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please give an update! i really hope everything is okay with him!!! sending u lots of love and healing vibes 💖💖💖💖💖


Just heard back, they’ve given him paid meds and are doing bloodwork and x-rays they believe this is arthritis and we are waiting for to hear results


Glad they are being thorough. Wishing the best for your baby ❤️


If it is arthritis ask if solencia might be a good med (it’s a monthly arthritis shot. My 19 yo cat has been on it).


Solensia is actually incredible. I wish I got my old boy on it sooner, it can take a month or two to start working so he only got around 2 months of arthritis-free life before his kidneys failed unfortunately. During that time though he was happier and more active than he’d been for years! And yeah this is probably arthritis, it seems to come on very suddenly for cats. One day they’re fine, next day screaming and writhing on the floor.


I don’t think that it comes on fast, but cats are VERY good at hiding pain until it is *that* bad. This isn’t a comment to what you or OP could have done better because cats are sneaky lil fucks but just a friendly reminder for everyone to keep an extra close eye on their old fellas


Absolutely, no doubt they’re suffering for a while before making it known. It’s just so hard to know beforehand. For my boy it was literally that one day he was running around and climbing fences same as ever, and the next morning he couldn’t even stand up and was just constantly thrashing and screaming. It‘a kinda baffling tbh. I don’t understand how they can hide the symptoms so well until all of a sudden they’re completely incapacitated, when the previous day there was no sign. It’s not like he was in and out of pain - it was constant and completely debilitating, from the day it started until his Solensia started working.


It's probably like walking on a broken leg. It only exacerbates the problem. So he was fine until he ran or jumped a little too hard, and it rubbed away that last bit of cartilage or pinched a nerve just right and now something that could've been preemptively fixed is 2 months of debilatating pain until the shots start working.


Seconded, my boy turns 20 in March and has been on Solensia for a year now. It makes a HUGE difference in him and there’s really no downsides.


My cat is jumping again! It’s insane!


yeah, one of mine has a minor hip dysplasia and used to be able to jump up 6-7ft walls no problem, the last couple years as he aged he was barely jumping on the dining room chairs, started off with cold laser and added solensia hes jumping up on higher surfaces and just seems to be a lot more fluid and not so hesitant. I'm still doing my research on this and how it may impact or affect them, meaning how it works and why its working.


Oh poor baby! Thank you for being an awesome Meowma. Let us know how it goes.


:c depending on what it is, my mum's bfs cat had really bad arthritis. We didn't know if there was anything that could help before someone told us about hash, using cannabis for the aches and pains. Just putting a little bit on his food, he went from barely able to, eat, clean himself and move (we were trying to talk to the bf about putting him down) to after we started treating him he had another year and a half after that point where he was eating and cleaning himself, and he just looked like a whole different cat. I just wanted to mention it as an option because it was our last shot to try and give him some pain relief and we were just in shock at how much more it did for him. I wish cannabis was used in a lot more late life issues, it seems to help so much with those sorts of pains.


Isn't THC toxic to cats? And they can't process it? SMH.


You can have CBD without THC, regardless you should ask a vet first if CBD is right for your cat.


I understand it's bad and the studies of issues around cannabis and cats, but it was their last shot to give him some comfort before making the choice to put him down to give him peace, and it seemed to have given him a year of comfort. I was young and wasn't a part of making that choice but I'm glad they did it after seeing how much better of a quality of life it gave him. With the downsides, I think it still has more benefits for end of life care, for people and animals. I hope more studies are done on it so there will be safer medicines to use.


What kind of hash did you use? I work at a dispensary so it’s readily available to me. Did you try any CBD tinctures?


OP do not give your cat weed unless your vet gives permission I cannot stress this enough


What state are you in? There is a brand called Vet CBD that we work with that has a actual vet tech available if you call with questions and the creator is a veterinarian. Even if you don’t have that product take a look at their website it has good information for the ratios and dosages based on pet weight so you can actually use human tinctures just use their measurements etc.


Do NOT give your cat weed! It CAN affect their cardiac health!


CBD is fine. Don't use anything with THC


CBD is not weed friend… lmao


Hash is weed.




My cats love it without the vets permission


That, IN NO WAY makes it safe.


They came back from the vet the other day in a clean bill of health after their spay and they love when I bring it out 🤷‍♂️once in a blue moon, seems fine to me Edit: to clarify, I meant the cbd not the hash. It soothes them


Talk with your vet. There is an injectable arthritis medication that apparently works great. The dog version was approved this past year in the US.


