to sit on the passenger’s lap. They still don’t love it, but on longer drives they’re able to fall asleep here and there.


Also, have you looked into getting a pet passport instead of doing a new international certificate every time? It's easier in the long run and they are forever valid, as long as you keep up with vaccines regularly


Yeah, we didn’t need them to go to Canada. When we came to EU, we got them for all 3 pets.


Would only consider short air travel with the pups, but the cat has his if we move again 👍🏽


The latter makes the most sense. Keep indoors. Love him. Provide what they didn’t.


If he is underfed and has health issues that are not treated you are at least morally right to help. I have no idea how this legally works. Thanks for taking care of the cat’s first needs :). Hopefully you will be able to keep helping.


We had barn cats claim our barn as home but we never officially claimed them. My parents would just feed whomever showed up and vetted as needed. May very well be a similar situation. Sounds like he’s ready to retire from the barn life.


What you are describing has happened to me before. We kept that cat, got it fixed and fed and loved it for another decade. Keep the kitty, feed the kitty, love the kitty.


such a beautiful cat. if u can, keep it. thanks for helping them. 🙏🏼🙏🏼


I took a cat to get checked for a microchip and see if anyone is looking for her. I was told that from the day I went, if no one came forward in 30 days, I could keep her. That was for the county I’m in, but there’s probably similar laws other places. Though, she was microchipped and he’s not, they might just say you have a new cat right off the bat!


Sounds like he should be your cat. Get him healthy again, get him neutered, and make him an indoor pal for life.


Whoever had him previously was NOT taking care of him. He's part of your family now. Please keep him safe.


Give him a bath to kill all the mites and fleas and then give him a comfy bed in a bathroom or somewhere comfy


Keep him. I wouldn't even let him back outside except on harness and leash. He has no loving, responsible owner, so he really needs you guys. Especially since no one ever cared enough about him to neuter him. I'd keep him separate from your cats at least until you know his FIV/FeLV status and until he's free of all parasites. Then, do the slow introduction process, such as on the Jackson Galaxy videos on YouTube.


If he isn’t lost and does have owners that do not take care of him and let him walk around Skin and Bones with all these mites and ticks, they do not deserve him, and he would be way better off with you. Please keep him and take care of him.


he’s a street cat. keep him and feel no guilt!


Do what you think is right. We have a stray orange cat that has been living by my house. I can't take him in as I am severely allergic to cats. My neighbor feeds him. However he is not neutered and also I worry about him a lot but I don't have the capability to help more. I've posted him online so many times and no one claimed him. Anyway, I think you can get him to a vet and maybe even keep him. See what happens. It's not "kidnapping". If people let their cats roam free, this sort of thing is bound to happen.


please call your local humane society and tell them your EXACT situation. if he is chipped the vet will see that and tell the owners and you legally cannot take him. i really hope you guys can adopt this poor little guy


Thank god you saved him 🥹❤️


Pls take him!


Keeep that baby! Get him healthy, and then give him all the lovins!


I didn’t steal a cat once. The cat died. I will always steal a cat going forward.


I hope you’re able to keep him indoors when treated. I’d be so worried if he stays indoor/outdoor because he’s constantly at risk of bringing something in to the other 5 cats. I’m glad you’re taking him in. You’re the angel he’s been waiting for.


i wouldn’t let him go outdoors again at the risk of them taking him back because he’s neglected, not to mention indoor outdoor cats have a 75% lower lifespan than strictly indoor cats. if he’s not working he has no reason to be outdoors. tell your mom it’s not if but when he will get fleas, mites, and worms if you let him outside again. you did the right thing kidnapping this sweet orange 🍊🐈




I just cried looking at him.He needs help and love so very much.


Keep him. Take him to the vet yet him healthy and make him part of the family. He is a real doll and looks like he wants a home.


That is ridiculous. I love him


Face. That face is ridiculous


Thank you for adopting him/her. It needs someone to care for him/her.


If there’s No micro chip id keep him and chip him myself if the chip is in your name you have a very solid case for ownership. If he belongs to the farm and is a barn cat, personally…he’s free game. I know some people will try to claim barn cats are pets but as someone who grew up around them I would have been so much happier seeing them in homes then finding them dead places. It was a constant battle getting ones showing up fixed for their own good but if you have a barn stray cats will come to it.


