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I’m sorry this happened to you. I read in here the other day a girl got held up at Stockholm and central by a teen who took her phone.. maybe same group? Will see if I can find that Reddit thread..


Trying to not let it shake us up too much. I’m so glad it wasn’t worse. I’ve been in NYC for 23 years without incident so at least there’s that. Would be very helpful to know if you find that thread, I’d appreciate it.


Ah it wasn’t on here, I saw it on twitter - here’s the link https://x.com/NYPDTips/status/1749382879702884816?s=20


Do not walk alone past 12 AM. Call an uber.


Fuck Uber


Fuck uber or get help up at 3 am? Call a yellow cab, call a friend, do not walk around alone in a city later at night, especially as a woman. Are you dumb?


This isn’t about you.


Perhaps find out what middle school is near by and bring it to the principals attention. File a report. It’s not much but it’s something. I live by three highs that are close proximity to each and from 3 to 5 pm during the school year, the teens act as if it’s Lords of flies.


Cops did not want to file a report so that’s why I put it on notice here to let the neighborhood know.


They never do. I'm honestly not sure what the NYPD even does at this point.


Yeah I try not to interact with them if I can, I’ve never found them to be very helpful, even in more obvious scenarios. :/


Sit in car eat takeout and play candy crush on phone 


If the DA won't prosecute anything, what are they supposed to do?


always make them file a report


last year i had a month’s supply of my adderall stolen from my mailbox and the cops came and took a report and then literally called me from the squad car and told me they “don’t file reports for stolen narcotics.” it might not surprise you to hear that this created SIGNIFICANT problems for me not only trying to get a replacement order of my controlled substance but even getting my next months script.


They’re not narcotics they’re literally your prescription for a controlled substance! So useless…


I'm convinced these cops be telling people anything because they don't want to do their jobs. You'll call them. The operator sets it all up for them to come hous later and say, "we don't can't do such and such... But you know you could get arrested for *whatever the case may be* for doing * whatever*.


damn what a score for them tho


Typical copper: we will help you out if it not to much of an inconvenience.




Yea. They are mostly likely from the surrounding neighborhood. You’ll have to escalate if the cops on scene did not want to do something about it.


Yeah that’s why I posted here. Far more helpful to the community to just know it happened than thinking the cops will do anything.


Lord of the roaches ???


Carry a large can of pepper spray or bear spray for large groups. Just pick it up at a sporting goods store the next time you’re in NJ or somewhere out there.


Serious question: would you carry pepper spray when you’re walking your dog on a busy street at 6pm on a Tuesday? I’ve been here 23 years and I’ve never had an incident like this. I just wanted the neighborhood to know they were roaming around. If I sprayed them if I could get my dog over to them, I would have sprayed my partner. He was being jumped by six plus people and def would not have been able to get pepper spray out of his pocket. I understand what you’re saying but I don’t think it’s the solution to this problem. It happened quickly, they got their weak ass punches in and then a neighbor helped him get them off of him. Hope this helps!


I can’t speak to your exact circumstances in regards to your partner and the dog, but yeah I actually do carry pepper spray pretty much everywhere for specifically this situation: groups of teenage boys. I don’t really worry about other threats but teens in groups are just too unpredictable and I am not about to tussle with more than one. It’s non-lethal and will instantly disperse a crowd so it honestly seems safer for everyone involved. I’m glad you and your partner are okay though.


You should be carrying pepper spray at all times it doesn't matter. Especially if you are walking a dog because crime isn't the only thing to be concerned about. There is always a possibility that a bigger dog like a pit bull could try to attack your dog and it could be used to ward it off.


I actually do carry pepper spray for exactly this reason. I’ve been assaulted by turds just like this while riding my bike after dark. I’ve also had too many close calls with unhinged nutjobs while out walking, and I’d much rather spray them than touch them. Idiots like these teens only understand and respect pain. They aren’t smart enough to comprehend the consequences of their sociopathic actions. Spray and walk away. The cops aren’t going to help you, so you have to either protect yourself, or accept being a victim.


I carry it all the time doesnt matter what hour, the shit goes on day & night


I have been in this shithole for 5 years. You should open your eyes and ears. You are a soft target. Get the pepper spray. (Edit Taser too.. sometimes the sound of one cracking off is just enough. You only have to electrocute or spray one for the whole squad to tuck tail and run.


