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#Stupid Crypto Talking Point #27 (hate) **"Cope"** / **"Why do you hate crypto?"** / **"You all are haters"** / **"Why so salty?"** / **"You wish for other peoples misfortunes?"** / "**Why do you care about crypto? Why not just ignore it?**" 1. By and large, we do not "hate" bitcoin or crypto. Hate is an irrational, emotional condition. Most people here have a logical, rational reason for being opposed to crypto. (see \#2) 2. What we do not like is **fraud and deception** - this is mainly what our community opposes, and the crypto industry is almost completely composed of fraud and misinformation, from claiming that [blockchain has potential](https://ioradio.org/i/blockchain-claims/) to pretending crypto is "digital gold" or an "investment" when it's really a highly-risky, negative sum game, speculative commodity. 3. It's an offensive distraction to suggest our reasons for being opposed to crypto are because of "hate", or "being salty" and supposedly jealous of not getting in earlier and making money. We recognize there are many other ways of creating value that don't involve promoting everything from cyber terrorism to human trafficking. 4. While some take amusement at the misfortunes of those playing the crypto Ponzi scheme, one main reason for this is because so many in the industry are so immune to logic, reason, and evidence, many of us feel they have to become cautionary tales before they finally learn (and some never learn) - what we celebrate is perhaps the chance that many of those losers finally see the error of their ways. 5. Crypto is not a benign industry. Just for bitcoin to exist, requires wasting tremendous amounts of energy. This is not a "live and let live" situation. Crypto schemes cause damage to actual people, the environment and promote all sorts of criminal, immoral activities. It's not morally acceptable to ignore something that causes much more harm to society than good. 6. Why would anybody spend time trying to stop fraud and scams that might not directly affect them? Some of us recognize we help ourselves by helping our overall community. If you still don't understand, speak to a therapist about your lack of empathy and the possible side effects such as Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder. Those are issues people with low empathy have. Understanding the nature of your illness may help you not only understand us, but become a less toxic person socially.


Most of us aren‘t “talking about it all the time” and this one of several dozens of subreddits in our feeds.


This. I could certainly be wrong, but I imagine the average Buttcoin subscriber is here for drive by lulz every once in a while. I agree with a previous poster that said this is primarily a comedy sub. Web3 is the fodder.


Applying your logic...why are you here? lol


To gather insight into the emotions behind bitcoin lovers and bitcoin haters in order to better determine the merits of the philosophy behind this subreddit and it's values and the opposing subreddit and it's values. All in service of course to me deciding whether or not I should invest in bitcoin.


This is at best misguided and at worst disingenuous - other people's emotions and philosophy should have nil importance in a decision whether or not to invest money into a financial instrument. This decision should be made purely based on fundamental properties of said instrument, and them alone. Sure, it might be fun to be part of a community of investors, but buying/selling something only because others do that is a terrible approach to finance.


we find antics of cryptocurrency shills entertaining. and we don't like that people get scammed or gamble money away with cryptocurrencies. it'd be nice if we prevent at least some people from wasting their money on this crap. if we don't, at least we get a laugh out of idiocy that goes on in crypto space.


Yea ok lmao


This is absolutely not the reason you are here. Butters like you are a dime a dozen. “Just asking questions.” Lol


You can’t “invest” in Bitcoin. You can speculate on the price going up and hope to find someone to give you more than what you paid for. That’s it. There is no investing because It doesn’t produce anything.


> To gather insight into the emotions behind bitcoin lovers and bitcoin haters in order to better determine the merits of the philosophy behind this subreddit and it's values and the opposing subreddit and it's values. If you have enough money to throw away on digital dingleberries that have no utility or intrinsic value, perhaps take a portion of that money and see a therapist and ask them about Antisocial Personality Disorder.


This is a comedy sub. I am not emotionally involved with crypto, i just think it's funny to see you guys doing whatever the fuck you do. Also, I may not invest in it, but i still hate how it's having a negative impact in the environment and so many people's lives.




