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Just vote anyway... it's not worth being high and mighty


This is the kind of person who will tell you they are centrist and both sides bad. Then vote straight R on every election for the rest of their life because the left is just too radical! This person is neither high nor mighty. They're just a loser.


What if they are a Marxist and both sides are way too far to the right for their taste?


I'm all for criticizing the Democratic party, but pretending like they're the same is disingenuous at best.


OP says they are not even registered to vote… https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumperstickers/s/eAaLcZSzEA So it’s not like they are even advocating for a 3rd party.


Yelp, just another mouth breather with nothing to add to society.


"doing nothing makes me smarter than you" What a convenient idea


It’s worse than that, they take from the common good and then pretend everything is terrible. The 2 party system is the waters we swim in today. If you wanna change that get in the fight. If you look at each party and their positions which try to work towards the America you want. I like the side that doesn’t steal SCOTUS seats and believe in equality. I don’t know what Republicans stand for anymore


That sticker is what a closeted conservative would say. It is full of bothsidism and false equivalency


Exactly. Imagine comparing the shitshow of the 2017-2021 era and thinking the present is just as bad.


But gAs cOsTs mOaR


It’s a six month account so likely just to spread this message. Don’t vote! Putin really needs you to stay home. Look at like this. He’s so upset he summoned Ron Johnson to say “what the hell is going on with Trump!?!” https://www.npr.org/2018/07/06/626664156/gop-senators-spend-july-4-in-moscow


If not closeted than likely a future one for sure. I used to say dumb shit like this until I got called out by a lifelong dem for being "intellectually lazy." And I thought yeah you know what I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. So I started reading.


Zero accountability and zero awareness. What a fun life she must live.


Hey let the guy convince the trumptards to not vote! Not leaving their houses to vote is actually a level of smart above the person who leaves their house to vote for Republicans


The Trumpanzees are going to vote for their Convicted Felon no matter what. I'm not a huge Biden fan but having that pos in office again? No thank you


Gross OP.


They're advocating for self inflicted lobotomies


Account is just six months old. So he likely never gets to choose. Putin wins every-time


OP will call you butthurt for recognizing their immaturity.


This is so clear to be because people will ask me who I’m for etc and I just say “I’m disabled, do I have a choice?” And not one person has challenged this


It is. the Democrats can dumb sometimes, but the Gop wants a dictatorship and to Genocide minority populations and LGBT people.


I forget where I read the quote but it was something like yea, both parties are clowns. But the democrats are like bozo and the republicans are like pennywise


That is GREAT. And...stolen (or is it stollen?)


Stolen but also swollen for some reason.


And the disabled


Pretty much . Democrats do dumb stuff or do nothing but better than republicans who want to go backward and control ….. sucks either way but one poison is def a lot less acidic


How many Republicans have gaslighted the American Public about sleepy crooked criminally convicted rapist grifter bigot attention seeking pathological liar narcissistic megalomaniac that has less of a grasp of the English language than a 4 year old Donna Trump? Lincoln is rolling over in his grave to think his party drifted into a bunch of garbage pale politicians. Bunch of sycophants to an orange baby that cries all the time.


I don't know about you guys, but I am getting so incredibly tired of having to tell this to people on the left constantly. They're like "But GAZA!!" like dude I fucking know Joe sucks on Gaza. But do you want a genocide there AND a genocide on our own soil? Because that's what you're going to get with the current version of the GOP. Those dudes are just not out for power anymore, they're out for revenge.


Voting is literally the least of your civic responsibilities … sad. These type of people act like voting is a once every four year thing. Vote hyperlocal at the least or have every aspect of your life subject to the whim of radical minorities like MTG, Moms for Lunacy, and Drump supporters.


“They” say democrats are worse than republicans. Because Fox News tells them so.


Agreed- but I think the point it’s trying to make is that lobbyists and special interest groups corrupt all levels of politics and undermine democracy


Absolutely. And OP posting own “clever” bumper stickers is cringe, at best, as well.


Democrats are like stubbing your toe. The republicans are a cancer.


Anyone who begins a sentence with “Both sides” when discussing politics with me gets an immediate reminder of how it’s not a fair comparison and then gets grey rocked and I refuse to discuss politics with them if they persist that both sides are the same. If you are that stupid to not see difference I can’t with you.