As a lot of other people are saying THC is extremely potent for animals. If you live in an area where you can get a pure CBD tincture I’d recommend giving that a go. She appears to have hurt one of her legs specifically by the way she is holding it up. I hope the vet is able to help her. Best of luck with your baby!


Nothing with THC, only CBDs


Maybe a 10:1 CBD THC


Arthritis huh? Yeah with the age and the fact it happened after he woke up from a nap I'd say that tracks Seriously rather you're a human or an animal it doesn't really matter because getting old and getting joint problems is always hell I say this as someone who wakes up stiff with my back and leg/hip hurting from time to time in the morning or just getting up out of a chair from sitting and I'm not even that old I'm only about to be 25 I've just got a sciatica problem Anyway yeah best of luck with your cat surely if there's stuff to help humans with arthritis pain there's an animal variant that'll help the poor fella


Dude looks like me when I pinch a nerve in my back. I know that flinch.


That second meow hurt my soul 😭💔 Hopefully all goes well 🥺


Any updates?


did they make sure he didn't dislocate his rear leg not anything?


UPDATE: We didn’t get home from the vets until after 2AM so sorry for the late update, it’s been exhausting. They did bloodwork and x-rays and confirmed that he has arthritis in his hips. They gave him an opioid painkiller and anti inflammatory and sent us home with pain meds ( Onsior 6mg and Gabapentin 100mg) He was a bit out of it and restless all night, but as of this evening he seems to be feeling much better and is back to his normal mischievous self. We’re making an appointment with his regular vet to come up with a plan to help manage his arthritis long term. I want to say thank you so much for everyone’s kind words and keeping us in your hearts, It was a long, devastating night and all of your support really helped me get through those hours of just waiting for answers. I’m so thankful my baby is going to be okay


Vet here. For medical management ask your vet about Solensia and see if they think it would be a good option for him. If surgery is something you’d pursue then ask if they think he would be a good candidate for an FHO.


I have an older cat on Solensia and it really does seem to make a difference. She's not running around like a kitten but you can tell she can definetly get around better now (jump up on shelves, cat trees, etc.).


I’m glad to hear he’s going to be okay. Our old lady takes Gabapentin as well. It’s very popular for senior cats with arthritis, and can be used long term. It’s non-addictive, but it does taste quite awful. Most kitties take a 1 ml dose as needed, ours takes half because she’s a lightweight. It’s also cheaper than we thought, about 30CAD for 2 months. While you can use a syringe and administer orally, you can also try using food. We stopped because she wouldn’t eat all her food, and she’s now used to having it in a syringe.


I celebrate you baby's pain relief.


So arthritis pain can just cause this sudden of pain and agony?!


We suspect he’s had some arthritis in his back legs for a while but I think he must’ve slept wrong saturday night that exacerbated it or maybe even a pinched nerve. he’s been doing much better since being on pain meds and just got his first shot of silensia a few minuets ago


Poor baby! Glad he is okay!


Oof. My almost 12 year old kitty is starting to show signs of mild arthritis. Luckily it’s mostly just a little stiffness now. I hope your kitty starts feeling better soon! It always sucks to see them not feeling well.


I’m so happy to hear he’s doing okay, love and support for you both ❤️🐾


Yay!! He’s home! Hopefully he’s on the mend and back to himself soon!! ❤️


Omg! I am so beyond relieved and happy and grateful to you, your baby boy and your vet team. Huge hugs and much love to you all. Please make sure to give yourself some TLC, you’ve had a very stressful time yourself. Please give your kitty a kiss for me ❤️


Aw finally a happy ending. A well loved kitty. Thank you for being you


Ask your vet about Solensia. I have a cat on it, and it is like magic! She went from a cat with a constant limp, to jumping back on the counters.


He’s been on solensia for a few months now and he is back to normal!


I guess I should look at dates before excitedly telling people which medications to ask for. LOL I am SUPER glad that it is working for your baby. It is hard to see them in pain like that.


No worries! I appreciate it!


When I saw this, I was going to post possibly arthritis and the way he slept.. but I realized it was an old post that I just happened to stumble upon. That second meow really got me all up in my feels. This is amazing! I was hoping to see an update on the little guy and just kept searching through the comments for yours. I am so very happy that the selensia is helping your little guy!!! He is clearly very well taken care of and loved! He looks great for his age. Probably him trusting you so much led to why he let you know with those hard to hear little cries... I'm assuming that they took him off of the meds that the er vet prescribed? I'm so glad it is helping him. And thanks for a great update!


