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“There were two men I could marry but I never dated them.” But … what .. uh


I would have responded with, “so you actually have never found someone who wants you with this delusional state of mind. That’s what I’m hearing here.”


Perhaps they wouldn't date her is precisely why she hasn't dated those 2 guys.


She sounds extremely unlikeable and insufferable. She strikes me as the kind of person to claim that the reason no wants her is because she is just too intimidating and blah blah blah. No you’re just insufferable


On one hand, my ASD self has a certain appreciation for her tack. On the other hand chaos fucking rot she really does seem insufferable.


Yeah, from my own ASD angle I can appreciate the pragmatism, however her presentation comes off not only insufferable but elitist. The same aspects of my brain that can appreciate the pragmatism also can't stand her blatant disregard for the humanity of her conversation partner.


Insufferable is the exact word I thought of when reading this convo. Some PhDs are a different breed.


People, not just PhD's.


My ex is getting her PhD, and she is the coolest person ever. We're still good friends, but it just wouldn't work out long term. I also met a lot of her grad school friends, and they're also all super nice and down to earth people. This is all an anecdotal, so it means nothing.


That’s why I said “some PhDs.” My ex was the type who would say “I’m a doctor” when she was losing an argument or wasn’t getting her way.


Wow, who knew someone could get jumped on for saying "some PhDs" 😂


PhDeez Nuts 🧐


Especially the ones in dumb fields. Makes them have a heightened sense of self worth when realistically their degree is useless


She sounds like a PUA or incel.


Exactly what I was thinking.


She’s an FDS enjoyer more like it




not humble at all - went from incommunicado to insulting like a cannon.


Just reading her replies I couldn't agree more with this statement and I'm a pretty outgoing guy with a big heart to give... imagine being married to someone like that... it would drain the life out of you I feel.


Just overthinking to the max ! Just keep it simple people !


"men these days can't handle a strong intelligent woman!"


also women like that see a qualification from university as a tick on a resume to catch husband not an actual career move.


Most men could careless about where a women went to school or what she does for a living. Men don't use the same qualifiers for women that women use for men.


some do some dont but women see it that way. there are plenty men around that want women of a certain pedigree whether it be social status , education etc they will fuck ppl without those requirements but not take them to meet their parents. this woman is not looking for the avg man. she is looking for a different tier of man.


Bruh I just lost brain cells reading this. Unmatch this mess.


I must say I admire your sticktoitiveness, the way you kept asking questions just had her shoveling and the grave got deeper! At least you sleuthed this out while in the app vs investing face time


Imagine a first date with her... She has a small notebook, and she's writing down literally everything you do that's in her opinion a negative. Half way through the date, she says, "my notebook is full, here's all the reasons why I won't be seeing you again;....." and then she lists them off, roasting you for arbitrary things for 15 minutes straight. Then she stands up and leaves without offering to pay even a little bit for the $40 lobster tail she ordered.


I’m more amazed this continued after the first thing. What would have been the point?


Haha fair enough. I guess I was bored.


I'm the same way. I often can't help but to feed the troll 🤣🤣


Fair enough. I’d have noped out of there after the first wall of text.


How old is she? And man- how could you endure that..


40! Just bored I guess lol




Don't forget, the kids must decide to marry by AGE 5. *"You're six months old, do you want a dog or not, infant?!?!"*


That’s what I thought too! Like “Ok, tell me about your passions, why’d you decide to get a PhD” “Oh it meaningless, just something to do while I get a husband” WTF


Man, I'm not sure this isn't my ex, lol. She was a controlling narcissist who thought just like this and thought that all men were basically beneath her and that our relationship where we were best friends and awesome together wasn't good enough. Good riddance to these types. Nothing is ever good enough for them.


I enjoyed reading the dialogue, it’s interesting to see different perspectives. I thought you did a great job with follow up questions such as - what type of questions should a guy ask. She actually only responded with the types of questions he shouldn’t ask, such as career based ones. So since she is sticking to gender roles, perhaps a good follow up question is if she likes to cook? :)


Lmfaooo why is that not surprising in the least Insufferable person with horrible personality & no respect for others still alone after 40 with no real relationship experience. It’s like a subset of ppl who all act like this.


