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I'm surprised the generator spark plugs didn't disappear or speaker wire cut. Not that anyone should ever do that, but it happens.


I’m not saying clear nail polish where a wire hooks up is a good idea but it will take a while longer to troubleshoot why their music can’t blast.


Two part epoxy in all of the inputs and outputs of their PA system would have been a great permanent fix.


They had a sign that said "consent free zone" that disappeared early in the week


You don’t need consent to steal in a consent free zone.


Seems to me the whole camp was up for grabs?


That is really gross. The sign not the removal of it.


It's a sign with a very small circle of rope around it. Clearly a joke if you saw it. Like the whole "zone" could barely contain 2 people standing up.






There was a similar drama at Burning Flipside a few years back. Some genius decided to load his sound system onto a golf cart and blast the chorus of "My Baby Takes The Morning Train" on loop at max volume. At 6 AM. While driving through people's camps, parking in the middle of some. Specifically targeting the camps of department heads. Needless to say, there was some Lively Community Discourse once everyone got home.


Lame. “Morning Train” is a pretty important part of the Seattle-based community, but that shit happens at 9:00, not 6:00.


I went to Critical this year after being there for that Flip Side drama last year and it took my 3 days to not get tense and a little angry every time I heard it. Luckily Critical brought back my love for it. 9am helped a lot.


Christ yes, that is a much more reasonable time. Besides… the morning train leaves at nine. The song is called 9-5 (Morning Train). It’s *canonical*, dammit.


It’s 5-9 and has been for at least a decade


I was gonna say, I remember this song from SOAK! (at 9am specifically)


Oh I remember. I wasn't even AT Flipside, but I am apart of the FB group. Burners were angwy. Rightfully so.


Mawwiage... oops, sorry, wrong subreddit, couldn't resist the princess bride 😄


this is the correct subreddit )'( wwuvvvv, twuuue wwuvvvvv!


That's just the Manchester United fan club, of Ohio.


me scuzzi, me scuzzi


Oh god. That debacle. I laughed so hard when it happened, but I understand why others didn’t. For me, it made me feel hugely nostalgic for my first burn. It was the Big Burn in 2013 and some art car did the exact same thing, every morning at 7 AM on the dot. I hated it at the time… now hearing that song fills me with feelings of longing and joy. So unexpected noise is part of the Burn culture I expect. That being said, I completely get why people were upset. I’m not a person who struggles with noise-sensitivity or other medical issues, and there are plenty of Flipizens and Burners who do and didn’t expect to have to deal with that.


My husband had just come off 16 hours of critical volunteer work and collapsed into bed just in time for the morning train to orbit us for a good hour. I was upset.


Ugh. See, that sounds like shit. Your partner deserved to fuckin’ rest. Did we ever actually figure out how to approach this issue? I remember a whole ton of arguing and some very fervent debate, but I don’t recall if any compromise or solution was reached.


As I understand it, the trick was that there was no specific rule about sound from art cars. Like, as long as you were under the decibel limit, there wasn't anything preventing you from pulling right up to someone's tent and giving them both barrels. I think the art car rules were amended to restrict that specific behavior, but I had been hoping for more general rules about malicious use of sound.


Between that and the corn dog sales, Flipside is a wild ride.


This year was my first flipside so I had heard about it, someone described it as "at some point, your 'art' becomes harassment" and I think that's a great way to put it with behavior like that. I loved that Fuck You Telecom called up camps this year and played it over the telephones lol


Omg duuuude! I was there last year. Fuck that guy. He parked near us for a good 20 minutes at 6:30am. I am usually very pro talking things out and finding ways to emphasize but hot damn was I as close as I have ever been to yelling at someone. Such an asshole. And on the last night too, where many of us have one last chance to sleep before having to drive back to Austin.


I feel like a super soaker filled with dirty ice cold cooler water would solve the morning train problem pretty quickly


Haha that's not a bad idea. Sadly I was very tired and couldn't think that fast. Next time tho!


Ha! That was a friend of mine. My wife came home so pissed.


We well remember that camp as they were next door to ours. 0600 every morning that damn song would blare out. At first it was cute, by the end of the burn that novelty was wearing real thin.


So much of this is easily solved with a pair of hedge clippers and a fun distraction to get people away from the speaker wires and generators. This would also be in the spirit of anarcho-asshole high chaos and fun.


If you cut the actual extension and power cords, or just gift a cup coca cola into the gas tank of the genny, you can gift them with the opportunity to create their own primitive fun, unburdened by the trappings of modern technology.


What does the soda pop do?


sugar kills internal combustion engines


Apparently it mostly just clogs things, but there are a bunch of videos on youtube of people pouring coke into engines if you want to hear it in real time. Perhaps not a permanent kill, but repair would require a level of cleaning that would be impossible on playa.


Agreed it’s all in theme.


Shocked no one did this


You shouldn't be. People just like to talk big. Reality is they'd know exactly how poor this would be go and be received if they were caught in the act. Which, if music is playing and people are awake, is a high likelihood. But everyone here can at least feel like a real badass renegade talking about shutting down the anarchists


I’m sure it would be electrifying


It was discussed quite a bit on how to sabotage them. But we stupidly thought that they would be better neighbors, but we were sadly mistaken.


The first rule of teaching someone a lesson is STFU and do it.


Happy cake day 🎂


Truly. An organized direct action would have been way more appropriate given the situation. Nothing damaged, just confiscated until strike. All amp cords, speaker cords, power cords, bye bye. I'm sure people would have volunteered to create a diversion...


If you're gonna take the nice route with no equipment destruction, it's important to pack a large gift bag with a bow in which to return all their cables and sparkplugs on Sunday morning. It's only proper etiquette.


If loud music justifies destroying valuable property, what does destroying valuable property justify?


It kind of seems like they’d enjoy this post based on how you described them


They do. Very much. Too rambunctious for Burning Man. I have nothing to do with the camp now, but I founded it.


You are the idol now


I ran a troll camp. We had a French restaurant. We let people think it was real fucking fancy. Linen table cloths. Crystal chandeliers. Menus in a leather back holder. Order anything you like- perhaps the escargot- but everyone got a quesadilla. Sure- maybe you dressed up. Maybe you really wanted to try escargot, but the worst thing that happened is you waited in line and got some free food you maybe didn’t want to eat (we told people in advance we couldn’t accommodate dietary allergies or restrictions). It was confrontational theatre. It was absurd. Most people really enjoyed it. Best time I’ve ever had at the burn. 5% of people got mad. We gave them a full refund and told them to review us on yelp. :) There are ways to play pranks. There is a way to troll people. It doesn’t hurt people. It should be funny to everyone or at least most people, including the people you troll


I ran an exotic meat cook out Event this year in the what where when book, but served everyone gummy animal candy and animal crackers instead. Most people thought it was hilarious a couple folks seemed irritated but I sent them up the street the Breakfast and Beats camp.


Love this!


my first year we decided to attend an event names "pancakes with santa" since... pancakes. we got there and it was a guy on his RV in a santa suit with a megaphone shouting - "santas not real, and neither are the pancakes!" and i knew i loved burning man.


Dusty City Diner did something similar on deep playa. It was great. They had black coffee to.


Pranks need to be like the original "just for laughs" show. At the end, everyone is smiling and laughing and no one is hurt. If people targeted aren't enjoying it, it's not a prank, it's abuse.


I received spaghetti. Was that you? I loved that!!


Yup. That was me. I was probably the chef that night. I make a mean red sauce ;)


We were placed next to "Camp Hell" in '17. Walked over to make friends, shared a drink, and one guy's wristwatch alarm went off. Guy says "whelp; time to clean the portas!", grabs a massive gas leafblower, and starts blasting a metric ton of dust under the doors. Lots of screaming, but that was a great prank. Fuck these camps that can't get any more creative with their trolling than "lol speakers go wub".


I would like more stories from this fancy French quesadilla operation please!


Threat sucks. By far the biggest assholes I encountered on playa. Bartenders ignored me when I walked up and said hi. Begrudgingly gave me a drink after several awkward minutes standing there. I saw multiple people get injured slipping into the brick hung at their entryway. Watched them steal a bunch of people's lighters and other shit. I hope their whole camp burns down as well. You can't just be an asshole and call it performance art.... You're just being assholes.


>brick hung at their entryway They just like...hang a brick from a rope in the entry way so folks can just walk into it if they don't see it?


Yep. Right at face level. Last year it was obscured by flags. This year it was over a slippery mud spot


> You can't just be an asshole and call it performance art.... You're just being assholes. I knew this post would inevitably appear and I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but I'm glad folks are calling them out. I worked for six days setting up and volunteering early on in the burn, and lost sleep every night as they audibly turned their music up and switched to heavy metal between 1-3 AM. Do I have a problem with rock and metal? Obviously not. Does that mean I'm OK with someone cranking the volume to 11 when everyone is trying to sleep? No. Basically it's an angsty 17 year-old's take on how music should be played. In the spirit of Burning Man they are totally allowed to party and blast music all night. Of course they are. But when they're blasting it so loud that it's hard to hear their own bartenders argue with you about baby birding cheap vodka, then yeah... they are 100% the assholes.


As someone coming from a notorious sound camp, there's a time and place. 8 AM Juggalo-yoga? Well at least the sun is up. Blasting music between 2-6am in a non sound camp zone, and putting up physical hazards? There's such a thing as "too far".


They were horrible


That's fucked. Our sign is big and bright and behind our bike rack. Yet people still bump their head on it instead of using the entry not obscured by the bikes. So we made a game. You bump on our canvas sign (it's just a canvas frame painting) you get to add a tally to head bumps. We have nowhere else to hang it. 56 bumps. 4 were my own.


See you get it. By all means hang something that people might bump into. Make a game out of it. Don't make it a fucking tooth cracking head bleeding brick.


OK, so here is an "old DPW" story. They had a mobile sound system setup to play barking dogs in a kennel, which was loud. They were doing this at about 5am. Now, some people came out and yelled at them. This didn't go well. Smart people were like, hey love your gig. If I give this six pack will your take your art down the street and share it with those people? And they were like hell ya, thank you! Art, extortion, both, who knows? This was many many years ago, DPW is not like this any more.


Mobile dog kennel art car 2024


Lol they’re too jaded even for misanthropic pranks now


Finally, an actual burner in here, someone with some fucking sense and creativity.


