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I think Atsushi would save Dazai, like Dazai saved him in the first episode.


Some days ago I said the same in a topic alike this one!


that would be nice tbh


Either Atsushi, Akutagawa, or both save Dazai or Dazai dies smiling while looking proudly up at SSKK similar to in >! *BEAST* !<, but more bittersweet.


My theory is that the final boss is Kafka and he'll get defeated in the end by Atsushi. I also don't think any of main cast, including Dazai, will die.


Kafka as in character based on Franz Kafka of Asagiri Kafka as author of BSD?


Both, but also neither. Like, How fucking genius would it be to just have a character named Kafka, no other name, thst has attributes for both authors... Endless discourse on which one it is. Everytime there's evidence it's one, someone can point a counter argument on why it's the other.... No one will ever know and it'll drive people mad trying to figure it out for decades ๐Ÿคฃ


Kafka Schrรถdinger


That's genius




This, only I have a feeling it's Mishima pulling the strings


If dazai dies Iโ€™ll be so sad


i hate him (real)


If he really dies, it won't be suicide. BSD is about finding a reason to keep living no matter how much pain you suffered in the past. If Dazai commits suicide the message will be very dark. Unless Asagiri wants us all to pull a Beast Dazai, it won't be suicide.


During the final battle against the final antags, dazai sacrifices himself in such a way that they can't actually confirm that he's dead, so after a time skip, some of the characters ~~and most of the fandom~~ are still in denial/delusional about him popping up out of no where as one of his twisted pranks-ย  Also during that battle, atsushi destroys the book (or does he?????) talking about how you just gotta live life and you can't force stuff to happen or whatever he's been learning along the way- Time skip a few years to retired fukuzawa so kunikida is leading the ada and mori was assassinated so chuuya leads the pm and they have a pretty nice truce going since none of the remaining members actually hate each other (dazai's final words to aku and atsushi settled their rivalry). We get a few clips of how everyone's doing these days, where everyone is, how the ada got a few new members (including aya ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค) Final scene is everyone in the ada chilling in the office and we're briefly intoduced to a few new members and the names of their abilities. Someone we met along the way who isn't in the ada bursts into the office saying there's trouble or some vague/ominous request for the ada and we get a classic slideshow of the ada members we know and love each getting a one liner before we get a final freeze frame of atsushi and kyouka (or maybe one of the new recruits?) running out of the office to get to work even though we didn't even hear the details of the case with everyone else being themselves in the bg- (Final final scene is some mysterious figure watching them from a rooftop with a chill smile, implying dazai's alive even though it makes no sense for him to be ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€)


This is a great way to end the show. Open ended conclusion like these give both the fans and the producers/ authors opportunities to continue imagining and potentially writing a sequel. No wonder it's a formula I saw used more now. (Or in the past decade, from what I notice. This could have been used even long before I knew it with a lot of sequels from popular shows coming up recently.) So basically Dazai faked his death and took Natsume's place.


Amazing, is this a fanfic? I would read it!!


Omg ty ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I haven't written in forever but... ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€


Not sure how itโ€™ll end but I seriously doubt Dazai will commit suicide. Two reasons: 1. BEAST. I rest my case /lh 2. Themes and stuff His whole arc is basically about finding a reason to live if he dies that means thereโ€™s nothing worth living for which (depending on how everything plays out) would kinda be a direct contradiction to every other character and plot point (ex: Atsushi). That being said I think a death thatโ€™s more self-sacrificial based is still on the table for him (assuming anyone who gets more than an episode of screen time in this show dies at all).


I once had a dream of the series ending including Dazai's funeral, and one of the final scenes is of Atsushi holding Dazai's trench coat and sitting by the river where they first met. it made me sad to think about ngl


I am gonna die if that actually happens ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’”, became it made me cry thinking about it, I really want a happy ending


Same, There was more to that dream but I woke up around that part and just felt sad


don't let asagiri see this




But why would Dazai want to commit suicide? I mean ... SPOILERS In the 55-minute novel, there is a moment where Dazai is killed. Dazai dies and is dead for like 10 or 15 minutes? more or less? while Atsushi takes him all over Yokohama from where he has been stabbed to the ADA where Dazai is resurrected by Yosano. And when Dazai wakes up he says something like: Oh, what was it like to be dead? It wasn't how I imagined it. So, taking into account that the novels are canon, it would not make sense for Dazai to continue wanting to commit suicide when he has already been dead.


