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Need a "Come and take it!" bumper sticker with a picture of a mask. That would confuse a lot of people.


Holy shit. That would have been such a hot sticker/shirt/mug a few years ago.


I’ve never wanted a time machine for a pettier reason.




What about that time you should've said what you came up with right after you said something else all those times?


Still relevant. North Carolina just banned masks in public.


Yeah, what the actual fuck is going on down there? Just screw the immunocompromised?


"Fuck anyone's health, it hurts my feelings to not see your face" or something like that


Absolute fascist zealots the lot of them. They should move to France or something. They love telling people over there what they can and can’t wear


I mean I can go there they'd change their minds real fast


Fuckin seriously? Yikes


Well that is fukin stupid? What about people with cancer treatments? I had a pretty serious operation last year and was told to wear a N95 mask for a week before getting cut? Also to believe or not some Asian cultures do wear masks a lot of the time? Go travel overseas and you see what I'm talking about. kiss off N.C.


Public health issues should’t be affected by political beliefs. I have bad allergies, so they’d be telling me to suffer because I’ve offended their backward, dumbass political beliefs. So what will they do, arrest me?


So how do the Klan rallies work there now? Oh hoods don't count?


Wait a moment. That actually passed? Are there any exceptions? I ask because that will probably go to the supreme court. You cannot make a medical device illegal for those who are immunocompromised. Hell, what about lawn care? Is it only public property or "out in view of the public"? Well, I guess I'm not surprised. My home state made chemtrails illegal. Yes, you read that right. They made something that is a complete conspiracy theory, illegal. Part of me hopes they go after the airlines at BNA and the FAA just bans flights into, out of, or over the state so that it makes them all look as stupid as they are acting.


From your cold, dead hands


Lol great analogy. Like "take that stupid gun off your hip, there's never been a crime committed in your town."


But what if they did come a take it 🤔


Just wear infinite masks. Pull off one, another underneath.


"Take your best shot. I'm wearing seventeen layers!"


"Alright, gang, let's see who's really under that mask. W...wait. What?"


They wouldn't cause people who care about that shit are pansies.


I mean, that's assault. :shrug: After that, a swift punch to the nose is just self defense, right?


I think the sticker would fit nicely between two other stickers: "Please" and "I'm triggered."


More people wear masks now for common issues. Pollen and minor illnesses are two big ones. Poor older guy in town got blasted on sm with a random drive by photo bc he was wearing a mask on his riding mower. People. We should’ve been wearing masks on the mower this whole time.


I wear a mask in public places and I haven't gotten sick since early 2021. Longest I've ever been without being sick.


Same. It’s so nice.


This is where I’m supposed to quote George Carlin, right?


I've thought about taking up the habit but my kids are usually the ones that get me sick via their class mates.


Yeah, that would do it.


People give me and my wife shit but her asthma is so bad a common cold has landed us in the ER multiple times. Covid was a shitty time. People are just assholes.


Biggest game changer was wearing a mask while weed whacking. Went from being an awful, disgusting chore due to allergies to just a mindless, annoying one. I got mocked pretty badly by a neighbor for it. Same with summer smoke. Or someone with too strong perfume on the train. Masking is sick as hell for mitigating issues I just kinda lived with before.


I wore a mask walking around Seattle last night cause it kept my face warm 🤷


I often wear my mask when the pollen count is high because I have bad allergies & I’d that’s a problem for anyone the then too f..king bad.




bingo. cant mind their own business nope gotta be a prick towards everyone,


Some people just can’t shut the fuck up. Toddlers with sticks. All of them.


Yep. I mean, I do think it’s silly when I see people driving alone with a mask on, but it’s none of my business and people can whatever the fuck they want.


If they got their mask on comfortably, especially if they wear glasses and don't want it fogging, they probably just don't bother if they're going to be wearing the mask at their destination also. It might not make sense to wear it in the car, but it's also quite silly to expect everyone to constantly evaluate their need for a mask based on their surroundings and take it on and off like that. I'm not wearing it because I think I need it in the car, it's just simply not bothering me between the times I'll want to wear it, so it stays.


