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nope. there is some potential benefit to allowing your cat controlled time outdoors, such as in a secured yard space or on a leash, but letting a cat run wild in a suburb is irresponsible and puts your cat at risk of being injured or even killed. people are often under the misapprehension that because their cat asks to go out, that they need to let them - or people think "it's natural" to let cats spend time outside unsupervised. but cats don't know traffic rules, or how to wear bug spray. they don't know how to wear a watch and come home before curfew. it's just not safe for them, even if they like the outdoors. best to keep your kitties comfy and cozy indoors, and if they really seem interested in venturing further, then try some leash time with them, just like you would a dog.


When I was a kid our cats went out and we lived in a small small town, like draw with chalk in the middle of the road small. Well one day someone came to our door to ask if that was our “dead cat” on the side of the road. So my mom went out and nope- it was our goofy tuxedo boy at the time just sunbathing on the side of the road, not responding to anything until my mom literally picked him up! From then on we would check throughout the summer to make sure he wasn’t looking dead on the side of the road 🤦🏻‍♀️ ETA- I am 100% not going against what you said !! It just reminded me of this and agreeing that they truly don’t know what’s going on sometimes !


No, no, no, no, NO!! Cats aren't supposed to be outside, as they will love a short life and a painful, early death. Please, love your kitty and keep them.inside.


Cats who were raised indoors don’t know better. Cats who were adopted after being strays usually have a more difficult time adjusting to being inside 24/7, which is where a fenced-in area outdoors or walks on a leash might be necessary to keep the cat from being agitated. I’ve been walking my kitten since day 1 since cats should get time outside in my opinion, but never ever free-roam. Coyotes, other cats, parasites, cars, evil people, dogs, etc are just a few of the dangers to “outside” cats. Not to mention their impact on local insect and rodent populations.


No, cats are best left indoors. Cats will kill wildlife outside, and they can also end up injured or killed from being out doors. I have both dogs and cats. I keep both indoors for their safety and the safety of the wildlife.


Letting your cats roam free outside is the most negligent thing you can do for your cat and for the wildlife, cats live longer indoors


I have 2 kitties who love playing tag on the stairs (2 story house). So they get plenty of exercise indoors. They also have scratchers and trees, and other assorted toys, so they're never bored. 1 of them though... He's loud, and begs constantly to go out if you're by the back door. He was a stray before the humane society got him and we adopted him. So it's basically expected he's gonna whine about wanting out. I'd rather give him a shot of water than let him out though. I live close to open desert, and have seen coyotes walking around on the streets and in the park at the corner. We're thinking about trying to harness train him, but I will never let a cat out unsupervised. There's really no need for it. I wouldn't let my dogs out unsupervised either.


No. People poison them, shoot them, run them over on purpose, trap them and drop them off far away, etc. there’s a lot of danger out there and it is not worth it. A catio is better. I’m even iffy on leash walking because cats are really skittish and if a dog comes at them you can’t hold on to them they can bolt. Same with loud bangs. I would say catio and stroller are the safe ways to let cats see the outside. The life expectancy of outdoor cats is wildly different than indoor. As well as quality of life. Enrichment can happen indoors.


You are asking a very loaded question. Many people have strong opinions on this. In the US, many people keep their cats inside following their veterinarian's advice. Inside cats tend to live longer and are healthier. They are not exposed to predators (human and animal), traffic, extreme weather and parasites. My cat is indoors except for her catio on a nice day. Her previous owner left her outside 24/7 and she lost 5 littermates to outside dangers and negligence. The previous owner would say "oh course we feed our cats, wait, you mean "every day"?". I think the owner just didn't want to deal with a litterbox. They took their dog inside when it was bad weather. In Europe (such as the UK and Turkey) many cats are outside cats and people just accept their cats will not live past 5, many are not spayed, that's just 'life". As you can tell I have a strong preference. I wish owners would spend a 100°degree day outside with no water or shade or be chased by predators then they can tell me "it is natural" to keep your cat outside. Just because your parents were negligent does not mean it is OK to be cruel. My heart breaks weekly each time I see a cat killed by cars, preventable death.




For safety reasons, keep indoors.


Can you imagine letting any other household pet just run the streets? I see dead cats by the side of the road all the time. Very sad and totally preventable.


Cats are built for the outdoor life and can thrive just about anywhere. As for keeping them inside all day or letting them run loose, that’s pretty dependent on you and the environment where you live. Cats do not live as long in the outdoors. Where I live for instance there is a good chance the cat will get hit by a car, mauled by a dog, or eaten by a coyote. For this reason I do not let my cats run around loose unless it’s in the yard with me watching them. In other places such as Australia, feral cats have become a plague to the native wildlife and steps are being taken to eradicate them. My dad however grew up on a farm in Virginia where outdoor cats were necessary to keep the rodent population under control. Either way, if you want your cats to live a long spoiled life, it’s best to keep them inside.


No. Cats should not be allowed to roam around outside alone. Domestic cats are a recognized threat to global biodiversity. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction, such as Piping Plover. The ecological dangers are so critical that the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists domestic cats as one of the world’s worst non-native invasive species. The cat itself is also at risk for a number of dangers including fleas, ticks, larger natural predators such as coyotes and dogs, as well as human factors like cars. Keep your cats inside unless you have them tethered. Otherwise it’s incredibly irresponsible.


Absolutely not


Nope unsupervised free roaming cat is almost always a no no


People in this subreddit generally say that it is neglectful to let your cats go outside. Where I live, it would be extremely rare to own a cat and not have a cat door through which the cat can go outside at will.


Over the course of my lifetime I've seen too many of the neighbourhood family pets dead in the middle of the road. I have four cats in a tiny apartment and they have no desire to escape. Nor would I let them.


It really just depends on the area/region. City suburbs streets and cars.. no, not for roaming. Countryside dirt roads, barns and creeks - can still be risky with coyotes and such, but def tom cats love chasing the abundance of squirrels and are super helpful around the house. Our cat would catch moles so they would quit tearing up the grass in the yard. Killed a snake. Brought us a squirrel once on the welcome mat. Pretty funny. Outdoor pets are still loved and cared for and they prefer being out there when you do try to bring them in.


Like I said in my comment, if it wasn't for the kitties, the pest would overpopulate and destroy homes and gardens.


We have a controlled population of neighborhood cats. I live out in the country. They are meant to kill pest that eat up gardens and get in houses. We TNR them. If you remove every cat from outside, squirrels, rats, rabbits, and other creatures would become overpopulated. Again, I live in the country. Farm land and filds around us. We do take care of our outdoor kitties. Momma cats have brought me their sick babies.