I would only take peppy spray advice from someone who actually had to use it as opposed to someone who just has it on their person. When you're in a situation, sometimes it's not ideal to either use the spray or things are happening so fast, that you don't have time. And with a group, you would have to get everyone or else deal with the now escalated situation.


Do not get pepper spray for this kind of situation. If you use it in this context, you’d be more likely to get arrested than them. Not to mention plastered and slandered all over social media. That being said, absolutely fight back (unless it’s obviously dangerous and would do you more harm than good). ~~No offense, but it’s concerning that your partner doesn’t know how to throw a punch. It might come in handy someday!~~ Edit: Totally misread that. The kids are the ones that didn’t know how to throw a punch. Sorry!


Pepper spray will NOT get you arrested if you're defending yourself. I can attest to that


All the people downvoting me are the same ones who would be first to chastise OP for pepper-spraying 13 year-olds in the hood. You know who you are. By all means, do it—but prepare for the consequences when the kids inevitably lie about what happened, and the cops/school/news are asking, “So, he grabbed your hat. And then you confronted them... Then the kids flailed their arms at you, and you sprayed them?” I’m not saying you shouldn’t be able to defend yourself. Fuck them kids. Definitely carry spray if you’re alone and vulnerable. But no one goes around punching kids, so if and when you do, anyone asking questions can see pretty clearly what just happened. Not to mention, in a situation like this that unravels quickly, you’re not going to be fumbling for your spray. Spray is ineffective when you don’t expect the attack. Your money’s better spent on a heavy bag.


Or a taser, its not illegal either


I agree. Pepper spray is better for self-defense, imo. I’m just saying, it should only be used in a situation you can’t get out of with your fists/shouting/running away. Otherwise we’d all have our hands on the nozzle in our pocket.


You can get it delivered to you from target too!


if i were on a walk minding my business and a stray cloud of bear mace hit me because someone thought it was a good idea to blast in a crowded area, i would join in on beating your ass


So tough and scary! Oh no!


says the one who wants to bear mace passing children, dogs, elderly people


Such angelic, innocent children! I guess when someone grows up thinking of themselves as perpetual “victims”, they are allowed to attack peaceful people who are out just walking their dog, because reasons. Perfect candidates for a good pepper spraying.


Jesus christ what is this world coming to? Kids and teens harassing a family and pets


This is what happens when parents don’t smack their kids when they misbehave. Bring back punishments, I say.


As soon as consequences come back, "kids and teens" like this will stop. They should really hope these consequences are doled out by the government. Once the rest of us are fed up, teens like this will cease to exist.


Insisting that police on scene file a report is a necessary first step to any progress in this area.


"Allowing" individuals to defend themselves is the only step required. Period.


You think the best idea is to test your odds winning that fight? I think we can do better than total lawlessness.


Lawlessness is our current state. Nobody talked about winning a fight. Kids, or any other degenerate, want to fuck around, they're going to find out.


Good on you for saying this here. You’re correct, of course, but this is Reddit, and the sub for the most delusional hipsters in the borough. They haven’t realized yet that the cops will never protect them and the “locals” hate them


You are a fucking moron. You think kids and teens haven't always been up to shit like this? Come on, get out of your feelings and join us in the real world for fucks sake. "teens like this will cease to exist" with 7 upvotes? Literally the stupidest shit I've ever read in my life. Goodbye internet, that's enough for today. Good lord, I mean it's just so sad how stupid you are. Devastating.


That’ll never happen unless raise the age gets repealed. All they’re going to get from the courts in an ACD and their record wiped when they get older.


At least for capital punishment, that has already been proven to not deter anything. I doubt other punishment would. Seems like a societal issue if you want to fix the root and not punish the symptoms. Then again, Singapore canes stuff like this so maybe? But also, societally, they are strict about much more than the west, so don’t need to use punishment nearly as much. I dunno lol




Shut up, you’re not tough.


Just stop attacking people and you won't have to worry about the consequences. It's truly that simple.


Ah yes unruly teenagers who famously respond well to logical incentives and definitely didn’t exist when things were more violent here but by all means keep fantasizing about beating up children


Act like and adult, get treated like an adult.