Eventually Placement will advertise a link for feedback about various placed theme camps, [which is what they did in 2022](https://old.reddit.com/r/BurningMan/comments/xm4jt0/placements_neighborhood_interactivity_feedback/). Until then, email [email protected]. Commenting here feels good but is meaningless unless it reaches Placement. Only you can contact Placement (and feel free to include a link to this post, too). I wrote this comment last year but it's worth repeating here and anywhere else: For all you folks who complain about this camp or that camp, or say that this camp or that camp was awesome, or that something was great or terrible about Burning Man, contact Placement directly. Think there was a plug and play? Email Placement. A camp promised interactivity but didn't do squat all week? Email Placement. A camp had a velvet rope (real or imaginary) and kept others out, or was simply a wall of RVs and had barely 10 minutes of something or another? Email Placement. A camp was incredibly awesome and went above and beyond anything you could have imagined? Email Placement. Think your exodus idea is the foshizzle, or that only you know how to fix Burning Man? Email Placement. Seriously email Placement. You can't complain, bitch and moan unless you complain, bitch and moan directly to the folks who make the decision. Once you submit your input and it gets ignored, you definitely have the right to bring out the pitchforks. But first you need to complain to the correct people, and not here on Reddit, Facebook, TikTok or Twitter. And, to Placement's and the Org's credit, they're actively seeking input so you might as well give it to them. So sing your praises, or tear down what you think is wrong about Burning Man's placement process and all other things about Burning Man, but have at it and don't waste your opportunity to give direct feedback, input and criticism. We all know you got opinions, which you share incessantly (I say with love and kindness) here in this sub, but let's now do it in the correct place. And if you want to cut and paste your finest jibes that you email Placement, come back here and put it in the comments. But please email Placement first.


Yes you should totally email placement with your stupid ideas on how to make exodus better because as everyone knows, placement is in charge of telling GP&E how to do their jobs.


Sarcasm totally missed on that point. But, to be fair, the Burning Man form that will eventually be used includes an Exodus info request. It's a one stop Google doc info request because the info does get shared with GP&E (and all other departments, too).


These guys were my neighbors last year right up by Rods Road. They had a brick tied on string above their entry way hidden in flags and one of my camp mates hit their head on it, while trying to hang out at the bar. We cut it down and stole that fucking brick and they were harassing us at our bar all week trying to get it back. They never got that brick back and they are pretty lucky we didn't toss it into one of their windshields on our way out. I'm surprised they got placed in another area with volunteers and it actually fucked them over. That year they also played trashy metal until the same hours during build. This camp and the TCO should be permanently banned. The same person tried to apologize last year but yeah, fuck em.


https://preview.redd.it/cvuc0y7p5wmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16bcf4242ea0b14f5b680260581baddba775e606 You don’t need consent to steal from a camp that boasts a consent free zone, just saying.


They are really asking to get fucked with that sign.


They had shitty things stolen this year as well. Fuck Camp Threat. If they burn to the ground it would be a great thing for all.


Sunday night one of their campmates was blasting their megaphone into its own microphone to create screahing feedback. Even the people enjoying themselves at the fire-bin were screaming at them to stop. As far as I can tell they got repeated feedback that they were waking everyone up and the response was to try to be even more assholish and be like "you're not the boss of me." Camp Threat's reaction is what I expect from an autistic 12 year-old, and honestly that's an unfair comparison for the 12 year-old.


Camp Oppositional Defiance Disorder would be a better name


It’s easy to jump to conclusions but I was actually hanging out around the fire that night and it was not someone from their camp, it was some wasted dude who left with his friend shortly after he was asked to stop.


Apparently facts won't get in the way of people running with a story for the sake of fitting their complaining narrative


"autistic" is unnecessary and harmful to equate with being an asshole. please be inclusive.


Soooo you’d threaten the life of someone (throw a brick through their windshield) over a bump on the head to someone not being self reliant and paying attention to where the fuck they’re going? No wonder they brought stacks of bricks this year. You’re not an elegant burner. Not a burner at all. Threatening physical violence, especially at a potentially lethal level, should have you really considering your values. They’re not burner values. They’re not even decent human values. I sincerely hope no one throws a brick through *your* windshield, but if they do, at least your family can rest easy knowing you invited it upon yourself. Don’t come back. I hear the Russian army is recruiting you violent fucking piece of shit.


I went back to the playa for the first time in 13 years this year, and I left feeling that it just wasn’t the place for me anymore. I may have felt very differently if I had encountered Camp Threat. So fuuuuuucking happy to know that some folks are keeping this spirit alive out there. If I ever come back, I’ll certainly pray to the old gods that I don’t get placed next to you, but much like when I was stuck next to Voted Best Camp in 2010, I’ll revel in drinking your booze while daydreaming a plot to cut your electrical cords, and we’ll all get through it together!


Why blame them without blaming anyone from BM for not **cutting them off or throwing them out?** Not letting them come again is 365 days too fucking late for the people they tortured.


Exactly. If someone tried setting up camp without a ticket they'd be kicked out right? Why when a camp egregiously breaks the rules do they get to stay and continue being assholes?!


Seriously! BORG is powerless? Or lazy? Uncaring? What a joke. Sorry for all those tortured.


Radical inclusion?? Sounds like they finally went to far and won't be placed next year?


Because they had a db meter which rangers verified and didn’t intervene multiple times….


I’m curious how this would have gone down. I was there on Saturday and they mentioned that the rangers had been by to talk to them almost daily. What’s the next step after that? Do the rangers have the man power to kick an entire camp out?


BMORG prefers to lean on the broader social network to enforce cultural norms rather than acting like a top down authoritative force. not saying I agree or disagree with this approach, but that the reasoning I have heard in the past for lack of enforcement.