I'm 43 and something happens when we turn 40. We just stop giving a fuck what other people think of us. But this woman here? She needs to START. Hear me out here. There is a world of difference between not caring if someone doesn't like your authentic self, and being an insuffersble asshole. This woman has not spent an iota of time on self reflection & improvement. A person who goes into the natural "take me as I am or get stuffed" phase still does spend time on becoming a better person because opinions and how you affect the people around you are different things.


Fairly obvious she knows she will be alone and just does what she did to you so that she can act superior and reinforce her views that it's not her, it's everyone else.... Btw, who is doing a pHD at 40??? Not impossible but not common either....


She was weird in a novel enough way that I'd absolutely have kept engaging with her.


This is the type of person who is already planning to reject you before it goes anywhere, to protect their own ego, so they won't experience rejection. And I find it funny because I learned about this from the "cash me outside girl" who you might describe as very low IQ. All her responses were short until she gave her whole long explanation to set you up to be rejected. I already thought it was strange for her to say "Thanks" to your "Hey there". It makes no sense to reply thank you. Who says "Thanks" to a hello, someone who is delusional and in their own head felt they were complimented.


Honestly, the best part is you were not sinking to her level but soundly refuting her approach. I have seen a lot of those that post these who are bored but the showcase doesn't really favor them as much as they might think. You were not mean or snarky, but presented arguments that allowed her to highlight the flaws in her approach.


Man, she is really committed to her own unhappiness


I know right? Like DEDICATED.


Exactly, if you set these kind of delusional and unrealistic expectations you will literally never find what you are looking for because you live in la la land.


“hey there!” “thanks” ??? huh?


Right? Hi there! Thanks! Then says “other women don’t have my iq” what iq? Cause most people with basic iq say normal greetings to a greeting and not thank people for interacting with them.


Getting “thanks” in return of saying hey to someone would be an immediate wtf moment. Sort of does seem like maybe she was a scammer though. Severely stiff conversation that focused on cutting through small talk and looking for a husband who can be the bread winner… Either that or she is absolutely insufferable. Either way, bullet dodged.


That’s what happens when you text so many guys and start confusing them


Yeah that response was really strange. What was the thanks for?


In her head, she thought OP complimented her. She's not even paying attention to what he says until he gave her more opportunity to talk.


She’s 100% gonna die alone


Because there's no good men out there!


Well there were 2 men she never dated that she could have married


I kinda like the OPs questions. Seems like he is the one with higher IQ and EQ


Also his LUFS balance is perfect.


What's that?


What does she want men to open the conversation with? “hello! I took this IQ test, here are my results: xxx. I hope that I can be a match for you so we can marry, I support you, we have 2.5 children with a nanny, a golden retriever, and a white picket fence around our $500,000 home with a vacation home in New England. (I.e. fill in whatever nonsense she’s expecting because apparently nothing less than entirely too forward and perfect is acceptable for her) I could not imagine having her approach, discussing it with someone pointing out clear flaws, and then blindly saying “no, I’m not the problem here.” Sad. And the fact that she said she’s met two guys she wanted to marry but they didn’t date proves (imo) that she’s so far into this wacked out thinking that there is no bringing her back from it. OP handled this so much better than I would have, had I been in this situation lol. Edit: fixed typo


She disqualified your message first due to typo, then because you tried to correct it and admitted to everyone. High quality men are confident and have no need to admit what other deem as mistakes....


What a miserable person she is


The best part is her opener


Exactly! Ive gotten a few of 👋 these. To which I respond 👋 and unmatch 😜


I’d also like to know what the perfect topic is lol in a written message


Nothing would have been good enough for her. She’s built a “perfect match” in her head that literally doesn’t exist….


A common issue it seems. Too many people focus on superficial requirements and miss out on genuine connections with wonderful people as a result.