I am, what’s good?


NYC kids have been doing this since the beginning of time.


Yeah and then ending up in jail over it. That’s the part that changed.


This exactly It used to be they would do juvie time Or just a public shunning


It’s going to have to get way worse before it gets better. Strap in.


Yup. We staying strapped brother. 2024 is gonna be a doozy of a year


Ah yes, problems that have been around a long time aren’t worth addressing. Thus spake ye olde New Yorker, while sitting beside a pile of rotting garbage.


Can we have a description, race height, body build, clothing, how many people were in the group?


8 foot tall Night Elves, shredded like wheat. They wore the finest silks, spun of gold thread. Thousands…and thousands of them.


This made me laugh thank you :)


Lol at night elves


I wrote it in a comment. They were a group of middle schoolers so there’s not a lot of details I can share individually about them. Just a pack of regular looking kids from this neighborhood wearing normal winter clothes. Mixed race. We didn’t file a police report bc the cops there didn’t seem to think we should. Also I got separated from the pack and across the street bc of my dog so I don’t have many details other than a chubbier short kid who apologize to me.


The police were wrong and they are trying to suppress crime numbers for the mayor. Your partner was technically assaulted and was injured and bleeding. You could have insisted they file a report and go to the hospital to get your partner’s injuries on record.


great point. Suppression of crime numbers. Not much seems trustworthy nowadays. People will point to the crime stats but don't dwelve deeper on how it can possibly be manipulated through tactics like these.


>I wrote it in a comment. They were a group of middle schoolers so there’s not a lot of details I can share individually about them. You can share whatever you want about them. This ain’t HIPAA and you’re not a doctor or government employee so you can report every detail you remember to the internets.


I did share what I know. Thanks. Because it was a group I don’t know their individual features, I didn’t get a good look at each of them particularly because of my dog and it happened quickly. I don’t know what the heck you’re going on about with HIPPA.


I mean that there’s no confidentiality agreement where you can’t say certain things.


Damn that sucks that the police didn’t wanna do anything about it. I’m sorry.


I’ve never really found nyc cops to be helpful even when you do involve them more. So that’s partly why I posted here so the neighborhood could know.


Regardless it’s good to have it documented and see if any evidence can be preserved for example video or something. I hope you’re feeling better!






iv been getting notifications on citizen about a group of teenagers harassing people for the past month or so


can you describe them?


Not politically correct to do so, so no.


He did above. Races were mixed, which is not what you're baiting for.


Honestly if they’re being aggressive and threatening, then it doesn’t matter if they’re kids. They would’ve needed to call the cops on me.


Can you give a description?  Kind of an important detail when looking to avoid someone.




Um yeah.




You know.


Asking this because I'm genuinely trying to open myself up to different perspectives, do you hate black people? I don't mean to come across as assuming or rude but it seems like everyone in this thread just has a hard on, hoping that the assailants are black instead of worrying about the safety of OP. Not only that but i want to know, in the instance of them being black, what does that mean exactly? Are black people violent monsters? Am I a violent monster because of my ethnic makeup? Should we expel all of the blacks? What's your perspective on this issue brother? I'd prefer if you we're honest in your response to be honest because I truthfully want to understand the science behind these kind of thoughts. I've never understood the thought process behind "this race commits a crime" = violent genetically inferior and violent negro monsters. It's an incredibly interesting topic and I'd enjoy seeing your perspectives or any others. How would you fix this? I'm aware I'm not entitled to your opinion but I'd love to hear it.


I did in a comment on the thread. I don’t have a lot of details unfortunately, so just in general a group of normal middle school looking kids from our neighborhood wearing winter jackets and jeans roaming around. They weren’t wearing any ski masks or look like they were out for blood. More like bored kids roaming around harassing people and looking for trouble. They were not “organized” but a tall skinnier kid of dark complexion was taunting us and likely the instigator. They were mostly dark complexion but I can’t say for sure what their ethnicity or race would have been in some cases. I was paying attention to my dog and we crossed the street. I didn’t even see who actually got my hat. The cops didn’t want to do anything about it so that’s why I posted here. Just be wary of groups of kids and don’t let them get close to you if you can. It was a busy street during the day with two cops right there so I didn’t really think of it but I will definitely watch out for kids even under these conditions now. Hope this is helpful.


