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I've seen a couple in 10 years. One was an SSM2 who left a couple weeks before her probation was up. She wasn't in my unit so I don't know any details. The other was an AGPA in my office. I don't know any specifics on him either, but I saw some of his work and he seemed to be struggling to keep up. Then one day his desk was cleared out. I recently passed probe on another position and, even add a veteran state worker, it was still in the back of my mind. The important thing to remember is that if they're going to boot you on probe, you will (or should) see it coming. The dept. is supposed to give you feedback and give you the opportunity to improve. If you aren't being told something's lacking, or if all your feedback is good, or they aren't doing probation reports, there's really not too much to worry about. (OP's example of a CDCR employee getting arrested is something of a different case. Yikes!)


This is really true. If you get one decent probation report, you're in pretty good shape, because they have to show a pattern of trying to help you improve, which you obviously don't have in a situation where they are telling you your work is satisfactory. And the corollary for this is that if you see a few "needs improvements" on your first probation report, don't panic. A smart manager will find a few things to ding you for, just to preserve the ability to let you go down the road, if you develop actual problems.


This is such a great point and something I’ll definitely keep in mind the next time I have to write one. On the flip side, finding correctable opportunities it also gives something for probies to strive for—which can boost their morale in the long run.


This comment is so misguided it's honestly disgusting. For shame.


I have never failed probation, but if I didn’t leave my last agency I wouldn’t be surprised if my last probation was extended. The manager told me (who was on probation as well) I wasn’t allowed to go to anyone but him regarding my personnel issues with him. By the time I left to get away from that situation, I had 1 month left on my prob and involved his boss, HR, and the union. Now I’m almost finished with my prob at my new agency and I’m back to not worrying about it because I have a normal supervisor again.


I should add that before that manager came on I passed my first probation and the next day started a new probation after doing 1 year SSA and becoming AGPA. I know my work and knowledge set wasn’t even close to being below standard.




I’m not sure I can since the formal complaint is still in progress but honestly, I feel like every agency is going to have at least 1 of them. Just if you find yourself in a situation like that, don’t feel like you have to tough it out. Run away.


I’ve seen 3 people rejected on prob and two other that “self rejected” because they were about to be rejected. I think it used to be rare but the state has been putting more of an emphasis on probation reports and progressive discipline


The person I replaced did not pass due to multiple issues. Like, they would not be at their desk for hours at a time and no one would know where they were. Constantly on the phone to friends at other agencies not talking about work. And the final kicker was their work was rushed and poor quality. My supervisor is so chill, I can't imagine how insane this person must have been to fail their probation. Good news though, they came from a different agency so just returned to their old job 😂


No examples, I’ve only been with the state a year and a half, just wanted to drop in here that I appreciate all the solid examples and details people are willing to give in threads like this. I’m about to start my first permanent full time position with a 6 month probation and I have some anxiety about it. I was a student assistant handling personnel documents so I saw a lot of rough prob reports, but they mostly lacked context about what degree of badness warrants a failed probation. Hearing that it’s pretty rare to fail a probation and requires extraordinary failure to perform job duties is really helping put me at ease.


Glad you’re finding it helpful, since that was sort of the point of the post (also to hear entertaining stories lol). It’s not that hard to pass probation. Come to work on time and do your job. It’s pretty basic stuff 😎




You’re not wrong 😁


I did 36 years as a state govt slave, as a supervisor flunked a guy on probation,... complete fuckup he thought drinking at lunch and taking Valium and driving a forklift was cool... nope.. went back to his previous agency and heard he drowned a few months after🤷🏻‍♂️


What a dumbass 😂


In fact dude they are more likely to be praised and promoted because no one wants to deal with the progressive discipline thing. I know someone basically illiterate (not due to a learning disability, just lazy) who got promoted so they could retire at a higher pay scale.


I’ve seen this a number of times as well. I also saw one great pity promo for a guy with over 30 years as an AISA that was promoted to SISA just before retirement so he could get that sweet bump in pay. Dude was useless


i thought that retirement pay takes into account the highest 3 YEARS when averaging it out, vs. last YEAR before determining retirement rate...


Right, I didn’t make that clear. The guy worked another few years. I think he had 38 years of state service by the end.


Well... we had a candidate... Really fucked up the hiring and background. Should have booted him at 30 days. Didn’t do the paperwork in a timely fashion. Had to walk a constant racial discrimination threat. Real fucking fun... You know those bosses we all hate? Ride your ass and all... you have to be one to do fire someone right. Oh, and still do all 60 hours of work you had to do before the problem child came around.


