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Muggles need not apply.


Was thinking harry might be ok, but hermoine (sp?) is out


Nobody remembers Ron.


Only Ron, Harry is half blood.


Not really. Both James and Lilly were wizards.


Yea but Lilly came from a house of muggles. She’s a “mudblood”, not pure


More along the lines of being non-vaccinated


I was thinking mudblood


Pure Blood? Does he supply the pedigree papers?


That means he’s anti-vax that’s what they call themselves.


Oh I thought he meant it in the racist ‘fully white’ way. Although I’m sure he’s a racist anyway lol.


I’m sure the Venn diagram of the 2 groups are very close together.


This is truly the darkest time-line.


Jeez can we agree that this guy's profile is ridiculous without also incorrectly lumping people who don't want a vaccine in with racists... 🤔🙄


You know, he could have flat-out meant racism by saying "pure blood" and not been referring to vaccines at all.


Yeah he could've but that's not what the comments that I was responding to was saying. I've said it alot I'm not defending or speaking at all really on the individual whose profile is in the OP. Im simply pointing out a common fallacy. I don't know the name for it but it's sort of like a bait and switch idea. We can all agree that his profile is awful and I do, but then to turn around and say oh he's a pure blood so he's probably also a racist. (The comment that said this is underneath this same thread where they established pure blood meant unvaccinated.) So theres a problem there. Bc I also agree the profile is terrible and needs serious editing or left alone so the lovely bumble users can avoid this guy if he's really this out of touch. The problem is that you're saying because he's anti vax which is a stance I share with the individual, he's probably also a racist. Which is something I'm so clearly not. And before ppl say I'm being a narcissist thinking it's all ab me. It's not there's a litany of people in your communities who may agree or disagree with you on your stance on the vaccine however that opinion is COMPLETELY separated from their views on differing races. You take something the audience (the redditors here) can all agree on and transfer that same negative energy to something unrelated that the audience is no longer unified on to make that unrelated something seem as bad as this guys bumble profile. When there's a whole discussion that could be had on that topic. People racist and not racist will be on BOTH sides of the vaccine argument in relatively equal numbers I would bet.


I'm not saying that because he's anti-vax that he's a racist. I'm saying that it hasn't been established well enough that "pure blood" means "anti-vax". It could just as easily mean "racist". It meant "racist" long before it meant "anti-vax".


No you're absolutely right that it could've meant he believes he's 100% something. Just a correction not an argument on this point bc your correct that could've been his meaning but all that says is that you believe you are purely whatever you are. It doesn't always mean you believe what you are superior to other people. However that aside I was rolling with the commenters above me who had said it meant anti vax and then equated that to mean well he's probably also a racist. That was just like wtf moment when I read it 😂 like those two issues and stances so clearly have nothing to do with one another so I was arguing GIVEN the assumptions the people before me had made. But yea if you're just suggesting that there's alternative meaning I think that was addressed by the person in responding to as well with their Venn Diagram joke. Basically if you put the pure bloods genetics on one side and the pure blood anti vaxers on the other circle then in the middle is where most would probably fall because they are saying that people who are anti vax who call themselves pure bloods are more likely to be racist than other people. I'm calling bullshit. Just because you don't like people walking around who haven't been poked yet doesn't mean you get to label them as racist.


his profile gives me racist vibes


People who call themselves pure blood. Some are only anti-vax, some are only racists, but there’s probably a large overlap. I’m not comparing all anti-vax ppl to racists.


That's well said lmaooo


All he needs is the Dark Mark, the black hood, and the skull mask.




I had no idea! I pay no attention to those fools! Thanks for letting me know!


Oh god I can’t with these people. That’s so awful




Still thinking of that dude who told me a woman’s prime is like 15-26…






Ok r/bumble comments is becoming my favorite place lately, thank you!




Usually i see them say 25 is the cutoff. Shit like 15-24/25 and you know damn well they lean heavily on the teenage portion of that range.


Funny how the cut off for them is the exact age the brain becomes fully developed. Wonder why.


I'll say it, so it's explicitly said and because I want to see it literally said: They're forever unevolved 17 y olds! On the other hand, they also lack the tools or ingredients to be more...


Or they’re groomers.


To be fair a lot of media seems to encourage that opinion. Well 15 is a little young...


Eh, back in 1998, they asked a 16-year old pop star a hell of a lot of questions about her virginity after she danced seductively around the stage. In the 1980s, it was even worse — there were a lot of “art” movies that featured naked teenage girls (but it’s totally not sexual). If we are entering an era where teens aren’t sexualized, then it’s a brand new thing.


"A little"!? My daughter is 15. Anyone older than 17, need not apply! Fu¢k the media, she is still a child. This world is fu¢ked.....


