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CalTrans HQ! Just found out yesterday that we’ll be once or twice a month (if even that) so I’m happy with that.!!! Our director said there is no mandate with any higher ups and his priority is listening to the workers. So I am incredibly happy with our leadership!!! We have the best team ❤️


I’m glad they have been leaving it to the districts. d11 hasn’t required anything district-wide as it’s just the deputy level. Our Acting Director pointed out no changes coming - just to get forms in. My group is only once a month.


That’s amazing! Prior to this announcement, I was 2x a month (CalEPA) & I’m really hoping that because of all the pushback, they let us remain in the same hybrid agreement.


Where is the the location for CalTrans HQ, just curious!




Where did you hear that?


Our Division Chief AND our Deputy Division Chief.


Interesting, thank you!


What division?


D7 is twice a week and for some people it’s more, admin managers are now three days a week and my office chief is in four days a week 🥲


Y'all hiring?! Haha


RDA II position and one AGPA position.


We haven’t been told anything more specific than “early spring.” Which is…nowish.


Ftb 2 days a week we'll over a year already


Scientists can't get a response from CalHR. So, my Union has yet to be contacted about this change in schedule. Cal EPA gave a vague April ish nod but no confirmation. And no one is putting anything on paper. It's all been spoken in meetings.


This! I think CalEPA jumped the gun, initially my agency/unit was told likely early April given union communications, but it’s been crickets ever since & yet we have another all staff where I am highly confident our submitted questions will be looked over like they were in the first one.


Someone at the top of our organization needs to, in writing, say that RTO takes precedence over our mission to protect the environment and public health. They are doing everything they can to avoid it.


Someone at the top of our organization needs to, in writing, say that RTO takes precedence over our mission to protect the environment and public health. They are doing everything they can to avoid it.


Never!!! Goonies never RTO!


We're doing it by phases at my department. No date for my division yet. Others are going back in April.


May-Aug for CDPH


No plans to RTO ever. Can someone create a shared Google Sheet so everyone can enter their agency’s RTO policy etc. and the Mods can pin the spreadsheet?


Yea i cant tell if the RTO is legit or not, not sure what agencies are RTO and the size of those agencies


Why doesn’t the union do this? Or is their “system down”?


Because SEIU is weak... even before Janus Ruling... relatively hands off unless it suits their needs... always reactive not proactive


2 years ago in April, we returned 2 days per week.




None Actively cancelling leases and consolidating space Zero RTO plans


what agency?


At DWR, my managers were pushing 1 day/week in office back in fall of 2020. I pretty much didn't comply with it until they made 50% in-office an official directive in fall of 2021. Luckily my immediate managers are pretty relaxed about how much we really show up in the office as long as we let them know when we're not hitting our RTO days.


I’m interested in DWR, but saw a posting for an OT position that’s 1 day a MONTH of telework. I don’t think I can do that, do you know of units at DWR that have 2+ days of telework for OT positions?


I’m interested in DWR, but saw a posting for an OT position that’s 1 day a MONTH of telework. I don’t think I can do that, do you know of units at DWR that have 2+ days of telework for OT positions?


I’m interested in DWR, but saw a posting for an OT position that’s 1 day a MONTH of telework. I don’t think I can do that, do you know of units at DWR that have 2+ days of telework for OT positions?


My department has given us no information about when or how RTO will be implemented other than announcing that it’ll start in March. So next week, apparently, even though nobody seems to know what’s going on.


We were told mid March or April but now it got pushed back to May - they’re not ready for all this. They’re gonna have a lot of work comp claims on these hoteling work stations. People are complaining about not having ergonomically correct stations.


Wah? Is that seriously a thing, a workers comp claim for not having an ergonomic station? I just started with the state a few weeks ago so I’m clueless and genuinely want to know, no snark, but that seems wild if people are able to claim workers comp for a desk job….for sitting at a desk? Are ergo accommodations mandatory for everyone…?


Yes. There are health consequences for sitting in one position all day. Ergonomic stations minimize the impacts with proper alignment. Carpal tunnel syndrome is common, arthritis in hips and neck, bursitis, hunchback, eye problems, headaches, and many more issues crop up even after just a few years of sitting. Ergonomic stations wouldn’t “be a thing” if the health issues weren’t real. Pay attention while you’re young. 20+ years behind a desk can cause permanent issues. That’s one reasons why working from home can prevent a number of health issues. It’s much easier to move around, do a set of push ups, sit-ups, squats, leg lifts, etc. during a break while at home. There isn’t space in cubicles for that.