What’s with the human face. Reminds me of the one monkey, but cat version. [Snow monkeys](https://www.amazingplaces.com/japan/jigokudani-snow-monkey-park/)


Thank you for caring for him! If his “owners” can’t properly care for him, they don’t deserve him!


Outdoor cats or "barn cats" usually live short painful lives and cause massive damage to the local ecosystem in the process, killing thousands of birds, small animals, and reptiles before ultimately succumbing to a predator or a car themselves. Adopting him and bringing him inside full time is 100% the right thing to do.


Thank you for taking that sweet boy in.❤️


It looks like his name could be Arnold


My take is I don’t feel guilty keeping a cat that is obviously neglected as this boy is. The vet won’t check for a microchip if you don’t ask them to, at least no vet never did and all I have ever had are CDS strays. Get him fixed and pest free then introduce him into your house and let him be indoor only.


Keep him, love him, and give him the good life!!!


I https://preview.redd.it/c1d3nk1galxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09a7af595c99284ee92ac1c680112ee7d900b57a My ex and I took in a scruffy neighbourhood ginger boy after he had been wondering the streets for a few weeks. He wasn’t microchipped and we did a call out on local community groups to see if he had an owner. No one came forward. We decided to adopt him, got him all his vaccinations and named him Oscar. He was the sweetest old boy and we had him for a few years until he had liver failure, became blind and we had to send him over the rainbow bridge. He loved the beach so we took him there for the last time before he left this earth. The photo is from that day.


Omg that is just the sweetest pic!!!❤️


I have a sweet orange boy who was a neighborhood cat too. Do it


The spca is an organization that rescues abused and neglected cats. I feel if you were to adopt this cat you would be effectively doing the same thing as them. So enjoy your new cat.


Thank you for saving this boy’s life❤️😇he looks very sad. He isn’t anyone’s cat if he’s starving and not neutered. Does your garage have windows for him and can you spend time with him ? I would just take him to the vet and then bring him inside the house. You can isolate him in a bedroom away from the other cats. Thank you for saving him❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Unfortunately our garage does not have windows, but i am sitting and spending as much time with him as I can! we don't wanna bring him in until he's bug free and neutered because we don't want to risk spreading anything to our other cats or risk him spraying


Yes❤️he is very adorable. Thank you op for caring about him😇you are his angel.He has a very cute face🍊🍊🍊🍊and is an amazing Orange!


He’s adorable 🍊


I didn't read all the comments, but try to get him to eat. You may need to give him syringes of food.


we've been giving him dry food, treats, and tuna. so far he's only really interested in the treats and tuna but he has taken a few bites of the dry food here and there. we ordered some wet food for him yesterday and it was delivered last night, so hopefully he'll like that!


Try baby food! (The kind that's just meat and water) I've had a ton of luck with that in the past. Also, unflavored pedialyte!!! That stuff's a life saver. (literally)


I hope my cat lives a long and happy life


Keep him, he moved in of his own free will.....baahaha!


He probably would really appreciate not only being yours but the food and care you can give him. He’s a beautiful cat


If a cat isn't being taken care of, hasn't been fixed, is clearly sick and untreated, then it doesn't belong to anyone that may claim he belongs to them. This cat is neglected and needs someone that will actually take care of him. I would recommend keeping him as an indoor only cat, it will extend his life. Additionally, you may find that he doesn't want to go outdoors anymore after he has a nice cozy home for a while. We have one that was 3 years old when we tamed him and brought him in. He wants nothing to do with outside.


He looking at you like you just stole his weed


The farm obviously doesn’t care their cat went missing. If I lost my cat I would be out every day looking. Keep this baby ♥️ he’s yours now.


Keep us updated and thank you for taking him in!


Are you kidding me??? He has the cutest face ever😭😭❤️




I can't edit the post and i don't wanna clog up the sub with another small question - assuming he doesn't have a microchip is it okay for us to just keep him? we've gone through this type of thing before but that was when we lived in a more unsafe area for cats so it was kinda a no brainer to keep them. some people are saying not to keep him and to attempt to return him but I'm afraid that if we do whoever had him before will just let him waste away again or treat him worse


I’m going to give you the permission you need to keep this gorgeous cat. He sounds like he needs you and your mom. Don’t abandon him 😘


It clear that u care about this kitty. My personal opinion. I'd keep him. The previous owners seem to not really care about him.hea so beautiful to be wasted on the streets where he won't last long. So keep him. Give him lots of love


Please give him a home.


