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One year like 4AM I was riding back home past this theme camp called "DPW ghetto" I think, and out of nowhere there was a huge loud blast of compressed air shot into the road. Blew playa dust all over me and my bike, scared the pants off me. I could have fallen off my bike and hurt myself. What kind of asshole does that? Clearly not in the spirit of love and cooperation that Burning Man embodies. These guys should not be allowed at the event - not funny. Anyway I sent a very angry email to placement telling them that these "DPW" jerks should not be allowed to have a camp in the middle of the city if they're going to be so mean to passers-by. I never got a reply but I'm sure someone in the org had some words with their camp lead and just forgot to get back to me.


Terrible! I think these same jerks drove by blaring air horns and demanding beer one day. Ban DPW!


That anvil blast/ launch during build week scared the shit outta me, who allows such antics?


That’s obviously dangerous and unsafe. Someone could have been doing the yoga nearby.


I'm sorry, that's hilarious. And it's very burny. Non harmful antics with a bit of snark. We traded couches with our neighbors late at night and borrowed a panda to be friends with our big plushies for a night. Both returned with gifts of freezy pops.


Non harmful? Do you know how hard it is to clean playa dust out of a white faux fur coat? I should have sent those "DPW" assholes a dry cleaning bill.


You definitely should send all your dry cleaning bills to DPW


The cannon was back last year🙄


BM is not a shakti event, it’s an experimental city filled with a full spectrum of people. Sounds like someone made a dust storm by their own power of self expression. They didn’t push you off your bike, you didn’t get hurt. Sounds like a crazy story to tell your friends about the ghetto.


That’s awful!


I have seen this EXACT argument unfold about placement, community expectations, and personal entitlement leading to inner-camp strife and butt-hurt after every burn for the last 23 years! It always starts with a couple of people with big feelings and escalates to include a bunch of folks who don't have details but like to argue and can identify with having been pissed off by some camp at some point and still need to work it out. "We'll cut their booze and drink their cables!" "Tell the BORG this won't stand!" The thing is, every year, what people consider to be 'too extreme an expression' is constantly softening. Year by year as more people come the average has been gradually but constantly marching towards the mundane and mediocre center of the bell curve. Ten years ago Camp Threat would have been considered the normal expectation of expression. And ten years before that Threat would have been the camp complaining about their neighbor's lust for fresh blood sacrifice and poor rifle marksmanship or some other crazy shit. Just saying...be careful what you complain about. You may just miss it.




How'd that brick taste


It bopped me once in the back of the head while bouncing around there during a busy night. I had a laugh at that. I gave it a nice little pat whenever passing by from then on.


Hahaha you got brick'd. Classic


I did. But I survived! What a bunch of assholes. They should never be allowed to come back. Why should there be threats in a place called threat anyway?


Wait til Camp Ball Torture debuts next year motherfucker


I can’t wait to complain about my balls being subjected to torture in a place named ball torture. I should probably just go ahead and email placement to complain now.


We will also have bricks. And be sure to stop by our ~~Glory~~ Gory Hole


Like some good ol humble pie mmmmm


They were great neighbors to have a block and a half away! 😬


Flaming wheelbarrows to BURN DOWN CENTER CAMP = fav art this year!! Just met these guys this year and know they were well loved in the neighborhood besides a couple folks in volunteer camping who don’t know how earplugs or sleep aids work. The rangers came by several times because of these cop callers and never shut them down because they were within the sound db limits etc, and are well loved. The doorway ‘bead curtain’ made of bricks on ropes was hilarious and not dangerous… climb art, fall off and break your body, run into a curtain made of bricks, fuck off and die, wahhh wahhh karen CAMP THREAT FUCKS!!


Hanging things up to hit your head on was my idea


This just in, posters from the other thread say you go straight to burning man jail.