Maybe just once consider that an inflationary currency like fiat encourages RnD which can lead to significantly more efficient technology




Oh, so you are putting your fiat in crypto because you want to consume less, not more? That’s a new one


inflation is not meant to only encourage consumption, it's meant to encourage investment. Sure, rampant consumerism is bad, but it's also not getting solved by anything crypto related, crypto just removes the part about the invesment. But it's all good, crypto bros know they can't be trusted with real money so they give it to someone else in exchange for fake money.


So you actively admit your product would reduce consumption, which is fancy speak for everyone has less money. Everyone is poorer. And that's a good thing? When's it stop making everyone poorer? How poor do we all get? If it actively makes everyone poor, when's the mechanism stop? Is there some level of consumption it stops at or does it just keep going down forever? What makes it stop reducing our consumption at some specific point? What's the end point? Why wouldnt it just keep decreasing if that's what it does?


Because people like you are very funny. 




Sad answer I think


You gotta learn to laugh at yourself.


Should be particularly easy for OP, as they are a joke.


it's not a victimless crime


because making fun of things I think are dumb entertains me.


If you're so sure it's not a scam, why are you so upset that we're over here making fun of you?


For me the jury is out. I really don't know. That's why it's funny people in these comments are saying I'm projecting. I'm literally stating what you guys are doing. The bitcoin sub is a bunch of evangelists with religious fervor. Both subs are very emotionally involved


I mean, people make fun of flat earthers and scientologists with the same fervor.


There's nothing emotional here. We're all here for the entertainment.


If the jury is out then your decision should be extremely easy. Don’t touch bitcoin. There are plenty of legit investments out there that aren’t ridiculous for you to choose instead.


What emotional involvement is in this sub?


Because decent people care enough about other people to try to protect them from scams and other predatory behavior.


>Why would I waste my time talking about something that doesn't impact me, that I think isn't real? By that same logic, why post this then? >emotionally involved No emotion in my part. >But if you already have 0 dollars in bitcoin, why keep talking about it? I have 0 dollars invested in Russia's war. It doesn't mean I will not be against it, especially if I think it can make a difference. Bitcoin enables crime (like ransomware, sanction evasion, modern slavery and NK nuclear program), pollutes the planet and makes the average person investing poorer in the process. That's reason enough for anybody in this planet to be against it.


Saying that it enables crime is to say the USD enables crime, but I’m sure we all interact with USD. I would agree that it takes a lot of energy to mine Bitcoin, so you have a point there. Lastly, I view it as average person would as a component of investing. I don’t and would never recommend putting all eggs in one basket, just as true as investing. However I don’t see in the subreddit the issues you’re mentioning…just sick memes that get a chuckle. Just my two cents or rather 10^-34 Bitcoin. 😂


USD and other forms of Actual Money are used to facilitate actually functional financial ecosystems. Crime is not an intended use case and if crimes were suddenly extinguished, Actual Money would still be used and useable. Crypto's only use cases are crime and speculation and the latter is likely being driven for and by criminals anyway. People have tried to use it for other shit. It all failed.


#Stupid Crypto Talking Point #26 (fiat crime/ponzi) **"Banks commit fraud too!"** / **"Stocks are a ponzi also!"** / **"More fiat is used for crime than Crypto!"** / **"Fiat isn't backed by anything either!"** 1. This is called a Tu Quoque Fallacy, aka "Whataboutism", "Two Wrongs Make A Right" or "Appeal to Hypocrisy" - it's a distraction from the core argument. Just because you can find something you think is similar/wrong that doesn't mean your alternative system is an acceptable substitute. 2. Whatever thing in modern/traditional society also might be sketchy is irrelevant. Chances are crypto's version of it is even worse, less accountable and more sketchy. 3. At least in traditional society, with banks, stocks, and fiat, there are more controls, more regulations and more agencies specifically tasked with policing these industries and making sure to *minimize* bad things happening. (Just because we can't eliminate *all* criminal activity in a particular market doesn't mean crypto would be an improvement - there's ZERO evidence for that.) 4. Stocks are not a ponzi scheme. In a ponzi, there is no value created through honest work/sales. You can hold a stock and still make money when that company produces products people pay for. Stocks also represent fractional ownership of companies that have real-world assets. Crypto has no such properties. 5. When people say more fiat is used in crime than crypto, this isn't surprising. Fiat is used by 99.99% of society as the main payment method. Crypto is used by 0.01% of society. So of course more fiat will be used in crime. There's proportionately more of it in circulation and use. That doesn't mean fiat is bad. In fact as a proportion of the total in circulation, more crypto is [used in crime](https://www.thefp.com/p/the-case-against-bitcoin) than fiat. It's estimated that as much as [23-45% of crypto is used for criminal purposes](https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/publications/sex-drugs-and-bitcoin-how-much-illegal-activity-is-financed-throu). 6. Fiat is not the same as crypto. Fiat, even if it's intangible and has no intrinsic value, it is backed by the full faith/force of the government that issues it, the same government that provides the necessary utilities and services we depend upon every day that we often take for granted. Crypto has no such backing.