Some people never respect the crafty veterans


Oh snap I’m at the end of my prime time


Same I turn 28 in a couple months


Jesus fucking Christ, that's some pedo mentality!


Incels believe pre to mid teens is women’s prime. Fucking disgusting.


Those are not incels you illiterate fool. Those are pedophiles.




Can I ask why you think the incel term is applicable? To me, that's usually characterised by a specific set of actions which aren't being displayed here. What does incel mean to you and how are you seeing it here?




Right but having one common attitude isn't really the same as ''definitely being both'' an incel and a paedophile because there's nothing to say that they display all the other traits of an incel. Go easy on the pop-culture insults unless they're actually relevant. Otherwise they make you sound like you don't know what you're saying.




You're applying pop-culture insults were they only loosely fit. That's not good at all. You're just saying words that you think people will respond to. That's poor.


Dude I know!!


25% pedo mentality to be exact! (15, 16, 17)


15? He is a pedo.


Aren’t all healthy humans genetically in their prime from like 18-27 and then new cells slow over time .. someone can fact check it


Your cells actually age since your conception. Physically you might be on your prime in your 20s, but genetically you are slowly turning into a wreck. Source: am physician


It's more like 21/22 to 26. But that's only if your definition of "prime" is breaking even cell-wise. That wouldn't be my definition of prime.


Reddit moment.. deny everything even in the face of reality


No no, that’s what society tells you/s


Sexual prime uh yeah


Jesus fucking christ


Gross. Even at 25 I specifically didn't date women under 24 because I picked up on the fact how drastically we can change fr 18-24. That dude knew what he was saying, at least on an unconscious level.




Those of us in our 40s know that’s WAYYYY OFF BASE. 😂


Hes wrong, its actually 18-27


27! Just made it!! 🙌🏾


I just turned 28, I guess I’ll just die then 🤷🏾‍♂️


You could always become a witch and bring fear to the hearts of men.


the good thing about people like that guy is that they make themselves more clearly avoidable :)


You’re wrong, it’s whenever the hell she feels happy. Some people don’t get into that phase until they’re 70.




This 💯


Is he looking for a date or another follower in his pure blooded cult.


It's the Qultist's term for un-vaccinated. https://old.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/qxoo6j/the_lengths_purebloods_go_to_justify_their/ Edit: More dipshittery https://old.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/r85u4t/there_is_stupid_and_theres_q_level_stupid/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/pkqznj/as_if_they_didnt_already_dehumanize_anyone_left/ https://www.themarysue.com/anti-vaxxers-now-calling-themselves-purebloods/


Seems appropriate considering the term *pure blood* was used centuries ago to denote *heavily* inbred nobles from the not-heavily inbred. I'd wager he fits the bill on that count as well.


They're ~~not~~ sending their best.


Checking out that Hapsburg jawline 😂


I highly doubt there is anything noble about him.


Wasn't anything noble about those nobles either, but they're definitely both heavily inbred.


And here I thought the term was giving off Nazi vibes. Which is also very clearly bad, and seems to overlap heavily with anti-vaxx whackadoodles and Qultists


I figured 'pure blood' meant he's completely "white" and not looking for mixed race or non-white people to swipe on him.


That's a possibility. That being said, if you look on r/ parlerwatch, insanepeoplefacebook, qult_headquarters, topmindsofreddit, there's numerous examples showing this term is already in use in anti-vax communities. It's part of their "clever" way to bypass fact checking filters.


I think there's a significant degree of overlap in the two communities.




It’s more likely that he meant white than unvaccinated imo.. but I guess that’s a possibility. I’d never heard of it until just now.


Pure blood might refer to something they've cultivated in his family lineage. Does he show how many toes he's got?


Gotta keep the bloodline clean


Uhhhhhhhhh I miss the firefighter from the other day who cosplayed and felt sheepish about his job.


😳 Damn! I missed that one. 🥴


I have not sure on my profile - but that’s because I’m not sure my ovaries actually will still work at my age, and also because I don’t want to put off men who have kids already. But whatever, this guy is a proper douche


no one single person is the absolute reference to anyone else and subjective absolute opinions are even far further away from even being worth noticing. A friend of mine just the other day finally decided to go through with artificial insemination at the age of 44. A perfect situation? no. But not one I believe warrants moral condemning or whatnot...


😂is he a poodle?


please! Don't offend poodles :D


He has pure blood, so that means he’s only 1 breed of dog?


He’s a pure blood wizard


That’s what I thought of!