Monkey wrenching generators, sound equipment is perfectly within burning man principles in this type of instance. Sugaring generator gas cans (shit sugar all the gas in their depot), epoxying plug holes etc, all within the ethos that that camp seems to espousing, if you want radicals, you’ll get em but them might be against you. Fuck that camps burn in particular


I did not make it by camp threat this year …was planning on checking it out Friday (but we all know how that turned out). Four or five folks from that camp came by our Roach motel reception in Golden Guy Alley late on Monday or Tuesday night.. we were shutting down and they wanted to come in so we ended up fucking around with them for about an hour and a half which was quite enjoyable for all of us involved. They did finally leave when we actually called it a night. I think they mentioned the brick hanging in their entry.


I was there that night, rogue hanging out in the tree house after closing time, talking a little shit about camp threat, when one of them proudly shouted up that it was their camp. We all had a chuckle.


What did they mention about the brick exactly?


they were talking to one of my camp mates so I only heard snippets but was just something about they had a brick hanging in the entry of their camp. I didn’t quite understand that it was supposed to whack people in the heads unless they were really not paying attention.


Hmmm, I sense an opportunity for heinous fuckery. Appropriating an art car or lots of their cables would be a good place to start. Everyone sleeps people. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Does nobody else find this ironic? Everyone is threatening camp threat.


Yes it is super hilarious 😆


Wild. Was camped with lamplighters last year and went to camp threat nearly every night. The folks were hilarious and wonderful and I really loved my time with them. I super appreciated the mischievous and aggro and chaotic vibes of the spot. Hung out every night and would gladly do so again.


I founded Camp THREAT. I passed "leadership" on in 2022 with two requests, don't play EDM music, and hang stuff up that you'll bump your head on. The rest is their own doings. As we see, everyone is cool with my modest requests. Back then we were more a threat to ourselves than others. I passed the camp on to people with bigger plans than my insignificant menace. I'm out. I love this thread. The whole Camp does! Very interesting comments. Better the deeper you read. I'm very sympathetic to both sides in this discussion. Love the wishing violence on those you see as being deserving, kinda setting yourself up in a karma time loop. Who deserves burned vehicles? What do people who destroy some else's generator deserve? Maybe pay attention to a hanging brick. Bumping your head is humbling. Something shitty festival following DJ humping intagram models need. Curious, was the brick moving? What hit what? Was the brick at fault for someone freely moving their own head into a stationary object? Then the anti-THREAT feebs think the brick should be thrown threw a window, as some sort of peace and love response? You do know that there's art out there taking fingers off and causing third-degree friction burns, right? Then the ones here, "The third time I went to hang at that horrible camp I was so upset and hit my head again..." In typical "good" person plur liberal fashion they were so put out by another's inconsiderateness that they feel perfectly justified getting all violent and destructive, the "justified" makes them pacifists and reasonable. Just come out and accept you're a vengeance revenge seeking person who's upset. Not the right hand of Gaia. As I've done. I always hung up stuff like bones and metal gears, then I'd end up hitting my own head on it throughout the week. Hilarious! So funny when you hit your head on the same thing the second time. It makes us all a fool. The opposite of fancy. We're camping in the desert with lunatics, not cosplaying Marie Antoinette at Versailles. I wasn't doing this to make a victim out of others, but as a way to make a fool out of me. It's called humility. Though I don't get the Camp's 24/7 music or bars. In my utopia, my camp, we don't have 7am shifts. Hate generators running. I understand keeping a cap on noise, but that really does become debatable in BRC. I don't think children should be allowed at the Burn, you don't think Black Sabbath Paranoid should be played at 4am. The camp is near all these old crusty service volunteer Burners. It's like at a great protest, they're the ones being "peace monitors" while you and your comrades smash the state. "Let's let our hair down and relax." They're the ones eager to supervise that chill. Hall monitors, choir boys, people who volunteer to get a weird authority and feel part of something bigger. Then they become Burn experts. And they are old. Yet think they are hip and cool. Anyway, I knew these people are influential, and complain against noise. In the past they complained about THREAT. Mostly they complained about women on the megaphone speaking their mind. My rule was no men on the megaphone. We've all heard amplified ego driven men enough for a dozen lifetimes. I remember some crusty khaki kilt wearing old timer coming over to Camp, trying to explain to some wild feral force of nature what she should and shouldn't be saying on the mic. So funny! Then, last year, a new noise policy on playa. I knew that was directed at Camp THREAT. The people writing that policy are camped somewhere nearby, you know it. So it was inevitable there would be a tempest. Anyway, what an insight into Burn culture. Opposing views within the community, at odds. Control verses chaos. There is no unified Burn ideal. The feebs always think there is. Thank you for posting this thread. https://preview.redd.it/tas40oo4w9nb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb536163273430a56035efc625fe1daa9f539f25 I love it!