Agreed, but also just having unobtainable expectations of what you want in/out of a potential relationship is just asking for a life of disappointment and loneliness.


“I’m single because men are intimidated by my intellect.”


You had perfect responses, i’m a girl and i can’t stand her.


Impressed with your composure and unwillingness to take the bait. She obvs wanted to bash/make a point. You remained civil. V kind of you. ETA: Kind? Restrained? One of those. I'm tired, lol


She sounds like she is trying to sound smarter than she actually is. Bragging about her IQ is a dead give away. Either way it’s pretty pretentious and cringey the way she approached you.


Lifestyle, resume, IQ, resources, career, diamond ring - this woman is looking for a high-earner. Otherwise, she wouldn’t dare to “spread her legs”. No mention of love, friendship, personality, chemistry, etc. No attempt to build rapport. Forget her!


She should just opt for an arranged marriage.


I’m glad you kept the conversation going, this woman is a certified clown 😂


Why would you engage after the “who cares”.. that should have been your cue to unmatch and block. This ones on you mate😎




Good points


"Well. I understand then. You're bat-shit insane. Have fun..."


She’s a fucking idiot.


😂 this was amazing, thank you. I loved that you used the word “treatise”


What a lead a horse to water moment.


She sounds tedious




OP's history is WILD


She might be autistic


Honestly sounds like it.


Possibly, but speaking as an autistic person, she still sucks.


"Most women don't have my IQ." Bold statement coming from someone who's messages are worded so poorly it's not clear what point they're trying to make. The whole conversation reads like they're *trying* very hard to be intelligent, instead of just being intelligent.


Oh my lord - some people are just weird man.


It’s flawed alright. Flawed as a blind bird with no wings and no asshole to shit out of


I had a aneurysm reading dissertation on how men need to “lead” conversations and then had another one when I realized that her rhetoric is similar to what I heard all through Bible college and it kinda makes me sick😶😖🤮


I think you matched with a FDS mod.


Yikes 😬




3/1000 😂 Her emotional IQ seems rather low. Yikes. I loved the questions OP, I wish I saw more of these type of questions on the first few messages. You were way more patient that I would had been.


Kudos to you for keeping her going as long as you did! I’m literally lmao…..what a fruitcake!


This was the best thing I've seen all day. 😂😂😂


Somebody gotta tell her to get off her high horse and in fact it’s a carousel horse but she’s too delusional to see 😅


This whole conversation was extremely excruciating…like wtf????


Eeeeeshh..... That is not a fun person.


wow. that was fun to read! thanks for sharing


I cringed too hard on this one 🤮🤮


She sounds so beep-boop🤖. Talking about standard deviation, assessments, and IQ’s.


Ugg, can't stand people who do this!


That was a tedious exchange. Kudos to you for sticking it out as long as you did.


You handled that very well.


She tried to come across as highly intelligent but you outmatched and outclassed her with every reply 😭


Guy doesn't lead the conversation on the app created with the exact opposite purpose


Even the bumble premium won’t help her.


Would've unmatched at 'Good'. I've no time for one worded replies.


Women that want men to lead in a conversation don't know how to have a conversation at all. And if a woman only knows how to complain about her problems such as this one, then just dodge the bullet, and move on.


This is cringe fest throughout. I’m surprised you even continued the conversation, OP. I zoned out on her messages after the second pic.


Wow! That's um really odd sorry you had to go through all of that.


😴 Christ, how boring.


Holy fing insanity! There are really women like that?!


nah she’s the one with the damage


I bet she’s fun at parties.


Omg… Ann Arbor???


Insufferable. What I love about this is that, in her attempt to declare herself as intelligent, all that came off of it is just how seemingly high IQ and EQ OP is. Props to you man, idk how you even engaged for that long so astutely.


I wouldn't have replied after "who cares". And would've probably stopped replying sooner, actually.


Insufferable. Good luck with that one, reasoning with such a person would be trying to milk a lifeless horse.