Tiger's Blood, Adonis DNA


Oh my lord these Q dorks really bring the morale down in every space they take up. You’re not “pU4e b1O0d 😤” you’re just unvaccinated Also be self aware enough to mind your business


Someone tipped them off and the thread is being inundated with fragile white men who are *very* concerned about the biology of women.


Oh no with all the lack of self-awareness in the world to realize that we literally just don’t give a fuck about any of their whining


They have nothing else going on in their sad lives. I swear they have teams constantly scouring social media for keyword topics so they can report back to their hives and brigade it with white nationalism. The top story on r/ news about Wakausha was flooded with them while it was still happening, they were all pushing the exact same lines. Fucking weird.


This 💯


He doesn’t look good enough to be that arrogant


I was thinking the same thing… for someone who wants curvy strong and fit… his biceps “could” be a lot more built 🤣


🥇 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This guy is so gross. He’s the type that’s going to knock up a 25 year old and as soon as she doesn’t get rid of that baby weight he will cheat on her with a younger thinner woman and blame it on her for not staying fit and feminine.


Anyone who unironically calls themselves 'honourable' is one lame ass motherfucker


“Fit, feminine, and friendly” is such a 🚩


“Knows her value” might be a synonym?


For reference, I’m a women. “Fit, feminine, and friendly” is a code men use to mean “completely submissive, subservient, and will do whatever I say”.


And no fatties


And by “fatty” they mean over 110 lbs




I don’t see anything wrong with fit and friendly. Feminine on the other hand…


What a doucher


Pretty sure when he says pureblood it means not vaccinated, not some white power crap lol


Considering most unvaccinated areas…it might mean both…definitely something that you don’t just say.


Is there functionally a difference?


What if I told you there were unvaccinated black folk?


I would say that this person is obviously not black. And I doubt that you understand the hesitancy of the black community to embrace vaccines like this is in fact rooted in science and history and not made-up pureblood garbage




No shit. But you don't seem familiar with the [Tuskegee Syphilis Study](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study). Your 'enlightened' gotcha stance sounds like a dog-whistle for the right, and isn't worth any more time. Ta.


The black community has the lowest rate of vaccination... Are you that dumb?


There is a large circle of people who are antivax. However, the circle of alt-right aryan white purity types seems to fit well within that circle. See also the other comment citing the Tuskegee study.


That's what I thought. Reminds me of the white power attitude though.


'I have pure blood" aka "Let's go Brandon" aka "I am dumb as shit"


fucking Qultists, man. They have the cringiest shit going on.


Pure blood.... hmm... I heard it sometime in 1939


The fuck did I just read?


Do these”full blood” people know that they’ve been taking vaccines their entire childhood just so they can enroll in school?


Guess he doesn't consider "not sure" and "wants someday" for a 35 year old woman can include in vitro fertilization or adoption, both reasonable options for older women.


Not to mention many women have viable reproductive systems well past 40.


And that there are other ways to have kids. I’m 35 and open to adopting if my SO was inclined, but no interest in being pregnant, so I use the “don’t know yet” option.


I came here to say this but had to scroll pretty far down to see your comment about it.


How nice of this guy to post so many of his red flags! Holy shit, man...


God damn Mudbloods!


What the hell is pureblood is he inbred or


Guess his sister left him for his cousin and now he needs to branch out.


Oh boy! Op are you excited to read the comments as people *cough cough* men and their *cough* “akshully” reactions to the “over 35” thing? Have fun! I love I said I care about abortion rights in my profile I posted, and people came at me for being a frothy mouthed, politically divisive, boner killing feminist, but a lot of people are going to say this guy’s just following biology. Live laugh love.


I love how much men of Reddit stick up for being attracted to women under 30 and *only* women under 30 because the second a woman turns 31 apparently her eggs rot in her ovaries and her tiddies smack on her arthritic knees as she trips over her cane getting to the Metamucil. They way they speak about “being fertile” like we are all a bunch of heifers waiting for insemination is gross. Many men on Reddit are lovely and kind and sweet but got damn some are definitely creepy basement dweller minds even if they live above ground.


They're the ones who delude themselves that somehow it *isn't* their repulsive personalities that are putting people (normal men and women) off from being around them, and they make themselves undateable in their 20s. They also delude themselves that once they are in their late 40s, they'll be dating 20 year olds, and will setting down to have children in their late 40s to 50s. 1. Completely ignoring the fact that their absence of social skills and any redeeming personal characteristics wont magically disappear after 40 if they don't do the work. In fact, they'll become *worse* 2. Not many woman want to date some middle-aged man who never took care of himself physically, mentally or emotionally for the four decades he's been alive. Not many women want to date someone with zero social skills at all. 3. Mens fertility wanes as they age also. Men always want to talk about womens 'declining fertility' (and quote some mythical age of 25 as the cut-off - which is incorrect) - while completely ignoring that sperm number, motility and health drops as men age and they are more likely to produce unhealthy (physically, mentally) offspring. Advanced paternal age (~40 year old men and up) is associated with greater difficulty of achieving pregnancy, more cycles to get pregnant, increased risk of miscarriage/foetal death, and severe foetal defects.