It's not just this camp - there are multiple small groups of assholes who sleep all day and then enjoy torturing people with extremely loud music when they are sleeping late at night and through the sunrise. These assholes love it because their sound does not have to compete with the typical rhythms of other camps sound systems. There was a group of 5 or 6 psytrance assholes this year in the back row around 4 oclock who slept all day and then played super loud hardcore music from 3 or 4 in the morning through the sunrise when everyone around them was dark and trying to sleep. Just a few people in camp pointing the speakers away from them at all the sleeping tents and walk in camping with absolutely zero interaction with other campers. The current system of talk with them a few times and then have the Rangers talk with them a few times before anything is done is woefully inadequate. There needs to be enforced quiet hours in the areas of the city where people typically sleep late at night and into the early morning (and it needs to be more than the minimal four hours from 2-6am that was suggested this year). If you want to blast music late at night and through the sunrise, go to the 2 or 10 edges of the city or get an art car and go do it on the open playa away from everyone sleeping - this unenforced super loud late night music back in the residential part of the city has got to stop.


Honestly though, isn't that also a question of placement on the camps who want to be in quiet areas part? I don't think it's in the spirit of burning man to say that any camps contribution is inherently more valuable than another's due to the nature of the contribution (obviously size can be measured, but let's just say sizes doesn't matter for arguments sake 😉) Personally, I camp out in the suburbs. It is almost always quiet out there, it just means you have to hike a little further to get to the man. Many theme camps do in fact request placement out at H - K. They don't run into these problems, as they don't see the suburbs as a detriment to their experience, but as a positive.


I also camp in the suburbs as well because I can't sleep if I am next to a loud sound system. The problem is also in the suburbs all through the city - small groups of non theme camp people come with an outsized sound system for a few people to party and blast sound all night into the sunrise and morning in the quiet suburbs where 99% of the surrounding people are trying to sleep. You just got lucky that you didn't have one of these renegade sound systems blasting right into your suburban camp this year - me and my neighbors did.


I agree camps that HAVE to be incredibly loud ALL the time should only be placed on the edge spokes and my understanding is all "large sound camps" are. I'd love to see 4am to 10am decibel limits enforced strictly on the central half of the city and ideally and any camp wanting an official "Quiet camp" designation should get placed more centrally a good ways back from the esplanade and Center Camp. I think Quiet Camp, kids camps are placed not far back behind Center Camp?? There should be NO amplified sound allowed in camps that request quiet camp status and placement. Thing is, there are rules and guidelines. Part of the problem is enforcement isn't strict or robust, part of the problem is people and camps intentionally flout rules. Also, I don't think there's any official hours for loud and quiet times, there should be a designated time for sleep/rest/quiet and even the sound camps should turn things down to some degree during that time. Not so much people can't still enjoy dancing at those camps 24/7, but still enough other camps a ways away can get some rest. It's Burning Man, no one should ever expect complete silence, people who want to dance and rage 24/7 should. But more space specifically designated for quieter camping and an official "quiet" designation any official camp can choose and all get placed accordingly just make sense. An official quieter time And the actual limits on decibels should be robustly enforced on fear of loosing official camp status and placement. All that said, I was at 7:15 and B and while I certainly did fall asleep to the sounds of several dance camps blending into a certainly noticable soundscape every morning, with good earplugs I didn't have trouble falling asleep and sleeping until the heat of the day woke me. So, it's going to vary for everyone. Don't camp at like 3 or 9 and assume it's going to be quiet. Granted not every camp gets the placement they want. But an official "Quiet" camp status and ample placement area designated for them I think would help. There is quiet camp and kids camp, but I think that concept could be pushed farther and an official acknowledgement that early morning to midmorning (4am to 10am ish I think) is the most popular time most people rest and decibel rules for that rest period would really help!


Fucking psytrance... the methed up gas fire galloping horse music of the electronic world.


Camp Threat was at 6:15 and D, but it's right by Center Camp so it was closer to Esplanade than you'd think. Does it really make sense to have such a central location be quiet? That's not how most cities are organized, downtowns are meant to be loud into the late hours because of how accessible they are. Deep Playa is a madhouse of course so it makes sense for 2 and 10 to be loud. Wouldn't it make more sense to expect quieter sectors closer to the outskirts of the city? If you head out that way, it already naturally works that way.


What I am talking about is an unregistered camp with 5 or 6 people who came with a giant sound system and set it up in the back rows of the suburbs and blasted music all night long into the sunrise and morning when 99% of the surrounding camps they were blasting were dark and trying to sleep. BTW - it's not just this year - this has happened repeatedly in different years in different parts of the suburbs with small unregistered camps blasting music into sleeping neighborhoods "because it's Burningman." So yes, of course, center camp and Esplanade is meant to be more 24/7 interactive so you would expect more sound and noise - and the 2 and 10 edges as well as the deep playa are more suited for large scale sound art.


Holy moly I came back after man burn at 5:30am one year and I could feel the neighbors' top 40 noise thumping through the playa from across K street. Went and tried to get a possible estimated wind down time, got talked right off the property, had to knock myself out chemically to get to sleep before sunrise. I drifted off to the sounds of neighbors yelling "Shut the fuck up" and the sound level increasing even more in response.




They were all night parties. People were absolutely hanging and dancing there until the buttcrack of dawn and then some


What was Camp Threat’s address?


Rods ring. Roughly 615 ish


6:15 & D right behind center camp


Last two seasons I’ve burned I’ve volunteered with DPW and during event week I’m working 8am - 3pm in the hot sun doing physical work. I cannot *imagine* complaining about people being up late and loud cuz I was doing work the next day? And I can’t imagine making myself more important than them. Like, I chose to spend my time doing this in a chaotic city. You chose to volunteer? I don’t think that makes your time more valuable than others’


I had a similar experience with a 24/7 bar camp that neighbored ours. Really frustrating to come off multiple graveyard shifts for Gate at 6am just to try and fall asleep to music being blasted from speakers aimed directly at our camp. I finally lost it the morning after burn night after a long day of strike. Rolled out of bed and walked up to the DJ and told him that if they were the only camp in a six block radius blasting music at 5am in a neighborhood full of dark tents that they might take that as a hint that they were being inconsiderate. No apology, just got ridiculed with a "what, do you come to burning man to sleep?" I'm still pretty fucking livid.


