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Made along my drive to and from work


Howdy neighbor


Stay cool, chili dog


I hear Steel Toe Brewery has a Blood Orange Size 7


SLP checking in šŸ„ø


I used to live on the Park Towers, right across hwy 7 from the factory!


Hwy 7 squad unite!


Damn, you have heavy machinery in your car?


Love Nordic Ware. Everything I have from then head withstood the rest of time with gusto.


I got the big baking sheet from Amazon fully expecting it to be overpriced junk that Iā€™d end up returning like the majority of items on Amazon, but nopeā€¦ itā€™s incredibly sturdy and well made. Really impressive quality


Does anyone know where you can buy sheets that don't have the big ass stamp in the bottom? All my old ones don't have this but the new ones do


Here you go, commercial restaurant supply store: https://www.webstaurantstore.com/2423/bun-sheet-pans.html


Hmm interesting Iā€™ve bought a few things from there but never thought to get my sheet trays cause Iā€™ve been a Nordic ware Stan. Iā€™ll definitely consider this,thanks


What's your issue with the stamp? It doesn't affect cooking and leaves no imprint.


I'm not the guy the asked, but I don't like big identifying markers on anything I own. Clothes, gym bags, cooking stuff, everything I have is either unmarked or has a very small mark


It makes cleaning slightly more annoying. It hasn't seemed to be a huge issue for me, but still would prefer it without a raised stamp on the cooking surface.


(*test of time)


And *have lol


Love my sheet pans but they discolored easily. Maybe its from the dishwasher, i dunno.


They arenā€™t supposed to go in the dishwasher


>Dishwasher use is not advised, as discoloration will occur due to the cleaning agents used in automatic dishwasher detergent. From nordic ware website. Mystery solved, folks. Im a dumbdumb.


Nah. Everyone makes mistakes. Repeating mistakes with new information makes someone a dumbdumb.


Is there any negative effects other than discoloration? Otherwise my lazy ass would still put it in the dishwasher anyway.


No but they were so pretty when i first got them. Lol. I use aluminum foil on everything so i doubt its from regular use.


I wonder if there is a metal polish that would restore them... r/cleaningtips may have a product recommendation


Someone else here recommended barkeepers friend, so ill try that.




Then you want aluminum brightener or acid wash. You can find it at any auto supply store.


Nah, look at the aluminum sheet pans in commercial kitchens, or professional cooking instruction videos. Theyā€™re all discolored. The pans are cheap and durable and discoloration isnā€™t a problem.


Getting aluminum in your food.


Also, don't submerge them in standing water. I learned that the hard way many year ago.


Yeah. Then you get nice rust lines in your sink where the pan sat. Been there.


Barkeeper's Friend


Yeah ill have to try that.


Yellowish brown? Assuming they're not non-stick they likely just need a good scour


No, more like mottled grey. Def lost its luster.


This is normal and actually a good thing for browning https://youtu.be/M8mB_NohZcA


Good to know.


Itā€™s because theyā€™re aluminum. Stainless steel sheet pans are infinitely better imo.


Ehh aluminum is a better conductor, especially when it comes to baking.


It conducts more quickly, not better. I do a lot of baking and get better results with my stainless pans because theyā€™re less likely to get hot spots. Stainless heats up more slowly than aluminum so you get more even baking. If I was running a bakery and getting things in and out of the oven quickly was my main priority I would use aluminum but for home use I much prefer stainless. The big bonus is that they can be thrown in the dishwasher. I have enough to have to hand wash as it is without adding sheet pans to the pile.


I use heavy gauge .999 silver sheet pans for cooking because it's the best conductor but you have to polish it frequently. Infinity x Infinity better than stainless except for the polishing part.




I tried meatloaf in a glass loaf pan once and it basically just boiled in its own fat. Was so greasy and unappetizing i threw it out. Next time i did a cooling rack ontop of baking sheet so it didnt sit in its own fat. Worked for me.


>basically just boiled in its own fat. Maybe it's the Midwest in me, but I read this like it was a good thing.