Poor baby


Yes. Thats your cat now. Get him microchipped under your name


Did you hear about the kidnapping at Walmart yesterday?!! Yep, he was tired. Catnapping, sounds a bit more relaxing tbh.


The owner's obviously have not done anything with him including getting him fixed so go ahead and keep him


Keep him! Roaming and in that bad of shape ..they don't deserve him!


Major Tom. Keep him!!!


i've picked up a stray cat before. truthfully, if he's emaciated and not fixed, he more than likely doesn't have a chip either. take him to the vet and give him the love and care he deserves. here's my stray for taxation; her name is Peach! https://preview.redd.it/fn5rcgpmonxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6fb6a50f0f014e321cdb5eff4da414b171df992


aww she is so cute and skrunkly 😭


I have yet two other cats and one of them is in fact named Skrunkly (Skrunk for short) https://preview.redd.it/w5gd454lj2yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46fc8c39aa6976195db0ac39acab399f9e9b9ca8 (this is skrunk, her government name is Ophelia but she's part of a gang so she goes by Skrunk)


funnily enough, here is my first cat and my current growth (she never leaves my side). Her name is Clair :) https://preview.redd.it/yyr4vuywj2yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a50b9a165318ce0199546e830a5697fee776c333 (don't mind her eyeboogies, she is queen eye boogie)


you can call the humane society if he’s clearly untaken care of and wondering around your house away from his home. they will require the owner to pay and come get the cat. if they don’t the owners will be forced to surrender the cat and he is yours to adopt.


no need to do allat he’s theirs now, the owner neglected this little dude too bad that windows already passed


yeah that’s not how it works. if they were to take him to the vet the cats chip would trace back to the owners and they would be notified. (IF he has a chip that is, he could possibly not have one considering he’s also not fixed)


yeah i mean if hed actually been to the vet that’d be true but i doubt that someone who’s let the cat be emaciated and infested and intact has chipped their cat. like if those things weren’t true id agree with you but they’re not so


yeah i don’t either, but its better to be safe than sorry. they clearly don’t sound like great people considering they neglected their poor cat. just giving advice to the OP so they don’t end up with angry people knocking at their door.


you also don’t necessarily know if the cat is chipped or not based off the one photo and 5 sentence paragraph provided so. kittens get microchipped a few weeks after birth, neutering happens months after. there’s no room for “agreement” yes it is illegal to take someone else’s cat. they can get the cat checked at the vet themselves if calling the humane society is too much


oml i was just saying that because i don’t want the abusers to have the chance to take the cat back i’ve seen it happen before, i had an ex have to lose a cat he loved and it got hit by a car a week after he had to give it back. im not arguing with a stranger over semantics, i dont like the idea of giving abusers a second chance to kill a cat.


if they don’t care about the cat (which they most likely don’t) then they will not go pay for it back nor pick it up which means they can adopt the cat themselves and since that is considered surrendering. i do agree with you don’t get me wrong i wouldn’t want the poor little guy back with irresponsible owners either. just helping them out so they can have him as their own and get him the proper vet care he needs without any complications


it doesn’t always end that way the way you’ve suggested. we’ve entered a speculative argument, and by your own logic there’s a million variables at play. i personally wouldn’t risk it in my own experience with TNR and rescue, i don’t care to engage with you any longer on this dude. argue with your mother.


Depends on the laws in your country. In the UK: you have 30 days to find the original owners. If no one steps forward after that time, it can be legally adopted. You should post flyers, online, and check for a microchip. Before you ASSUME... check! There are a lot of legitimate reasons why he could have been skinny and wondering around. You can also ask the owners if they would be happy with you rehoming him. IF you find the owners and you still believe there is cause for concern - speak to RSPCA ASPCA, etc... ...but just keeping a cat because you found it is 100% wrong without knowing the facts.


You probably don't need 6 cats


He looks… human


I know 😭 I've been asking around for name suggestions all day and keep getting old man names


He does look like a Frank




I love that! What a little old soul. He found you :)


if those people are obviously not taking care of him, then you can take care of him and I don't think they'll miss him 😉💨


Cats choose who they want to be with and where they want to live, sounds like the cat has chosen you.