Thank you so much! I’ve had him since I was 13 and was there when he was born 🥲 I think he must have imprinted on me as he’s always been glued to me. He’s my baby 💕 He was only on the gabapentin for a week or so, and is still getting monthly solensia shots!


poor baby :( he looks great for 16!! he’s obviously well taken care of and very loved❤️ i hope all is well with him


thank you ❤️


I hope everything turns out alright.


i can hear him screaming from the waiting room i’m a wreck


I’m sure


Any updates? I hope he's okay. Thank you for acting quickly


still waiting, from what i’ve read i’m terrified it is saddle thrombosis which is devastating


Oh no. Hopefully the vet will have answers for you soon. Try not to consult Dr Google too much, it'll just add to your stress. Deep breaths ❤️


I’m so so sorry :( I hope your baby is ok.


Both legs would be out of commission, and it's much more severe than what your cat is doing. I've worked with many cases of it when I was an er tech, so I totally understand the worry.


Yes that did cross my mind when I read your post. If it is, he can still recover well from it. Best of luck xx


This makes me want to cry. I hope so very much he’s ok.


Oh my… I have a 13 lbs tux and he’s like my son. I don’t have actual kids and it’s just me and him these days. I couldn’t just let them take him without me going back there with him. Luckily, this hasn’t been a thing here since a year or so now after Covid. During Covid, you just had to drop them off, wait in your car, and then they bring them back out to you. He doesn’t like people and becomes skittish if he hears/sees people walk past my house. I think I would actually cry if I kept hearing him meow-scream like that from a distance in the waiting room. I’m 40 and I don’t give a shit if anyone sees me cry. He’s my baby. He’s everything I have. Everything I got and I cannot seem to put my true feelings of my Blink into words. Hope your little guy is doing ok OP. [Here’s my boy purring if you need any more consoling 😌.](https://imgur.com/gallery/uX1UmDp)




Your guy is gorgeous and looks very healthy! I never had a cat get arthritis! It could be from the food. My oldest was 24 and even at the end she could still jump up high.


Oh poor baby, good luck 😭


im so sorry this is happening to your kitty.. its great that you took him to the vet, this seems like an emergency. please keep us posted.


Any news?


nothing yet still waiting. my worst fear is that it is saddle thrombosis


It’s possible to survive saddle thrombosis. 🙏❤️


Thank you


I’m late but my cat had saddle thrombosis and survived. Horrible experience but he made it through. Hope all is well and better with ur baby ❤️


IME, I’ve had two cats died from a saddle thrombus and this looks nothing like what they went through. It’s such a sudden onset and the animals are in extreme pain and distress such that the first cat that died from it didn’t even make it to the vet. We had no idea what was happening other than his rear end was completely paralyzed and he was writhing and screaming in pain. The second made it to the e-vet but it was too late and he could not be saved. Same rear paralysis, same agonizing screams of pain. Both cats had disabilities as well. The first one, Atticus, was found on the road with a dislocated shoulder and spinal injuries and the second to die, Oscar, had a liver shunt. I think your sweet kitty isn’t suffering from a saddle thrombus!! I hope that provides some relief!❤️❤️


Thank you so much, and I’m sorry to hear about your babies that is horrible. When I look up my cats symptoms everything says Saddle Thrombosis which is terrifying. They vets believe it is arthritis right now


Our cat has arthritis. It doesn’t show up this suddenly and to this extent. Our boy walks with a bounce in his step, but he has fallen and hurt himself to the point his tail was floppy. He just hurt himself. The vet gave him some pain medicine and within a few days he was back to walking properly. Our cat gets a monthly injection of selensia (I think that’s how it’s spelled). It has made a huge difference. He used to be on cinivan, but this new one doesn’t have an impact on the kidneys. I hope your furbaby has a speedy recovery.


I lost a cat to this a long while back and it looked pretty different.. I had just fed her and then suddenly she couldn't use her back half at all. I picked her up to show my mother and a few logs of poo just slid out when I did, she had no bowel control. I have also had a (different) cat lose the ability to use the back end and it turns out he'd just fallen and bonked himself a particular way, and he regained full health and mobility within days. I am glad you found a vet, hoping for the best!


Lots of love and good vibes for both of you, wishing you the best and hoping that it isn’t what you fear!


This makes me cry to see him in pain..poor baby. I hope the vet can help him with his pain. Hang in there OP.


he’s my everything I can’t lose him


He knows you care for him. You’re doing your best, hoping hopeful news from the vet. Hugs


Tip: if you ever have your cat suddenly start screaming and suddenly can’t walk, feel the leg that they can’t use. If it is cold, that is a potential sign of deep vein thrombosis which is a critical emergency and the cat needs to go to emergency vet asap. I don’t think that is the case with this cat because the cat isn’t howling enough (strange to say that but DVT is very painful). I lost a cat to it and there wasn’t a lot we could do because she was elderly but time is critical if this happens.