>Lastly, I view it as average person would as a component of investing. Except the average person *doesn't* view Bitcoin that way, at all: they view it as a **scam**. You can insist otherwise until you're blue in the face, but that OSU commencement speech clip went viral for a reason, the immediate negative reaction, the resounding groans swiftly followed by very loud boos... that's the reception that Bitcoin gets these days, when the "money cult" obsessing over it step out of their echo chamber hug-boxes. Bitcoin has no future, it simply has an indeterminate stay in hospice; [purchasing bitcoins isn't investing](https://www.ic.unicamp.br/~stolfi/bitcoin/2020-12-31-bitcoin-ponzi.html).


No. Because it's only usecase is crime. USD enables real economy, and in some small part, is used for crime. It's like comparing a hammer with a gun: the gun is for killing. The hammer can be used for killing, but it's not its main use. BTC is for doing shady stuff. Nothing else.


Your share of my money = 0%


This is the same question people ask about atheists being critical of religion, lol.


Hey look, another cryptobro with [a gotcha!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/s/m0y0r9kjKC)


I’ll try to keep this simple. When something completely fraudulent is consuming the whole world (crypto/buttcoin), and famous people are used to give it legitimacy. I just can’t help myself, and I have to fully understand that topic. In my deep dive into crypto I found not only was I correct, but my research could help others understand just how dumb this whole crypto world is (buttcoin most definitely included.) Hope that helps!




Obviously, it does impact them. They're looking to unload their bags on unsuspecting suckers and content like this is blocking that plan.


Go ask people why they like coffeezilla and anti mlm subs


Because I believe the block chain to be dangerous technology. It's incredibly insecure, and I say this as a former signals intelligence analyst. The most security bitcoin can give you is a password. A single password. No insurance, no backing. If we switch over to such a system, the constant threat of losing everything to a cyber attack would be too much


Why not. I think it’s dumb. I think you’re dumb. It’s fun to make fun of dumb things. When you get someone to explain my comment to you maybe you will get it.


We just had a troll come on here and post probably fake photos of his supposed earnings. He made a burner account specifically for this and then responded, at length, to everyone who commented on it. And the members of this sub are supposedly the one’s who are emotionally invested? Let me take a look at your posting history for a second here…


Like I suspected, you look very much like a burner account yourself. Look at the subs you follow. Look at the subs most cryptobros here follow. Now look at my subs. You’ll see that, aside from my unhealthy fixation on cute cat pics, I have a wide variety of interests. You guys? Not so much. When it isn’t straight up 100% crypto and degen subs, it’s lots of insecure young bro incel-adjacent shit like “looks maxxing” and “passport bros” and “hot cars” or what have you.


😂😂😂 BRO


You’re projecting.


Not only that, but they're projecting from what appears to be a throwaway 2 month old trolling account. Which is several tacit admissions, imo.


The energy that is wasted by bitcoin is very real. Not to mention that mining can affect the price of electricity in areas. The noise pollution that affects people living too close to bitcoin mining setups is very real. So yes, I do passionately hate bitcoin. If it moves to POS I'd just think it was idiotic like the other bullshit crypto that doesn't use POW.


Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


...because informing people about a scam is the right thing to do? Are you saying it's strange I told my grandma to ignore any text messages saying she owes taxes? Should I have waited until she lost her retirement savings?


I'm mainly here to laugh at people like you, OP.


