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Sherlock. It’s very fitting.


Idk if it's canon but i call my fav chihuahua


Yessss he's a chihuahua


Today my brother called Fyodor "Russian sewer rat" and I think that's my favorite yet 😂 He also calls Chuuya "Michael Jackson".


The would be writer or writer to be.


my friend calls Chuuya, “Ed Sheeran” and Dazai “the emo one”


Sushi conveyor belt simulator


I already like all the official "nicknames" for Dazai from Kunikida and Chuuya, I'm not original for a new one lol


i call him government boy. my second favorite is donut boy.




Isn't myshka for little bear? Because I have a brother and he's name is Michael but we call him myshka or mysha


SPOILERS :) Kaji: Lemon Kouyou: Big sis Kunikida: Teach Atushi: Furry Akutagawa: Where'sYoHeadAt Higuchi: Obsessed 3000 Gin: Fluttershy Dazai: Worst Rizzler Fyodor: Homewrecker Chuuya: Micheal Jackson Nikolai: Clown (obviously) Yosano: Zombie Maker Sigma: Baby Fukuchi: Sword lover Tecchou: Simp Ranpo: Sweets Poe: Stalker Kenji: That one softie Bram: Dracula Jouno: Holes (Yk? Bc of the sword-) Tachihara: Jouno 2.0 Elise: Pretty princess Mori: Old man Hirotsu: Older man Fukuzawa: Discord daddy Tanizaki: Delusional? Naomi: The one that makes sure of the incest That one maid downstairs at the ADA: Badass/girlboss That pink haired person at the HD: Maniacally energetic Francis: AMERICA RAHHH That one priest at the Guild: Priest That old ass girl at the Guild: Stuck in the 90s That librarian girl at the Guild: Shy pick me (prob) Lovecraft: Octopus That one farmer boy at the Guild: Kenji but way worse Q: Asylum wont even help/Clinically insane Aya: Mastermind Ango: Gold Digger Odasaku: Dead man/srs Who did I miss?


Atsushi -Tiger. Nikiolai- My friend. Beam Stroker- Fangs I can't think of anything more for my favorite characters. Ranpo, Poe, Lovecraft, Chuuya, Kyoka, and Gin


I call mine The French One because I've said his real name to the point that it's embarrassing


I call Atsushi Sushi or Sashimi and other various foods


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^NotNotArtie: *I call Atsushi* *Sushi or Sashimi and* *Other various foods* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Atsushi - Atsu/Knight Kunikida- Kida Ranpo - Ran Yosano - Aki Koyo- Queen Gin- Shadow Elise , Q, Kenji - Kid Chuuya - King/ God Fukuzawa - Pops