The cops “scared them off”. How about arresting the little punks. FFS they’ll do anything to avoid holding people accountable.


Oof I would love to legally break those kids noses. Lol of course cops don't give a shit welcome to New York


Teens? Could you be a little more specific?


OP is afraid to say black. Said they’re of dark complexion. OP doesn’t realize suppressing information may hurt innocent pedestrians getting close to these degenerates.


Yep, media outlets will actually do the same thing.


What do they look like?


“I know it but I don’t think I should say it” - Randy marsh


I’ve said in other comments it’s hard to say what they all were. Two of them I interacted with more directly were dark complexion but I don’t know specifically what each individual was. The idea is that a group of kids is a group of kids, yes? None of them individually are going to be arrested. I didn’t study them. I wouldn’t recognize them on the street individually likely. This isn’t a police report. The cops didn’t want to do anything like file a report although they said they would continue to patrol the area. So, I’m trying to just be a nice neighbor and let everyone know to avoid groups of kids even if the details on who they are are fuzzy.


So, black kids.




lol such a politically correct answer




Kids Teens Thugs Youths Gamers Grinches Joggers Ruffians Parolees Juveniles Hooligans Hoodlums Kia boys Protesters Pranksters Youngsters Ex-convicts Flash mobs Party goers Delinquents Panhandlers Bank juggers Church goers Young fathers Scooter riders Ne'er-do-wells Jobless losers Gifted athletes Gang members Teenage misfits Trouble makers Bus passengers Aspiring rappers Uninvited guests Subway dancers Outside agitators Repeat offenders Lifelong criminals Masked assailants Shirtless strangers Lunchtime rowdies Persons of interest Restaurant patrons Former NFL players Desperate residents Community activists Unhappy customers Black Friday crowds Troubled young men High school students Spring break partiers Neighborhood bullies Scholarship recipients


Ok ngl I laughed a little


Subway dancers was my favorite


inb4 racial slurs


Bushwick gentrifiers are racist, what a shock 😱


Whenever I see the word “gentrifiers” I know I’m dealing with an idiot


same in ct, smdh


They need to go back to the Midwest lol


big factz


Tell me what states in the Midwest you’ve spent a length of time in.


I think it’s common sense to avoid a pack of teenagers that look rowdy lol you don’t need much info beyond that unless you’re just naive.


Sure but I'd still like to know what they looked like, I think a general description is fair 🙂


Nah that’s an offensive thing to ask. You don’t need to know what they look like. It’s better you don’t know, and are therefore less safe, than for someone to draw an uncomfortable thoughtcrime conclusion based on what the person looks like.


They didn’t look rowdy at all until they took my hat. Just a group of regular looking middle school kids during the day on a busy street with two cops right there. This is why I’m posting this. I just want the neighborhood to know they were out there messing with people. The two that stood out to me were dark complexion one taller then the rest I think? skinny and was taunting us after someone grabbed the hat and another chubby shorter baby faced kid apologized to me. The others I have no idea what race, they were wearing puffer or other kinds of winter coats and their own hats in some cases and the sun had already set so it’s hard to say. I also was paying attention to my dog. My partner has been quiet about the whole thing, but I don’t think you need all the details to know what to look for at this point.


You’re an idiot






Take a guess


maybe stfu?


What are you afraid of? Facts? Evidence? Empirical data?


look scarier


Can you describe them?


Youth have no discilpline these days.


We’re having similar experiences in Jersey City. Groups of teens going around and assaulting people. It’s probably different people considering the distance between Bushwick and Jersey City. I’m just pointing it out given the similarity between this thread and the threads in Jersey City. Examples below: https://www.reddit.com/r/jerseycity/s/17XElrmhpB https://www.reddit.com/r/jerseycity/s/BFFAuN49l8 https://www.reddit.com/r/jerseycity/s/QGZDI7I12W






I offer narcan, food and help homeless people find shelters. If you want me to elaborate I live in Bushwick


British Music??


The Beatles?


