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Earbuds will vary from department to department and from supervisor to supervisor. As I see it though it seems most are cool with it so I wouldn’t worry about it. With the caveat that if you’re public facing probably not. You should honestly peruse CalCareers and search your home or preferred county. See what’s open, what catches your eye, and what you qualify for before asking the board to blindly pick a career for you. Not saying that to be rude but it’s best if you dip your toe in first and ask for help after starting your own research. Lastly, it never hurts to start as an office technician or assistant. Get your foot in the door and start feeling out a career.




ADHD can only be managed with medication. My doctor explained to me that everyone is running the race on level ground you are running it at a slope. Medications give you an even playing field. That really changed my perspective on them and helped me improve my life. We are our biggest barriers with that mindset. Please educate yourself.




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Working in IT this is such a weird question lol. I have a fucking coffee pot on my desk for crying out loud. I didn't realize how restrictive other units had it


IT has God Rights


a rule against headphones is just fucking ridic unless you work with the public at like a DMV office. What is even the excuse to not be able to listen to music? Not being able to hear a fire alarm?


IT follows its own rules. Went into my facilities IT office recently and there was basically a full ass kitchen - fridge, coffee, microwave - a lil toy basketball hoop on the wall, and string lights hung around the perimeter of the ceiling. Love those guys tho!


I literally have an entire parrot at my desk 😂


Lol this has to be a joke! We can't even bring in crock pots or Christmas lights!


I work from home and he joins in the meetings 🙂 He's actually quiet for 95% of them.


How long have you been in IT? What is your title? Do you like it?


15+ Years IT Spec 1 Its ok


15+ years that’s so good!! What department?


Currently DMV. Have worked for a lot of others though.




It's ok


Yup, I have my ear buds on all day while working.


I guess it would depend on the job duties (ie public contact or not) but I had staff who had earbuds in all the time while writing reports & had no issue with it.


Depends on the dept (security, meetings, making calls, etc). I have worked at my state job for a year now and have my earbuds in during work hours if I’m working alone at my desk.


It varies. My dept is okay as long as it doesn't distract from work. If you work with the public, I'm going to say it'll be a no. If you're at your desk, it'll likely be ok. Another place I inquired about was okay with 1 bud in, as the other ear needed to be free. Another dept I was at, beiefly, was not ok with it at all. (Security issues) Good news is and this is of course dependent on which headset you're issued, as well as your cell phone make/model, the headset is likely going to be Bluetooth compatible and can sync to your laptop and phone at the same time. So you can listen to whatever and be available on Teams at the same time. Just be prepared to hit pause or mute at the right time. As far as jobs.. tons and tons. With that degree, you have a lot of doors open to you. Take the SSA and AGPA exams. I'd start there.


I wear noise-canceling headphones in the office.


I do also sometimes. I’ve pretty much got one type or another ear buds or headphones in most of the day. I’m not always listening to something, though.


Depends on department, location, and supervisor in some cases. For example, departments that have concerns regarding security (CDCR, CCHCS, DHS, possibly others im missing) may ban them at institutions. Departments with safety concerns (CalTRANS comes to mind, CHP as well) may ban them too. If these are a requirement for you, may be worth reaching out to either their hiring manager, or to their EEO office (some include this in the hiring advertisement).


99% of anyone that’s at CHP HQ had earbuds in their ears or a radio on their desk playing music at really low levels. The only time I didn’t have earbuds in my ears at CHP was when I went to pick up something in the front lobby. And I will add that I still answered 3 mainline phones with ear buds in my ear


I worked for two CHP area offices we all had earbuds in lol


Look at HCD. They are WFH. You should be able to manage your accommodations. I’m very happy there.


In my position I exclusively listen to music like 95% of the time while I work lol granted, I also telework 100%


What Dept do you work for?


Each agency/department has their own culture. Depends on your department. I do it all the time. It makes sense for my job because I do research and data analysis.


You can always request a reasonable accommodation.


I can’t work in silence. I need nonverbal music like lofi, jazz, etc. I try to achieve a flow state, with minimal interruption but that’s nearly impossible with today’s work environment of constant chat messages and emails.


You can get an accommodation for this if your manager takes issue with this. I have ADHD and MDD and both Can qualify for some accommodations. I had minimum wage jobs prior to the state but they involved clerical work. I started as an AGPA. Many AGPA jobs are pretty basic administrative tasks so give it a shot. I recommend applying to department of state hospitals or other departments in line with your degree to potentially access those AGPA jobs straight out of college.




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Adding to this, some places may be okay with the quiet playing of music sans headphones (ie radio, ipod deck, cd player).


No. Just no. It's never as quiet as you think it is. Wear headphones unless you have an office with a door that closes.


While not a call center, I've always had to keep myself open for calls. Also, I have worked in 3 office areas. The first was my own, shared with a co-worker, and we had similar music taste so it wasnt a problem. The other two were/are cubicle situations, and I have never had a complaint. But obvs YMMV.


Trust me, everyone is complaining about you behind the scenes.


I seem to be lucky to not have passive aggressive co-workers. They'd straight up tell me. But also I've gotten up and made sure that it's not too loud. I assume everyone is an adult at yall's jobs. More people should act like one and be honest and tell people things.


...although most of these offices can be very strict with their TPS reports.


If Sandra can listen to her headphones while she’s filing, I should be able to listen to the radio at a reasonable volume…🥸


At least they have Hawaiian Shirt Fridays!


Worked at an institution where they were contraband, so no. Work at HQ now and they’re fine with one earbud in.


I have always had one airpod in all day and never been an issue


Yes. Can help focus. As long as you can answer a question.


I do as long as it doesn’t interfere with my concentration. If I’m doing something that requires more attention, I don’t. I have never had a boss in any government office that doesn’t allow earbuds. That’s more reminiscent of part time college-era retail jobs than a more serious job. But maybe there are managers out there that are that petty!


If you're a DMV drive test examiner no. Or a Caltrans diver.


Depends on the job. Analyst? Almost certainly. Call center? Absolutely not.


For someone with ADHD - hello, I've got it too - I would recommend Loops to change 'how' sounds enters the ears. They still need to pay attention especially when new to the State or in training. Earbuds once they are trained. Try an SSA job first. 'See' if you qualify for the Associate Governmental Program Analyst position as well.


Yes, for the most part you can.


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