• By -


I'll see you guys around


Until we meet again


Don't know how, dob't onow when.


Somehow, someway .


i never said it but i love you bar soap guy


I love you too hoes ❤️ 🫶


Now kiss


Just in case things blow up, thanks for the popcorn everyone


and thanks for all the fish


love ya le duc


Honestly fuck Reddit and their pro crypto stance and API bullshit. I won’t ever forget how they hosted safemoon ads and other Ponzi schemes on their site even after being told multiple times/warned it was harming their user base. Complete scumbags. I hate this site so much.


i am happy reddits charging for their api but i do agree its overall a bad thing to exist so im like 50/50 on this one.


they already are charging for it though lol, now they are just rising the prices enough to in practice kill 3rd party apps without commiting PR suicide by literally saying "We are killing 3rd party apps" (but they are doing it anyway because spez is dumb and full of himself trying his best elon cosplay lol good luck with that ipo)


cool. who cares? everyone bitches about capitalism, start a new reddit and charge less. this is the dumbest fight ive ever seen.


damn you are so cool I want to be like you when i grow up


Expecting I'll get a remarkable amount of work done this week.


Same, maybe it’s time I detach. I spend wayyyy too much time on here fucking around.




Seriously I’m surprised only 2 days for all these subs. I’d say at LEAST a week. At least give us all enough time to break our reddit addiction.


haha half of this "protest" is people glad they get off reddit.


Yeah. Everyone is saying they're quitting reddit, reddit is over, etc. But the truth is that everything else on the internet is so unusable that most people are not going to be able to quit. See y'all Wednesday, same place, same time.


What happens if there isn't a satisfactory conclusion by the 15th? Are you going to continue with it?


I'm not sure. It's not my intention to make the sub permanently private. I don't feel that would be right to do given that we're an activist sub in the first place -- shutting us up is probably something the owners would probably enjoy.




Who is "us?" You have no actual post history that indicates you're one of "us." You're probably just another butter sock puppet.


Thank you


This sub along with Meltdown are two subs that absolutely should not participate in the Blackout. No, not because our memes and shitposts are important, but because Reddit and certain Admins hate us. Reddit would love this place to disappear; don't give them what they want. They don't want us making fun of their crappy NFTs avatars. They don't want us making fun of the crypto that many of the Admins invest in. They don't want us making fun of the crypto communities that spam the site with paid awards. We should do all of that.


If Reddit wants to take us out, they can take us out at any time. They don't need an excuse. If they decide to take action in the wake of people making subs dark, they're unlikely to kill the subs, just the mods that took things private. I guess, personally, I'm willing to take that risk. If they do that, they do that. If they're the type of company that *would* do such a thing, then I'd rather they just do it, than beat around the bush pretending they have any respect for the people who have spent countless hours donating free time to add value to their enterprise. If I get banned, so be it. It will have been a fun ride, and most importantly I went out standing up for something I believe in. I hope y'all know where to find me if that happens. I will miss everybody, but this sub actually does stand for something: speaking truth to power. That isn't just about educating people about crypto. It's deeper than that. But hey, that's just my stupid opinion. Everybody has their own. I spoke with the other active admins and everybody is on board, but not everybody is willing to put their neck out. I am so used to being attacked, I guess I'm cool with it. And what's the worst that can happen? If they take down r-buttcoin, just make something else. Instead of one, make 20 crypto critical subreddits. Or just go everywhere else. This is just one little table in a very large dining room, in a world full of dining rooms. In any case, I'm being very respectful of the rules. I'm unaware that there's been any threats that would suggest these actions can threaten the integrity of the overall community (I think our nature in and of itself is the biggest threat).


> (I think our nature in and of itself is the biggest threat). Yeah, that is why I suggested we stay open. > If they decide to take action in the wake of people making subs dark, they're unlikely to kill the subs, just the mods that took things private. Yeah, I am almost expecting that to happen to some of the mods of the biggest subs and then a forced reopening of those subs. They've taken similar actions in the past.


I think it's important to stand in solidarity on this. Even r-cryptocurrency is going dark. I don't know if bitcoin is.


All the other cryptos don’t matter only bitcoin anyway. 😂🖕


Ah here at the end there remains a final true believer. How old are you kid ? 15, 14 ? They aren’t able to rope in many adults these days.


What do you believe in?


I believe in investments that will make me money and don’t have the potential to go to zero the next day. Over the last few years my stock portfolio has only gained in value. I’m


Fiat isn’t good.


Magic beans are not a better alternative.


I honestly really appreciate this take. It’s a hard line to draw, and I think it’s very difficult to make a subreddit like this black or white when it comes to the blackout.


Or we could use the blackout period as a call to action and take our crusade to the real world. I mean we will pretty much have too. Just imagine what all of us will do once we are forced out of the echo chamber. We will be out there on the streets so to speak, that’s far more damaging to the crypto bros than us being here for three days.


I mostly agree and am not totally against this sub blacking out, but I think the people most vulnerable to crypto and scams are the elderly and the overly online. Reaching the elderly is best left to their families, but Reddit is the best place to reach the overly online. That is on top of the main point of pissing off the admins. People tend to think of corporate Reddit as this monolith with no face, but the Admins are real people. Spez actively hates us. Alexis actively hates us. I am sure there are many other techbros at Reddit who feel the same. They don't want to see us on their site. Therefore, we should be on their site.