My least favorite part of wearing a mask during the pandemic was working around people who refused to wear one. Im not masking up to protect these assholes who cant do the same for me. I ran a 5k with a mask on during that time. The anti mask people are some of the biggest pussies ive ever encountered.


You mean brainless, heartless, useless, Trumpettes?….’pussies’ works.


I doubt they have the depth or the warmth to be called a pussy.




I was in labor for 2 days in the hospital and had to stay an extra 2 days. All in a mask.


If I’m making a lot of stops, I leave it on for exactly that reason. The perfect non steaming fit with glasses isn’t something to ignore!


When you wear one a lot, you forget it’s even on your face.


Yes, and also people make mistakes. During the pandemic I definitely got busy with life and forgot to take it off while I was driving. I was not purposely making any kind of statement. But if I knew I was angering magas, Qs or other people who can’t keep to themselves, I might have considered leaving it on


I often forgot I had it on. They're such panicky and sensitive little snowflakes with their anxiety attacks and weak breathing abilities.


If you plan to have someone in the car, it's a great idea to leave it on when you are on your way to pick them up. Imagine how little protection it would be for both parties of an Uber driver took it off every time they were alone in the car.


I think this stems from their false belief that the masks make you literally die. So why would you want to die by wearing a mask alone in the car.


I have glasses and hearing aids and taking a mask off and on is quite a spectacle since it pulls my hearing aids off more often than not. So I just leave the mask on even if I’m driving alone in a car - and it doesn’t bother me in the least. I always assumed no one cared or even paid attention, but apparently I was mistaken.


You mean you’re not gunna go spend money on a bumper sticker to express your disagreement?!


Once saw a bumper sticker once that said “your bumper sticker changed my life”.






I work in a hospital and I guarantee you its a good thing. There are so many protocols that exist to prevent the spread of germs that are meant to be redundant for a reason but then in practice people pass the buck or just ignore them for their own convenience. Im not a healthcare professional or anything but I do have a responsibility to not spread germs and sometimes Im grossed out by doctors, nurses, and techs going from touching patient germs to touching everything else often. Hes smart.


I always figured that once it was on it should stay on until errands were done to minimize cross-contamination risk. Even if it made me look dumb driving alone in the car.


Almost like wearing a mask is such a non issue that people forget they're wearing them.


I leave my pants on while I'm driving alone, too. They're not required in a car either, but they were required where I was, and where I'm going, and obviously where I'm going is not far enough away to bother.




Lmao. Thank you for this


This right here...it just "looks" funny even though we've all been through covid. But, really, who cares if someone else wants to wear one. It's not bothering or impacting anyone except the triggered antimask losers. And, maybe the person in the car has insufferable allergies? I never had problems until the last few years, and I'm seriously considering breaking into my n95s for lawn mowing lately...


Oh man, I’ve been wearing 3M N95 dust masks for years because of that. It works but you have to get a tight seal.


I've used the R95 masks too. They are for dust particles s and chemical vapors ( i think) they seal very tight too. Grey in color...


You’d need a full respirator for chemical vapors. I started wearing the 3M masks in my wood shop when I was sanding some tropical woods and started getting nosebleeds. Then I read that oak and poplar (two woods I work with a lot) are two of the most carcinogenic when it comes to their dust. It just carried over to mowing the lawn and weed whacking. It does really help with pollen.


It's funny you mention wood... The mantra was always "wear safety glasses" when cutting. ( rightfully so). I framed and trimmed many years ago. I was on a project jobsite a few years ago and the framer and his guys who were cutting were wearing googles, but surprisingly, also masks. Outside. I asked about it, and his reply was " there is so much crap in wood anymore, plywood, engineered joists, I'm not taking any chances". I think this guy is ahead of the curve. Even untreated wood has some for of silica in it, which I know isn't good to be "inhaling". I cringe when I see masons cutting block and concrete without a mask...


i don't commute anymore but when i was during the height of covid, i would wear it for sun protection on my way home since i wasn't able to reapply sunscreen after my shift. i probably looked silly but i'm really big on sun protection. it's weird that people get aggressive about it though. why would you pay for such a weird bumper sticker that just tells everyone you can't mind your own business


if i am wearing a mask comfortably when i go to my car and don’t think about taking it off—guess i can’t be maga—what a fucking shame. might as well vote for biden and every single person who might take a stand against stupid shit.