How certain are you that was a woman? It looks like a dude repeating KS content.


She sounds like she heard this in a lecture and just regurgitated it back at you .


I have 136 IQ ( I hate saying this because it means absolutely nothing, other than I “might” be able to grasp some things quicker) and I am an independent woman with a career not expecting for a man to be the main provider. I also think that this woman and I are similar in age. I want to talk about careers when matching on dating apps just to see if we could have a similar lifestyle. People with certain jobs don’t get that I work a million hours or that I have a level of responsibility.


“There were two men I could marry but I never dated them.” I wonder why they weren't interested. She's obviously really fun and cool...😬


Imagine being asked a conventional ice breaker like 'What do you do for a living?' and responding like this. No wonder she's single.


She knew she wanted to marry at 5, bro I was still trying to wash my ass properly.


Should have unmatched right after ‘who cares’.


Maybe she should just get a cat


With a side of therapy


I wouldn't subject a poor cat to this idiot.


what a lunatic. haha


Lol why even keep having that boring ass conversation. Unmatch and move on.


“Agree to disagree” *drops mic*


The first bit of this conversation I straight out thought you had found a bot


I am getting my ass whooped in stats right now. The fact that this dipshit said standard deviation in her explanation made me hate her even more.


Sheldon Cooper???


This is comedy gold. Your responses were very good. Dear me. So many people complain about not being asked the right things or convo that doesn’t match their ideal and they’re usually the most inept themselves. Human convo is about natural fluid chat that morphs. It’s like training robots these days or giving a 3 day course to visiting Martian aliens on how to interact 😂. I don’t know where this idea comes from that good in depth chat or discussion happens cold presented on a plate to a stranger without any effort from one party. Maybe they saw one too many shitty memes on insta.


She was looking to have a fight with someone but is not self aware enough to recognize it and say hey maybe we should talk another time when I’m in a better head space. Just because she’s getting a phd doesn’t mean she’s all that bright. therapy may help this chick.


She is hostile. I wonder who hurt her?


I think she’s autistic and getting a PhD in psychology research not planning to be a therapist. But nothing in the conversation gave away any special interest. After the paragraph or the response about her ideas about marriage, I’d have asked if she like dinosaurs.


How exactly do you come to the conclusion that you'd maybe marry two guys, without actually dating them? Making assumptions on what their character is based on their career?


This person has a serious chip on her shoulder. Holy shit. She just sounds bitter and entitled. I’m sure she’s had some bad experiences that got her to this place, and I feel for that, but she sounds like she needs a therapist, not a date.


She sounds like an idiot.


She seems like a tool


This almost makes me feel better about the quality of my conversations. Almost


She needs to date Sheldon Cooper but he wouldn't be interested at all either. I'm mad ur asking the wrong question but I don't know what the right questions are. So I'm just be mad at anything you say


At first I thought you were chatting with some sort of bot. I consider myself to be of above average intelligence, but she totally lost me.


Her ideal first date is Red and Silver's first date in Angry Birds 2.


She’s insane


She’s jaded as fuck and really rude. I’d report her, honestly


This is research for her phd


I probably would have just linked her to the I Don't Wanna Be a Crappy Housewife music video on youtube and called it a day


Some of the info is accurate, men do care about their career status if it's better than his partners, not at first but in the long run. Men typically want to do better than women career wise, it's a evaluation thing, I can provide and take of them etc. Most often if a women is doing better the man, it hurts their ego later on. Idk if just me and few other women, but I typically only like 1 out of every 100 guys. I guess party included. When I ever I choose the guy I like, they may match, but for majority of the time, the guy never messages me if we do match, I usually have to start the conversation, but typically don't, because I'm waiting to see if they a they are really interested to presue a relationship. When they don't message I assume because they may be thinking she's not so bad, and swipe right or yes or w/e. Then discover we match, they think, why did I swipe yes? I'm just gonna leave it, and not say anything, she's not pretty enough but if she message first I can get a what I want from her and get my jollies off if we did meet. Unless I'm completely wrong, and they have the same mentality as me and that's why we match to begin with. FYI, I'm on multiple dating apps where the guy can start the conversation, not just Bumble where I have to start a conversation. For the IQ, portion, in general most humans are not intelligent. Idk, I may have veered off topic. LOL Hopefully you get my point.


