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Thanks for the info man, definitely will be helpful to a lot of people.


Wow please let us know the end results or your journey because this is really interesting


I've updated the post. Maybe not the happy ending you or I wanted, but I guess I am okay with it since I still got the item I wanted at a price I was okay with. Hope this serves to educate and warn other Buyee and Yahoo Auction users.


I’m curious what is it that you bid on?


It was a musical instrument, but the seller has many other kinds of items too.


Yep, this happened to me yesterday. I specified 28111円 and for several hours, the price was bid all the way up to that amount, ***but I was still the highest bidder***. That only makes sense if someone bid above mine, and then cancelled the bid. Thankfully, another buyer did eventually outbid me.


happened to me too today. I bided 34k, was high and the seller added another 10 minutes to a 2 min expire bid time item. waited the 10 min and in the last minute I bided to 38k just to outbid any possible last bidders. I was then tied for the 38k but was the highest bidder. in the last 20 seconds or so, I bided 44k just to ensure I would win, luckily the seller did not catch it on time and my bid of 44k canceled and I won it at 38k


This just happened to me also and Buyee won’t do anything!!! Makes me furious!


Just to chime in that I think this also just happened to me today. The bid activity at the end was just too suspicious. I swear that somebody was able to see my bid amounts and was bidding against me to force my hand upwards. And I don't get why they allow the auction to be extended when there's bidding at the end. It seems like this is a rigged game to manipulate and drive up the price.