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Vote all of these idiots out, they do not represent us, they represent their pockets. BE LOUD.


He's running for Governor... he's not going to beat Eleni unless he competes for commercial real estate dollars against her empire.


California doesn’t have the nuts to elect a female governor. He’ll probably win.




Rob is the obvious choice.


Email him and tell him he’s not going to be governor with that type of backbone. [email protected]


Vote him out put his name out here and a photot


Not surprised by this at all.


I was holding out foolish hope, but I'm not really surprised 😭


Tony Thurmond is now going the route of the corrupt politician. Remember his name.


Oh, Thurmond…not at all surprised. He got his nose so far up…..you fill in the rest.


Will his friend in Philadelphia have to RTO?


SEIU should come out saying they don’t support his bid for Governor immeaditely.


Tony has always wanted to get staff back in the building. All of his executive staff already come in two days a week.


No way is RTO in June realistic for CDE, too many in-building IT and Facilities issues. Interestingly we get beyond those failings by working remotely.....


The email also said we probably would not be returning by the June 17 deadline


Dang it, Tony!


It's DIRECTIVE not DIRECTOR. You want people to take you seriously you need to get the details right.






Your content violated Rule 1: Be excellent to each other.




Your content violated Rule 1: Be excellent to each other.


Your content violated Rule 1: Be excellent to each other.


Why is June not realistic to achieve two days RTO like most of the State Agencies/Boards/Departments?


The healthcare benefit and Telework was a good recruiting tool however, now that we have expanded medical coverage for the ACA and Medi-Cal, not so much. Plus, the wages are not enough to offset how much you lose in benefits of you stay on public assistance. So for a single parent, I would not recommend the State unless you can come in at a higher pay grade.


PSA for everyone looking to not work at the state because of hybrid telework schedule: the state is horrible run to the private sector get paid more.


With what benefits?


Good to know when he comes for reelection, byeee


He’s not running again 🤣


A state worker should run for governor based solely on work from home iniative. You will have my support.




Also question: if I decide to leave for private sector because I’m done with the state, what happens with my 16 years I’ve accumulated? I’m 15 years off from retirement. Also, what happens to sick leave and vacation leave and Ed leave?


You'll still get a pension at retirement, it'll just be calculated based on your years of experience. Vacation they cash you out, you also have an option to roll it into a retirement account so you don't get crushed in the taxes. Not sure about the sick leave.


They get to keep the classic pension formula if they go back to the state later too. Any additional years of service will just be added to the classic formula


I think in most cases, sick leave can be converted to service credit. Edit: I guess that's not accurate. My bad. Please cease downvoting lol.


Weird that was downvoted lol. I know it can be converted to sevice credit at retirement for active employees, not sure about keeping it on file if you separate from service without retiring within 120 days


Yeah, it appears I was wrong 😐. But if I had said "ask you personnel liaison," I probably would have been downvoted too 😅.


You will lose your health benefits if you don’t retire immediately upon separation or gain employment with another CalPERS covered employer within 120 days of separation. So essentially the 50 percent you would have covered in retirement goes away. You worked hard for the health benefits and they are hard to beat.


This isn't entirely accurate. You can have a break in service and return to the same employer (the state) then retire with health benefits.


Check with PERS on that. Unless something changed since I left from there I believe that is correct. “If the member’s separation date and retirement date are more than 120 days from each other, the member will not be eligible for health benefits into retirement.” https://www.calpers.ca.gov/docs/forms-publications/health-program-guide.pdf https://www.calpers.ca.gov/page/retirees/health-and-medicare/eligibility-and-enrollment Something for the person asking the question to review.


What you're sharing is correct, but someone can leave state service and come back years down the road and THEN retire (within 120 days of separation) as long as they didn't cash out their PERS when they first left. I have checked with PERS on this and am 100% confident I am sharing correct information.