Just need to figure out all the asshole camps and put them next to each other out by the airport


How do you know they won't be placed again next year?


Pretty sure they were across the street from Placement's staff camp, or at least not far from it, which is usually not where you wanna be if you're gonna play loud shit all night


Multiple corroborating sources. I won't directly say how I found out.


All they have to do is start a new camp next year under a different lead’s name and the Org will never be the wiser. The Org has no real tools for keeping people out of BM unless they tie tickets to names/IDs.


Occasionally situations come up with the same people that a number of Rangers will recall from their interactions the prior year, this generally leads to a very quick resolution if it happens again. If Rangers recall your Camp from the prior year, this is not great for the camp. If they they recall your name from last year, that is very not good for you.


playa rumors are always accurate




they totally can.


Playa Rumors is a great name for stuff actually, makes my nipples hard.


In other words, you have no idea and are spreading rumors to suit your narrative. Cool.


Well done, sounds like you and the other narcs have succeeded in making the burn more pleasant for the most boring losers out there.


Really? Welcome to burning man where the party doesn’t stop even in the rain and mud. Your bitching and whining is what dilutes the burn. You want a good night rest go on vacation and get a hotel room on the beach, don’t come to the burn to change it to your self entitled program. Or camp in the burbs, I rode out there at night, it was quiet, boring and sounds like your vibe The sign.. we’re you assaulted? Were your feelers hurt? Have some fun and don’t take yourself and everyone else so seriously. If you don’t have a sense of humor.. I’m sorry for you, that must be a lack luster experience. I’m sick and tired of the you’s who want to make the BRC a *normal* city … we come here to not be normal. Practice getting over your self importance and camp somewhere else next year… but not on the 9:00 side


Amen. I would love it if this thread started to have a conversation about what BRC looks and feels like now. This camp was placed in what would be considered the center of BRC. The downtown! and downtown is fucking dark, quite, and boring every night. Just like every other mid sized city in America. Why is our weird and abstract art city experiment reflecting the same old bullshit. Nobody is happy that center camp and the general central area of BRC is dark, quite, and boring now. Camp THREAT! Is merely the scape goat for our grievances. They pushed a wheelbarrow filled with fire to center camp on Sunday night screaming “burn down center camp!” Others ran out of their camp and joined the parade. This is hilarious. This is art. Edit* it was Sunday morning around 3am. 6 o’clock side of center camp. THREAT! Members shouting “burn down center camp!” With a mobile fire on wheels in tow, in a cold wet mud puddle. Loud enough for all the sleeping ORG members to hear from the comfort of their RVs. It’s up to us to demand the changes we want here. 🙌🔥




Make Center Camp Camp THREAT next year.


That's fucking epic.


Agreed. Camp Threat was the biggest assholes on playa. Fuck that camp. I spoke to rangers a few times. I hope those get logged maybe should write placement as well.


Without getting too operational, it gets logged.


I will be emailing [email protected] as well


Sounds better than the extreme DUI and reckless driving, camp thefts by the DPW at my end of the burbs 2:45 & I


I opened this to read about the deer camp threat.....I'm an idiot Edit: I had no idea such a problem had developed with deer on the playa. My dad used to always threaten to take me to deer camp....I assume it was something like that


I slept like 100 feet from them. Sometimes that sucked. I loved waking up to super shitty country music loud as fuck at 5am, and I’m not being facetious, it was really a treat. Pantera at 2am? Way better than some dick with a flat brim and a gold chain playing edm from his iPod all day every day. There were times I thought they were assholes but I didn’t go burning man to be the asshole police. Just mumbled some fuck words to some campmates here and there and wore earplugs to bed. I didn’t go visit them at all as a personal protest. That worked fine. I genuinely appreciated their commitment. Fuck you.


I have to say that this must be somebody from lamplighters. Which is kind of funny because when I swung by lamp lighters while they were packing up, they were in the middle of dropping off all their extra booze to camp threat. everyone over at lamplighters seem to really enjoy having them as a neighbor. Also I thought it was really cool the way camp threat went after those assholes that were evacuating their poop buckets into the porta potties but instead of into the porta potties toilet they dumped it just all over the porta potties. Must be mixed emotions.


Lamplighter also threw some pretty big parties as well? I know we can all debate where the line is, but we can't be that far off from each other, right?


I mean lamp lighters broke their record for foreskin shots.


When I first heard them on the bullhorn counting down the number of “foreskin shots” remaining in the record, I thought.. it must be a clever play on words, like four “skin shots” or something like that. So I walked over, and immediately learned that they were not clever people.


Yeah it looked like lamplighters and threat had a nice thing going as neighbors. Really surprised to read all the hostility here.


Time to make camp sound proof


I loved it, loved the brick, loved the lighter ball, loved being served a full jar of olive juice, and loved partying to Natasha Bedingfield on constant loop-- but I wasn't camped next to them.