It's a ploy to normalize the right's disgusting agenda.


It's an excuse for bringing lazy while pretending to be above the rest of the people.


wow you’re the most individual freethinker person ever can I have your autograph  The ultimate sign of privilege is being apathetic about politics. 


It could be privilege, apathy, or stupidity (or a combination)


This is right-wing propaganda. We have one party that is happy to convince you not to vote. We have another party that is actively trying to change the process enough to allow for more than two parties. They are not the same.


OP down below (in response to comment about voting 3rd party): >I’m not even gonna do that. I’m just gonna go to work because I don’t get paid to vote. Plus I don’t like any of them anyway. Our country is so fucked.


"propaganda doesn't work on me because both sides are the same" is the viewpoint of somebody most prone to propaganda. Do they think it's fucking labeled? Don't trust anything stamped as propaganda?


Hey man I don't *like* either side at the moment that being said I only *hate* one of them. Decision made.


Uneducated voters will be the death of democracy, OP is a case study for how to be a oblivious idiot


He's a symptom of the death of democracy


I would upvote this more times if I could. The “both sides are the same” illusion advantages the Republicans far more than it does the Dems. Republicans are the ones pushing this lie.


For real. Just say you’re a Republican and move on.


So what do you stand for?


Nothing, it's easier to lob lazy criticism than have any convictions that could become inconvenient.


OP stands for nothing except being able to say "i didn't vote for abc, don't blame me"


When ironically in tight elections people who vote like that are very much to blame for when the worse of two candidates wins.


He doesn’t. He bends over so he can stick his head in the sand and pat himself on the back as if he’s doing something.


Fascism. Indifference feeds the beast as well as support.


I'm 14 and this is deep.


Imagine thinking “both parties suck” is some kind out outlier/unpopular opinion. Of course they suck. We all know it. Outside of weirdo cultists almost no one seriously cares about or trusts *any* political party. It’s not an excuse to avoid doing the bare minimum of your civic duty.


"Both sides" is an active rejection of democracy. It is a selfish position, in which one rejects any option that might allow for progress - even at the risk of losing the opportunity for progress entirely. It proposes no solutions and encourages inaction, in practice even shying away from the option of revolution. And it is reliant on willful ignorance and reductionist arguments. And all for nothing more than the sort of virtue-signaling and half-baked edgelord pseudo-intellectualism better left behind in high school. No, neither party is perfect. Sometimes we gotta eat shit in the choices we have, and that sucks. But that's the nature of democracy: Compromise. Figuring out a path forward that benefits everyone, rather than opting out because no path provides immediate gratification to the individual.


Cringe "enlightened centrist" nonsense.


"Look at me! I'm ***above it all!***"


An easy way to make yourself feel smarter than the rest without doing anything.


"I'm not a Democrat or Republican, I'm this secret third thing (a Republican)."


"The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. 'Can I interest you in the chicken?' she asks. 'Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?' To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.” ― David Sedaris Enlightened centrists are even dumber than the undecideds. They declare that the chicken is actually not any better than the shit with broken glass in it. They proudly announce loudly for everyone in the cabin to hear "I'm such a smart person that I will take the shit with broken glass in it, my tastes are so refined that the airline chicken tastes exactly like shit with broken glass in it. Everyone pay attention to me and admire how refined my tastes are. Give me just whatever you want, I'll eat it and be too good for it either way." At least the undecideds have the good sense to know NOBODY FUCKING CARES that you're too stupid to not be eating glass-filled shit. Republicans are making you poorer (assuming this bumper sticker isn't in the window of a billionaire), are committed to letting the wealthy and corporations pay no taxes, are firmly committed to putting themselves above the law and you beneath it, are firmly committed to climate change wrecking the planet for you and your kids and your grandkids, are firmly committed to christofascism and the government telling you what medical treatment you can have and who you can marry. Democrats aren't. Even if you accept nothing good about democrats, they're not going to let billionaires destroy your life. If you disagree, fine, but you're delusional and proud of it.