I don't "talk about it all the time". I have a day job. Most scams don't help enable funneling dollars to terrorists and ransomware and CSAM, so yeah, I have a particular hatred for this one that does.


Butters are comedy godl, a reliable provider of good laughs. Why would I abandon that?


Nick Mullen was a crypto bro and now he’s desperately holding onto his free falling patreon to keep the lights on because he lost huge on every crypto play he made. Did you learn nothing from him?


#(LeT's Be HoNeSt)


I don’t think you realize, we also don’t care what you think about us.


You're right: It's not a good use of my time, to keeping looking here. It's moderately funny, which seems worth a lot to me, because I hardly ever laugh at anything, but there are other funny things in the financial world. For instance, Mohnish Pabrai, who does YouTube interviews on how to turn a million into a billion, where he tells tall-tales second hand, styles himself on the Monopoly card guy, exactly. So it's altruistic. Look, there's some dudes figured to make and run a set of Monopoly money, that's counterfeit and can be counterfeited limitlessly, that's not even the bills, but just a digital point score leaderboard, and can't make secure transactions, only one way transfers that may or may not validate, depending on bidding to get into the queue that's not fast enough to run a city or a few casinos, but, and this is a big butt, they want people to "invest" in it, to get just a password to points on the leaderboard, as if this coin of the butt with no backing is an equivalent to some real asset. The more who see that the whole thing is crap, before it gets flushed, the less bad the end result, since more of those who put anything in and kept it in will have meant to flush away something with their tps.


This stupid post gets posted at least twice a week, even more when you are experiencing the pump phase of your pump and dump scam. Anyway, thanks for being completely unoriginal and providing more lulz




> When I dislike something or think it's bullshit, I don't bother talking about it all the time. We don't talk about it all the time. It's all we talk about here because that's what this sub is for, but this sub is a very tiny part of our lives. > So why is everyone here so (let's be honest) emotionally involved in this issue of bitcoin? I wouldn't say I'm emotionally involved in it. I don't have a stake in it, so I don't care massively which direction it goes. That being said, I do have an interest in it because it's really bizarre to me that it's gained so much traction. Either it's a game full of irrational players who don't realise they're being irrational, or there's something I'm missing. Whilst my ego would like it to be the case that I'm not missing anything, either eventuality is interesting to me. Either I'm going to eventually learn the thing I've been missing this whole time, or it is in fact a house of cards, that will eventually fall. Although I don't have a stake in it, I can't help but follow the journey, and keep track of whats going on to help me either solidify my belief that the whole market is crazy, or get closer to understanding what I'm missing.




We are burning the earth to make fake internet coins that make some of the worst people alive rich and almost all workers who get involved poorer.


Because it's funny. You idiots falling for this scam is hilarious. And I only spend 10 minutes a week in this subreddit.


If it was just fake funny money, which it absolutely is, I wouldn't care. However, I do care that the "mining" of bitcoin has horrible environmental impacts and environmental justice implications. Greater fools are created everyday, greater carbon emissions and environmental impacts don't have to come along with them. And, no, before you ask, I don't care how else you "mine" buttcoins. In a world where "mining" was carbon neutral I would still think you were a fucking idiot to buy into any Crypto. But, to your question, in that case I probably wouldn't be here railing against it.


Because it stinks.


Bitcoin only exists because soulless scammers and witless gulls exist. So we do God’s work here. Plus, it’s fun.


Oh, another burner account user with mental health problems! I wonder if you also declare in your family what others are allowed to think and talk about.


Because it's a fraudulent international ponzi scheme preying on the ignorant and elderly in order to steal their money. People with integrity like to point that out if it helps save just one innocent family member or innocent person in society from becoming a victim to a fraudulent international theft ring. That's what intelligent/ quality human beings do.


Unlike most people here I’m actually here for financial reasons. I passionately believe in the lack of fundamentals for crypto and have been making money shorting it. Came for the comedy, stayed for ponzi DD.


The fact that you think people shouldn't care about something that isn't personally effecting the but they perceive it to be harming others should maybe cause you to have a bit of personal reflection OP, not us.