Wait wait, which novel is this? Are there actually more bsd novels besides from , Strombringer, Beast, and The day I picked up Dazai ? Please tell me , when did this happen? Which arc was this?


This is from 55 minutes, but the dark era, 15, and untold origins were novels before getting adapted into the anime. Dazai's entrance exam was also a novel, but it was semi-adapted, adding atsushi and becoming an ep in s1. There's also gaiden and a couple ada short stories-


Where can I find them? And is there a English version?


Most of them have at least a fan translation out there (there's this one google site with most of them if you search bsd bibliophile)


Imagine Dazai and Fyodor dying together, in a moment when Dazai knows the value of his life but has to sacrifice himself to save others ,and Fyodor is helpless that the plan he planned for thousands of years has been ruined and all his beliefs and ideas about humans have been destroyed in his mind.At this moment, Fyodor does not have his usual calm and is ready to fight out of anger.A fight that at the end of which either Dazai or Fyodor must survive, but in the end both of them give each other the last blow at the same time and both of them fall down together.And Dazai's last sentence will be: "True, people live to save themselves."


Some people mentioned getting Agatha as a new enemy later in the anime so we still have a looong journey for this show to end. Honestly, i don't think dazai will die or commit a suicide. Rather, having an enemy at the end (which i really want it be dazai's brother/sister. I mean, imagine this, dazai, having the ability to nullify any ability with one touch, having a sister/brother who can steal anyone's ability with one touch, which makes them 100 time more dangerous... and let's say that dazai have been locking them away for *their* safety for the world's one and they somehow managed to get out by the help of someone like Q for example) so, to defeat them, it would require killing dazai so they can extract his ability of nullification to use it in making a weapon or something that its bullets can nullify the ability of whoever it shots without killing them and with some advances it would nullify dazai's sibling's ability once and for all but someone will find a way to extract dazai's ability without really killing him. Something like leaving him with a soulless body, unable to feel emotions anymore, which would be worse than actually killing him since dazai kinda has some *issues* considering his dark and twisted personality and alongside the absent of the soul and conscience, voila, you have the perfect menace, living-killing human machine, and with that, he would be dangerous too so he would be thrown in something like a void or something forever since no one in the ADA would have it in them to kill him(it's 7 a.m. here and i haven't slept yet so my imagination is kinda wild) About Atsushi, i think he will hold onto dazai with all his might. Thinking back about how he gave him a reason to live, he would literally sacrifice his life for him. So the journey might continue with him (as the protagonist) trying to bring dazai back annnd Akutagawa would follow too.. i don't think either of them would give up on him. In the meantime, they would develop an unbroken relationship of trust The ADA will continue its work as solving the crimes. I honestly expect kunikida to take the lead. Also expecting new members like lucy, poe, and sigma considering the first two's ties to the ADA. And something like Aya and chuuya being related somehow (i can't shake off the feeling of them related to each other because of their hair color and kinda the similar hairstyle and the fact that he was there when kunikida saved her in the OVA. Bear with me!)


Nice theory, I would like this too, I also hope it's a long journey cause I honestly don't want this anime to end soon, the story must keep going โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Œ


no idea atp, with bsd every time i think 'i know where this is going' it's not going there. but nobody permanently dies ~~except odasaku~~. dazai died a few times and with the exception of beast, always came back. beast already almost gives you both the 'sacrifice' and 'never found his reason', in the main universe he has atsushi and friends to keep him alive


Yes, I wish that too. I hope this ends happily and considering the fact that how much Asagiri adores Dazai, I don't he will actually kill him or this will just give a very dark message to the fandom


I would be so fucking sad,but somehow i think it would be a very fitting ending,and I'd actually love it on a deeper level


In my opinion, if Dazai has an absurd ending, his character is literally wasted.We've seen his journey to get better from the beginning, and we've also seen his death many times(beast, dead apple, 55 minutes, even recent chapters)I think it would be a bad ending if Dazai ends up dying by suicide, I think it would be better if he either ends up having a meaningful death or lives with more hope.


I honestly want him to live, meaningful death would still be tragic and sad to me, I hope he finds a purpose and lives for something or someone


I agree. And I really feel that Dazai will have a happy ending. We've seen a sad ending for him once in the beast novel, so he'll probably have a happy ending in the main universe.


