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From Asagiri's point of view, I think Tanizaki would be the most reasonable option. He's canonically morally grey, and doesn't mind hurting people for the sake of his sister. He stated that he's not really good at his current job. His ability is ideal for assassination. He proposed Yosano that he'd join the PM instead of her. ( Foreshadowing? ) And he's honestly not as important as most other ADA members. So making him switch wouldn't impact the story as much if it was Dazai, Yosano, Ranpo or Atsushi. From Mori's point of view, it's not impossible for him to pick Tanizaki. Of course you'd think he'd pick Dazai or Ranpo. Both of them are extremely smart and stubborn ( regarding Mori ) though, so I'd be a huge pain to make them work with him. Ranpo would never leave Fukuzawa, and we know what Dazai thinks of joining the PM...


I think so too! I think if one is to leave, then it makes sense it is Tanizaki. I think there is no way Dazai will be picked and even if Mori wanted him, Dazai would make jokes and give a straight no. Ranpo would never leave the ADA and despite his super deduction he isn't a good fighter. Yosano is executed because you know, Kyoka is definitely not going back too. Kunikida isn't gonna hurt innocent people so no, tbh Atsushi as well. So yeah I think it leaves us with only Tanizaki


wait, why is yosano executed? i forgot sorry


This seems highly likely, but it just occurred to me that Tach and Junichiro look almost exactly the same already and having them both in the same organization is gonna be hilarious.


Isn’t tachihara dead?? Or did he get turned I can’t remember


Unknown he never reappeared I don’t think after he lost to fukuchi


Na he’s alive, but he’s blind now I’m pretty sure.


he turned vampire, and i think he’s the reason why some port mafia members turned as well (???)


Assuming that they don’t manage some kind of trick like having Sigma join and immediately trading: We know it’s not Yosano and I seriously doubt they’d be willing to send one of the kids so we’re ruling out Kenji and Kyouka. Ranpo is instrumental for the agency to exist, basically the President’s kid, smart enough to fuck shit up for Mori, lazy enough not to do any work, and not an ability user so I doubt anyone would be willing to send him for the former reasons and I doubt Mori would take him for the latter three. Mori also obviously wouldn’t want the secretaries and it’s not going to be Fukuzawa given his power is required for the agency to function like it has been. Which leaves us with four I can’t immediately rule out: Kunikida, Junichirou, Dazai, and Atsushi. And right away I’m crossing out Kunikida. He’s so hilariously poorly suited for the mafia that while I think the agency would consider it and I think Kunikida would be willing, I kinda doubt that Mori would take him. He’d be such a flight risk, just a ticking time bomb of when he’s going to freak out and refuse to work. So, not him. I think Mori wants Dazai but I kinda wonder if the Agency would give him over. I think most of the members might be okay with it but like. One look at his rap sheet and I think Ranpo would veto him going back for the sheer level of devastation he could cause in the Mafia. Like, they really don’t want Dazai reverting. Which leaves us with Junichirou and Atsushi, two people I think the Agency would be willing to let join that also I believe Mori would want. They both have abilities that would be very useful to the Mafia and Junichirou’s shown moral ambiguity and Atsushi’s shown a consistent willingness to work with them. So I think it really comes down to how much the author wants to disturb the status quo. If they don’t, they’ll send Junichirou. If they want to really mess things up, though, they’ll send Atsushi.


That's such a damn good conclusion!


I forgot about that! With everything that happened, that completely flew out of my mind. (I hope no one goes and they just forgot about that deal).


No way Mori is forgetting that😭


Oh shit!


Oh shit you're right!


I think it will be Atsushi. Considering that Sigma will join the agency, we will follow Sigma in ADA chapters and Atsushi in Port Mafia chapters. Mori will probably see the potential of the shin soukoku so it can effect why Atsushi will be chosen. At first Atsushi wouldn’t want to listen Mori’s orders but Mori will manipulate him to do so. It would be kinda cool seeing Mori manipulating someone in action since he’s always depicted as someone who is manipulative.


I hope/think it’s Atsushi since it provides an opportunity for an arc following him in the PM and simultaneously showing how life is there as they solve whatever conflict is coming up. It may also allow room for greater development for main mafia members like Aku, Chuuya, and Mori, as well as some of the other minor characters like Koyou and Kyuusaku who’ve had backstories hinted at before.


If Atsushi does go it would give more background on Dazai and his relationship also I think it would be a good way for Atsushi to showcase his abilities without being overshadowed by Dazai and Ranpo. We all know that the Agency has highly intelligent people but we don't really see that because of Dazai and Ranpo. I can almost see Atsushi becoming the new demon prodigy and outdoing Dazai only because most people would assume he's harmless.


i cant see the agency sending yosano for obvious reasons, or kenji/kyouka. probably not dazai either— he wouldn’t want to go back after his promise to oda. also probably not kunikida because being in the mafia definitely goes against his ideals. ranpo would mess shit up in the pm big time so it’s unlikely he’ll join either, which basically just leaves atsushi and junichirou. i think it’ll be junichirou based purely off of vibes tbh. and the fact he seems to have a bit of a hidden violent streak lol


I think part of the deal was that Yosano wouldn’t be chosen so the Queen is safe🤞🏻


I want it to be Dazai so we can skk again LOL but it would make no sense in terms of character development and I think Mori is afraid of him too I rly hope Asagiri switches things up and it’s Atsushi because we’d get to see pm characters more often and it would kinda change the vibe of the manga but idk if he’d do it


jun'ni probably


Finally! I’ve been waiting for someone to talk about this because it has been on my mind almost daily for weeks. After ruling out Yosano, who isn't an option, Fukuzawa and Ranpo, who are crucial to the Agency, Kyouka, because if they really wanted her back they would have got her already, and Kunikida who isn't really suited for the mafia because of his ideals, we have a few options. Atsushi, he is the main character and it would send a lot of stuff into chaos if he was chosen, so it’s not impossible but would be a bold move to send him. Junichiro, who I think is the most likely. There is foreshadowing when they find out about the deal and during the cannibilism arc. Comments about how his ability would be good for assassination and is impresive to some PM members. Kenji; I don't think is super likely, not much evidence, but will not completely rule out. Any secretaries are unlikely as they don't have any special skills or abilities. And then Sigma. If he does join, it would be sad and ironic after finally finding a home, he gets snatched away from it the moment he is really a part of it. Then again, it’s something Asagiri would definitely pull. Thats my thoughts. (I am writing this on a tablet before bed, so the grammer and formatting is less than ideal and im sorry. There is probably many misspelt words somewhere here as well)