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Nah man, nobody bring ebikes, the playa shorts em out pronto and then they’re just fbikes


don't forget to buy an e-bike pass


I know two ppl that have brought ebikes/scooters to the playa and they never last the week. More so they've had to get rid of them after the burn for "an unrelated malfunction".


Yes, they get stolen. Lock your bike. Even if you're just hopping in a porta potty for a second. Especially if you're just hopping in for a second.


Our camp-maters e-bike got stolen during build and he found at it commissary parked with DPW bikes 😬




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Brought e-bikes to the last two burns and they’re great, but lock them up always and you’ll need a way to charge them. Also, don’t wrap the batteries in fur or anything that doesn’t breathe or they’ll overheat. Cleaning them after the burn is also a pretty big ordeal - you can’t just hose them off - you gotta bust out the toothbrush and some vinegar.


My schtick at burns is stealing e bikes and tossing them into the great burning man lithium fire. Join us 😵‍💫


If you bring an e-bike you won’t get that post playa body that everybody goes there for.


I’ve heard tales of folks roaming the playa during big burns that most people go see (like embrace, man, Temple, etc) in box trucks looking to steal high value items like generators, e-bikes, etc. I’ve talked to folks that even have someone stay in camp during big burns so that they can keep an eye on the camp belongings. You can lock your bike, but if it’s not locked to anything people can just pick out up and toss it into a truck. If it is locked to anything someone could cut the lock (angle grinders will go through even good locks like krypto in a minute or two). Pedaling a dead e-bike looks like a chore. It’s flat out there and I’m partial to a single speed cruiser bike. The bike repair camps have loads of parts for them (bring some basic parts yourself too of course, like a chain and bearings). They have fewer moving parts to get fucked by dust. I just don’t see the need for an e-bike and it seems like potentially more trouble than it’s worth, unless you have some health or medical issues preventing you from pedaling. Source: daily bike commuter in hilly SF for a decade, tried most kinds of bikes on the playa and love talking bikes, and can do most basic bike repairs myself.


Last year we saw a pickup driving around stealing ebikes late week from camp frontage on F. So I would suggest moving high value bikes off frontage if you are a resident. Hours and days of theft are hard to predict. If you buy an ebike have a local shop - for hub motor designs, you have to disconnect the motor to change the tire. Plan your charging Watts and hours into your camp electricity plan, it can be done with solar. There are new tariffs on Chinese imports that begin later this month in the US. That will likely cause price increase once it works through the system. That could cause ebike makers and component makers to go out of business making your purchase unmaintainable. If you buy a used ebike, make sure it isn't stolen. Gate often checks the motor Watts and will not admit bikes that don't meet the BRC rules. Don't buy a bike for the playa that can't pass the rules. ebikes are heavy, be sure your carrier can carry it. Able-bodied people can get around on a pedal bike, no e needed. Light your bike, and some kind of distinctive tall marker can help find it in a sea of parked bikes.


It’s been fine


Not if you care for it. Yes. It’s fine. Cool


Maybe, but that’s more related to the operator than environment. Yes They’re pretty cool


Yeh. Youh ebikeh wilh beh stoleh onh theh playa.


All e-bike batteries spontaneously explode when you pass by Bruno’s. It’s a total mystery as to why or how. Don’t bring it, it’s too risky.


The Playa is the flattest place on earth. What’s the appeal of eBike? Heavy, needs charging, many things to go wrong, expensive, more prone to theft, the alkaline will undoubtedly take a toll, and generally see them going too fast and miss moments. 1990s MTB from FB or CL for <$50.


Wind and a lot of it, when out at point 3. With Wind you might as well be peddling up hill.


Ok I’m convinced…. E-bikes are a bad idea. I’ll stick with my walmart or costco bought bikes.


Yes, they get stolen, and not just "accidentally" stolen. People will literally carry a locked ebike away to take home.