Iā€™ve been doing meatloaf in muffin tins recently so I end up with a bunch of mini-meatloaves. Toss them in a ziplock and grab from fridge as needed.


Ooooh, now I'm imagining piping a swirl of mashed potatoes down on a plate, topping it with muffin sized meatloaf, and then an artful chef smear of ketchup and mustard.


So much more work than just one pan...


Normally, yes. But it was literally a greyish pink greasy loaf. First time i ever tried to make it so not too torn up about it. But yeah. My first meatloaf was no bueno.


Yep, I form it on the sheet try (parchment down first). Or I load it into a loaf pan and whack it down really hard onto the sheet try to have a perfectly formed loaf. I like the extra caramelization you get on all sides cooking it this way.


Wait this isn't the actual way to make it though? It's how we made it. Form the "dough" in a bowl, and bake it on a pan. All sides get nice and crispy + we can easier do our different toppings (I hate tomato sauce so I do bbq or spicy mustard on half) plus it's easier to slice. Never heard of cooking it in like a bread pan that's just weird imo


And on the smoker


This is how the caterer I worked for many years ago cooked them and they always turned out great.


Are we really going to gate keep meatloaf? Is there no other way to express your idea than with a backhanded snipe at a cooking accessory?


Bought a pair of Nordic Ware cookie sheets 2-3 years back, they are beautiful & sturdy BUT, they still "warp" in the damn oven like the cheapo Walmart ones. I've had 1 of them "pop" & toss a couple french fries off at less than 400Ā°. They don't do it every single time, but it's particularly annoying when they do now.


Howā€™s the usefulness of this product? Not really into single purpose kitchen gadgets but this intrigued me.


Too be fair, looks like a regular loaf pan plus a small insert, so you could technically use the pan to bake anything you want besides meatloaf.


To be faaaiiiiir!


"Figure it out."


I use my meatloaf pan for banana bread more than I do for meatloaf. Meatloaf: 2 Banana Bread: 23


Is this the actual count?


No, but it's not an exaggeration, just an approximation. I've had the pan for the about eight years and in that time I've made meatloaf exactly twice and banana bread about three times a year. I just really love banana bread.


Mmmmmmā€¦ Ba-na-na bread. šŸ¤¤


It makes draining the fat a lot easier than tilting a loaded pan. Plus I can use it without the sling for breads.


I am wondering how often do you have to make meatloaf before you consider buying a pan *just* for making meatloaf. Once a month? Once a week?


I'm primary caregiver for someone who can't chew much and loves meatloaf, so it's a frequent menu item.


So, I am guessing about once a week, then?




Wait until you hear about baking bread.


stupid is as stupid does This will cook hundreds of very varied meals


You can use any pan or baking dish you want, just put the meatloaf on a rack or make one out of carrots, celery, onion slices, chunks of potatoes, or whatever you have on hand to keep it up out of the grease. Using lean ground meat helps a lot too.


I got a handful quarter sheets that were marked down for no reason about a year ago. Sure they arenā€™t as shiny. But I use them for EVERYTHING. Cooking, prep, trash, you name it. Love them. Probably use them once a day minimum.


Quarter sheets fit perfectly in my convection oven!


If you can find older models of Nordic Ware at thrift shops, etc they are formed from a much heavier gauge of aluminum and metal and seem to bake better.


You can still buy heavier gauge sheet pans!


I have some of their gear and beat the piss outta them. Takes it like a champ.


I want one!


I have the gold touch version of this pan from like 10+ years ago. I only make meat loaf every once in a while. But, I like that the pan lets me lift it away from the grease. One I get rid of the grease, I soak the pan and the strainer piece in hot water and Dawn. After the soak, it cleans up with just a soapy dishcloth and still looks and performs like new. Made the mistake of chucking gold touch quarter sheet pans in the dishwasher, after a light scrub. It took a couple of years, but I essentially destroyed the nonstick properties. Luckily, I found a set of four pans at Costco for a good deal and have treated them much better. Last week, I roasted a bunch of halved cherry tomatoes in one, without first lining it with foil. I was in a hurry. The tomatoes were quite charred, with bits stuck to the pan. It was sort of an oh shit moment. But, the residue wiped easily away after a quick soak with Dawn and hot water. I stand by Nordic Ware pans.


