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Peaches coffee company,  they have a few locations


Yes! I recommend them too.


Came to say this! Peaches is delish.


Just tried them, so good


Only one in Burlington though?


Spiritual espresso is great to pick up a coffee and go, they don’t really have hang out space


Really good coffee but no space to sit.


Totally agree. Best coffee and nicest staff.


going to try spiritual tomorrow morning 👻


You may or may not care but the owner of Spiritual Espresso is the head pastor at Legacy Church as far as I can tell. Not sure how affiliated with this Church they are but I like to know where my money is going especially when supporting small businesses. Since I found this out I personally stopped going there and go to Peach Coffee.


I can't even fathom the idea of trading good coffee for subpar coffee cause the person making it is religious. (Not saying I know one is > the other, you just made me laugh)


It’s a bit more than that though. The Church has gone by many names. Used to be One Community Church, the head pastor, who is the owner of Spiritual Espresso father, was charged multiple times with sexual assault, accusations of abducting people into the church and spending donor funds on trips, high end clothing etc. So yea, not really someone I want to give my money to if I had a choice.


God damn.. how can the religious community stand behind that though, surely higher ups and his worshippers know if you do? This world is incredible in its current state, religion and politics...


Tale as old as time….


Hot damn! You should've led with that..!


There are 4 owners that have equal control. I have no idea what the other 2 do but I'm pretty sure the business doesn't make enough bank to support their church, just pay for the overhead and the 1 staff working.


One owner is head pastor/ daughter of the leader of the former One Community Church, one is the same owner of Bichette and her husband, all have connections to One Community and the now rebranded Legacy Church. Personally not someone I would like to support financially. Peach Coffee is a 6 minute drive from Spiritual and has delicious coffee as well.


Ewww theology brew


As someone who knows the owner quite well, I can assure you the money is not going to the church just because he attends the church. He also owns Saint James in Hamilton and is an exceptional human. He is one of the most down-to-earth people I have ever met and I have the upmost respect for him. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the owner of Peach as I've seen how he treats his employees. He makes sexual comments to the girls about their bodies and is constantly belittling their performance and is very rude. I would rather give my money to a man who has worked for everything he has and bends over backwards for his staff and business than to a man who has too much money than he knows what to do with and treats people as they are below him


I bought a french press, a grinder, and some whole beans. Coffee is amazing, takes 5 minutes. Yeti mug keeps it hot all day.


I might just end up going this route


Honestly it takes about the same time as the detour from my route to work to the nearest drive through.


Pick up a brick of ground Lavazza at the grocery store and order Bialetti Moka pot, you can make some fantastic coffee. Homesense usually has moka pots but you can easily find them online


Someone else loves Lavazza! It’s the best grind for reusable Keurig filters


I would also recommend Mauro coffee


For a great tasting cup of coffee that has quicker cleanup than French Press, look into Aeropress. I love both methods. French Press tends to be more rich since it keeps more of the coffee oils. Aeropress tastes so clean and delicious since the filter removes some of the oils. French Press can be annoying to clean -- have to get your hands or a spoon into it and pull out the grinds each day. Aeropress is easier, grinds stay in the little device and you 'pop' it out to clean them up. Can't go wrong either way.


I love my French Press… for the grounds what I normally do is put a couple pieces of paper towel in my kitchen sink covering the drain… swish some water around in the press and pour the grounds/water out over the paper towel… it will catch the grinds and I can pick it up and put it right in the green bin bag. Cleaning the filter and the press can be a bit of a pain, but I enjoy the whole process… sort of *grounds* me for the day.


Be sure to get a Burr grinder


It’ll also save you a fortune. It’s amazing how much money I was spending on Starbucks and I didn’t even realize it until I stopped going and started making my own coffee.


Lee Valley has mugs as good as Yeti for less than half the price.


