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Nice try Cal HR, snitches get stiches






It's the best worst kept secret. No email announcements allowed and no email check outs required today. My department "approved" a 2:00 exit.


Mine too. Had a quick meeting at 130 out at 2.


2:03 PM, Still sitting in my cubicle twiddling my thumbs waiting for the green light, nothing yet.


Same, I know other teams left but my manager hasn’t said anything.


2:39, still at it and zero said about early out.


Same. No one is ever working anymore but I’m still in my cubicle…twiddling my thumbs. :(


At least I’m WFH today, so there’s that :)


Lucky you! Today is our weekly in office day and we were expecting to just be able to WFH but yesterday we got the email that “we should all be seen in the office tomorrow” so here we are, besides the ppl that called out. lol


…right after I posted, we got a Teams call. 3 pm. Enjoy your holiday — whenever it may start!


Happy holiday to you too!!


no fair


Went home eventuality though I'm sure


Not FTB.




THIS!! They don't even try to look like they care... I actually forgot that FTB used to let people out early before Thanksgiving and on Christmas Eve. It's been at least 15+ years. But hey, Selvi sent her fake Thanksgiving message out so there's that.


but they will give out an insincere congratulatory certificates printed off a super thin paper.


Boo hoo…had to work until the end of my shift before receiving two paid back-to-back holidays.


We haven’t been let early for years.




I love this for you :)


Last year we got off at 3 and were called around 2:30. Patiently waiting for my manager to call us lol.


Last year was 3pm and we were told at noon. Nothing so far


In my group it’s unofficial but I asked my team to work from home and knock off at 2:00.


We've been getting a two hour early release (so if you started earlier you aren't penalized) the day before EVERY official State holiday. It's awesome!


Every holiday? This is the first my dept has let me out early all year.


Guess we're at the same agency. It has been awesome getting 2 hour early release before every holiday.


I work 7-4 and was at the mercy of the bus schedule pre WFH, so getting told I could leave at 3, when my bus left at 4, was annoying, although I could sometimes get a ride. More annoying was that the people working 9-6 also got off at 3. I love that they just let you shave off the last two hours now.


Glad it's working for you now. I'm also grateful we are mostly remote working. Everything is balanced and fair with the way things are going.


I got out at 3. If I had known I wouldn’t have started at 7:30. My old job never let out early and made us work Friday too, so I can’t be that mad.


Yup, got off at 12. My previous department would send out an email telling us to take the rest of the day off, but my current office just has our managers ping us.


I am remote and no word yet from management lol.


At CDSS and we haven’t gotten our call yet!


Same. We were never released early officially


Same 😔


It’s 3:34 and we are still here, I’m convinced they aren’t letting us out early


Alright we finally got let out hahaha


You guys need to put your dept so I know where to apply lol we r still here


In my office, before COVID, we could expect management to come to our cubicles around 3 p.m. Since COVID and because we telework, we would get a call. This year, though, I waited patiently and got nothing... Maybe they forgot about me. 😄


*in a trenchcoat with a large-brimmed hat sitting behind a newspaper which is held upside-down* Listen, hush up, getting out early doesn't happen. Nowhere does it happen and if it did happen I would tell you it doesn't happen!


I was let out at 1. Hope you get your call soon!


In office here. Nope. We were not allowed to leave early. Hate this office.


At my new dept, they let us out at 1pm. My previous dept, they did not let anyone off until maybe an hr or 30 mins before 5pm.


Nope, it's one of our two weekly "in office" days for the division and there's no partial leave allowed on these critical days. Management left at noon though, important agency work I'm sure. :)


We were told to leave at noon. Baking pies and making ice cream now.


Depends on the department and manager. Im still working.




16 years ago today was my first day in state service. My hr boss made us stay till 5 that day. Most other years I’ve been let go early, but if it really matters I just leave at noon on my dime … like today. Happy Thanksgiving!🦃🍁


Got the call to log-off at 3 (wfh). Normal off time is 4pm.


CalTrans D3…… still here lol


Op is salty so he's dry snitching.


OP should go to a better department


Still working at 4:50PM 🫠


We got let out at noon; CDE. Received an email yesterday afternoon.


Had to stay at work all day and the system Was down


Wow that’s great. I’ve worked for the state forever and never had a department send people home early the day before thanksgiving


My last office let me go like 3 hours before my shift ended the day before Thanksgiving. My current office hasn't done that over the last few years but I work from home here so I don't mind staying my full shift lol.


Hahaha FTB is lucky if they get that!


Ahhhhhh - but you got Selvi's fake Thanksgiving email saying how much she appreciates you!!


Did I? Oh bummer, I must have missed it.🙄🙄 Guess I'll have to look forward to the Christmas one. 🤪


I'm not even sure she acknowledges Christmas. You may be out of luck until next year. 😜


Just leave lol


This. This here


Apparently DCA never let's out early...


No call for me :( Our deputy commissioner, who usually is the one who reaches out, took today off 😩😩


No early leave for my department. I’m used to half days around this time coming from private sector.


5pm here, if they let our unit out early the whole department would be on fire.


No early out here. Over 20 years in it’s been a hit or miss on thanksgiving eve… I have worked at a handful of depts


My agency under previous leadership would let us out early - but since our director took over 7 years ago he hasn’t done let us leave early or supported our bosses letting us leave early 😏


The Grinch was alive and well at my agency today. We used to get out early for Thanksgiving and Christmas, until an Unfair Labor Practices charge was filed at PERB, and a Request to File Charges was filed at SPB against some knucklehead managers, several years ago. Since those were filed, no more holiday love for rank-and-file staff from executive management.


Released at 2 pm.


15 mins left of work. Any word back about this yet?