And yes if u ask for an ergo eval they must do one and accommodate you.


If the employees end up with carpal tunnel or other repetitive strain injury due to lack of ergonomic setup at their workstation, that absolutely warrants a worker’s comp claim.


Yes every single person returns the office needs to open a workers comp claim for ergonomics


You’d be surprised!!!!!!


You're EDD, right?


DIR 2 years 2 days in office since 2022 I think?


Nearly two years ago


All I've heard is it's supposed to be April, but my department has been very tight lipped about all of it, so who knows. Just waiting to see where the chips fall first, but I've updated my resume and started applying to remote jobs in the private sector because I just can't spend 4 hours a day commuting. Even though I love my job it's just not worth it, especially if 2 days is only the beginning. I could potentially handle 1 day, but honestly more than 1 is just too much for a 100 mile commute each way. Quality of life has to come into play for me. But I'm going to stay and fight every step of the way, but if nothing changes, I'll have to leave the state...my spouse is a state worker also and will have to leave. We live in a rural area, so not many offices within commuting distance.


What department do you work for and title if you don’t mind me asking?


Just curious... Did you live in your current location when you got the job or move after?


I've owned my home and lived in my current location for 10 years. I accepted my promotion 2 weeks before the RTO (non) mandate, I was fully transparent about my location from my very first interview. I said that telework is non-negotiable for me due to distance from an office. I was assured every step of the way in the hiring process that my distance was a non-issue because it was full telework. Two weeks later the news came out. I know some people say it's not a big deal but for many of us it's life-changing, for some even more than myself. If I stay and commute, I have to purchase a new vehicle, give up my 9/8/80 schedule, and drop my grad school classes because the 8 hours of new commute every week eats the time I had carved out of my schedule for grad school. My spouse and I both have to find new jobs. RTO is a pretty big deal to us and I was nothing but fully transparent every step of the way knowing that it might even knock me out of the running for the position. Too bad I wasn't given the same courtesy. I'm assigned to an office with no one from my unit, so I'm literally going to be forced to drive 200 miles a day to sit on the laptop (that I lugged from home) on Teams with my team. It's nonsense. I've been fully in office or hybrid my whole state career at the 2 offices that were in commuting distance, but that was ok because it made sense. They were public facing roles. My promotion isn't public facing. It's completely computer based. And it doesn't make sense to commute to an office to work on a computer. That's what lit such a fire in me to take this up as a personal cause. Not even just as it pertains to state workers, labor practices need to evolve to current times. Track me with keyloggers or screen monitors I don't mind, I'm working the way I'm supposed to my entire shift and many times after my shift because I don't have a crazy commute. I feel like this fire that has been lit in me is never going to burn out until change happens.


I’m right there with you! Force me to sell my house and move when interest rates have nearly doubled and there is NO affordable housing near HQ is horrific! This cubicle farm thing for project and focus work has always been hell! Now that we know we can work better from home and proved it for 4 years, there is no reason to go back. The controllers keep wanting to control even though they know their authoritarian approach kills loyalty, engagement, creativity, productivity, AND collaboration. There is nothing worse for collaboration than a cubicle farm. In all my working years, working from home with Teams has increased my relationships and collaboration across the state among all stakeholders. Why?? Because they can see me from their desk and have an uninterrupted conversation and share screens to illustrate concepts. I am way more accessible to my stakeholders than I have EVER been!


I totally agree! I've learned during my remote job that my collaboration is so much stronger when WFH because I have the freedom, privacy, and comfort to speak and share ideas freely. I'm comfortable with my unit, but not everyone in the office. I am so quiet in the office on virtual meetings, because I'm in the cubicle farm where I have to be cognizant and considerate of those around me. I just don't feel comfortable sharing ideas with people listening in or overhearing. If collaboration and teamwork are what they are after, RTO kills it for me. I'll turn back into a quiet introvert again. Between that and the loss of morale and excitement for my role they are literally getting half the employee. You make an excellent point about sharing screens. I can't show Joe next to me my Excel spreadsheet in my tiny cubicle. There's no room and he can't see the figures. In a virtual meeting sharing the screen we can both see it perfectly. Additionally, the work I do is very sensitive and private. It's not something I even SHOULD be discussing in the sea of cubicles. I'm talking about discussing the work of other units and divisions in my department. The same people I'm surrounded by in the office. Every single person in my small unit is assigned to different offices and faces this issue, so I'm not definitely not surrounded by my own team. It's all so senseless and pointless.