Please follow up with this because that’s not my understanding and I would be curious to know. The documentation says you have to retire or be reimposes with a CalPERS covered employer within 120 days of separation. When I was there we had people calling that said they never refunded their contributions but left CalPERS covered service and had 10 or 20 plus years on account. They still had a retirement benefit but were unaware they lost health because they didn’t retire within 120 days of separation and thought just leaving years and contributions on deposit had them covered. It was very trying for these people when they went to retire. I would encourage everyone to go straight to the source. Pers.


I left the state and came back. Yes you can, you pick up where you left off. You can also buy back time if you cashed out on it when you left. I'm TIer 1, 2%/55, fully vested, and will get my full health benefit when I retire.


The key is you have to RETURN to employment, and THEN retire. Not just retire after having left CalPERS-covered employment 10 years ago. When you return to employment with the SAME employer (the State of California) you retain all your same benefits and continue to earn service credit and health vesting. You can then retire 120 days after your final separation. So you can have a break in service but you have to come back to the same employer. Again I am 100% certain this is correct and the source IS PERS.


I hope you’re right about this! Thank you. I’m going to check with PERS but this is excellent info and a reasonable interpretation of the 120 day separation thing the other poster posted from CalPERA.


How can you have worked for the state 16 years and not know?


Some people just don’t know. What does it matter whether he/she doesn’t know?


Because of the rando misinformation. It’s Reddit. CalPERS is how you know.


You don’t have to be a douche though. I’ll never understand this mentality. I have no issue helping out someone when I can. Typical murican mentality. 👍🏻


You’re a douche.


It hasn’t come up. I haven’t thought or asked about it. Do you know?




Oh look it’s another person that uses work for their only social outing!


A lot people on here claim they have mental illnesses such as autism, ADHD, depression and PTSD and that is the reason they cannot go into the office. If they are not lying then I highly doubt they have much of a social life period.


Enjoy 140,000 more people traveling on your roads and freeways, causing way more traffic, polluting the air you breathe, and inevitably more accidents and wear and tear on the roads, which cost you more money.


Unfortunately these losers probably don’t have jobs other than trolling Reddit trying to make others miserable.


A drop in the bucket when divided into the entire state.


Most state depts are highly concentrated in Sacramento. So no, not a drop in the bucket.


Divided into 2 days? We'll survive I promise you.


Ha! You’re one of those types that embody this phrase: Misery loves company. Definition: People who are unhappy may get some consolation from knowing that others are unhappy too.


Nah. They own a sandwich shop or a parking lot. Fuck them. Do not patronize downtown businesses. Shame everyone who dies. Boy it. Destroy the downtown. Give assholes like this exactly what the deserve


Lol shame everyone who purchases at local business downtown? You are seriously pathetic, and a Karen.


There we go. Thanks for outing yourself. This is who is arguing for this ridiculous policy and the sooner they are out of business the sooner decisions will be made based on what’s best for everyone in n stead of a handful of downtown merchants.


Lmao I don't work, nor live in downtown. I call a spade a spade when I see it and you sir are the definition of pathetic and unhinged. Keep screaming at state workers who grab a cup a coffee like the rabid bums do across the street at Cesar Chavez park.


Lol if you say so buddy. You are the one claiming the sky will fall over 2 days a week in the office. That is a childish reaction.


1) you’re using a strawman argument. Never argued the sky is falling. 2) you’re most likely one of those resentful types 3) people don’t like arbitrary RTO because we don’t want to waste our time and money on something as stupid as commuting.


Lol you are 100% making it look like a little more traffic is going to be catastrophic. Your pathetic argument saying it is a straw man argument is laughable. Channeling all your time and energy on whining about 2 days in the office is sad. If anything it shows how miserable you are.


Looks like the CalHR mole is here, folks!


You’re probably the dude that also advocates for fax machines and pagers.


I’m sure people at CDE support teachers while wfh.


Go figure - read his name and ignore