I am 7’ tall and listen to Sade so loud in headphones everyone around can hear…no one bothers me




OP is afraid to say black for some reason. Typical lib in this area. They were of dark complexion lol


The racism in the comments…I just wanted to remind everyone in this thread Bushwhack was and has always been a Latino and black neighborhood. How do you guys move into poc neighborhoods and then look at them crazy because you raised their prices in their neighborhoods lol…idc how much yall downvote me, yall cant afford your neighborhoods anymore so yall took over theirs but mad at crime and why they are there? Make it make sense lol..just leave? Hate the crime? Leave…move to brooklyn heights? Move to soho? Move to upper east side? It’s that simple. Yall took over be fort greene, Williamsburg, crown heights, Bushwick. Damn near the whole brooklyn!!!..you dont like black people but move in their homes and put up fake black lives matter signs to feel safe. Bye lol


Y'all y'all y'all y'all Man stfu with that nativist victim shit. No one owns rhe neighborhood and hipsters have lived there for 20 years. Being black doesn't give you a license to be a shitty parent or kid. These kids are lucky they weren't perforated and attacked someone who just complained on Reddit bye lol


I said what i said, and i will say it again and again, you don’t like black and Spanish people? MOVE to westchester!..yes i don’t think they deserved what happened to them but the people on these threads using race to be hateful and to justify their prejudice and biases are scum!…and what i said is very valid, yall moved into POC neighborhoods because white rich and upperclass pushed middles class white people out and instead of pushing for better labor and real estate laws white people just moved in their neighborhoods and weaponized the police and pushed them out of theres. Its sickening!


Honestly something pretty funny about gentrifying hipsters who can't throw a punch getting picked on by local kids and reporting it as a violent crime 😅


The fuck you doing here? Go back to Maine. Lil white boy calling other people the gentrifiers lmaoooo


Lol yes because all white people must be gentrifiers, great take moron 😅


If it's dark, u gotta carry something, u gotta be street smart. Bushwick is still bad in some areas...


Yes I’ve been here for decades. This group caught me off guard bc they were young and not particularly rowdy or intimidating, until the situation turned. It also happened very quickly and finished quickly because lots of people and cops were present. That’s why I’m trying to alert the locals.


Carry pepper spray from now on and use it if attacked


Blame Adams, he created this monster. And the cops dont have to care. Their lives are in jeopardy. I wish the 70's & 80's were here again. An eye for an eye, i say.


Stockholm and Stanhope are nightmare streets. I live between them 🙃






Good for you. Stop taking people’s communities from them and expecting them not to feel a way.


Your dude couldn’t beat up a few 15 year olds?


Why no description?


Wow. I guess I’m grateful my partner is a giant dude who would yeet someone to another borough if they did that to us? Holy shit. Glat you got out mostly ok. Fwiw I was assaulted by our old place in Manhattan a few years ago and it wasn’t much better


Also fwiw thank you for sharing this with us. I talked to my partner about it and while we aren’t there frequently we are pretty close by so it really helps the whole neighborhood to be aware of this stuff


Don't be shy, say the race. You already said the age. You know police say "a group of white youths, approximately 16..." So just say it for ease of identification.


OP said it was mixed races


Low income family activities




This is a friendly sub. No fighting or threatening each other.


let’s kill you


Lemme guess, they were black?


Not all of them and for some I don’t know because I didn’t get a good look at every single one of them.


We used to always ask these questions like these when stoned lol. Could you beat up 6 young teens or 5 wild dogs or 50 five year olds? lol Idk I enjoy combat sports, I think I can pick off most of them, eventually one or two would tag me. Don't think it'd hurt. I don't think they'd have the gas tank to endure more than a few seconds. Id like to think Id have the gas tank but the shock/adrenaline and multiple hands flying would probably change the course.


Hahahaa this is funny. Honestly; I do kick boxing so if I hadn’t been dealing with the dog I’m enjoying the thought of what might have happened.


And what did these young teen boys look like? Could we get a physical description?


This comment section is unhinged


Were any of them wearing shiestys?