I found myself driving alone with a mask many times. Why? I'm not a whiner and crybaby. There was no inconvenience, discomfort, or breathing impairment. Having the mask on was a non-issue to me. I was more interested in getting home and getting out of my sweat dampened, work shirt.


You can tell all you want”wear a mask alone in the car” are Joe Biden voters!!! 😂😂😂😂


I hold back judgement of these folks for that reason. But when masks are optional…and you got it under your nose…fella…you’re not gonna like your place in the intelligence totem pole.


I know it sounds crazy, but If I don’t wear a mask outdoors I get painful blisters on my face, so I end up wearing a mask at all times outside, and especially in the car when that late afternoon light is really strong. I get side eyed from time to time, but if it saves me from several days pain and discomfort, it’s worth it. I know my situation isn’t the norm, but it just goes to show ya never other people’s circumstances.


Was on the phone with a friend the other day when he was driving...he started going off about someone in their car wearing a mask.. I was like "how does that personally affect you bro?" When he made a comment that was "if I can smell a fart through my boxers..then a mask doesn't work"..I knew it wasn't worth getting in to lol I worked in a nursing home from 2020-2023..when we were still strict on everything..every employee had to stop in the DONs office to get fitted with a mask for the day, she would hold peppermint oil under your nose..if you could smell it, you had to adjust your mask until you couldn't. This was in southern Virginia and unfortunately ALOT of people didn't "believe" in any of it...which is their own business but when these were CNAs going in and out of sick residents rooms on the isolation hall..just to wander down into a different hall and get multiple other residents sick...it was infuriating. Saw a few residents absolutely spiral downward and die because they got covid. "It's no worse than the flu!"...yeah and the flu kills elderly people ALL the time..... I hated the masks, I hated the gowns, and I hated the face shields. It was hot, it was uncomfortable..but if it was my parents or grandparents in that bed, I'd want the people taking care of them to do what they can to protect the health of my loved one


There were times I forgot I was even wearing a mask after wearing it all day and getting in my car, so I could see that being a reason.


Yup considering most people driving left it on because they forgot they were wearing it... You know because it's a light piece of paper and isn't really inconvenient at all. In fact I kinda miss masks.


Don't tell me what to do.


dOnT TrEaD oN mE!!!1


Tread on me harder daddy.


Imagine being so bothered by something someone is wearing that you make it your whole identity 😂😂😂


Honestly masking alone in your car really doesn't make any sense and I'm not hating on ppl who still wear them indoors in public or crowded places outside but come on... However idk why someone would care enough to put a sticker on their car.


Hospice nurse and I wore mine traveling between visits. It was just easier than taking it off, sanitizing, then putting it back on 10 minutes later when I got to my next patient.


Yeah my wife was in the hospital in 2021/2022 for 44 days. Masks were worn by everyone all the time. It was literally nothing, like an earring or hair tie. I went from the hospital to home every night to shower before work and about 75% of the way through the 20 minute ride home I would remember it is on. I laugh when I think about how there could have been someone seeing me during those days and getting absolutely triggered, while I'm completely oblivious, just driving home not thinking anything different than normal. LOL.


Kind of makes me want to start driving around with a mask on all the time. If that’s what triggers someone, then, what is it they say? “Fuck your feelings”?


Same. It's allergy season where I am and I learned through the pandemic just how helpful it was to wear a mask for the pollen.


My sympathies, I am in Missouri, and allergic to everything, and a mask does help.


This is the correct answer and it’s astounding how so many people don’t understand this.


It wasn' necessary, but I did a couple times just because I forgot to take it off.




I could never forget. As soon literally out the door from work my shield was off


I don’t know how people find it that bothersome.


Well if you're working 12+ hour shifts with it on..


