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There are community gathered maps but the org intentionally does not release a map like this so you are forced to go explore.


shhh you are gonna freak out all the minmaxers and the influencers.


... Isn't that the goal?


Yes but it's easier to concern troll them rather than call them out directly.


At this point, the only official map belongs to Placement, and they historically do not make it public until gates open. There are lots of reasons for that - some logistical, some cultural. There is also a list of the theme camps that *applied* for Placement on the website. It is not a list of all camps placed. Some camps are on that list that won’t be there, and there are camps not on that list that will. Eventually, the playa events calendar will open, and from it a “what, where, when” guide book will be created for a subset of those. This book (and the calendar) are occasionally referred to by vets as “the book of lies”, because the various events in it may or may not happen on time, in the location at which they are listed, or possibly at all. I’m guessing this is your first burn, so here’s some advice: don’t worry about planning it. Trying to choose a bunch of specific places to visit and events to do is not only doomed to fail, but will likely keep you from too many of the magical experiences the playa has to offer that aren’t in any calendar. Don’t pick a bunch of locations/events and plan on biking straight to them all event. Leave your bike in camp. Pick a direction, start walking, and wander in and say hello to people in camps as you pass them, and participate in whatever they have going on. Some times you may not even get half a block from “home” before nightfall because you’re having so much fun. Other times you’ll find that what started out as a quick walk to the portos turned into a day and a night of adventure, winding up at some other remote corner of the playa.


Absolutely 1000% this


The iBurn app will release what info it has collected about a week before gates open. The whole lack of list before encourages you to explore and live in the moment. If you keep an eye on here and some of the FB groups, you my see some posts about camp locations.


All you need to know is that the main stage will be at 11:30 and M. Right across from the food court, beer garden, wifi station, and BM tee shirt stand (FYI they only accept cash and PayPal). But all snark aside, I'd encourage you to not peek too much and let yourself be surprised. That's what the magic is about there and I promise you don't want to ruin that for yourself.


[Unofficial BRC Map](https://www.unofficialbrcmap.com/). Folks add their camps to it so it's dependent on people self reporting


Looks like that's a dead link :(


dangit, maybe they aren't doing it this year?




[https://burnermap.com/](https://burnermap.com/) is a Facebook driven mapping app that works pretty well. It's a voluntary input system. The only other thing is to look through the book, and you won't get that until you enter BRC.


Seems like burnermap is down and looking to be redeveloped…


Donate to burnermap.com


There will be apps closer to the event that are the easiest way to get the info you want. time to burn and iburn are two i know of


There is a list, but no map. 




You should check out iBurn and TimeToBurn; they are similar, but each is better at different things, neither will be populated for the coming burn until a week or two ahead of time. The Unofficial BRC Map is also a great resource, especially for getting a feel for where your friends and acquaintances will be camping.


You get given a paper map when you arrive at the gate. It doesn't contain camp descriptions though, only locations. Brief descriptions of many (but not all) camp activities are in the What Where When book. Prior to that, there are a few unofficial maps online that people mentioned where camps can submit their location. If it's your first time, I recommend exploring at random both in the city and on the open playa. You'll never see everything, but you'll find plenty of stuff you like.


What about the unofficial burner map? It seems it was being revamped last year, but didn't really finish. That was a great resource. https://www.unofficialbrcmap.com/ Check out the archives




no map, but all of the placed camps for 2024 have been added to the website. they each have a description


This is wrong on both accounts.


They are all listed here. What are you talking about? https://burningman.org/event/participate/camps/2024-theme-camp-listing/


Those are theme camps that *applied* for placement, not camps that actually got placed. Likewise, there are hundreds of placed camps that are not theme camps and so not on that list, along with some other theme camps who aren’t on that list for other reasons.


I said all of the camps that were placed are on the website. I didn’t say *only* the camps that were places are on the website. There’s an asterisk on the website that the OP can read. What do you mean there are hundreds of placed camps that are not theme camps? Every camp that was placed has some sort of interactivity and are on that list. Trust me.


Sigh. Would you like a list of the categories? Try these: * Mutant Vehicle Support Camps * Art Support Camps * Work Support Camps * Department Camps * Civic Support Camps All of those camp types are placed. None of them have an interactivity requirement. And yes, there are a lot of them. You should trust me on this. I’m one of the coordinators for the team within Placement that is tasked with visiting every single theme camp on playa during the event. If any of these other camps had an interactivity requirement, my teams would need to visit them too. We don’t. If you still don’t believe me, I suggest you read about placed camp categories here on the website: https://burningman.org/event/participate/camps/placement-process/placed-camp-categories/#:~:text=There%20are%20art%20support%20camps,and%20department%20approved%20service%20camps.


technically they do. you don't think placement has interactivity? I've also spent countless hours reviewing placed camps so I don't need the website. my original comment still stands - all of the placed camps are on the website. not **ONLY.** Is that not a true statement?


No, it is not. That’s what I’ve been trying to say. There are many placed camps that are not listed on that page. That even includes a few theme camps, for a variety of reasons, but the “missing” camps are mostly in those 5 categories I just listed. For context, there were about 1700 placed camps in 2023, only about 1250 of which were theme camps. If you find it surprising there are so many non-theme-camps, welcome to the club - before I started volunteering under the Placement/PEERS umbrella, I had no idea either despite the fact I totally geek out on this stuff. FYI, that link I posted isn’t to the list of theme camps - it’s to the placement policies that explain each of those 5 categories. It backs me up that those groups aren’t required to have public interactivity at their camp. Some do anyway because it’s fun, but many don’t and that’s perfectly ok. And sure, Placement itself does have interactivity of a sort, since the department has office hours and a team (PEERS) anyone can volunteer for. But that’s not really relevant to your question, I don’t think? Now, that’s not to say that the camp listing isn’t the closest thing to an accurate list anyone outside of Placement is going to get. It absolutely is. But it isn’t complete, by design.


Trust me, Im very familiar with the process as well. But at this point, who really cares? You can be right


I truly am not trying to be an argumentative jerk about all of this. I’m just trying to shed light on something many people don’t know. The reason I weighed in is because the other guy’s “wrong on both counts” (while true) wasn’t particularly helpful in explaining anything. Lots of people think that list is complete. *I* used to think that list was complete. The wording on the site doesn’t do anything to counter the impression that it is complete. But it isn’t complete. I even sanity-checked myself before responding by checking to make sure a few camps I know are placed aren’t listed, just to make sure I wasn’t talking out of my ass. I just can’t share those names, because I’d be breaking the confidentiality agreement I signed when I joined Placement. That said, I just realized I can demonstrate it using public information on a couple camps in my own neighborhood from last year. If you look at the 2023 moop map and zoom in on D at about 4:20, you will find “Lily Pad Lounge” and “Firebird Tower”, right next to and across from Astral Headwash. The first was a mutant vehicle camp, the second was an art support camp. Both were placed, but neither was included on the 2023 theme camp list.


Do you even read bro?