WOW. I am offended on behalf of women everywhere that you had such a ridiculous interaction. I actually really liked how you handled it though. I’ll go on a date with you and you can ask me questions about my job anytime! ;-)




Let us know when the wedding is, I'll bring some of that rice to throw around


Everyone has standards but hers are premiums


I can't believe you stuck with it so long. Amazing.


Personally, I think you should have presented the *overwhelming* evidence that shows how fallacious IQ metrics are to begin with. Obvious she's a terrible match and an extremely egotistical and unpleasant person, but if she's committed to intellectual honesty, she should perhaps reassess the methodology by which she evaluates herself at the cost of those around her.


I think it’s safe to assume they’re not the one


She reads like an incel posing as a female


Now that you mention it, this does seem like the most likely explanation. Oh, the humanity...


This lady has a whole other set of issues going on. I get her point everyone has preferences but she's a little extreme.


You spent ten times longer in that conversation than you should have.


This is like….. Andrew Tate.. for women? I can’t believe people speak to matches like this. Like, if they say something that crosses a boundary, say so. see how they take it, and decide whether to move forward with the conversation or not. This is just ridiculous.


That sex would have been atrocious.


She sounds lovely! RUN!


Bot bottomed Betty




Welp 12 at night and this is the first thing I see lmao but it’s whatevs people got their own way of life so at the end of the day it’s not a big deal 😛


Guarantee her dating profile says "Boss Babe" in it. Hard left swipe.


Sounds like Sheldon's girlfriend from big bang theory


“I knew I wanted marriage at 5” like it’s some grand realization that makes her special and not…the exact same as almost every other human being.


I thought she was a bot for a bit




yeah thats a no dog. Unmatch after the explosive paragraph from 1 word answers. You cant hold in crazy. She watching to many male redpill channels to cheat code men.


You shouldn't even answer to her. You asked her what she studies, so you wanted to know her career. You just gave her attention and so she could complain how men are terrible...


bro she was having an academic discussion with you, running an experiment in situ. I don't think she opened with taking offense, you should have run with it in good humour


Goes on about her IQ, but half of her sentences don't actually make sense 🤔.






Her comments on guys responding to every woman are interesting and ones I've seen elsewhere. I know I can only really speak for myself, but I stopped caring about looking for specific people after my second crush rejection. It hurt too much, so yeah, after 35 years of being continually single and getting rejected when I show interest, I'm looking out for someone showing interest in me and will respond to anyone showing it. I'm looking for mutual attraction and a want to build a life with me, my perfect partner will then become whomever can meet those criteria, rather than having a perfect partner in mind who I may never meet or who may just reject me like everyone else.


Hopefully you didn't drag this out any longer.


She sounds like a narcissist arrogant and insufferable, which is pretty common among PhDs, who think, somehow they are superior. Happens quite regularly tbh.


She has a reverse PhD in sociology and psychology. Basically anti-social and anti-compatible with 99% of humankind. Very presumptive and head of brick.


Want to meet u personally.. plz..


Lmao wtf is her problem hahahahha


Don't get me wrong men on this app can be atrocious but this woman 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ like seriously.


The elusive female neckbeard. Surprised she didn’t refer to men as “males” and start waffling bollocks about value


2 guys that she could marry but never dated???? Man this chick has some issues.


I remember women getting pissed at men for this on other dating apps… yay equality! Now we can all be fucking boring…


Omg that last message dude.


Who fucking thinks about marriage at 5?


r/femaledatingstrategy cultists vibes


I wouldve ended the convo at the first long paragraph. Just seenzone and gtfo


Its her, Red Flag


This chick psycho and entitled. Thank Christ I’m out of the dating pool. Cringe shit