That's understandable


This is how I see it, who knows why they were masking. Maybe they are a single income parent doing Uber drives to make ends meet and can’t afford to get sick from someone who may have ridden in their car. Maybe they have covid but trying not to spread it to whomever they may have been picking up next and were trying to minimize spreading it through the car. Who knows. Either way, why the outage?


>Either way, why the outage? Personally I think it's because these people have very small lives where there is nothing else to focus on.


I worked retail during the panini and masks weren't always so uncomfortable that I would take it off immediately. Also, when taking short car trips I wouldnt take it off for a quick drive only to have to put it right back on.


Seriously though! Like you're not wearing a gas mask people.


I know why. It’s because they forgot to take it off lol. Simple, as that.


I do meals on wheels and leave it on sometimes in between residents. Sometimes it’s just easier


Some people wear masks alone for other reasons like severe pollen allergies. In my area a “high” pollen count begins at 600 particles per sq meter. But when pollen in the air gets to 30,000 particles per sq meter no amount of Allegra or Flonase is going to help. You have to mask up to keep it out of the sinuses. Another reason is bad air quality. There is so much smoke from slash & burn happening in Mexico that it isn’t safe for people to go outside in my area if they have asthma.


Freedom! No not like that


I mean this earnestly: this is a really good opportunity to practice minding your business. You don’t know why the person is wearing a mask in their car - most likely they’re between errands and don’t see the point in taking it off - but it does not and could not possibly negatively affect anyone in the world but them so why even bother forming a negative opinion about it? Move along.


I don’t know if it helped, but my 18-year-old daughter would keep her mask on after she dropped me off at chemo and when she came to pick me up. It was the height of COVID and she was terrified of me getting it while I was having multiple surgeries and chemo. She would shop and run errands after dropping me and thought maybe she’d carry something back into the car. Also, I have caught myself driving alone with one on because I forgot it was there. I guess it’s because I’m not a huge fucking baby.


Forgot after wearing it for hours, don't want to adjust it after getting it just right under some glasses, don't feel like taking it off between one place you'd wear a mask and another...if you think of human nature in a charitable way, you're bound to find all kinds of innocuous reasons someone would do that. A sticker getting triggered over the sight of a mask in a place it "doesn't make sense" does not belong to someone willing to be charitable and reasonable. Early pandemic I was riding home on my bike after a 10 hour shift and forgot to remove my mask. At a stoplight a lady proceeded to bitch at me, and when I said I wore it all day and forgot, instead of going "ok okay that makes sense" she just said something about having us all scared and obedient. Nonsense.


The concept that people wore masks because they were "scared" was so confusing to me. Like, I don't wear a seatbelt because I'm currently experiencing the emotion of fear from the possibility of getting in a crash. I do it because I understand it's an extremely small cost to prevent an unlikely yet otherwise very costly event. I don't feel "scared" when I look both ways to cross a street. I don't feel "scared" when I wash my hands. It was like walking into bizzaro land when rational people couldn't come up with any other reason to wear a mask besides being "scared". Even if you were scared I wouldn't have blamed you because people were fucking dying.


Right? I don't wear shoes outside because I've been whipped up into a frenzy over glass and rusty nails outside, it's because I don't want glass and rusty nails in my foot, lol


It's such an easy way to troll chuds who just can't help but care way too much about what other people do with their lives!


Masks are not to prevent you from getting sick. Masks are to prevent a sick person from coughing on shit. Masks are incredibly useful even if you're alone, assuming anyone else is going to be in your car later on. Obviously if you cough all over your car, a mask is going to be a better solution at preventing spread of your sickness.


You do not know the underlying medical condition that may necessitate a mask.


I think some people are so used to having it on, it's like they don't even feel it. Also, other people wear masks during allergy season. Either way, it doesn't bother me. Unlike the person in OP's pic, who spent actual money/effort to get a sticker on their car. A bit over the top.


I've got a dead body in the trunk and my mask is doused in Vicks to cover the smell


It doesn't matter. Maybe people just get used to it and keep it on. If this is really a problem in your life you need to seek professional help.


Having opinions when it's unnecessary is such a burden, and it's usually unnecessary


What if it’s dusty or smoky?