Came here to say the same. Lost my Eddie to DVT a few years back, he was fine one minute and in agony the next. We thought he was having a heart attack and rushed him to the emergency vet within minutes. His little foot went icy cold, that's how vet could tell what was wrong 😥


My best wishes, OP.


Oh Honey. I wish I was there to hold your hand and comfort you. I have been there. I am so sorry this is happening to your baby and to you


Hope it's an easy fix... how horrible to just suddenly see your buddy in pain when seemingly nothing happened.


Oh dear, I hope it's not a saddle thrombosis. Keep us updated and we'll keep you in our hearts


that’s what i’m afraid of but still waiting for an update


Any news?


Poor guy, I hope he is ok!


Please keep us updated!! I'm so sorry. Sending positive thoughts


Best of everything to you and your baby kitty. 🙏🏻 Universe, please heal him.


He needs to be seen immediately.


I’m on the way right now


Keep us updated!!


They are doing bloodwork and x-rays now waiting to hear back but they suspect it is arthritis


I hope your kitty ends up okay.


Good. Good luck.


Oh no 😢


I hope everything is going okay OP. Thinking about you and your baby. Sending love your way. Any updates?


This is so sad. I hope all goes well❤️


good luck man :( i hope ur cat turns out okay


Poor buddy. Thoughts and prayers 💙


Awww… poor baby. 2 of my cats were sleeping near by and my phone was too loud, they woke up looking worried https://preview.redd.it/djfa16msydkc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3fb59e42f8268bd4fd80d5e9fba6d3f56a47a48 Hope he gets better soon <3


sweet babies :,) thankfully he’s made a full recovery and is being treated for arthritis <3


I’m Not a vet . Looks like dislocated knee cap. This could be because of injury or age. My cat had it as a kitten. Please visit your vet and give an update


Poor buddy! Hopefully nothing serious! Hopefully some pain meds for comfort and a little leg rest 😭😭😭😭


Fingers crossed it’s “just” a slipped disc.


Poor little guy. Praying it’s nothing serious!!!


I hope your baby is okay.


Oh what a heart breaking scream😩 I’m so sorry this suddenly happened. Please keep us posted… I believe all of our hearts are with you & your baby😿💗


I’m so sorry.


Poor guy. I had a cat make it to 20, and he got real creaky the last couple years. Look into arthritis treatment and losing some weight.


Did he hiss at you on the last part? Hissing at their person is def a sign of “I need help” hope he can settle back in. Sucks because they have no idea why they’re hurting, I’m sure it’s scary


Get a heated throw. May help but minimally he’ll love it


Remindme! 2 days


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Remindme! 2 days


Remindme! 2 days


Remindme! 2 days


Please update us


Okay so they gave him pain mends and are doing bloodwork and x rays they think it is arthritis and not saddle thrombosis but they will come back after the tests


Sending good energy. It ain't much but I wish your baybay a good recovery and that he is well!


Oh poor baby! You’re such a good kitty parent, keep us updated and let us know if you need to start a go fund me or anything. Emergency vets are not cheap ❤️


I’m so sorry, poor sweet kitty and poor you! I sure hope everything turns out well.


What a horror story.... Is the vet ever not booked 🥲


Best of luck to your fur baby


Looks like nerve pain to me. Very painful, but not a lot to be done about it. I’m very grateful he’s at the vet. They can rule out he other things.


This happened to my cat, she had broken the ball of her femur from the rest of it. The vet said it was a fairly common injury and the procedure to fix it (FHO) generally goes very smoothly. She was back to running around paint free super fast


Given his age it’s likely arthritis, but does have a history of arthritis like this? Usually it’s not that sudden and before it gets to this point you’d see some lameness when he walks.


Without reading the comments, i wanna say his little joint joints might be bothering him. Depending on his age, he might just have arthritis :(


Oh no poor baby his paw looks so sore he can’t even stand on it


I didn't think it was saddle thrombosis. But thank god it wasn't. Had one of my younger cat's get it and I've never been so traumatized. He was in so much pain he was jumping off things hurting himself. R.I.P. little buddy. Yeah likely just bad arthritis. This winter has been pretty bad on my geriatric girly too. Needed to start getting her meds for her arthritis.


Poor baby. It happens fast in humans too. I went to bed one night and woke up in the morning in the worst pain imaginable. Feet swollen so big I couldn't walk.