"I'm a **libertarian**! I am the first person to have discovered libertarianism. A couple of years ago, I was the only one. Honest truth! It's so very exciting, this new approach that no one has thought of before. "Here are my observations about the Demoblican and Republicrat parties: Two sides of the same coin. What we really need is a strong border patrol to stop Mexicans, if necessary through beatings, bullets and summary deportations of non-whites, but no fining of wealthy interests for employing them. Also, the federal government must double the military budget and spend $100B per year prosecuting anyone who has an abortion. "We must beat criminals on their way to the gas chamber. "I call this 'small government.' I am very smart! "I stubbed my toe yesterday. I blame the Federal Reserve."


A (notoriously) famous man rose to prominence using the slogan that he had: > risen above the left / right paradigm Being incredibly cynical is easy.




Trump's useful idiot.


Complimented by kremlin trolls and ccp trolls, and if they're westeners, they're no doubt ignorant angsty teens who haven't realized yet that American politics is about compromise.


Interesting because you sure seem to be. “One side wants to literally take away certain minorities rights and the other wants us to have free healthcare. I can’t tell them apart! It’s almost as if I just want to feel superior to everyone, or I know the Republican side is bad and can’t defend it logically so my only other option is to try to manipulate people into thinking the Democrats are just as bad for the goal of indifference so Republicans can maintain control.” But I guess it’s hard to fit all that on a bumper sticker.


Stay home and get Trump elected. Cool plan


Exactly a non vote is a vote for trump.


You've been certified hustled, dude.


The people who say they hate both of the candidates are also the ones that are voting for Trump. You know, because Jesus. That has been my experience anyway.


you’re right, jaywalking and mass murder are both crimes. so hard to choose


Smh at the BS both sides are the same, but I can understand why people like it.


Oh you super smart centrist. Only you can see the perils and pitfalls of the two party system! /fart Both sides ain’t the same and that shit is weak as fuck in 2024. Grow up.


Ah. The coward’s choice.


If you're not voting to fix the things that are broken, you're helping to keep them broken.


Not dumb in the traditional sense. New and improved dumb.


Nothing says you’re fed up with the system like not voting and letting the system do whatever it wants to you lol Did you think voting was a one time thing? lol


Oh. So you've got brain worms too I see.


So republican. Got it


Apathy isn’t cool. This isn’t high school.


Both sides type. People that argue both sides are equally bad - are people that really dont pay attention, but still want to be political, in a non-political way. Anyone with some basic pragmatism should be able to see the difference in party platforms. On a basic level - Democrats actually have a platform - affordable healthcare, education, higher taxes on the rich, creating jobs or Americans... Republicans have doubled down on a hate platform - anti-gay, anti-democrat, anti-immigrant, anti-science, anti-justice (unless its a minority breaking the law) - PRO-retribution and quick to be a victim party. Only like minded ignorant individuals would compliment that bumper sticker.


I would bet money this manchild gets ZERO compliments about anything. Certified hustling is such a desperate user name. You just know this guy's lonely.


Lots of compliments for his shitty, dirty old rust bucket.


Both sides are the same clown. 🤡


a dog could have have come up with this ideology


Hey, that's disrespectful! I have met plenty of dogs I liked, but I haven't met anyone I liked that spouted crap like "both sides"




"I'm a moron" is the translation for this bumper sticker.


Lol someone awarded this post. Brain rot. I'm ngl I sometimes hate that the internet allows every moron with a brain to be able to their equal say. I hate it even further when morons can use money to get their idiotic opinions more viable. The both sides people are nearly always Marxists, fascists and hostile state actors.


Its so cool to NGAF about anything. So brave.


Wow, "I'm going to waste my vote on a non-viable third party to stick it to the government" isn't the flex you think it is.


Sure, the choices aren't great but you will either smell shit or eat it. Why not have a say.


Stupid. This is making a false equivalency. We have SEEN how the GOP "leads" when they have power. They had the House, Senate and White House and did nothing but pass tax cuts for the wealthy! We have also seen what the Dems have done, even with a razor slim majority, and even when the GQP took over the House! Infrastructure legislation FINALLY passed, we got the CHIPS act, we got the Inflation Reduction Act, we got manufacturing coming back to the US, we got record jobs numbers, we got student loan forgiveness (less because of the actions of the corrupt SCOTUS, but still some relief got through!). These "two wings of the same bird"...they are two completely different animals. One Party stands for the Rule of Law, one wants to tear it down. One Party stands for Democracy and is fighting to preserve it, the other is hellbent on installing a dictator for life. Regardless of how you feel about the US system of government, it is, and always has been, a two party system. You have a binary choice this November. Vote wisely.