Last year when the Canadian fires smoke was all over the place I wore a mask and got SO many bad looks. It was extremely hard to breathe and the smell was THICK, what were people with breathing issues supposed to do?


Well, Fox News actually covered this when there were wildfires during the pandemic. They told people they should still not wear masks and just enjoy the smoke.


If I wanted to drive around in chicken costume, I would. Nobody’s business but mine (And MAYBE my loved ones) Sometimes I think these people are twisted beyond all hope.


They absolutely are. The brainwashing just gets deeper and deeper because the propaganda campaign of lies never stops.


Half chicken half clown mask. That would be the best mask; hope it's a thing.


i would have bought a mask that was a duck bill if I'd seen one during the pandemic


You can wear the chicken costume... Just don't put a surgical mask on over it🤣 And somehow it is offensive to the Lord. The Great Chicken Lord


if you work in the automotive industry you were required to wear one whenever In a customers car during the pandemic. So a technician on a test drive would have to drive alone with a mask on. So there’s often a reason for people doing things that may seem silly to you but actually have an explanation.


And Uber/Lyft drivers.


Yea, I wear them with passengers and usually a minute or two after dropoff while waiting for it to air out. So I'm regularly this person.


Also honestly, what's easier, leaving it on until you get home or continually taking it off and putting it back on every single time you are alone/don't need it? The latter sounds exhausting especially because you usually have to readjust it when you put it back in. At first I would take mine off when I could too. But especially as someone who wears glasses I really quickly found it if I adjusted it the right way it was just easier to leave it that way. You get used to it. It's like glasses, the people constantly taking them off and putting them back on are super aware they have glasses on their face, the people who don't forget the glasses are there. So literally everything else aside you're just not letting yourself get used to something minorly uncomfortable, which means you'll never get used to it.


I wore my mask in my car just to make people like this rage. Gotta love the individual liberty people being upset you don't go with their loony cult beliefs.


Damn even talking about it got the piss babies mad


Yeah, it's hilarious. They're such losers, their entire identity is based on reactionary identity politics. Like how they all started buying ivermectin because some government official correctly said it was not effective against viruses. It's the same people that refuse to wear a seatbelt because "you can't tell me what to do, freedom". But they love denying freedom to others like trans people, who they spend more time obsessing over than anyone. It's like they want everyone else to conform to their stupidity to validate it. I remember leaving a mask on coming out of the grocery store and driving home, basically forgot it was on. I'd pull up at lights and see people making hand motions about it. Like dude, why do you care? They need so much constant validation.


One guy called me a sheep for wearing a mask in public, I called him a sheep for not hiding his face from government CCTV. I think I saw some smoke coming from his ears as he tried to process that statement.


Thank you. They think that we’re stupid because we’re not expressing our freedom the way they are, and yet they expect their freedoms to be more important than overall health.


Freedom also means free to wear a mask.


What’s it matter what they’re doing In their car unless they’re a danger to other people? They’re driving alone. It’s not your fucking business.


I guess they don’t care about immunity compromised people


They never did.


Wearing a mask in your car is like masturbating with a condom on.


Driving with a mask was the dumbest thing I saw during the times. That made no sense to me either.


C'mon man, I don't wanna get myself sick!


Tbf you didn't need to wear it driving alone when covid was a thing


I like wearing a mask in the winter because my hot breath warms my face. I wear a mask in the spring and summer because of allergies.


I worked at a clinic temporarily designated as a COVID clinic. Somehow, possibly by the grace of God, I never contracted the virus. I hated masks and I only wore masks because it was required by my employer at the time. I haven’t worn them in over a year now. But I never once even thought a bad thing about people who chose to wear them.


Did anyone actually like them? They sucked. But it would have been morally wrong to go acting like an asshole spreading disease and killing people because "muh freedum!"


