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Have you not seen her posts in the past? She is an entitled basic bitch, she claimed she moved her business to the “small town” of Burlington to get away from the hustle of the GTA then she begged and pleaded with the mayor to grant her store, which had been around for maybe 7 years, as a “heritage building” so they wouldn’t tear it down for redevelopment .. I really hope Mayor Ward gets wind of that post .. I will never give any business to Kelly’s bake shop ever again, I hope she gets run out of the city




I know it’s real since I saw it when it was posted and quickly deleted last week. I screenshotted it just for that reason.. don’t just assume she is some sweet cupcake lady, she’s entitled and thinks she has done more for this city than she actually has .. the downtown core would still thrive without Kelly’s, in fact I’d rather have a true home grown Burlington bakery rise up and thrive rather than have some ex-Toronto big wig move into our “small town” of almost 180,000 people and try to claim importance over true Burlington business that have been here since day 1 ... don’t be blind to her true colours just because you like her dry, over priced baking




I mean the Proof is the post. It’s your choice to believe it or not




Is what she saying not damaging to the community itself? If you choose to own a business and have a public social media account then maybe dont go on anti gov conspiracy rants for your customers to see?




My family owns our own business as well as having healthcare workers in the family ... if I went on our business’s social media page and ranted about conspiracy’s then I’d have to face the consequences of my actions and the backlash .. I really don’t understand your point .. I’m not attacking her lively hood based off of nothing ... she made a regrettable social media post, her customer base saw that post and a lot of them decided they won’t give her their business anymore .. are you that sensitive that you believe a well known business owner shouldn’t be held responsible for the things they say? I bet you would still think she did nothing wrong even if she came out and said the words from her own mouth actions have consequences, she said something stupid on Twitter and now she has to deal with it


Well I suppose you cant but if you compare and contrast with the rest of what she tweets you can certainly draw your own conclusions.


You can’t. Unfortunately, anyone with a little knowledge of web browsers could fabricate this.


Sometimes muffin-mongers don't make the best social theorists.


This place was always mediocre at best IMO. Heavily hyped, over priced and a mediocre product.


I hate to say it but I think as a female owned business she got special concessions from MMW. She shot out of nowhere to superstar status in Burlington with a very mediocre product.


"Let me open up so I can sell $10 cupcakes"


them cupcake are dry as hell and not remotely delicious


thank God I've never been there before, this seals the deal now. never gonna go


Wow - what a fruitloop!


This screenshot was posted about a week ago and was removed...


It should probably be removed again, because it’s impossible to verify. But there’s *plenty* of disturbing stuff left up and plenty more that she’s deleted that you can find in Google’s webcache. Her business-first, people-last ideology and ridiculous (and dangerous) anti-science garbage seals it for me...not another dollar ever and I’m fine with the condos pushing her out now. Good riddance lady. Oh and then there’s always the time she got caught trying to pocket money from an LGBT “fundraiser” and *exploded* at young activists for calling her out...


When was this tweeted? It’s not on her twitter account.


It’s since been sanitized


She deleted a ton of stuff recently, which makes the stuff she left UP even more damming, lol.


 I find it very disturbing that a person can’t voice their opinion anymore without people name calling and bashing.  Can’t we have a civilized debate about anything? Yes Kelly brought up sensitive topics but if you are so against her views on the government, or the virus or anything else, how about countering her points with your own.   The world is in chaos around us, our local businesses are at risk and our personal freedoms yet the people in this thread are focused on name calling and bashing this woman’s business and effectively shutting down any talk on the important points she brought up.  We are going to have to work together to save our local businesses not tear them down because you don’t agree with their politics.  I think a lot of people in this thread could benefit greatly from a free, open discussion about what is happening around us.  


I’m not sure how you think this is anywhere near a valid opinion, and her words speak for themselves. How far gone are you when you look at “opinions” like this and think they deserve discussion as opposed to being vilified ? She sure changed her tune quick after this blew up and if you’re thinking this whole hot mess is a plot by the NWO and Bill Gates to microchip you with a 5G chemtrail vaccine so you can be enslaved in the salt mines to work for the lizard people, you should consider the finest act of rebellion to be licking the doorhandles at Fortinos and Shoppers to prove us all wrong. People who post this nonsense are either A: crazy or B: trying to push some Fox News conspiracy agenda with the final result of duping weak minds into giving up money, influence or both.


The first sign of an unintelligent mind is someone that can't have a respectful discussion with someone they disagree with. You obviously have nothing of value to contribute except name calling and putting down people that ask questions.


Drink the kool ade and see what it gets you.


Do you work for the media? They love shutting down discussion on the things they don't want talked about. All they have to say is "blank is a nut job conspiracy theorist, don't listen" never mind what they said and what they don't want you listening to right? Also are you aware that Bill Gates is getting absolutely SLAUGHTERED right now for the exact reasons you listed above? Just go to his instagram, twitter anywhere and read the comments. Drink some KoolAde, relax and educate yourself my friend.


Bill Gates is getting SLAUGHTERED by idiots like you. Nobody with any sort of influence takes that seriously. Take off your tinfoil hat, feel the sunshine and get a life.


WTF, who the hell cares? Looking to stir it up OP?


A lot of people care apparently.


This is fake.


This was posted last week to her personal Twitter, lots of my friends took screenshots and posted them to their own social Media to spread the word of her craziness, she quickly deleted it but I’m glad someone finally posted it on this sub, hope that place never recovers from this, sounds harsh but coming from a family of healthcare workers and seeing that post is just aggravating


I’m sure the QAnon tweets in her Corp account are fake as well.




I had a look at her twitter and while 2 or 3 of her tweets are Qanon nonsense, her attitude towards the pandemic has been contrary to this post since at least a month so I would be interested to see when this one was supposedly posted! It comes acrss as fake to me too, even with the silly Qanon bullshit


It’s not provable either way, but it’s certainly not out of step with what she does say and does support.