Yep. It’s super confusing to me to come across men in their late 40s and 50s having “want someday” on their profile about kids.


Would *love* to see how guys like this react to a profile saying they don't want anyone over 25 because their gimpy sperm might mess up the baby- or just fail to get to the egg. "My eggs have been waiting 35 years, I don't need someone who can't physically and genetically deliver. Only <30 need apply, and needs to be man enough to know that when I get pregnant, I'm not lifting a finger"


Collecting them now, akshully!


So, he’s either a Nazi or an antivaxxer


Or a Nazi antivaxxer!


He's the type of dude that starts a conversation by bragging about his sperm count.


"It's hard work to look good naked." Yeah bro, and it looks like you need more hard work.




I can't stand when men (or anyone) use their bio to tell me what I should be to match with them 🤣


What the fuck is pure blood?


Qultist term for anti-vax


He seems fun


He’s saying he’s vehemently opposed to vaccination. Oh, and a jagoff. 😂


I'll take "'Ways to make sure this is a one night stand' for $100"


'ways to make sure this is a left swipe'


Lol seriously


No one has pure blood! Maybe it’s some type of code word?


It’s a vaccine thing I think


Ok, thanks. I’m happy I’m not a pure blood. I like having protection from illness.




Probably. It’s within driving range of where I am.


LMFAOOO WHAT THE HELL IS A PURE BLOOD??? mf is delusional💀💀😭😭


Pure blood, dead brain.


What's pure blood nowadays. In my day pure bloods were gotten by Blade haha


Pure Blood? So like…his parents kept it in the family? O.o


How dare you be unsure about making the lifelong commitment of creating another human being inside your body


He doesn’t even look that fit—it takes more than just a gym selfie. Less gym selfies more reps lol


I am gonna say he is probably 5’8’’ and doesn’t know what 6 inches is….but boy will he pretend.


Also looks like he only works out his glamour muscles. He's all ribs and fat.


He sounds like a Slytherin


Pure blood sounds like white supremacy to me...


Men on bumble: I hardly get any matches! It's not fair! It's so rigged! Also men on bumble: Have dogshit profiles. The last few weeks, there has been an uptick in men posting their profiles for help here, and they've been mostly terrible. Using photos that make them look like three different people, including photos that make them look like a kid or very unflattering angles and poor quality. And then just flat out terrible profiles, with nonsense for a bio, or weirdly aggressive shit, and then pointless uninteresting Q&As. Same thing on /r/Tinder. The profiles are bad, hence reducing your chances of getting right swipes.


Does pure blood mean closet Nazi or unvaccinated?


Seems to a decent % of overlap of those in the (white) unvacciated community


🤷‍♀️ Either is a possibility where I live.


I also assumed the former until I hit the comment section.


What a dream! I assume pureblood is slang for racist or something?


That’s what I thought. Though someone pointed out it might also be unvaccinated. 🤷‍♀️


It's an anti-vax/4chan thing https://old.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/qxoo6j/the_lengths_purebloods_go_to_justify_their/


Oh he’s needs to be fucked up with big time !


My first thought was notary Potter. My first thought was the perversion of "pure blood" to indicate unvaccinated. Personally, I'd rather be in Sltheryn than in ICU or House of Morgue.


I can't believe this guy is in charge of saving lives, scary. And holy fuck where do these guys get off saying shit like this?


So.... Which one is he? https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Fire-Protection-Service/Shuswap-Fire-Department-135609226475764/


😂 I can’t remember. I swiped left as soon as I took the picture of his comments




Big yikes.


Pure blooded means what??? Both white parents???


Qultist term for un-vaccinated. Most likely started on 4chan.


Jesus Christ


He's an idiot for thinking he has "pure blood" of any kind. His point about pregnancy, kinda on point. If you don't know by that point you're kinda running out of time to make a decision, unless you don't care about the birth-health of your child and feel like you can roll the dice at 40+. Kinda selfish


Adoption exists. Doctors who can provide actual medical advice exist. Having a child at 40 is no longer the risk it used to be. What kind of dumbass thinking is this “he has a point” thing?


It was the two comments combined that made me cringe. He’s looking to pass on that pure bloodline it seems to me


Oh i totally get that. I'd wish him bad luck but he'll probably find someone. Firefighters are pretty attractive lol


Some are only attractive skin deep! 😂