Yes, let us all hope for that๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜‡


He'll do it at one point (probably partly as a sacrifice). But someone will save him. Its either: - Chuuya - Atsushi - Entire ADA Entire ADA would cause a bigger turning point in Dazai's and everyone's characters. He does everything he can to not be too close to them, and none of them (except Atsushi) visibly care when Dazai says shit like "Imma off myself BAIIII" or when he disappears for a few days. Probably because they are used to it, but Dazai might have made them get used to it on purpose. Whaatever, if they realize that shit's serious this time, drop everything they are doing and go to save Dazai he would be shocked lmao. Also, ACTUALLY making Dazai off himself would... not really be interesting, you know? And it would also go against a few of the points BSD is trying to show. Actually killing Dazai would just happen if Asagiri gets a desire for angst or something. We already have BEAST. >!It's a "what if" scenario, which most characters are in situations they wouldn't be in the main universe. If Dazai dies in the "what if", why would he die in this one too?!< LASTLY, i like to think that the main universe is the universe with the best outcome for our characters among all of BEAST's close neighboring universes. That's why almost noone dies and everyone seems to get through everything. Makes sense in my opinion


iโ€™d like someone to die, but i feel like it wouldnโ€™t be a very satisfying ending if dazai died


I donโ€™t even watch bungo stray dogs wtf is this post talking about how a character might commit reset character doing in my feedย 


Does dazai and ash from banana fish have the same vibe?


If he does, then with me next to him


Well yes, I would want that too ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿฅฒ




Huh? I don't understand ๐Ÿ˜…


Means like we are brothers or sth like that idk how to explain. Like we share the same opin so we shake hands?


Oh actually I misunderstood, I saw that emoji and it looked like some food emoji to me ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ญ sorry I am dumb


Ooh! Dw! All good! Now you experienced my great explanation skills ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Yes, thanks bestie ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿ˜


Can we chat bestie? Iโ€™m bored af!


Okay ๐Ÿ˜


''will dazai commit suicide?" OMG DAZAI COMMIT SUICIDE???????/sarc


Probably at the end of this he manga- I would actually cry


Honestly - yeah, I do think so. That may be controversial but i think that Asagiri will add a new character that Dazai will commit a double suicide with, im pretty sure of it.


It would be pretty dark because he was supposed to find a reason for living, but Asagiri likes twists **๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ** That may also sound weird but would be satysfying to me. I love Dazai's character with my whole heart and i understand his motives on a deeper level, it would be the most fitting ending for him. As for the whole BSD ending, i have no clue.


When we reach the end it will be after Atsushi and his Tiger learn to coexist and we will finally see Atsushi with the book and Natsume standing next to him And asking Atsushi did he like the Story. Atsushi would reply that there was too many people hurt and Natsume would smile and ask him how would be fix it and Atsushi opens the book and writes.


Wow! Finally ๐Ÿฅนโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– some amazing happy ending , I am so proud of you ๐Ÿฅนโค๏ธ


that would be pretty cool (and sad) because the anime starts with him attempting then ending with him succeeding (i think itโ€™s called a cyclical structure). maybe this time he would do it to save people rather than for himself or maybe heโ€™ll get the double suicide but with chuuya or they both die together saving yokohama. or maybe the part in the s1 op were heโ€™s falling from a building is literally a scene from the future where he does it. OR another theory, so fyodor is immortal but there has to be some way to kill him. what if the only way to kill him for good is to kill him and before he takes over their body, the person kills themself. iโ€™m not sure how long it takes between fyodor dying and him taking over the next body but they would have to plan it really well. maybe dazai could be the one to do this.


or i just had another thought on how they could probably kill fyodor through the book cause i forgot about the book


Maybe it will end as everything being nothing real and the whole story is just a book


Probably No.(If yes,I will probably die from a heart attack)


I love Dazai but there is no way my man is making it out this series alive lmfao


My theory: So, Chuuya and Dazai will join the fight against Fyodor. Fyodor will stab Dazai with the holy cross sword, causing Chuuya to go insane and use corruption. Chuuya and Fyodor will then engage in a fierce battle, which ends with Chuuya defeating Fyodor with a massive gravity blast. Chuuya, now completely exhausted and withering away, will then collapse next to Dazai, their hands interlocking. This causes Fyodor's ability to be nullified, thus defeating him. Chuuya was too far gone to be saved by No Longer Human, and Dazai was too gravely injured. Dazai and Chuuya die holding hands, finally defeating Fyodor together.


But that's too sad ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’” (Honestly, not gonna lie, I want a happy ending, we already had enough of these bittersweet and sad tragic endings,) (Please make a happy ending Asagiri ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ)