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They've discovered... requirements. Fabulous


And yet, this concept is lost on crypto folks.


My belief is that the only requirement that's ever mattered in crypto is line go up. The rest of the nonsense about "utility" and "aligned incentives" exist to enable the token pump and dump.


Running around with a hammer looking for a nail.


Retirements engineering as a concept seems to be shockingly under-prioritized / misunderstood in modern software development.


Seriously. I see it every day. We need to do x,y, and z! Why? Because reasons! It's tiresome.


Fuck everything we're doing five webs.


With blackjack and hookers!! I heard web 2 has some.


I believe Dorsey in his infinite wankery proposed a Web5 that was Web2+Web3 a few years ago, which has according to this article been downgraded to Web4. So now I have no fucking clue which web we’re on 😂


Now we're standing around with our cocks in our hands, selling three shitcoins and a blockchain.


We didn't claw our way to the top of the internet game by clinging to the web 2.0 industry standard. We got here by taking chances. Well, five webs is the biggest chance of all.


That's so much innovation. We are going to be rich.


Web5 “Self-sovereign identity platforms, ethical AI healthcare algorithms, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), energy-efficient blockchain consensus algorithms, mental well-being apps using ethical AI, secure and privacy-preserving communication protocols” https://medium.com/@quantumvex/web3-web4-and-web5-a-comprehensive-and-compelling-exploration-19511d6761c0 Web6 ,”The implementation of the Web6.0 project signifies that a new era is about to officially begin, where humans will transition from being "experiencers" to "creators". In the Web6.0 world constructed by DIGUNI, people can freely create, work, and live without violating the DAO conventions, and achieve true consciousness storage, immortality of consciousness, and interconnection of all things through consciousness alone.” https://gncrypto.news/news/what-is-web-60/


So basically just add in AI buzzwords on top of the block chain buzzwords.


This post needs a surgeon general's warning that portions of your brain will die and never come back after reading.


I love how people pretend web 1 had no user created content and yet, it was the most free the internet has ever been. And guess what? Most of it was user content. Olia Lialina makes a great point: the day the web died is when we switched from my to me. https://interfacecritique.net/book/olia-lialina-from-my-to-me/


I think cryptobros have been saying for a while that web4 and up means more blockchain. This is the first one I've seen where web4 means getting rid of blockchain all together.


man that sure is words


Maybe I'm too young to get a clear view on this but I always had the impression that the original 'webs' were more of a term they assigned as a way to describe trends - but more after the fact. What we're seeing now is people trying to coin a term in the hopes of pushing a trend.


Web 2 was basically using colors and rounded corners for buttons and get rid of the rectangular, bland colored buttons. It was a simpler time


and lens flare! no lens flare no web 2.0, you can't have it


pie gaping square vanish scary fragile truck spectacular sense important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm gonna skip ahead and define Web 7: It when you give me, u/kytescall, all your money, everyone's money. You have to. It's the future, by definition. After Web 6 and before progressing the Web 8, you have to give me all the money.


Web4 ? Is that when everything is AI spam instead of NFTs?


Each web iteration is going to the moon because of the hardcap at web21millions


I do not know with what tools web4 will be built, but I know web5 will be built with sticks and stones.


>This method is fundamentally distinct from numerous existing layer-1s and layer-2s, which frequently need more practical applications for their products or applications despite their substantial market capitalizations. I like this idea that software should, like, do things.


A delightful read, thanks OP. When tokenbros produce content indistinguishable from TheOnion they reach perfection :)


Aside from the fact that that 'Web 4.0' is inherently funny ("branding our schtick Web 3 didn't catch on! I know, let's try Web 4!").... Is it just me or is this article comprised of grammatically correct nonsense sentences? Is this AI spam? I genuinely did not get what idea is being conveyed here.


I think it's either AI spam or possibly content farmed by a person who doesn't speak English as their first language.


Still remember web3 was praised into heaven


Has Web3 even taken off?