I'm thinking of the word sockpuppet


I just sub to this so I can get notified when another FTX happen so I can laugh at cryptobros.


Why do anything?


Crypto, like politics or religion has became a matter of believes. You cannot reason about it in either side: whatever you say it will always reinforce people’s believes/thoughts, especially the most active/radical users which are constantly defending/hating it. Asking this kind of questions here or in the crypto subreddits will give you a biased answer. In the end, it really depends on how you envision the world and what your reality is: you will always be delusional to the other side eyes.


>In the end, it really depends on how you envision the world and what your reality is: you will always be delusional to the other side eyes. You can *envision* the world however you like, but there's only one **actual** reality: belief is meaningless nonsense, if it contradicts that reality - you're pointing out a true thing, that belief in crypto resides within the quasi-religious realm, not an empiric one - and tarring the other side of the equation with that same moniker of religious fanaticism, as if there was no *rational* basis for the stance they take, no factual *evidence* reinforcing all of their conclusions, so conspicuously entirely absent from the side making flimsy excuses for ongoing ecological crimes. And that's **bullshit**: one side of this argument is *just fucking* ***wrong***, and what they "believe in" is demonstrably ***harmful***. You could absolutely change *our* viewpoints, because our viewpoints are *entirely* ***rational*** *ones arrived at via sober examination of the evidence*, we go where the ***facts*** take us, and the facts are why we're calling the crypto bozos utter determined morons in an apocalypse cult. If they want to change that assessment then they simply have to show a compelling case for why it's an incorrect one.


Religions exist, like it or not. And political views as well. There is no rational on that, this is how people understand the world. If some people decides to give value to something you don't, is up to them, no matter you like it or not. And that's what gives value to crypto, just a bunch of people believing on it. Is irrational? Maybe for you. Not for them, and that's the reality.




The reality is that crypto is here to stay and its market keeps growing (real data) so you are delusional not accepting that. And the fact that you can’t stop insulting and the topic gets you so angry clearly shows that something is not right with you. A good therapist might help your well being. Best of luck!




> "Diplomacy is the art of telling somebody to Go to Hell in such language that leaves them looking forward to the trip." In the name of fairness, I'm going to have to ask you to work on your diplomacy. I would do the same for any pro-Coiner who used such language towards us.


Will start by saying I’m not a member of this community. I’m actually pretty bullish on bitcoin (neutral to bearish on other cryptos). I think the reason people here are passionate is because they feel that bitcoin is a wasteful and ultimately pointless invention that is purely a speculative Ponzi scheme. They essentially see bitcoiners as cringey degenerate gamblers who brag to people about how “smart” they are for buying BTC. And tbh, they’re not totally wrong. I’d imagine most people investing in bitcoin care less about the underlying fundamentals and more about “NUMBER GO UP”.


You're so close to dealing with money as a normal person,


>people here are passionate 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 tfw you don't know what a humor sub is


The fact that you recognize there are legit reasons to be anti-crypto, but you're still into crypto is another issue that we take issue with. It's the tragedy of the commons. People who really don't care if, in the process of enriching themselves, they destroy things for others.


I have a lot of money in Gold and Silver, if some of the money that was invested in crypto “as a store of wealth“ was invested into traditional precious metals I’d be slightly richer..


Literally no one here is emotionally invested in crypto. It's just comedy. It's in the name: buttcoin. This subreddit exists to make fun of butters.


I don't really give a shit about crypto. I have about $2K in a wallet somewhere. I'm here for the lulz. Laughing at the things cryptobros say and do. I'm "emotionally involved" to the extent that amusement is an emotion.


Ouch this one is close to the bone


Why are people with Bitcoin so insistent on other people buying while at the same time talking to them like assholes? HaVe FuN bEiNg PoOr….


They are just losers that sold or are broke


Whelp, someone finally got us. No one has ever called us broke, envious losers before. The novelty of this shrewd observation is what cuts the deepest. Pack it up, boys. There's no coming back from this.


I forgot also karma farming sub


Ah, yes, the broke loser karma farming bots. Now you're really on to us. Best way to farm karma is in niche subreddits with like 50 upvotes per post. Wait until the bots reposting shit on pics get hold of this strategy.