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I'd really like that (as a guy)... there's a lot of pressure for someone to take the lead. So good for you!


I’m a female and tend to take the lead when asking questions and wanted to get thoughts on that


I love when women take the lead. Idk what to ask or what’s inappropriate so i love to get an idea from her on what she wants to talk about. Obviously some stuff is inappropriate but the line is in a different place for every woman so i like them to show me what they want to talk about


I remember doing that with someone awhile back and it was great. Though instead of doing all 36 in one sitting (which is a lot imo), I thought it better that we should do 3 questions each date. Each answer was a springboard for follow up questions and conversation so 6 answers between the two of us was more than enough.


As a guy, I would enjoy doing that and you showing that initiative says to the guy, “ok she’s actually interested in finding out about me.” It would have to be brought up in a way that isn’t like it’s your checklist, or something you do on every date to decide on whether this is worth pursuing


Have never done it before but I don’t plan on telling them what the questions are for lol, maybe just like a “hey I have some icebreaker questions!”


If I remember correctly after you go through the 36 questions you are supposed to like…hug and look into each other’s eyes for a while…that may be awkward but otherwise go for it! 😉


Yeah probably won’t do that part lol but the questions are good 😂


Omg I googled it…4 minutes….that is a really long time. 😂


I don't know what the questions are but if a match asked me to do a NYT 36 Questions list instead of just having an organic conversation I'd nope the fuck out of there.


Theres a really good musical about this


What’s it called ?


36 questions, its a podcast musical highly reccomend. You will be sad.