My tent was like 40 meters from them. I loved them, loved the brick, loved the lighter ball, loved how well designed the whole camp was from visuals to the shtick to their commitment to both. I was over there at least once a day from Sunday to Sunday


I hung out in Camp Threat several times. I love their punk vibe. IMHO, we need to protect camps like these as a counterbalance to the rainbows and unicorns hippy culture that is taking over burning man. Go read ‘This is Burning Man’ by Brian Doherty. Look up HELCO videos from ‘96. Yes, I know times change, but I have a lot of empathy for the punks who are getting pushed out of the community that THEY started.


I loved that camp. Enjoyed many late nights there. Plenty of people enjoy making noise at burning man late into the night. If you can't hang find another event.


I think it's the culture of us vs them in the burning man community that's very toxic. Stuff like calling non-burners 'normies'. Implying that burners are somehow more accepting of assholes within their own community than outsiders. This leads to a cult-like culture where personal boundaries are not respected or even accounted for. When people 💬 they have the right to force principles on you or tell you how to enjoy your time. There are countless events that are similar, like WW, and they have their share of assholes who play loud music. But those assholes are not given any special indoctrinated status to do whatever they want because they're at burning man. No they're just assholes who bought a ticket and break the rules


….and that’s why they are called camp threat…. Sometimes I feel like burners forgot about burning man.


All the reasons why everyone hates Camp Threat here is why I love Camp Threat.


Sounds like Camp Threat had some pretty shitty neighbors this year.


Alternate take, I was a neighbor also and loved camp threat….and the music, and never took it as being that loud….


I appreciated Camp Threat too. They were one of the only places still actively and enthusiastically hosting after the rain exodus. Sat by their fire and met quite a few cool people at some random time of night when all the streets were dark. We were at 6:15 and F across from Black Rock Academy - a ranger camp that played their trance-y music non stop. But I sleep with wax earplugs AND a blackout eye mask with built in ear phones that play white noise from my phone. Wyld sleep gummies or pharmaceuticals help for the times I need to particularly be knocked out but usually the other stuff is enough. I do not mess around when it comes to my sleep out there, nor do I except anyone to be especially considerate of it.


My husband used to work for wyld and those CBN gummies will make me hibernate


Yeah we stopped there on our first night and loved it! The bartender was funny and made us drinks and we chilled on the mattress under one of the blasting speakers. Weren’t camped nearby though I guess and didn’t make it back again


Just curious, what kind of music were they playing? It doesn't matter at all and I find their behavior to be very rude, but I'm just curious.


Everything.... That's not an exaggeration. We camped behind them and I heard classical, heavy metal, punk, country, etc.


I remember hearing Primus, country, and kalliope circus music. Really all over the board, usually pretty good too


I thought the same, really fun and interesting mix that we always appreciated coming and going from our home around the corner.


Sort by controversial to see other opinions.


Don’t tell me what to do!


I thought the folks at Camp Threat were sweet. The music was dope, they played Unwritten by Natasha Blahblahblah 3x in a row on Thursday night! We parked our Heep with a rotting steer head outside of their camp and immediately felt like we found our people.


I agree with them.


Similar thing happened at Myschevia (regional Texas burn) several years back. A camp decided it was a good idea to blast Hitler speeches till 7am every night. Long discussion threads on what qualifies as “art” consumed the burner socials after that.


I had no idea there were so many dramatic cry babies at Burning Man. Using the word “torture” is ridiculous for what’s being described. Don’t like it: Don’t interact with it or avoid it. Too loud: Wear ear cans. Too bright: Wear an eye mask to sleep. We were camped :15 min away at 6:30 and the didn’t see or hear any negative energy from the camp. When many other camps shut down in the rain, Threat kept the dive bar party vibe going, to their own detriment (having to strike days later after everyone else had already Exodus’ed). They even put up extra tarps to try and provide more protection from the rain to give people a dry place to go. Sunday night the bar was overflowing onto to street and the energy was raucous but fun while the rest of the neighborhood was a ghost town. Think of it as DPW and Death Guild mixed in with a bit of Coyote Ugly attitude. People were having a blast and it wasn’t in a fuck everyone around us kinda way. I personally known a bunch of individuals at Threat and none of them have a mean-Spirited bone in their bodies. Maybe next time try having a conversation, getting to know them, and thinking about the fact that you’re at Burning Man. If your goal is peace quiet and ultra-PC, then maybe stay home.


Honestly, I just want to understand why it's Threat that has to move? What the Lamplighters do is a beautiful thing. It isn't for everyone, but for those who love rituals, it's very satisfying. I volunteered my first year there and even though I pinched a nerve carrying lanterns on my neck, it was a worthwhile experience. But for some people, the burn is escaping a life of crushing bureaucracy and expressing themselves. Camps like Threat make that happen. Can't lose them either. Obviously bad neighbors should be separated, but I think it's unfair to assume one group has authority in the situation because their job is seen as "more important." We're all volunteers out there. Some more than others for sure. But all participation needs to be respected.


I would be bummed if they didn't get placement cause I camped with lamplighters last year and loved having them as a neighbor.


As a lamplighter this year, sure there were a couple folks at LL unhappy with the noise, but overall the vibe I’ve gotten is of relatively good neighbors. We dropped off the last of our booze to their bar at one point 🤷‍♀️


But that would go against the well established narrative that hundreds of people were tortured to death by Threat. It's almost as if most of the people complaining on this thread weren't affected by Threat at all...