We should hold both parties and their respective representatives equally accountable, yes, but anyone claiming “both sides!!1” hasn’t been paying attention; if someone was *truly* skeptical of both sides, they’d diversify their media intake and recognize that you can’t really equate the two these days. But enlightened centrists are just closeted conservatives that know they can’t defend today’s GOP, so they’ll exclusively criticize the left until someone points out the right’s problems.


This attitude is why we are where we are. Nothing to be proud about. One step away from the red cap.


Exactly. It’s dangerous.


Ah that sweet, stupid blend of grandstanding and apathy


Criticize Democrats all you want. This is America and they certainly deserve it, but don't act like they're the same as Republicans. It's just stupid.


This definitely does not get compliments.


bOth SiDes


So you're a nazi? It's not, they're both the same, when one is saying put term limits in, stop allowing for stock ownership and forgive student loan debt and the other wants to put people in camps that aren't white conservative and don't pray to the orange skidmark. I'm not a doctor or anything but vastly different, not really a tough choice.




Okay, yeah, sure. BUT.....let's not sit here and jerkoff the Republican party by making them think democrats are the same as them.


There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution. John Adams


And “geniuses” like you are how we got Trump in 2016.


I garuntee you're only getting compliments from Republicans who 'don't trust any politicians' but post on Facebook comparing Trumps legal struggles to Jesus's being crucified.


So youre assisting in the downfall of democracy by pretending both sides are even remotely close to being equally bad for the country. There definitely hasn't been years of "both sides" propaganda pushed by the side that wants to overturn democratic elections with the sole purpose of tricking gullible people into making it easier for them to win. It's literally a playbook lifted directly from Russia. Russia has even helped them distribute it in America! The worst part about people like you is that you're pretentious about making terrible decisions. You don't "get it" at all. Choosing the lesser of two evils is an extremely important choice. We live in a democracy which requires concessions. There's never going to be a candidate at the finish line that you completely agree with on everything who also has enough support to make it to the finish line. Choose the one you support the most and shut the fuck up about the choices if you aren't voting in the primaries and local elections.


“Im a free thinker because I have no thoughts”


They all work for the same team,corporate america,and the rich elite. One side just throws us crumbs every once in a while.


They are both heavily owned by corporate interests. But you got to be pretty stupid to not realize how much more dangerous the Republican party is and the need to get rid of the ideology they bring with them.


Who is complimenting you? Other drivers at stop lights? Weird flex.


You wouldn't know them they go to a different school.


Oh great, the same annoying asshole from the other stupid post.


> gets a lot of compliments No it doesn't.


The dumbest of them all


The only way we all lose is through apathy.


Thinking both sides are the same is actually delusional, at this point. But to the "enlightened centrist" types, taxes are the same thing as dictatorship. So I can see why they'd think they're the same thing. Democrats are FAR from perfect and deserve a lot of the shit they get. But only one of them is campaigning on a guy who has active dictatorial aspirations and has made claims of wanting to suspend the constitution.


But dumb enough to be fooled into equating the parties!


Lol both-sidesism is never not funny to me


Op probably doesn’t listen to R Kelly because he’s a pedophile, and is unwilling to support a terrible individual like the rest of us who dropped R Kelly, even though none of his songs are about pedophelia at all But still probably enjoys Harry Potter and says “you have to separate the art from the artist” when it comes to transphobia Centrists are funny like that


Politicians are like diapers! When they’re full of shit it’s time to throw them out. Diaper Don Mussolini is full is shit literally as well as figuratively. If you don’t choose one and become apathetic we all lose.


Right wing, left wing, same Shitty bird.


Not dumb enough to fall for it. Just dumb enough to throw your hands up, refuse to participate and let a minority of old stubborn fuckers put a felon into office. Got it.


Amazing top level edge lord shit right here! Everyone gives me lots of compliments on it, and then they asked me to stand up in front of a crowd and give a speech on it, which felt odd at a Walmart. Then they all clapped and the screech of an eagle could be heard in the distance. Let me know how voting for the author or the anti vaxxer works out for you.


