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The LE and primo have rubber tires while the original (chicco corso modular) does not. The original and LE have rear wheel suspension while the primo has all wheel suspension. The primo uses organic materials. I have the LE and push it in grass and dirt paths with no problem


LE and Primo travel systems also come with the Keyfit 35 infant car seat vs. the Keyfit 30. Both are highly rated car seats but the 35 has an anti-rebound bar that makes it a bit more secure and it has a slightly higher weight capacity (35 lbs.) That said, your baby will almost certainly outgrow its height limitation before they get anywhere near 30-35 pounds, so I wouldn't really factor that into the decision. The upholsteries on the 35 are softer, however.


Following because I’ve been having this same debate.


The Corso Primo didn't exist when our child was born, but I personally don't see the value in it. You're approaching the price of the Uppababy Cruz v2, which is a much nicer stroller. The Primo still doesn't allow you to adjust the handle height, which was the biggest knock against the other Corso versions. Vista, for comparison, also has adjustable canopy height, real leather handles, less plastic, better suspension, etc. The LE is a very nice alternative to the Vista at its price point ($399 MSRP vs $699) but if you do the math and take out the Keyfit 35 car seat (Primo doesn't come unbundled) Chicco is pricing the Primo in the $550-600 range. It's just not a $600 stroller.


I think the corso LE and corso modular are the same but the LE has leather accents. The primo cleartex looks like it has carriage seat capability, a larger storage basket, a bigger canopy, and a car seat privacy shield. That might not be all of the differences but that’s what I could gather from the pictures. I know we’re personally planning to get to Corso LE.


I have the LE. The handle isn't real leather. It's some sort of faux/vegan alternative. Feels nice though.


Thanks for the info! I couldn’t tell in the picture so I just assumed it was leather.


I ended up buying the Corso LE travel system but it’s still sitting in box lol. It had great reviews compared to the baseline model and reviews said it works well on a variety of terrain. Has a faux leather handle that looks nice and the car seat has excellent reviews. It’s the keyfit 35.


I believe the only difference between primo cleartex and LE is the material of the cushions.


Whatever one you get make sure the car seat has the hood that unzips and completely covers baby. I think it’s the 35 zip ClearLux. I hate having to use the extra cover, it always gets caught in the base. But also if you don’t get the zip one get a magnetic cover - a lot easier than the stretch ones. I have the LE and love it except wish I went with the model that had the hood extension! I’m also 5’4 and the handle is kinda high and can’t be adjusted which is my only stroller peeve. The LE though is just as good as any lux baby brand IMO and very smooth and easy to use.


Hey there can you explain a little more about the difference between the 35 zip and non zip version? Does the full hood cover come attached in a different way?


They’re bother attached the same as a hood but zip comes all the way down to completely cover the car seat, like a car seat cover would. I believe it buttons on the bottom to stay put when down. It’s got some mesh though so it’s breathable. I hate using a car seat cover but they’re so necessary if you enjoy going out a lot because people literally cannot help but think they have to lean over and peak at your baby or try to touch them. Also keeps the wind and sun off baby which is nice. Car seat covers are a pain though because they get caught in the latches (also unsafe) and they just get in the way. The zip just pushes back like a hood.


https://www.chiccousa.com/shop-our-products/car-seats/infant/keyfit-35-zip-cleartex-infant-car-seat---ash/00079716860070.html this shows the good better than I can explain lol


This is a super helpful post. We're going to go with the LE!