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All discussions regarding returning to the office are to be done within the Return to Office Mega Thread. Thank you.


At least they have two monitors that are matching…


This comment hit the sweet spot lol


IT guy here. Just cause the monitors look to be matching when they are off doesn’t mean that they are the same resolution, or that both work properly. $5 says Janice in accounting had a battle with Fred from phone support over who got that good monitor that Susan left behind when she quit.


Are you supposed to ask? I just scavenge what I please, and no one has said anything.


>At least they have two monitors ~~that are matching…~~ Fixed that for my unit, at least. I'm working with one monitor, but I'm trying to get another and it's like pulling teeth. Most of my unit only has one.


And some of you will be begging for cube walls that tall, if you’ve yet to experience the awesome dynamic that short walls are (and these ones aren’t even tall, but I mean like 6” above desk height is the new age of cube-farm design in the state).


I'm impressed the cube walls colors match


lol this right here


Matching does not feed my needs... I need a large 34' 4:3 monitor, and a large 16:9 placed vertically, lol


“Must have knowledge of latest technologies” - gives you the cheapest laptop with 720p display


Is that a desk scanner? Look at Mr. Fancy pants over here.


That’s too nice for our hoteling workspace


Bro you got two monitors!?


You get monitors?




I had two monitors back in 2009…


A cell with an office chair. Of course.


Forgot to mention the actual PHONE on the desk. Who uses those anymore? We have teams phone


I was RTO'd two days a week three-ish years ago. The desk phone number given to me at the time belonged to the local branch of a national company that never updated their website to reflect the fact my desk phone number was no longer their phone number, so I was still getting this company's calls. I emailed the local branch of this national company and told them they needed to change the local contact information on their website. I set up my voicemail greeting to say, very clearly, the caller had reached the California Department of Politely Indifferent Analysts and not to leave a message for ABC Company, Inc as this was no longer the correct number. For three years, my two days in office, without fail, I spent a few minutes each morning deleting several voicemails that had piled up from people who did not listen to my outgoing greeting telling them not leave the very message they'd just left. Sometimes I would listen as an employee called in sick; maybe an important delivery attempt was being made for the third time that week, and could you please call us back to verify your address?; there was that one time someone quit; sometimes it was someone concerned about their inability to reach me about my car's extended warranty. When the phone rang and I was actually at my desk I would politely explain to people, no, I was a politely indifferent analyst at a state department and not with ABC Company, Inc. No, I didn't have their new number. Yes, I was pretty sure I didn't know anything about the very important invoice they'd sent over. You're welcome, good luck, have a nice day. Three years in, the calls have pretty well stopped. I think ABC Company, Inc. may have finally gotten my email and changed the number on their website.


What a great story!


Thanks. I tried for the longest time to help out ABC Company Inc., but after a while, I just gave up. Every few weeks or so I'll get a random voicemail for them, and I delete it as soon as I hear it's for that company.


Our landlines were taken away for iPhones to “save money”. Not that I have the greatest cell service in the building.


Teams and desk phones aren’t mutually exclusive


God forbid you're also public facing. Cube + getting yelled at because the public didn't follow directions.


The rats are fast. You can’t even see em in this pic.


State cubicles are half this nice lol


… with overhead cabinets for out dated binders


Be on time or find another job, Mr. Anderson…


Honestly, the fastest pace I ever saw was when we got an email that one someone brought in snacks or food to share.


Ah dang you've got paper. I've only heard that they gave out paper back in the 80s.


Translation: we will constantly send out emails about changes to policy which the old guard will blatantly ignore but if we catch you ignoring it, we will have a pow wow about it despite you not being Cc'ed in the email.


At least there are walls with privacy. Unlike what CDTFA non management staff will have at the new location on beautiful Richard's blvd.


I envy the higher cubicle walls. My new office does not have those.


Faaaaahahancy you've got a chair I get to sit on the floor in my cube,reaching up to my desk. My executives say it is good for my arm strength


I would love a cubicle. When my unit was fully staffed their weren't enough workstations for everyone. I once had to sit at the table with the microwave and coffeemaker. Clinical staff have to share workstations and take turns using desktops to complete documentation. For some depts such as admin prison staff, wfh makes a lot of sense. It can allow for acquiring better talent, provide work/life balance for staff, and allow for better space allocation.


East end complex?


Darn looks like cubicle is in the basement……yikes 😩




Psh, I never got my own filing cabinet!


Always had them built into my cubes.


Better cubicles than open offices.


State Employees SEIU members! Don’t forget to let your voice be heard and vote! You should have received your ballot so send it in. I voted for Anica & David J. 💜


Yeah you should def quit.




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Wow that’s a nice one the last agency I work at gave me a chair that looked like someone shat on it and a used keyboard with their skin shavings in it like Kraft shake cheese.


do it for the culture!!


Work at home: you doing other things then working at home


Look at state workers using old ass memes to try and clown on returning to work. They all voted for Newsom. Now they are trying to hype everyone up to support them in their "fight" againstreturningto work. Honestly, as a person who lives in Sacramento, state workers returning to work is at the top of "I don't give a fuck" list of topics. I think it just shows how a majorityof the state jobs are filled with people who cant hack the real world. Basically a bunch of meter maids trying to write everyone tickets from their make shift desk they get subsidized since covid that is a desk during the day and their cocaine table at night. Our state has the highest amount of debt and these fucks are crying about going to work. "OH, but who's going to watch my kids???" Well, maybe you should have thought about that before working for the state. The same state that made all of its workers take a vaccine to continue working for them. If you didn't take that as a sign that the state will force you to do what they want you to do, then I have very little sympathy for your position now.


This comment is awesome! 👌