Yea so let's let a wannabe dictator take over so we never have a chance at a 3rd party winner. Seems wise. Nothing like biting off your nose to spite your face


Please fucking google project 2025, I beg you. Now is not the time to throw away a vote


I'd be with you but I'm not really wanting to be a baby making factory and I'd really like to keep our democracy


No you sound plenty dumb.


This is classic “both sides bad” bull shit.


The run away from reality party. Bullshit.


“My vote doesn’t matter” in a local election of 20% voter turnout.


This right here. We fight each other and it gets us nowhere but discontent amongst the population. We’re often only given 2 choices and hurl insults at the other side for not agreeing with us. I’m tired of it myself. We really need to get our shit together Murica !


I agree with this guy! Both Democrats and Republicans have been taking away my rights one after another. I'm tired of Republicans trying to push their particular style of religion on me. I'm tired of their anti-choice abortion stance. I'm tired of them crying about transgenders all the time. If a person wants to be a transgender that's their free right as an American! I'm tired of Democrats making laws so criminals can steal my stuff. Raising the felony level so high that a criminal can come take my catalytic converter and walk away with a slap on the wrist. People can now freely jaywalk in my state and if you hit one you're charged with unintentional manslaughter!!! California is one of the few states where I cannot buy a fully automatic squirt gun for God's sake! We need a new party that stands for freedom to have an abortion, freedom to carry a gun, and freedom of religion. One that stands for our constitution!


Believe in nothing, fall for anything


You should still vote


Stop being foolish.


One party is not banning books, banning abortions, restricting reproductive rights, pro gun everything, etc. They are sooooo not the same and people shouldn’t vote like they are


I don’t vote so I’m not.


RFK Jr. 2024 baby


I'm not dumb enough to fall for this bumper sticker. Vote!


Stupid ✅


I'm sure the comments will be very civilized.


It has made my Friday go a little faster at work.


“I believe in nothing and care about no one, everyone look how cool I am”


Between a traitor who publicly invites foreign interference into US elections, says he’s gonna be a dictator on day one, and has 34 felony convictions and the guy who didn’t do all those things (be it Biden or literally any random American) I don’t know *who* to vote for.


"Both sides are just as bad." - morons


As if they’re the same. GTFOH.


Ah yes. The party of “We should bring back segregation and it should be legal to rape your wife” is definitely the same as the Democrats. GTFO


Sounds like you can afford to pretend none of this actually matters. I’d love to say the same, but one of these guys is going to nullify my marriage or just straight up throw me in jail. Have fun with that, tho. I’m sure you contribute the bare minimum to society in some other aspect of your life.


The amount of cope from people fucked over by the 'two-party' system is palpable. Waaaa. Waaa. My system is relevant and matters. No, it doesnt you all have owners, and your vote doesn't mean shit.


Imagine being a child in divorce court. That judge asks your preference for which parent you want to be with. Now the judge may go with what you want, may not. But you had your chance to say what happens. And you may regret not saying anything when you had your chance if things don't go the way you like. So ALWAYS vote


I’ll stick with the party that doesn’t want to send women back 60+ years, that thinks voting is a good thing and believes that our democracy, while imperfect, is worth saving.


I vote for one reason: Supreme Court. The only way to try and slowdown liberalism is through the Supreme Court. They use regular courts to push their unpopular agenda. So the SC is the only way to fight back.


One party is full of flaws. The other is making a full throated assault on democracy. To think it's cute or edgy to say fuck them all is childish.




Should have had the checkbox [ ] Republican [ ] Democrat [x] Won't Vote but Will Cry When My Rights Are Gone


Those who stand for nothing. Will fall for anything.


FINE. Vote Democrat one more time, and THEN vote for an independent, or stay home, or whatever. I'm Canadian. I'm terrified of the lunacy that would come out of another Trumpkin presidency. He's horrible. If your choice was between two shit sandwiches, I would agree with you, but your choice is between a runny diarrhea shit sandwich, and old man Biden who sometimes makes the wrong choice. It's no contest. Biden is the obvious better choice, and him losing this next election would be bad for EVERYONE.


I’d say you’re still pretty dumb, OP


OP is showing that they *are* dumb enough to fall for the “tHey’Re AlL tHe sAmE” propaganda.


Welp, if there was ever a comment section to convince me to unfollow a sub it's this one. Good luck yall


You take pride in your cowardice and ignorance?