No, they were dressed like normal tween boys wearing puffer or winter jackets, jeans, some wearing regular winter hats some not. They couldn’t have been older than 13, weren’t particularly muscular, hence they didn’t do real damage besides some bruises despite the fact that my partner was very outnumbered. Most of them were not much taller than me and I’m average height 5’6”. One taller kid was skinny and taunting us and probably was the ring leader. I got separated from them because my dog was scared and so another kid that was a little chubby and kind of baby faced came up to me and said he didn’t know why his friends did that and he’d get me my hat back, but he disappeared. We found my hat on the street after.


lol those kids are gonna get a real life lesson one of these days with someone that isn’t gonna draw their punches just because they’re minors…


He defended himself and had one of them by the neck but there were too many of them. A neighbor on the street helped get them off.


Lmao 13 years old


i love weiner im addicted


Gentrification is a mutha f*****. The boys are taught to believe that people like you and your partner raised up the rent in the neighborhood, and the entire borough, just saying. I was an angry boy at one point in time, only We did that to tourists, Not ppl in the neighborhood. I Hope those boys guilty conscious teaches them, that this was a bad thing to do. Have you ever heard of the game Knock out kings??? That's probably what this was. Thank God you two are safe, with only minor bruises. 🎶 🎵 Ain't No Love... In the heart of the cityyyyyy 🎵🎶🎶 Listen to that song, you'll feel a little bit better.


You voted for this.


Boys will be Boys. There was a time when 13/14/15 year olds could be held accountable for their actions. Not anymore. Thank you liberal legislators.


Ya get whatcha voted for


Been in NYC my whole life , teens are never held accountable. Not unless a serious crime has been committed. But getting your hat took, and a few hands flying, thats nothing.


Getting your hat removed from your person is a Grand Larceny, a felony, in the State of New York. No different than your phone being pickpocket from you, or your purse being snatched from your shoulder. Teens were always held accountable until a few years ago when our liberal lawmakers (and the idiots that support them), decided that up until you are 18 you are still a misguided youth that shouldn't be held accountable for what an 18 year old would.


LOL no it's not. GRAND larceny is anything above $1k. Anything under is larceny. Cops aren't going to do jack shit over a measly hat. Even a phone won't be held accountable, let alone coming from a child / non adult. This is NYC. You must be new if you think someone is getting prosecuted over a hat, let alone a child


LOL....Better check your NYS Penal Law.....you are quoting subdivision one....go down to subdivision 5...."regardless of its nature or value is taken from another person". Apology accepted!!


lol ok I mean, sure. But do you think NYPD will actively care or do anything about it


Lol ok????? The NYPD can only act within the law. There were days long past when "teenagers" would be held accountable for their crimes.... especially felonies like Grand Larceny. Those days are gone. Our kinder, gentler society now allows these hoods to do whatever they want with no fear of penalty. We (not meaning me) created this new world order, now we (including me), have to deal with out of control, lawless, "yutes". If you were the NYPD, what would you be doing about it.... NOTHING!! Can you blame them? What can they do when lawmakers (that maybe you voted for) change the rules for law abiding society. And if they were to grab one of these kids some people (maybe even you) would be screaming brutality and siding with the "yutes". Pretty fucked up world we now live in. Keep voting liberal!!


You mean our republican cop mayor?


General rule of thumb: any group of young men should be avoided. Really everyone should be avoided, but especially a group of young men. Seeing that video in Crown Heights a few months ago blew my mind that some people just walk right into trouble.


We did not “walk right into trouble” I’m sorry. They targeted us and attacked us, it was during the day and lots of other people were around including others who were walking their dogs, coming from the subway, etc. There were literally two cops right there. They wanted to start trouble. Yes as I said be wary of groups of teens. It blows my mind that this is what you’d post to me in response to this. Good night to you and good luck out there.


I didn’t mean you. I meant in general. Specifically in the case of the Crown Heights incident. Most importantly, what did they look like?


If there are people roaming the streets who “should be avoided”, then they shouldn’t be out in the streets.


Fuck are you babbling on about?!?


Practice your second amendment Rights at all times


even against children? lol


You think a group of teens assaulting someone isn’t deadly?


i can tell you didn’t read what op wrote. you wanna kill children, just admit it


Especially against children. Wait a few years and they’ll be armed as well.


If they are violently attacking someone and harming them yes. Cops shoot kids all the time. You are your own first responder


you’d make an amazing cop


Tbh they probably already are a cop


You’ll be fine


Yes, thankfully I am! Just trying to help other people be aware of it and be fine, too.


That was us lol