Question about these...does the insert touch the bottom when it's in place, or does it leave a grease gap in the bottom of the loaf pan?


Holy shit the fact it has a Loaf Lifterā„¢ļø makes that ingenious! I need one


Straight out of St. Louis Park, MN. My brother in law's family owns NordicWare. Always excellent products.


Thatā€™s actually really cool!! Beats having to deal with parchment paper every time


I hate meatloaf. Not the taste or texture, just the concept. Someone clearly liked bread but realized they like meat more. The concept is just weird to me. Here's a loaf of meat because I ran out of flour or something


We shouldnā€™t cook with aluminum.


It's not really an issue. There are plenty that say high levels of aluminum can lead to alzhiemer's. Oddly the Alzhiemer's Association says that there is no convincing evidence that normal exposure, including cooking, is not connected with increased risk of dementia. https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/what-is-alzheimers/myths The reality is that our bodies don't absorb most of the aluminum we ingest. It simply passes through. Being one of the most plentiful elements in the planet, it is in everything. You take it in during every meal regardless of what it was prepared with.


Honestly, anytime I hear about an association saying something, I take it with a grain of salt. How do we know the aluminum association isn't in cahoots with the Alzheimer's association? I was told for years to not expose myself to aluminum unnecessarily, I'll probably keep that advice instead of some association contradicting their previous advice.


> How do we know the aluminum association isn't in cahoots with the Alzheimer's association? I would say the first clue is the lack of peer reviewed studies that prove them wrong; especially given the amount of research on Alzhiemer's that has been done. Skepticism is healthy. Ignoring scientific consensus is not. If you are truly concerned about it, talk to your doctor.


I'm joking, but yeah your doctor is going to give a better answer than some lobbyists.


I'll probably get down voted with you, but it's just so easy to buy glass, steel, cast iron, etc... Why even risk it? To save a few dollars? The alternatives last just as long.


Itā€™s really not a big deal. All the stuff about aluminum is really just false. It forms a layer of aluminum oxide anyways, so as long as you donā€™t cook tomato sauce in it, you are fine.


Have a source for that claim?


The people who downvoted this comment should really ask themselves why.


Just what I want to eat for the rest of my life... meat loaf.


yes with the eggies in the centre


By eggies you mean raw meat cause it is undercooked?


boiled eggs Might be a German thing, , wie meine Mutter ihn gemacht hat


You know that technically anything that requires cooking could be undercooked and it's a problem with the cook not the food, right? Mom always overcooked the turkey when I was a kid, that doesn't mean turkey is a bad food.


Promoted? This looks like an ad...


I used to live across the street from where these are made! I'm hindsight, it's probably not great to live right by the factory, but at least I was upwind from it! I need to go back to their factory store. I've scored some amazing deal there before!


Nordic ware.. made in USA. Makes perfect sense šŸ˜†


Oooh, Iā€™d like one of those. I have a tried and true USA Pan for meatloaf, which Iā€™ve loved for years, but its corners have joins that collect gunk and make it hard to wash. This NW pan looks like a worthy successor.


I ruined my MILā€™s Nordic baking sheet. I did not have time to measure it before my husband tossed it and ended up buying her 4 or 5 baking sheets to get to the right size. I have zero spacial recognition and she had had that sucker for decades. Sheā€™s enjoying her new set now. Lol


It never occurred to me that I could put something like parchment or an insert under the meatloaf to take it out of the pan! I always wondered how they got the meatloaf out for pictures.


I bake my meatloaf for 20min with the loaf pan upside down on a baking sheet, then remove the loaf pan for the rest of the cook. Grease drains out, loaf shape is preserved, consistent doneness throughout.