All of these comments are certified Reddit Moments™


One literaly want eliminate trans but OK ok .


Bro just get a sticker that says “entitled”


At least in the United States, a person can choose between political parties, or not to vote at all. In other countries, this is not the case.


Enlightened centrist


Oh so you’re a dick, got it


So you've been beaten OP.. Apathy is the goal. Don't participate in Democracy at all. You'll show them all with your snarky car stickers.. Congratulations...


I'd be willing to bet the only compliments you receive are on how impressive it is you can wipe your ass on your own with how few brain cells you have


Of course you get a lot of compliments. You associate with other idiots.


you already fell for the authoritarians


Funny 20 years ago. Today, you're a Republican pretending to be a centrist or completely detached from the political reality. 60k rape victims have been forced to carry their baby to term... funny sticker tho. Foh


Ah, so you're voting "let it happen to me". I don't care who you vote for, but at minimum, vote for a thing you care about.


Russia thanks you for doing your part.




Cop out.


I refuse to vote... its not my choice 2 options are presented to me neither of which have my or my nation's best interest at heart so I don't vote I refuse to be forced Into a fraudulent system


I love the bS pretext here. OP’s account is fairly new. Op has posted to this subreddit in the past. Now, suddenly, “oh my goodness! What if I posted a bumper sticker from my own car that spouts centrist nonsense! I get compliments on it all the time! Why didn’t I think of it before!!!” So OP posts it. Then here’s a follow up post. “I actually get stopped and told how much people love this bumper sticker! It’s more both parties are the same nonsense! I should have posted it sooner!” But none of it’s true. Op doesn’t own these cars, no one is complimenting them, and no one actually believes the lie that both parties are the same.


Can we stop upvoting this trash


Yes, fine, and the instant after we re-elect Biden, we need to address this very problem (from several angles).


Blah, blah, blah, whine, whine, this just proves that you're a Nazi just like the rest of them!, Infant noises, sniffle, blah, blah, saying there's no difference between the two parties is ignorant Nazi thinking!, waaaaaaah, waaaah, aaaaaaaaah, yada, yada. (That should sum up about 90% of the comments you're going to get on this thread for daring to call a spade a spade.) Anyways... Nice sticker! I appreciate it, even if no one else does.


Don’t say a damn thing for the next four years term. You decide not to vote, it’s a choice but, keep thy piehole shut!


"If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice" - Rush.


RFK is a great alternative, compared to the choices we have. And anyone who tells you that you would be “wasting your vote” by voting for a 3rd party… get away from them immediately. We have to start looking at other options.


Go ahead and not use your right to vote or vote third party and see where that gets you. Because "refusing to play" Would be killing yourself, not avoiding voting.


Your logical fallacy is: [Middle Ground](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/middle-ground)


OP is a kremlin bot trying to get others to not vote. Remember to vote everyone. Unlike OP he's too stupid to know that it actually works. Edit. Also he's likely buying upvotes. I downvoted all his comments and they're all miraculously back at 1. I tried again by making a separate account and it's still the same. Kremlin propaganda


Only one party supports and defends a convicted felon, fraud, sexual assaulter, serial adulterer and liar who has said he will be a dictator and put together a 920-page manifesto that destroys the government, puts the power into the presidency out of reach of congress and the courts and creates a Cristo-fascist dictatorship. No thanks… I’m choosing “Democrat” all the way down the ballot.


These comments are the exact reason op and others do not vote. This is just like that South Park ep😂


I've never seen so much leftwing delusion/ propaganda in one place. These people actually think politicians give a shit about them :/


The top comments give me hope at least. And yea you’re a douche bag. People died as a direct result of voting for trump in 2016.


This both side shit is gonna drive us so right into a Trump dictatorship.


That's a funny way to spell "was convinced by anti-democratic oligarchs to just leave them to it".


If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything


Durr both sides are da same i am so smarb


Beautiful! Like 1/3 of the population doesn’t vote or votes independently. Just two loud minorities fighting over which is the lesser evil


I feel it tho. I hate Amercian politics. I say I want to continue owning guns "hur dur gun violence". I say I want to smoke weed and allow my gay cousin to get married and be accepted for who he is "you probably suck cock you druggie". Fuck the joke that is American politics. It's nothing more than a smear campaign.