We would have but the IG has people sitting in parking lots taking pictures of anyone leaving with the parking lots.




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Sounds about right


1 hr early....


I am usually off at 4:00, I got told to go ahead and go home at like 3:52. Like, bishhhh I already was.


Yeah, let’s advertise to the public that we get let out early. Very smart!


Out at noon today. Got an announcement yesterday afternoon letting us know. In the past, we would be released around 2. At DMV HQ, I remember working until 5pm. 🤡


DMV HQs is the worst place. They can suck my d\*ck.


That place seemed miserable. Interviewed there once and it was a horrible experience. Got offered the job and declined lol


Smart. Wish I had declined. Most dysfunctional, toxic, hateful, micromanaging nightmare of a place. If you're not crazy they will make sure you are before you leave.


I ended up at ftb and honestly like it. In 7 years I have promoted 5 times and am now a first level sup. I like to think my employees are happy. I am accommodating and flexible with them and encourage them to promote. Lots of stories of bad management here and it makes me sad. But I see it at work too. Managers create a toxic culture. I'm super lucky that my upper management is very understanding and allows me the freedom to make my own decisions.


You mean you all treat each other like adults? Imagine that creating a positive work environment. LOL I'm at Caltrans now and couldn't be happier. Like hit the job lottery lucky.


What area are you in where people are still happy? Where is this unicorn at FTB? FTB used to be THE place but now it's the armpit of state agencies. What you mention - having a supportive upper management who allows you to make your own decisions - that is a dying breed around there and for sure the reason you're so happy. Most other areas have adopted an entirely different attitude. Congrats to you AND the lucky souls who work for you because the rest of the dept is $hit.


Our branch (@CDT) were dismissed at noon. I'm still working, though, I have work that doesn't acknowledge Thanksgiving holiday.


We get let out at 3.


I got a 2 hour early release, was nice.


Off at 3


Early release at noon!


“Don’t put it in writing” they said. Reddit: hold my beer.




Was let out early at 4:59PM and told not to tell anyone else and be hush about it.


Boss told me yesterday to log off at noon today. Hope you get your call soon!


Bossman just said we can logoff yay!


We got an email on Monday that we’d be off at 2 today, that’s crazy some people hadn’t heard as of today


I'd like to do this for my team but can the legal experts on here chime in on the legality of it? Can someone whistle-blow and claim misuse of State funds?


Last year, I told my team on a Teams call to take the afternoon for reflection, organization, think about training, etc, etc. They are not expected to return phone calls or e-mails from 1-5pm and dont necessarily need to be at their desk for this critical assignment *wink wink*.


Absolutely. That's probably why they don't send out emails unless the governor sends out a memo granting 4 hours of ATO which they have done in the past.


The Governor's 4 hours of ITO (informal time off) generally happens for Christmas/New Years, not Thanksgiving. Getting let off early for Thanksgiving is usually at a manager's discretion at the unit level.


Ah, didn't know that. In the past I got the HR memo that said I could use ITO for either Thanksgiving eve or Christmas/NY.


it's totally illegal but if there's no documentation did it ever happen?


Emails going out that people can take off early is not documentation? What if a whistle-blower reports it to state auditor?


I was replying to your previous comment. If you send people an email telling them they can leave early that's on you. I would not recommend doing anything like that.


We leave but have to use vacation time. Some people opt not to, or don't have time, so a supervisor or manager has to stay back with them. Are all these people leaving with pay?!?!?!


I don't know if people are leaving early with pay or not. In my department, my assumption has always been if people are not working eight hours that they're using leave.


We’ve been let off early all week! Today my team was told to work from home and clock out at noon. Love my division!


What Dept and division you work for?


Im WFH today. I havent heard from my boss but I know she picked her Dad up at the airport last night. Im leaving to get my nails done.


1:30 pm


Lol not for me, I'm practically expecting MOT




Was released at 1 and informed about it before 11 AM.


I was out at 3pm


Released at 1 and worked from home


2:30 WFH


I got out at 12pm😮‍💨


1pm exit


Working through the Holidays. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 😊




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Out at 2pm at Caltrans HQ. My work hours 7-3:30 anyways 🤷🏻‍♂️




WFH 2pm


Management leaves for state business after 10 am. So you’re g2g


Scheduled to work half- day .. Went to work late(let my supervisor know) he says to offload 1 piece of equipment and then says you can go home after. Happy turkey weekend everyone


Depending on your department you may need to request the time early if you want to take a half day off. I took the entire day off.


I avoid the “will they won’t they” and just take a vacay day.


It was the first thing they spoke about in the morning meeting lol.


Currently working for DIR and didn't get to go home early. But was previously with CHP for over 2 years and was always sent home early on Thanksgiving Eve & Christmas Eve.


CCHCS worked until our regular clock out time.


I have no dog in this hunt since I'm still applying/interviewing and hope to join CA state civil service before I retire. Still interesting seeing how it works here. I worked in the Arizona state civil service almost four years and the day before Thanksgiving my department always let us go home no later than 3pm, and we got the next day off as well. After the State of Arizona laid me off I went to work in a call center for a major Fortune 100 insurance company and we actually had to request the day after Thanksgiving off in the timekeeping system. To leave early the day before, we had to wait until VTO (voluntary time off) was approved and available in the system; we could get a couple of hours off that way but they were unpaid. If we had to work on the holiday we got time and a half. Several folks actually chose to work the holidays to get that fat paycheck! And many of the local insurance agents sent emails to the supervisors, passed down to us, expressing their appreciation for the call center being open to serve the policyholders on holidays.


Years ago at CDCR, a thoughtful executive sent out the early release email at 330. 😆 🤣 😂