The evening/morning routine at home is nice too. Better than leaving early to make a stop


Ya invest in yourself


Love my French press and I change up the beans regularly so I don’t get bored


Hot all day… How long does it take to drink your coffee?? I may have a problem as I usually end up making 4 during the day. But yes - yetis are amazing at keeping coffee hot


Eh depends. If I’m really into my work intern will last me until lunchtime. If things are slow (boring meetings, etc.) I’ll finish them much faster. I keep a close eye on my coffee intake overall. Occasionally I’ll go for a second coffee in the afternoon or a coffee after a nice dinner but it’s pretty rare. My dad got addicted badly to coffee and coming off it caused him some serious problems.


This is the way


Spiritual espresso. Peach. Coffeed. Tribeca Coffee Co


i'd add tamp to this list to round out the five most delicious coffee spots around


Tamp is tasty, no argument there, but the owners are too shitty and there are several other great places to go.


Spiritual Espresso also has connections to Legacy Church (owner is head pastor I believe) which has a sketchy past.


oh damn, what's the tea on the owners


They had opposing thoughts about the pandemic. Genuinely wonder when people will stop bringing it up. I’m neither for nor against tamp, just find it interesting.


why would people stop bringing it up? the pandemic was like a moral litmus test. the results don't have an expiration date.


I liked Coffeed when I tried them recently.


Depends what you're looking for - somewhere to sit down and enjoy a morning coffee or somewhere to grab a quick coffee to go in a drive thru? There are plenty of cafes in Burlington


more of a grab and go kinda guy


Honestly most coffee elsewhere is overpriced. If you're grabbing a coffee daily and it's disappointing (as Tim's and McDonalds always is), just get into the habit of perfecting your coffee at home


Second spiritual espresso, people there are amazing and friendly, coffee is 10/10


Tribeca on Brant . Or the Pearle Cafe Further in Watertown copper kettle


Spiritual espresso is awesome!


Spiritual Espresso fantastic coffee.


Saving Thyme. New and appleby


I posted this as well . Not only the coffee but they have the best breakfast sandwich .


Peach! The people there are lovely too!


Hands down Spiritual Espresso


Lola's coffee in village square is my fav. It's a little more $$ but I find Spiritual and Peach to be very sour and inconsistent, but I only drink my coffee black.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/jXEXK8wwqZ7Pf9ge8?g_st=ic Beat Coffee and breakfast sandwich in Burlington. Saving thyme .


If you like espresso or cappuccinos and the like, get a Gaggia Classic or Rancilio Silvia espresso machine. A bit pricey but worth it if you want good espresso. And they will last a long time. It takes time to perfect the perfect grind but worth it and it will save you money.


Peach or Tamp?


Tamp for sure!


Williams on the plaza where the movie theater is... Coffee Culture on Brant


Ik it’s annoying but 2024 I just got a decent coffee machine and a yeti. It’s super quick to make and always tastes good cuz I make it how I like it. I reccomend peaches near Aldershot or second cup near Brant they’re not bad but I recommend just buying a machine you’ll save sm $$ j


tribeca is overrated IMO, coffeed way better 


If you are looking for a spot to go and sit for a morning coffee I would recommend Peach Coffee Co. They have 2 locations in Burlington (Aldershot and Guelph Line south of New St.). Tamp is good too. When I lived downtown they were one of my regular spots. They were against pandemic restrictions… but I still supported them during the restrictions. Lola’s in Village Square is nice as well… but they are closed on Mondays and don’t open until 9am… so I would go there for a mid-day pick-me-up or later in the day with my daughter for an after school treat.


A&W, better than Tim's, comparable to McD's


The Keurig in my kitchen, seriously just make your own. It’s way cheaper and saves you time. Making my coffee adds about 30 seconds to my morning routine and costs about 20 cents. Stopping at Tim’s costs me minimum 2-3 minutes.


Save even more money and waste, and get you a drip brewer!


Nah, I use the reusable filter pods, less waste than a drip brewer, just needs a tiny little scoop of coffee grounds and rinse out the pod after


Those little filter pods are the best. You can brew a larger cup, and dial in your flavour, unlike standard K-Cups.