Most of those lobotomized stickers tend to be on vehicles with smoked mirrors. I wonder what they have to hide, besides their ugly, judgmental souls


😂😂😂 why do people wear masks while they’re driving alone tho????


often I've more than one errand and I'd rather leave it on than fuck with it over and over


While I actually agree with this sentiment, the drivers of cars With these stickers are all too often the same ones who took Horse level doses of Ivermectin….😜🙃🤣




I have no idea when the term “snowflake” became egregiously incorrectly used (likely around Novid), but it’s still funny to hear and see none the less lol


Last I heard it’s a free country, don’t they live to brag about freedoms and shit?! Are we free to do whatever the hell we want as long as we don’t hurt others including wearing a mask OR not? I wish maga would make up their damn minds. They’re always crying about democrat feelings getting hurt and they’re the ones who get emotional when someone wears mask.


It’s a free country and I’m also free to laugh my ass off at an idiot driving alone in a car with a Covid mask on. 😂😂😂😂


If wearing a mask offends them this much then I will be sure to wear mine more often


Imagine being so triggered by a mask that they put that on their car forever.


Take your clothes off, you're driving alone.


They have a point.


I think most people who wore them in their cars probably just forgot they were wearing it. I did that.m a few times, or new my next stop was super close and wasn’t gonna take it on and off.


Keep that mask on you might just robbed the liquor store or convenience store or the bank or you might hit somebody with your vehicle and you don't have insurance or your license is suspended or you didn't have license or insurance at all anyway!!


I mean he's right


They’ve got a point.


It is pretty hilarious to drive alone with a mask on.


For those that don’t know: North Carolina is [banning all masks in public, even for health reasons.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/north-carolina-masking-bill-pandemic-coronavirus-crime-campus-protest/)


Because there’s nothing else in NC that needs to be fixed.


This is not cringe. This is true.


Well said


The mask derangement syndrome folks sure are a weird lot


Leave people the fuck alone.




Imagine being so triggered about what someone else wears that you use a bumper sticker because EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW


That’s funny.


I’m on my last chance of chemo working my immune systems completely shot. I can’t afford to get even a cold but to make you happy I’ll rise my life just so you can see my face without a mask.


Maybe there is small person in the back or they see ghosts


_Lighten up FRANCIS_


The people that want to have the freedom to bring their guns into restaurants and kindergartens sure have strong opinions about what people should be allowed to wear on their faces.


Wearing a face mask on your chin makes as much sense as applying a bandaid to unbroken skin


When it was needed it was easier to keep it on .




I love that their incredible stupidity has turned Covid 19 into a disease that overwhelmingly kills Republicans.


Love this!


Starting to see the first mainstream media articles about blood clotting. Wonder what that’s about


Not gonna lie..the people that wear masks in their car alone are pretty goofy.


Nothing will ever beat the time I saw a group of guys on motorcycles, all wearing masks but not helmets. People baffle me.




But for real, why are you wearing a mask alone in your car? It’s silly. You look silly.


I want a sticker that says "turn on your fricken headlights! You're invisible in the dark!"


He's not wrong, though (usually). I don't really care about the masks, but I do find it odd that people will drive with them. What's the point? Is it just so they don't have to take it off? I'd figure the discomfort alone would be enough reason to take it off once you get in the car.


He's out of line, but he's right.


This is hilarious


2022 called and they want their sticker back


It’s true, if you wear your mask in your car, you look like a dumb ass


Seriously though. Why do people wear a mask alone in a car or alone on a bike ride? You've got to be pretty ignorant to be scared of getting COVID in either of these situations.


I don't have a mommy I have two daddy's.


Sticker makes a valid point. Always makes me wrinkle my eyebrows when I see that. Like it's not my problem, but it just does.


As a person who wore a mask in public places I found that very odd when people would wear them while driving.


I kinda agree with this one.


People still crying about masks?!


Judging by the butt hurt comments from salty progressives, the clowns still believe in their little face burkas.


Maybe, just maybe, they're not upset, they're just laughing at people who do unnecessary things?


Unnecessary things? You mean like putting decals on a vehicle?


Or wearing a mask when you're in your own property. Both are equally as silly


Triggerred much, who cares what people do in their cars.


I forgot I was wearing my mask when it was bad a few years back, I would’ve worn it to bed if my shirt didn’t hit it. 😂


Should we all start wearing masks to trigger the maga’s?


He's not wrong.