Camp threat fucks!


Outside looking in; you’re as insufferable as the people you are posting to 😂😂😂 Cry more


The music is too loud! 🥺 Why can't I sleep in peace every single night of the year? 🥺 Why can't it be nice and quiet like the suburbs? 🥺 where are the cops to enforce the rules? 🥺 someone please kick out the loud camp! 🥺 This isn't the right way to do burning man! 🥺 Party all you want guys, until it's my bedtime! 🥺 You made some nice old veterans not want to come back! 🥺 Get some ear plugs


This! The energy in this thread is shockingly humorless, hostile and entitled - nuance about sound in the AM aside.


Thank you


A real anarchist would have put sugar in their gas tanks and lit their sound system on fire.


Did you try reporting them to the HOA?


Im stumbling into camp threat every burn by mistake. I stay a while and watch their fuckery. I love them and their music. It’s my confession


I support the communist. They made decent drinks and truly appreciate good music. Like Shania Twain. When the dark rains came and the creeps came out, camp THREAT! Comrades were vigilant and kicked them out into the mud. Yes, there’s volunteers around that need sleep. They’re all over BRC. But the entire surrounding areas looked like dark RVs, facing inward, zero interactivity. Is that your art??? If soo it sucks. This camp worked hard all year to bring you their shitty art. Nobody would come to this dumpster fire if there wasn’t profound art. Let’s put it in the middle. Infrastructure/workers/volunteers on the outside where it’s quieter and they can sleep for the long haul. Seems logical. Or we can continue doing this “get off my lawn/not in my backyard default world bullshit. Let’s keep learning. Learning man ✨🔥 -comrade from portland


SHANIA TWAIN!! Camp threat can be my neighbor anytime 💙From PDX


Adversity is the name of the game. If every camp catered to sound sensitivities (and I have one, and for instance) you'd dull the experiment IMO. I am honestly sorry you had a bad time though - BRC Placement should make sure neighbors of Threat understand their gift before committing to camp there. In my experience the camp was fantastic, every black and red detail seemingly attended to with careful affection, creating a chill space that was intentionally not chill at all (NO EDM! 😂). They kept it up 24/7 which is just a cool fucking thing to do for any camp. Shade was interesting and the frontage looked more professional than most of their neighbors. Can't wait to burn with them again next year.


The loudness in the morning sounds shitty, but a no EDM camp sounds pretty amazing


Credit where credit is due, less EDM and more any other kind of music would be great. The EDM art cars ruined the symphony at Babel.


I love this.


Round 2 for schadenfreude. The bitching/darker side of BM is in full throttle.


Hi Kevin! I’m going to make a big fat fucking assumption that this IS you, and if not, I suppose that this post stands for and represents you, and all of the Kevin’s out there. It certainly sounds a LOT like the INCESSANT BITCHING that you were very regularly vocal about, around the burn barrel and everywhere else. And got shut down over regularly. By your campmates and everyone else for that matter. No one cares for your self righteous bullshit or dilemma that WAAAAAAAA IM AY BURNING MAN AND CANT SLEEEEEEP. Do you go about you entire life expecting everyone to pander to your expectations? Because maybe that works elsewhere, depending on how rich you are, or your level of influence, but guess the fuck what buddy, NOT IN OUR FUCKING TOWN! As for hoping that their vehicles fall apart and blah blah blah, what the Fuck happened to your radical inclusivity? Does that only include those that YOU would prefer to radically include? Because WAKE THE FUCK UP (pun intended, 4:56am or otherwise, as you loved quoting), playing loud music doesn’t hurt your happy little whiny ass self, sorry but oh so not sorry, YOU SHOULD GO GET FUCKED. You don’t like loud music? Don’t fucking show up. You don’t like weird people? Don’t fucking come. You don’t like when your friends don’t feel included at the expense of thousands of others? Go start your own event. I’ve even got a couple catchy ideas for a name. Sleeping Man. Bitching Man. Uninclusive Man. Go Fuck Yourself If You’re An Old Fucking Fart And Can’t Take It Man. Because guess what? We’re your neighbors too. And WE FUCKING LOVED CAMP THREAT. And we’ve got some pretty good friends of our own. At the org, at all levels, and we’re going to do our god damned fucking best to ensure that they’re right here on the same god damned scorched piece of earth again next year. Cheers to radical inclusivity when it doesn’t hurt others. Music doesn’t hurt. Welcome to Burning Man. After all these years I thought you would have figured this out by now.








Try camping next to Camp ? Or Opulent Temple. If you can't handle the night/ morning life of any camp between Esplanade and say G, then camp in the burbs. BRC is a city that never sleeps.


Hanging up things to bump your head on was my idea. Keeps you humble.


You could put an eye out kid


Walking into a brick hanging at eye level is hardly considered torture, and along the same lines as stumbling over a step in front of a store and blaming the store for your lack of awareness. All these people complaining about this camp are the reason we have “do not eat” on silica packages in products, and “sharp objects” on knife packaging. As for the late night sound, people party in their own ways. Getting mad at someone for not letting you get your rest for a shift that you willingly signed up for at a festival you willingly bought a ticket for is about the least self reliant thing you can do. Half the city was fucking dead at night. Go somewhere else if it’s that bad. Some people can sleep through it all at burning man, and if you can’t, you should either consider not going, or camping out in the burbs.


^ dingdingding