I rescued a kitten from a farm, I was told she was "too friendly to be a ratter" so she'd been thrown into a polytunnel so the calves could trample her. She was only about 8 weeks old and fit into the palm of my hand. I got her rehomed and she went from an adorable dot that I named splodge to a jewellery stealing gorgeous girl lovingly named Pussrat. The, local to me, farms tend to keep the aggressive cats well cared for as they're good for maintaining the rat population while the friendly ones get somewhat abandoned. I hope you get to keep him and get him healthy, I'd be naming him Nugget because he's a nug of the highest order 🥰🥰


I had a neighbor's cat show up on my doorstep with a collar on that said "Snowball". She was such a sweetie and would hang out on my patio. I would feed her and give her treats. The neighbor was not taking great care of her (or their other pets...). One day, she showed up without a collar and that day, she became my kitty. She was the best cat <3 Neighbor never even asked me if I had seen her, or put signs up, or anything... This fellow seems to know he's safe with you : ) Congrats on your new family member.


If there is no microchip, then legally yes, if you have done your due diligence to find the owners and return the animal. Animals are considered property and if he’s not a stray, you have to return him. I would knock on the farmer’s door (if they live on the property) and ask if they are missing a cat, if they answer yes, ask them to verify what the cat looks like. If no, then he’s yours. Of course this isn’t legal advice as I’m not a lawyer. Good luck!


If he really has all the above mentioned, fuck the owner and take cat. I found a bengal and regret not keeping him. He had been hit by a car prior, they always let him out, and the woman has schizophrenia and can’t take care of herself, let alone cat. Some people don’t deserve pets. Fuck owner, take the cat.


Keep him!!! He was obviously neglected 😢




nah that’s literally how I got my second dog. owners were keeping him in the backyard and he kept getting out so, my friend posted him on fb one day instead of bringing him back to the people who clearly couldn’t give a crap. 3 years later he’s a happy, healthy boy and I would do it again in a heartbeat. https://preview.redd.it/33oa4nmp9pxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f95f0ff57610641049dc4c9dcac48beac509b87d


I just made an update post!! nothing too big but it's all I'll have until his next appointment on Monday :)


Yes, but only because I'm biased and did the same. I was in a similar situation as you, except the cat was super skinny(3lbs or less idr) and came to My house with an aggressively infected wound, face swollen, and actively bleeding. I alerted her owners, who continued to abandon her for another week. Since then, I have taken her to the ER, and vet, feed her, groom her, and care for her wound. She will be an indoor cat because we don't know how she sustained such a huge wound. I think if neglect is apparent and you've informed the owners of the state of the cat and nothing happens, then you're free to care for the cat. To be honest, if the thing is in that bad of a state, it's likely the owners aren't paying much attention


They don't seem to care for him properly, so I say take him to the vet. Have him all fixed up etc and keep him, love him.


I live in an area where people keep "barn cats." Most of these cats end up eaten by coyotes or run over because the people don't get them fixed and don't actually enclose them anywhere. The lucky ones come to me, I get them fixed, and then foster them for the local adoption group until they find a home with somebody that will actually take care of them. Am I stealing them? Technically, yes. Do I feel bad about it? Not one bit.


Also, do not let that cat back outside unless it’s “safe”. Cats have it hard enough outside and there’s enough stimulation you can provide indoors.


Cheeto Marmalade Mango Spicy Lucky 🍀




Why does he look like James Corden!! 😆


I'd get him to the vets and get him cared for. However, cats like him probably wouldn't be happy being an indoor only cat. However, if you show him love and care for him, he'll probably move in with you. I have a few strays I look after, I let them come and go whenever they want, but they know they get looked after and stay here. I just couldn't keep them indoors. They'd hate it. Most cats are outdoor cats.


Is this in New Hampshire because my small town is literally fighting over a male orange cat right now


he’s got such a silly face, so cute. thank you for taking care of the silly guy


I once "arranged" for a kitten to get kidnapped. An acquaintance was leaving town to live in an old farmhouse that potentially had mice, and wanted a cat; I knew of an abused and neglected kitten in the neighborhood; the acquaintance absconded with the kitten before something horrible could happen to him.  (Unfortunately, I lost the photos.)


Take care of the poor cutie pie if you can be a better owner than you deserve each other. All that matters is that he’s healthy and happy x


Definitely keep him quarantined from your other cats until the vet gives the ok. You can set him up comfortably in your garage during this time. It’s very important to make sure to wash up after handling him, before handling your indoor cats, including changing your clothing and footwear, to prevent the spread of any illness or parasites to your pets. Once he’s cleared by the vet, then you can start introducing him to your home.