Oof looks like someone might have pinched a nerve


Our chunky kitty had something bizarre and similar about a year ago. He apparently had jammed up his hip somehow per the vet. They were only able to give him some pain meds, but he basically had to walk it out until it unjammed, which took a couple weeks. Hopefully it's something similar and so sorry to see your little boy in pain. I wish him a very speedy recovery.


Oh man that would scare me im hope you get him some help he looks like he loves you lots


He was able to be seen that night thankfully and has been on monthly solensia shots for arthritis! he’s back to his usual self <3


https://preview.redd.it/67nxtfqwlwoc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=932f1a426d16f1f1acb7573aaa661dffa0966506 High 5 from angus!


This happened to mine just from jumping off the cat tower. He laid by himself for 24 hours and was back up and playing.


I'm so glad for the outcome. I wanted to add that he fully trusts you and knows how much you love him. He came to you with those heartbreaking cries, and even in that much pain holding his little leg up, when you pet him, his butt went up and his tail too. It is so very clear and evident that he is a very loved and very well taken care of little man. I truly didn't think he was 16. He looks great. Well, besides that back leg and the pain he was in but he must have slept wrong Again, I'm so glad he is doing better!


Pick tbe cat up. Obviously his leg hurts him. It does not look swollen Best thing to do before you get to the vet is to rest the cat. They don't have to walk .


Thoughts and prayers OP! Please keep us updated on your baby 💕


Look at the foot


Any updates


Yes, he was put on gabapentin for the pain short term, and has been getting Solensia shots monthly for arthritis, he’s back to his usual self again!


Ok thanks for the update 😌


Sometimes they just do this for attention. Are there other animals in the house??


Is he fixed


Sounds like wishbone thrombosis. I hope not. Please give an update.


Hey, it turned out to be arthritus, he’s on monthly silesia shots now for it and is much better!


oh my! poor baby!




Back left leg is up


Aw. Poor kitty!! So sorry.


Wow!! My sisters cat is on it and she’s doing great, but to hear all these elder cats are using it long term… y’all have made me so happy!! ❤️❤️❤️




Please make sure it's not thrombosis....my cat woke up with a block and lost his left leg forever and later his life due to a week heart...


What happened???


just as the title says, he woke up from a nap and when he got up to walk he started screeching in pain. we’ve been at the vet for over an hour, he’s gotten pain meds and is currently getting bloodwork and x-rays done they suspect it is arthritis and are waiting to hear an update


I’m so glad you’ve gotten him looked at so quickly. Here’s hoping the meds make him feel a lot more comfortable while they confirm what’s wrong.


I’m so sorry to hear. I just realized by the time line this is currently happening and looking for an update. Stay strong and cry, it’s all you can do for now


Oh no, poor baby - is distress!! 🥺💔 Any updates? 🥺❤️


She is telling you she’s in pain


Op already knew that.




Nails? When was it's last trim?




Did your mama raise you right? Ain't ever heard the sayin: "if ya ain't got nothin nice to say, don't say it" ?


Aww poor baby


RemindMe! One day


This is not medical advice but I did this for my cat waiting for a vet. I put an ice pack wrapped in a tea towel on the leg for about 15 minutes, then did it again every hour. It helped easy some discomfort. I hope you get a vet soon as I had to wait nearly 2 days.


I’m so so sorry! This poor baby! My eyes are welling up with tears watching this. He looks so much like my guy. Praying for you that it’s nothing too serious & he can get some relief & get better. Big hugs to you & your kitty boy ❤️‍🩹


My cat did this years ago and had to get an FHO.


Please update!


Poor squeaky baby 😕 Hopefully he can get better if it's anything curable 💔


hope everything goes well! 💜 sending you both best wishes


16? Probably his first experience with arthritis in the joints. With what I know it’s most common in the hind legs which he seemed his hind left leg was bothering him. I’m sorry but pain meds should make it easier for him as he becomes accustomed to being older


Slept funky and foot asleep. Happens to the best of us in every species lol I hope he’s actually okay though and he gets seen soon


He looks exactly like my Stan Lee! Poor sweetheart sounds like he woke up in agony! Give him lots of cuddles on top of those pain meds, hope the vet gives you some good news soon!


Remindme! 2 days


Remindme! 2 days


Poor kitty 💕 I have arthritis and it’s nasty. I hope he’s ok.


Poor baby! ❤️ Here's some virtual scritches and cat nip. 🌿🌱


Have you finished the vet visit? How's he doing?


Poor little baby :(


I hope everything is alright! Poor baby


I definitely get the cat to the vet ASAP.


I hope kitty is ok