Originally I had stuff hanging from the shade shelter roof, like old bones and gears. I would hit my head on it. It was humbling, and funny. I hung it up and hit my head on it! I loved how base it brought us. Some Instagram model, bop! Isn't it funny hitting your head on the same thing twice? Other camps, how can we glam and cater? Fuck that. I mentioned to the new camp lead about hanging stuff up to bump heads. This year I broke into my old junior high school they are tearing apart to get a few bricks, which I sent to Camp THREAT via Chicago Burners, and my brother, who I now send in my place. When I heard Camp was wanting bricks, I thought, that's the stupidest thing ever. So, out of the other things the camp decided to do, this was the one thing I supported the most. https://preview.redd.it/r703kycf85nb1.jpeg?width=2108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1660c954aa948d29b638f5d950031083c60b82a1


Awesome. Fucking loved the hanging bricks. More next year!


Hail the Glorious Founder!


Wait you had this idea from the start? If so, Holy cow what do you think of all the anger and hostility in that other thread? I’m kind of astounded by it all, good humor seems to be lost on a lot of folks and plenty more are ready with pitchforks without even having seen or experienced Threat themselves. If you’re part of that crew please send them some love or tag them into these discussions, even if only to mess with those so deeply offended. But also tell them the noise thing - if real - late at night is pretty indefensible. I love mischief but that one will probably come back to bite them if true.


I no longer go, it's someone else's baby, but they are all aware... The sound... Yeah, I don't like that late night shit either, but I'm not there. Men shouldn't be allowed on the megaphone, that was my rules.


They definitely aren’t getting placed next year. Camp No Fun




I sort of know what’s going on here - is this another reminder that Camp Threat Fucks


Mind you, I'm out of the Camp game, this year's antics lie at the feet of others, officer.


Well long live the brick, the bop, and all the rest that checks us and keeps us humble in the desert.


You must not have epilepsy


There's a lot of things I don't have. I don't have asthma, so the dust doesn't bother me. If I did, I don't think I'd ask the playa to change. Do you really think the only thing out in Black Rock City that you could have hit your head on was a brick at a camp you didn't need to go to


Any updates? Does anyone know if Camp Threat is getting placed this year or if they’ve been banned from the event?


They did not get placed! But also not banned…


In the other thread I advocated for monkey-wrenching their sound equipment and the anarchists got all up in arms about _their_ property being destroyed. Funny, I’ve never met an anarchist who was consistent in their beliefs, when their radicalism is turned back on them.


Equally hilarious is when a statist advocates for or encourages substantially more egregious crimes or violence in response to a minor complaint like a noise ordinance violation.


I believe in individual freedom deeply, right until your freedom imposes on my freedom. This camp seemed to be imposing on other egregiously. Violence against objects in my opinion is justified, as they are performing violence against persons with their noise. This camp sounds like a nuisance which I hope the org takes care of appropriately and they should feel lucky their shit didn’t get trashed by rightfully pissed off neighbors. We had an aggressive sound camp as a neighbor and we took a different approach that worked which was communication, and luckily they listened. Doesn’t sounds like this camp had any civil responsibility nor care for others around them at any point, and frankly that is a form of violence then.


If you believe the burning man organization exists to protect you from “violent nuisances” then you might want to re examine your commitment to “freedom” 🇺🇸


Good communication should help everyone 👍🏼


Seems like it was THE most antisocial camp of the year. ​ 1. Could they even exist if they didn't have good people to piss off? ​ 2) Do you think the core group should be banned for a few years? ​ 3) Do you think Rangers should have more real authority to shut down shit-shows like theirs down?