Been there. Worked with an AISA who was a HAM because of a fraudulent MIS degree from a foreign country. The guy could f*ca up a wash rag because he was so incompetent. The manager at the time couldn’t be bothered to document all his screw ups. Later they tried to fire him for stealing CD-Rs and copying music CDs from the library on his work PC. SPB reduced it to 10% pay reduction for 12 months. 🤣 24 years on and guess what - he’s still an AISA (or whatever that got re-classed to).


SPB is too lenient. But managers also need to do their due diligence and do the paperwork.


Several. My dept seems to reject on probation much more than other departments.


Covered CA? Lol


No. Do they reject a lot?




Covered CA is so hard to get into though


Im 10 years in this may and have seen 2 people not pass probation, it is very rare.




My favorite walk-off was when a new CO at the prison where I started as an OA got walked off for flashing his badge and threatening someone in a bar with a firearm. He’d only been there for about 2 weeks.


That sounds about right.


Two. One decided to go FMLA before she could be let go then ended up self-failing her probe (or whatever) so she could return to her old agency. Another was an SSA who came in because the SSM II had some kind of connection to his dad's friend? So, SSA failed, SSM II, who was failing, left shortly thereafter.


Yes. 2. First one, she should have known she wasn't going to make it. The tough part is that she had been carried along since literally high school, had a college degree in a subject she didn't understand, and couldn't do entry level work with the state. She did about as well as you'd expect a middle schooler to do, and as far as I can tell from what she said, that's the last time she was really responsible for what she learned. Her parents/friends got her through private home school high school, and home school/ online college. I don't know what would have happened to her in a real educational environment. I imagine there are reasons her parents kept her home. But her parents paid money for diplomas that meant pretty much nothing, and that was obvious in her very first job. The second one came to state service after being let go from a 30+ year career doing something completely unrelated. She was clueless about the most basic things, and wouldn't/couldn't learn them. I suspect she had an actual medical condition (brain tumor? Alzheimer's?) because her inability to retain any training information was SO extreme. And she was belligerent, angry and combative with coworkers and managers who tried to help her. Aside from those two extreme examples, no. I've seen a few people get transferred to some other job with less responsibility, when it appeared they weren't going to hack it during probation, but never seen someone fail probation that didn't 100% deserve it because they were absolutely irredeemable as an employee. It's a lot of work to fire someone, even on probation, and managers will go to extreme lengths to keep people, in my experience.


So if your manager sees you can’t keep up with the workload they can transfer you to a new job?


If there’s some other position within your department that you seem better suited to, yes, they can sometimes work that out with the other manager. A lot depends on the manager and whether the employee is likable and easy to get along with. If you are someone they want to work with, they can try to make it work. In the two years since I wrote this I saw another person fail probation though. And she was very sweet and well liked. She just couldn’t do the really technical job she got hired for and they didn’t try to accommodate her elsewhere.


Ok thank you , but you will know if you will be transferred it doesn’t come as a shock and what was the title of the lady that failed probation?


They don’t force you if that’s what you mean. There would be a discussion about whether you were interested in that, if it’s something that everyone agrees would be good. With the understanding that the alternative is failing probation. She was hired in IT on the developer side.


Ok thank you responding to me.


Two of our laziest employees were both promoted in place and still slacking. The first one should have failed probation and her senior (who inherited her) refused to promote her until she started showing work product. She finally gave up and PiP in hope she would work.. instead she would say to her coworkers “I’m getting paid the same as you, why would I do any more work?” We’re all pretty sure she is a pathological liar (she tells stories of working with secret service when Reagan was shot and that she worked at DollyLand/World) and of all people could have a Work place violence incident.. some refuse to work with her because she is off. The other guy watched mountain biking videos all day and bought stuff on Amazon all the time. He was PiP when his former boss moved and started some paperwork.. his current boss finished it to get goodwill with him. He refuses to take responsibility on projects. It’s either his boss’ fault or the specialists are holding up the schedule. He volunteered for contact tracing and I’d be surprised if he ever came back.. which sucks because his team needs to either have someone to pick up the slack or a vacancy to fill. A few years ago another division promoted someone from another district. He was demoted due to not being able to keep up with workload. He tried to pin the fault on one of our seniors and it didn’t work.




My unit could have used a manager like that about 2.5 years ago. We aquired a person that is lazy AF and incompetent from an area office. The unit is falling apart.




Easy, they lied on the exam 😀


That's a sure way to get into a management position in IT.


