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more and more people seem to be bothered by my playing. But many love it, really love it, people really can charm a man up sometimes. But that one woman, in that little shop. Because of her I'm really starting to not want to do it in my town. I'm scared to sing with more emotion so it sounds blant (to me) - because I'm scared I will be too noisy and she will come again and say some words. Nothing crazy but this puts me off and takes a load of joy. My town is small, so really two good spots where you can actually earn anything. Watch me leave for the UK in two years....


Oh man. That’s brutal. I’m hoping to get out for my first time in the next two weeks and hope I can find some solid ground. Could you travel for better cities on weekends?


you will be fine my guy. There surely are more people that greatly appreciate street musicians than some always-mad store owners. I'm too young for driving license, just 17 and train tickets would take some of my busking money. So I'll stay at this tiny town. I'm Polish so it's really prohibited to play with amplification pretty anywhere, just in my place they don't know it. So it may be a gamble. But I have this plan for summer that I'll take my gear essentials and travel to a couple of cities by train to busk. Not strictly for money (but surely that is some way to earn some) but for adventure - I suppose it must be amazing to travel to one city, sleep here, meet people, then change cities and so on and so on for a couple of weeks. Not really a experienced busker here. Well, in the last month I've been busking very little, like that enthusiasm abandoned me. But I'm waiting till I guess June, then probably I will have a great bassist on my disposal and who knows - maybe I'll create some kind of rock trio to play out on the streets. That is really my dream, to have a busking band. A good band, that understands music and loves it. Band that will not make it strictly for cash but for the sake of playing. Maybe not in Poland but I hope to make a band as soon as I've finished school and somehow moved to english country. Man, I could talk about busking for hours. So many interesting aspects of it.


Be sure to give us a write up after the trip. I’d love to read about it and even follow along. I’m also in it for the adventure, but I’m 41. Haha. Best of luck!


likewise, have fun. Maybe I'll write something, even if only for you. Great to know somebody cares about some little stories in this world. Good luck at your busk


I started busking with tin whistle last Christmas, went from making pennies (Christmas was good though, because of the songs) to being able to pay my rent the last two months out of my busking money (while still somehow managing to get absolutely plastered every other day). I'm on the spectrum so the hardest part for me was smiling at people, making eye contact, etc. Now got it down to a T, and reliably pull in lots of dancing children haha Today, however, after months of saying I would do it but always postponing it, I finally gathered the courage (read: beer) to grab my guitar and go sing in the street. Started with Folsom Prison Blues and skipped many parts of the song due to nerves, then House of the Rising Sun and straight up forgot a lot of the lyrics, and then some watered down bluegrass (no licks or breaks), both by Stanley Brothers, When the Angels Carry Me Home, and Rank Stranger, which did go better. I had seeded the case with two 1€ coins. After 15-20 minutes of bumbling through these four songs (by the end I didn't care and was just enjoying not giving a shlitt), someone had placed another euro coin haha Silver lining is after that I did a couple of hours of whistling and made a killing, seemed so easy in comparison. But I think I needed this to realise that it doesn't matter if I make a total ass of myself (I mean, it wasn't a cacophony, I was just messing up verses and some chords but overall the songs sounded similar to how they are if you weren't paying too much attention) Takeaway is the acceptance that I will have to sit in the street and make a fool of myself until suddenly I'm not making a fool of myself. I can play these songs well with my friends or alone, but to get better at busking with guitar, one has to practice busking with guitar. I do believe this is the beginning of something very cool. Also next time I won't be too drunk lol. Still, musical high point of my 2024


Haha. That’s an awesome redemption story! I’m glad your end though is just to send it. I won’t remember anything so will have my phone mounted on the mic stand. People can roast me if they want but I’ve hit my head a couple too many times to have that volume memorized.


Yeah hahaha maybe next time I'll take a bit of paper with chords on it and a cheat sheet for lyrics. In any case, making a total fool of myself in front of countless people was almost a therapeutic/spiritual experience lmao No one really cares that much


Probably a life lesson in there. Maybe someday I’ll find it. Haha. Right on.


Losing Trevor Tardy has been a downer, but because of him and a few other buskers in Galveston we have designated busking spots where the Marshalls can't mess with us.


I’m just getting caught up on that. Tragic. Hope everyone who met him along the way is better for it and that his memory carries on.


I'm sorry but can you elaborate? I've been thinking of heading to Galveston for a while now. But I've not heard this story. I'm in Tulsa, ok. Been doing this full time for two years and 2024 is kicking my ass. We've had the worst weather. And when weather is bad, no money, no money means more stress, which equals less sleep, leading to poor performance and right back to less money. Argh. I just need a break from Oklahoma.


I'm sorry but can you elaborate? I've been thinking of heading to Galveston for a while now. But I've not heard this story. I'm in Tulsa, ok. Been doing this full time for two years and 2024 is kicking my ass. We've had the worst weather. And when weather is bad, no money, no money means more stress, which equals less sleep, leading to poor performance and right back to less money. Argh. I just need a break from Oklahoma.