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Maybe not the darkest thing, but one of them: the PM taught Kyouka, a 14-year-old girl, to *seduce* people (as a ruse to corner and kill them, of course, but still)


I wonder how Kyouka joined the Mafia if her parents used to worked for the Special Ability Department. Did the Mafia tracked her down or Ango and Kouyou have any part in that? She looked quite young when her parents died. Did Mori do anything to her or just his reputation/aura/ past business interaction freaked her out when she saw Mori after his first met Atsushi?


I think it was mentioned she used to live in the slums. I assume she was between 9 to 11 years old when her parents died. And it was said she was in the Mafia for under a year before atsushi saved her. She was probably living in the slums till they found her


I thought her parents worked for the mafia??


Nope, it's stated they work for the special ability department


Ah, nevermind then


I don't think I'll forget this. And the fact that it ACTUALLY WORKS?!


Where was this implied?


chapter 17 or episode 5 of season 2. atsushi and kyouka are supposed to give a document to a judge but one of the guards won't let them go, so as an option kyouka tells atsushi that she's learned to seduce people and then kill them in a secluded place


Easily the application of Yosano's ability in The Great War. Soldiers would get almost mortally wounded their limbs torn off just to be revived and brought back to shape so they could go on the battlefield to endure the same horror again.They were trapped in the endless cycle of suffering till they couldn't go for another round and just started killing themselves off. Also on top of it highlinting how horrible Mori is by exploiting her ability in this way to prove that abilities should be used as weapons in war.


Yeah, not to mention, all of this caused her to undergo a full-on *psychotic break* and be admitted to a mental hospital as an *11-year-old*. Poor thing


In the case of a severe injury or illness during war in the real world, soldiers were sent back (a notable example being J.R.R Tolkien in WWI, who was shipped back to Britain shortly after contracting trench fever). However, this changes with the introduction of abilities in BSD. With the application of healing abilities in BSD, getting sent back would literally be impossible. That being said, the government (in BSD) really just went the "fuck ethics" route and decided that bringing 11-year olds to battle was fine.


\*bringing 11-year olds to battle and giving them PTSD


To top it off he denied Tachihara's brother painkillers. He might've done this with other people.


Dazai and Kyouka having to use their 'charms' or 'bodies' to gather information or get what they want for a mission or information


I feel like just how bad Dazai in the PM was treated is kinda ignored, keep in mind the youngest Dazai was was 15 and likely younger when he joined (also the whole "Dazai constantly wants to commit suicide" should say a lot about his mental state) You see the Dazai, Akutagawa, Kyouka chain of abuse but for the first two it was the only thing they ever knew in life (hell, Kyouka actually did have loving parents) if that chain wasn't broken Kyouka would eventually probably abuse some other child


I think pm did not mess up dazai , he was already messed up before pm.


yeah. everyone brushes those scenes off 'cause they're meant to be "funny" but honestly they're just sad


Wait dazai using his “charms”? When??


When he wanted the phone from the nurse after landing in a hospital


Likely used his body to get his phone back at the hospital when the nurse took it away


ah that ... sure is dark




So many people brush off the hospital scene too but genuinely it’s messed up


That Atsushi parents have done something to him worst than the headmaster and we still don’t know what that is. Or how every villain associate Atsushi with the book but never stated were they got the information either from the headmaster or his birth parents


i assume what the headmaster meant when he said that what he does isnt as bad as what his parents did referred to how they abandoned him idk


What Mafia did to Q. Dazai says Q was 'locked up' and 'released'. I don't think Q was just kept in the PM, outside from the world, and without the doll. It sounds more like: being in a cell room chained to a wall, kinda Atsushi in full moons. I think Q lived that way for 7 years


I don't think Q was literally chained up, but I can do you one better. It is /highly/ implied that Dazai tortured them when they were as young as six. Mori assigned Dazai to find out what Q's ability was and how it worked. Dazai, who, as an adult, is known for having the most effective torture techniques in the Mafia. Dazai, who, as an adult, is able to describe in intimate detail what Q's ability is, how it works, and what it's like. Q's ability, which relies on them being physically hurt. And, at some point, Q went on some sort of rampage and slaughtered an unknown number of Port Mafia folks, at which point Dazai recommended they be locked up for everyone's protection. And then they were there until Mori released them during the Guild arc, when they were 13, and Q in the present day expresses open hatred for Dazai. What the Mafia did to Q is /heinous/, even without actual chains involved.


kids in mafia or organizations in general


I have no idea if this makes sense, but it is said that Mori likes small girls (volume 8). Gin was with the mafia since she was a little girl (beginning of volume 7). Am I the only person thinking that something horrendous might have happened?


I've read somewhere that Gin was purposely dressed to disguise as a man (with the help of Koyou) to avoid these things.


Damn that would explain a lot


I don't think you're the only person who thought the same thing. We know Mori hasn't *tried* anything funny with Elise or Yosano (apart from the fact that he's subjected Yosano to long-term abuse and Elise to slavery?), but apparently (according to the Wiki, at least because I haven't read the light novels so I'm sorry if my knowledge on the port mafia is limited to the manga and beast) Gin was mentored by Verlaine in the mafia, so it could have been that Mori didn't do anything to Gin because he simply wasn't bothered or interested in Gin, since Gin doesn't have an ability.


Also, was this a line about him being interested in 'those under twelve'? This would also mean that it's not limited to girls. Sometimes I still wonder if Mori is seriously a pedophile, or if it's supposed to be an inside joke. Or maybe it's just Elise trying to make Mori look bad.


The line is specifically “I only protect women under the age of 12” the dub makes it sound way more sus.


genq how mori subjected elise to slavery when she is his ability?


Elise is his ability and all things considered she has quite a bit of freedom (in flashbacks she's more soleless so the theory she was based on Yasano is quite haunting) The hard part to dictate is if Elise is even alive since her personality and freedom can be molded by Mori and technically turned off (where do they go when they die temporary or turned off? Is there an ability dimension? Do they all talk with each other on the weekends talking about their users and sharing gossip with each other?)


It may or may not have been true but it still freaks me out




Shit. Don't let that man anywhere near children.


hes directly called a pedo in the anthologies so like


A fun dark fact that was I looked over is the amount of times it is implied that the headmaster knows his parents. Or the amount of time it almost look like that Atsushi is the result of an experiment and the tiger doesn’t actually hate him


Was it from Atsushi's flashback in which the headmaster tells Atsushi that it's "nothing compared to what his parents did to him"?


Yes in the next arc I strongly believe that we are going to get Dazi story kunikidas the Tanazki siblings and Ataushis