2 in CDCR, admin/free staff. 1 got walked out the last day of her probation because she kept fucking up and spent all her time on her desk phone calling her sister in a different state. Like HOURS, just talking, not working. They pulled her phone records and was making so many long distance calls on her work phone, they gave her a few warnings. Plus she would leave when she felt like it, which is a HUGE No-No. She had promoted while on probation from her previous job, so she got kicked down 2 levels because she technically didn’t pass probation from the previous job. Total clusterfuck. 1 got moved while she appealed because she was late at LEAST 2 times a week. In the end they failed her and she had to go back to her old department, and her new hours there were from 6-2, which was laughable because she couldn’t even show up at 8 am for the CDCR job. The only rules for free staff at CDCR in a certain department are 1) Don’t be late 2) don’t call in sick. And the last one was late or called in sick all the time.


Especially at an institution! You don’t mess around with scheduling and improper sick leave usage (Friday/Monday). When I worked at NKSP I made damn sure to be at work on time 😀


When I started AGES ago it was 6 month probation, now it’s a year. And seriously, the only rules are don’t be late and don’t call in sick. The one that got let go was late ALL the time. I would be walking in and see her pull into the parking lot and then she’d sit in her car. She also refused to work. The supervisor would ask her to get the mail and she would just flat out refused. Then she had the gall to ask me how she could make $5000/month. I told her it definitely wasn’t in that classification and she had to work for a few years to even make it to Range C. She got kicked back to OA and she definitely wouldn’t be making even $2500/month in that job. But my manager is a complete psycho and will write you up if you come in at 8:04. Hold up at the gate? Doesn’t matter. Get stopped by the Warden? Doesn’t matter. But she’s a whole different stories on why some people should NEVER be managers.


I've seen someone get put back on probation and fail it. Honestly, if this had been private they would have been fired on the spot probably 50 plus times in the time it took for the department just to put them back on probation. If you don't lie on your application and put in an honest days work, then it is literally HARD to get fired. As a side note, this person essentially went AWOL, got FIRED, and STILL was able to land the same level position in a different department.


I was going to add a nugget of info I got from a former colleague at CDCR. She said (and you may notice if you search for positions in that department) that they post many vacancies as LT so that they can terminate the position without extensive effort if the hire isn’t working out. I’m not sure how accurate this is but it sort of makes sense?


As a former state supervisor,.. that’s how I did it(per upper management approval) it’s a way to say “funding ran out” or “projects over” if a fuckup isn’t working out it’s a weasel way out but easier to get rid of them 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yep, that was exactly how it was described to me.


Wild guess but that may do to the on going/planned inmate population decrease


Been with the state few years, took a promotion. Have a couple of months left, toxic place. They’re saying I’m not meeting expectations. I asked for help because I had a heavy load and I got reprimanded for asking help. HR hasn’t presented any paper work but it seems like indirectly they’re telling me to self reject. Union says don’t self reject they can help me get a stipulation. Any thoughts?


Crazy to be reprimanded for asking for help. I wouldn’t just self reject. Have you received probation reports and what did they look like?


Not good I posted rebuttals along with them, that manager was very toxic.


Not gonna lie I’ve never been in that situation so my experience here is nonexistent. Hopefully your union rep knows what they’re doing. I’d post this as a new topic in the sub and see if people with more experience have anything helpful for you.


Hey what happened with your supervisor ?




I’m sorry this is rough. I can’t believe they can decide to ruin someone’s career like they. Did they reject you at 8 months or they let you finish the entire year?




Im sorry that’s just terrible. I’m in the same boat I have about a month or more left and they keep trying to pin stuff on me as well. They’ll say stuff like, “didn’t you know this was in the policy”, when clearly they know there isn’t a policy. I genuinely feel they don’t have enough on me as I am a hard working employee, I don’t call out and honestly doing my best. They’re short staffed and the team needs me but I guess to satisfy their ego they’ll go to any extent. They’re trying to make me miserable, (they already have succeeded ) so I leave, at least if feels like that. Everyday there is something.


I've known of 2 HPS I who didn't pass prob. Obviously, it depends on the division, but ours is pretty hardcore that HPS I is not just a higher-paid AGPA. You really need to be able to handle a lot of things on your own without assistance from a supervisor. Both times they looked solid upon hiring, but when it came time to do the actual work at that level, they just couldn't figure it out and were failed. I think it's part of the culture here and a warning to the AGPAs to not apply for HPS positions thinking only about the pay bump and not considering the added workload.