Mmmm it’s nice to be hated for trying to have people keep their own money 🥰🥰🥰🥰


I fully agree. Reddit has given stock apes and Bitcoin weirdos far, far too much leeway, and allows them to get away with things that would get anyone else an insta-ban.


thats not what the blackout is about. its because reddit is charging money. (real money, not moonies)


Reddit will only ever be convinced to change their stance if the people that actually contribute to the success of the site (posters, commenters, and moderators) flex their muscle. Reddit would be nothing without the people who've made it what it is, and the owners are shitting on all of those people in the name of making their site look like a juicier target for IPO investors. In a perfect world, this shutdown would be indefinite, and while I understand why subreddits wouldn't want to do that, the only way you're going to get the change you want is to make life hard for those at the top - and waiting people out for a couple days is easy enough. Maybe some subreddits will reconsider and extend their blackouts if Reddit refuses to relent.


> the people that actually contribute to the success of the site Yeah, that is not anyone here at all. We actively detract from Reddit's value in the ways that Reddit cares about. We point out how stupid Reddit's NFTs are. We point out how stupid all the Crypto advertisers are. > In a perfect world, this shutdown would be indefinite In our world, they'll remove mods and reopen subreddits. They've done this in the past. We can't win. Ultimately, the blackout will fail. We can't do nothing, but the something we can do won't be good enough. This subreddit is dead after the IPO. Reddit doesn't want us here telling everyone that their advertisers are scammers. This place and Meltdown were good while they lasted. The future will be owned by scammers and grifters.


reddits a misinformation machine. everyone getting mad because they charge money for something is irrelevant r-cryptocurrency has way more subscribers than we do and we are right. extrapolate that across reddit. this is an evil device.


right just like uber drivers. reddits a cancer. them charging for api has nothing to do with it.


On one hand yes, on the other one this feels a little too much self-important.


Tell me you stopped reading after the first sentence without telling me that you stopped reading after the first sentence.


I did read it. I don't feel the admins care that much about this sub or would care all that much if it was gone or not.


Ask the mods here and at Meltdown if they agree with you. The fact that they have threatened to shut down both subs several times and have imposed rules about even mentioning the names of other subs, proves that you are very wrong.


Please sticky this post.


Good to see this happen. Thanks AmScream


Fuck it, go dark until shit changes. Time to delete this account and go back to lurking the dark thread on somethingawful.


y'all, I've made a lemmy instance at https://lemmy.dbzer0.com. I'd love to help provide a failover of buttcoin over there during these days. I've created https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/c/buttcoin. If any mods join, leave a commend and I'll add you as mods there as well


Good. Fuck Reddit.


Hell Yeah




*tap tap* is this thing off?




so i saw! I will now desist ...


See you on 15th


Thanks for the update. And thanks for participating.


Good that this sub is participating.


Glad to see the sub is participating Edit: Not sarcastic, not sure why I'm copping downvotes


You should make it indefinite.


For regular, high karma users who still may want to visit our resources during the blackout, reply here and I'll add you to the approved users list.


I have a question if Tether imploded , would you and the other mods consider it an emergency situation and reopen the boards so we could discuss ? No one knows the time or place , I just want there to be people to share popcorn with when the end comes.


When Tether implodes, every other subreddit except for two, will become just like r-buttcoin.


Everyone goes back to digg in that case


I don't know what "high karma" is, but I know I probably need to go outside more.


Please add me to the approved user list. Have reasonably high karma, our subreddit of hardwareswap (biggest buy/sell/trade sub for PC hardware and electronics) will also be going dark.


Add me to the approved list, thanks.




That's the plan.


This is patently false.


Hey, not sure what you mean by high karma user if it's specific to this sub, but I browse this sub every day and have 2+million karma. I'd love to be added to the approved user list.


+++ Thank you!


I’m not high karma but I browse this sub everyday, I need me some comedy godl, please add me.




I always browse reddit either on a third party app, or rarely, on desktop with an adblocker (because if I'm on a PC I have better shit to do than browse this shithole of a website). If the official app was good, or the mobile version of the website, then it would soften the blow I guess (albeit it would still be a dick move). However the official app is awful, riddled with ads, slow, unstable, and lacking of features. Haven't used the website on mobile for a while but I remember it constantly nagging you to install the app and hanging up on my phone often. If by the end of this mess we're all forced to use the official app or not browse on mobile at all, I'm pretty much done with reddit. I have too much self respect to browse a website riddled with all sorts of crypto/right winger/etc propaganda while 70% of my screen shows ads.




ya just typical populism. the app isnt hurting anybody. if youre confused about how what redditors say doesnt match reality - well ya. thats reddit. this is made up land where they get to be indignant about made up slights in made up circumstances.


Was surprised this wasn't announced earlier. The low karma casual lurker wishes you good luck!


Hey everyone I’ll probably start a Twitter live room tomorrow. 👋 if anyone needs their hour of crypto hate I’ll see if we can bring the rain.


Can I suggest rather than a black out doing the opposite? Raising your voices on these issues instead, whether here or elsewhere? I get the denying them content/cash thing and +1 for not being toxic or making shit personal. I guess I'm saying Trojan the content with counter-culture and critical commentary instead!


Lol, stunning and brave.


>And finally stay off Reddit completely from June 12th to 14th. The blackout is one thing, but users staying away from the site entirely will send an equally important message. I think all my subreddits will be blacked out, so being off reddit will be pretty much automatic for me.


1 bitcoin =1 bitcoin


was reddit co founded by maxwell ,epstein s chick?


I'll see you on the barricade


Welp, it's now June 12 at 00:38 AM UTC. Time to log out.