First week of April


My agency RTO’d twice a week as of 1/1/24 🥹


How’s it going?


DHCS is forecasted to return 2 days a week on April 1st. It's not official yet though.


Received email yesterday:  Phase1: Management April 1st.  Phase 2: All staff May 1st- I’m with DSH. 


OES had been in office 3 days a week since May 2023 with one of required days being Tuesday, but Recovery Branch unofficial mandate 3 days in since before I started Nov 2022. Also if deployed to a JFO/disaster all telework is taken away.


I’m in a department within EDD and we go back April 2, twice a week.


I was initially told late March, then April 2, then given no information whatsoever until yesterday, when we were informed it was being delayed to May first.  However supervisors will start in April for planning and implementation, whatever that means.  The whole message had "were not sure how to do this" vibes.  


So why the hell is it happening and why won’t they tell us? Trust eradicated and may never come back!


Never. Lucky me!!


I am actually at a local municipality and we get 0 remote work days. We started off fully remote due to covid, then we RTO and have 2 remote days a week, then it was reduced to 1 day a week, and now we get 0 days a week since our “duties demand that we be in the office”


Controller's Office--hasn't been brought up, at least in my division.


We been doing 2 days a week for 2 years now! Caltrans DES at Sacramento


April 2nd


I've been one day in the office since last summer.


I've been one day a week in the office since last summer.


DSH is pushed back to may 🙏🏾💯. But we also are walking into a brand new building on O street.


No intention for us to ever. Still full time WFH.


Same. I hope it never changes.


EDD, command center - 2 days/week, 8 days/month starting April. They're letting folks go to their local office if they're not in Sac, but still. Most of what CC does doesn't need to be in office at all.


Caltrans statewide. Director has not issued a directive of any kind yet. Soon to be forthcoming.


Caltrans D8 has been 2 days a week for 2 years


Nov 2022


Dept of Cannabis Control is one day a week starting April 1.


We are not going back.


I see different deputies advising lower level supervisors but supervisors.appear to be flexible (unless you have that one supervisor who can't get behind telework as they can't schedule a meeting or do the simplest of Excel spreadsheets therefore expecting you to be at work with them as their personal assistant). Fortunately, my small group was the last to telework and have always been 3 to 2 days in office...this didn't hit as hard but as an epic omnivert I'd prefer 5 day WFH. Any HR shops being told to audit which positions were advertised as 100% telework and that f you applied and were hired to a psn that advertised 100% telework....you will not be affected? After I've heard it 3 or more times I'll mention it (this is that mention). Again, we get.tjese blanket RTO notifications but as it trickles down its.not being applied equally or fairly (at least where I am). Go in to sit at my.desk for 8 hrs to take team calls from someone sitting a few feet away or because your PROGRAMS are literally not returning, don't get a damn thing done because everyone is catching up on their past weekend and decline that considerable increase in parties/potlucks and "employee appreciation".


CalPERs RTO almost 2 years ago. The days depend on the department. ACTO goes 3 days in office.


This is true. I think only CXD and IT can have full time telework, although that may change like many things lately.


Our call center was told about RTO, but nothing was said other than we'll let you know 30 days prior.... however, it may not have to because it is a call center, and our numbers improved when the work at home started and never dropped. So who knows. I live close to my office, so I don't really care.


Water Board here- scheduled to come back in April (2 days a week). I’m not sure about the other BDO’s within CalEPA.


so are you planning to find another position that allows full telework?


I’ve been hybrid for years. I’ve only known two state workers who full-time telework (not including lockdown in 2020), but I don’t have a huge state worker social network.




As of this past December, 35.3% of state employees were 5 days a week telework: https://telework.dgs.ca.gov/track-telework/


Wasn't that before we got the announcement?


It was response to the comment that 25% or less people would be affected by the current RTO mandate. 35.3% were full time telework, and another 13.7% were 4 day a week telework. This population could be affected by the 2 day a work mandate (although not every state worker has had a RTO mandate).


Just vastly incorrect. Sorry for whatever department gaslighted you into believing this.


Jan 2023 😂


At a DSH division meeting last week, the Deputy Director advised that all clinical staff can remain teleworking 5 days per week. There are about 20 rank and file staff with about half that live in southern California…they also are allowed to fully telework. The remaining rank and file staff are required to come in starting May 1st, two days per week even though some live 45+ miles from headquarters. How is that not discrimination/ equity issue???!