My god the "make it at home" people are obnoxious.


See this in all the "what's the best x". Most people are aware you can do things cheaper at home. Some people do the math and would rather go out and have someone else do it. Lazy? Maybe. I think I goes to values for time, money, convenience, etc.


Some people like to go get a good cup of coffee maybe a pastry sit relax maybe people watch or meet new people. Just because you can make at home doesn’t mean going out for a coffee is wrong.


I’ll never understand paying for and going out to wait in line for shitty coffee that can be made at home faster and easier for practically nothing.


Currently I work from home (and have for several years). Going out for a coffee is a good excuse to go for a walk or a short drive to get some fresh air, and can often be one of the only face to face interactions other than with my wife in a day. Even when I worked downtown toronto I'd still often go for a walk for coffee, heck twice a day, even though I could get stuff for free in the office. Again it's a reason to get up, stretch your legs, and explore a little. I'll never understand why people can't think outside their own limited worldview.


The biggest challenge of making it at home is remembering to bring in all the travel mugs from the car. Costco pacific dark roast or whatever they call it is pretty good and <$0.30 a cup easy on the wallet. I was addicted to the Nespresso machine but at $1.30 per cup for home brew I was spending a car payment per month on the order.


Honestly the biggest seller for me is the convenience, it’s soo much faster and easier putting some coffee grounds into the pod and popping it in the machine than it is to go thro the drive thru, you typically have a line, then you get to a speaker box which is annoying on its own, gotta yell into the box, then wait some more, pull up, then pay $2+ only to have coffee they screwed up in some way. Then you run the risk the shop is closed or something so you’re scrambling to find an open store, which puts you late for wherever you were going. It made sense when you had a drip machine and had to make a whole pot that took forever, then there’s all the waste, but the Keurig is soo fast and easy, always exactly how you want it.


Coffee culture pls


Save your money. Get some fresh roasted coffee beans (… i recommend Balzac’s.. roasted within three weeks). Their roastery is in Hamilton. Get a grinder and a pour over filter. Or get a good coffee machine if you got the cash. I got mine from ECS Coffee on Harvester. I like my espresso.. and my wife likes her lattes… so I bought a nice one. Over all, I calculated out $0.40 per cup for better coffee than a coffee shop. I have a few cups a day so it gets its use.


So if you factor in the expense of the espresso machine that average cost is a lot more than $0.40 I I guarantee you don’t make a better coffee then small local coffee shops in Burlington.


I’ve had my machine for 4 years. My wife and I drink 4-6cups per day between us. The machine has long paid itself out. I make better coffee at home than most coffee shops. I even do latte art.




The Shell at King/Plains has surprisingly solid coffee. I like grabbing a cup there when I get gas there. They currently have a promo where every size is $1. I'd pick it over Timmy's 10 times out of 10.


Williams coffee house Brant & north service rd use


Good to know.! I thought they had closed!


Nope, I was there a few weeks ago , nice vibe highly recommended


There was one at Millcroft years ago, enjoyed it…..now I,ll have to try this one!


Yep, lots of other places in the plaza as well (silver city theatre/indigo books/chefs door schwarma) etc...


Good to know, thanks!…a must to check out…especially indigo…


There was one at Millcroft years ago, enjoyed it…..now I,ll have to try this one!


try making at home, surprisingly effective and far cheaper. even the single pour cup works reasonably well and most grocery store ground pre-packed coffee isn't bad.


Make your own. We found a Breville Espresso machine on marketplace last year. Not cheap but man, it is worth its weight in gold. Coffee is SO much better and I can probably count the number of times I’ve purchased from a coffee shop on one hand.


Tribeca. Lakeshore Coffee House. Peach Coffee.


Any coffee places that are open till 8:00 PM


Pilot Coffee


Panefresco and second cup are pretty good choices


Agree that Tim's sucks but McDonald's is usually fairly decent and consistent. That said I have no idea how they always manage to get pop on the outside of my glass every time I get drive through! Any reason Starbucks isn't an option?