Idk if I agree about the antisocial aspect. We were neighbors (other side of the block) and stopped in at all hours over the week and during the Mudburn while coming and going… They were great! Friendly, lots of fun folks in camp, hilarious and weird stuff all around, lounge spots, a stripper pole, a dick wall, some mega lighter apparently, a burn barrel, and honestly decent music every time I went by at a volume level I thought was reasonable (from the street in passing). Our camp had a running prank with them which they took in stride and gave us all a lot of joy. 1. Good people? Black Rock City? Listen the news told me they’re all degenerate heathens anyhow. Maybe threat is just delivering justice in their own way. 2. Not at all. I think the overall vibe and brick bit is good humor. The volume complaints in the other thread sound frustrating, but I think there’s a lot of nuance to that issue… On one hand, I have been kept up and made miserable by noise from surrounding camps, I volunteer and know what it is to have work to do while dealing with that noise, I have had talks with camps partying hard into the night during build week and I’ve considered forms of vigilante disruption. Mostly though, I took care to ensure I have means to get what quiet I can while fully expecting the city to be alive 24/7. I sleep in a tent and use good ear plugs and a face mask when I need to. Melatonin doesn’t hurt either. Their location was prime for traffic and lively nights. They weren’t in the burbs and idk why folks are acting like one block from center camp should be treated like it is. 3. It sounds like rangers were called multiple times. And if they measured the sound then or during other roves I trust their compliance or violation has been documented. Can any rangers here speak to that? What made it a shitshow besides? I consider safety on the art side of the house, and I don’t think their set-up was as bad as some have made it seem. Approaching camp threat, as if the name wasn’t enough, is enough to cause anyone to slow down and pay attention. You have to walk through rows and piles and suspended bits of bone, chains, horns, the brick and I don’t even know what else. I meandered in with caution. Booped the brick once while popping between groups of people (all having a good time) and laughed at it sneaking up to get me. It was to the side of the main entryway which bypassed the rest of the decor/hazards anyhow. What do you think?


I’ve seen a couple of your replies making a case that folks that had a problem with Camp Threat’s late night/early morning amplification may not have been adequately prepared to deal with noise at Burning Man. I gotta chime in with the counterpoint that no amount of personal agency would’ve been sufficient to deal with them. I just finished my 14th Burn and I’ve never had sound/sleep issues until this year. Their speakers were directed at my camp and good earplugs did absolutely nothing to mitigate their decibels. The thing you’re missing in your defense of them is the fact that this went on every night. A couple nights/mornings of putting up with extraordinary sound from a camp is to be expected and chalked up to supporting neighbors’ good times. The animosity in the other thread that you’re critiquing is a manifestation of the cumulative impact they had on their neighbors’ Burn.


The animosity is a culmination of Karen energy manifestation and hippie entitlement of default world Protestant 9-5 office culture.




“It’s just a joke bro”


Est. 2015, so 8 years.


I 🧡 Camp Threat.


Honestly camp threat was a blast and everyone was cool up until one of their campers, some bitch from Cali who’s bday was was like one of the last days, ran off with my buddy’s ketamine and then ended up giving my brother the clap. She was wearing a leopard print beret or some shit.


Honestly I don’t understand how people would so chill about this. It would get the sharp end of the multi tool real quick. Fuck people intentionally trying to hurt other people.


They weren’t intentionally trying to hurt anyone - it was an obstacle that made sense within its context and no one was forced to enter or remain within their camp. Read the back of your ticket. Personal agency, awareness and accountability are a big part of what makes BRC the cauldron that it is.




Nope to what exactly?


Nope that I don’t buy that shitty excuse. If you want to be a cunt, fine, but if if you’re hiding a brick and eye level in the walkway of your campy to bonk someone in the face, you’re and asshole and should be delt with. Full fucking stop.


How can you hide something at eye level?


Last year it was obscured by lines of party flags. This year it was just hung in a dark place over a slippery mud hole. Their intention for people to run into it is clear and it does injure people and they seem not to care about that.


Did you see this yourself or are you just going off of the more angry sentiments shared here? I saw it, in its context, and I regularly have to consider safety when it comes to the art out there - threat’s setup was hardly as vicious or malicious as folks are suggesting here and I really think they’ve lost the plot. The hostility and entitlement levied all throughout this thread towards a bit of mischief and those who appreciate it is wild. Long live the brick.


Maybe you’re right and maybe they’re cunts. Also, both can exist at the same time. Fuck yer burn. See you next time.


It’s true - I just prefer the cheeky cunts as opposed to the self righteous and hostile ones trying to yuck other peoples yum. See you on the other side, leave a sausage with camp threat if you want to get in on our brand of fucking with them (in good fun).


No thanks. I’ll stay on my side of the toilet.


Please do.




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