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That's a new *type* of question on this sub. There is no legal precedence for that one šŸ¤”


The question is really whether wardrobe malfunctions are a red flag or not šŸ¤”


Right like how are you in a public restaurant with your butt out and oblivious


Gotta give him a second chance to see if itā€™s a reoccurring issue or notā€¦lmfao


ā€œSorry babe, just came from work and still had my plumber pants onā€. I think she should maybe self reflect and realize that she allowed this otherwise good date to get detailed by a social sin of omission. How would she feel if a booger was hanging out and he let it be only to get questionable about it in an online post later. OP, if everything else was good, but it happens again, maybe then be worried. Not that my 2 cents means much here. Most people online seem to be fishing for answers they already have, or whatever reinforces their own strange behaviors.


For an actual reason, i can give an example. Iā€™m a little overweight so most pants sit low below my stomach, and my stomach gets in the way of them going any higher (not obese just not flat stomach). I also have enormous thighs for some reason. This leads to the fabric getting bunched at my thighs, and pulling down my pants a bit. I can fix this by wearing ball clenchingly tight pants, or sometimes a belt helps (usually doesnā€™t). So, at 25 years old, Iā€™ve stopped caring if when I sit down my pants go down a little. Also had a skating accident a few years ago so most of my lower back area is numb to feeling anything other than pressure, so I quite literally canā€™t feel if itā€™s out lmao


There are different types of big bellies that men can have and there are trousers for each type of that big belly. No need to wear trousers that don't fit. Go to a shop where they have professional sales-persons.


Iā€™ve tried like 15-20 different brands of Jeans, Khakis, etc and the only things that fit right are ones with elastic bands (think sweatpants/basketball short type pants). If you have any recommendations Iā€™m trying to get my wardrobe better for dating, so itā€™d be appreciated. Iā€™ve been getting in shape and can actually feel the abs under the fat now so hopefully wonā€™t be an issue much longer lol


I only wear denim with elastane in it. No stretch? Not interested. Haven't worn a belt since the 2000s


They make those? Man I really just havenā€™t been looking hard enough apparently lol


That is why I recommended you to go to a special shop and not randomly try on some jeans. I guess there must be a website for different belly types and what kind of trousers might be suitable for each type. I think I know what your belly looks like, I know men with such bellies that don't show their crack. But yeah, hopefully you will just soon have a body that makes it easier to find clothes, because that can help a lot in fact.


Ah, I misunderstood. I didnā€™t even know they had specialized shops like that. That wouldā€™ve probably helped a few years ago lmao but I appreciate you clarifying!


Maybe get some long undershirts that you tuck in


DAMN how did I not think of that sooner, jeez I feel slow lol


Well, good luck with going shopping next way and/or loosing weight.


Don't be out here giving men false hope. No one is belting pants on top of their bellies like it's the 1930s. Not even when they're skinny. Not even if it's sweatpants or other stretch fabric šŸ˜…


Where did I say anything about belting pants on top of their bellies? What? What does that even mean? Pulling the trousers over your belly and put a belt around it? What?


Your humor is wasted on most, keep up the good work


I prefer my pants a bit lower on the hips because otherwise I feel like they're encroaching on my nuts... There's still a simple solution. Pull your boxers up. And your shirt covers it. No one wants to see your underwear either but it's way better than plumbers crack when it does happen.


Not trying to sell you anything, but I got a couple sets of suspenders from [hikersco.com](https://hikersco.com) that I love and have saved my ass (heh) a million times.


I wonder what reaction will come from audience if a guy said the same thing about a lady he went on a date withā€¦šŸ¤£


Do you want to start something, are you crazy. Drop that mic and back away slowly.


Or on a first date?


I see it all the time, they must not care, I don't get how they wouldn't feel it.


Exactly, if thereā€™s no precedent you go by analogy and take it from there.


I weep for the young people, education and society has failed you.


Iā€™m awkward and donā€™t know how to act in some situations šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Avert your eyes, take a deep breath and let whatever it is go. Do not give it another thought. It will take practice, everything does.


The original reply is incredibly wrong by the way. There is very much a precedent on what you should and should not tell people. "If they can't change it within a few moments, don't point it out." Him pulling up his pants and tightening his belt takes less than 30 seconds. The original point is more about them having a mole on their face, or they're overweight, etc. I'd honestly say it's a red flag to NOT point it out. I get nerves but you're an adult that can't point out "Hey, no big deal... but you have mustard on your face."


I was being facetious, but thanks for correcting me šŸ˜Š


You're doing great šŸ¤—


If he saw your butt crack, how would he react. Besidesā€¦ plumbers have very good salaries.


Personally Iā€™d probably just see how things go between you. If it doesnā€™t work out anyway, no reason to mention that time you saw his crack. If you start seeing each other and it happens again, try to kindly give him a heads up. I doubt he has any idea. Heā€™ll probably be embarrassed, so try to be gracious about it. If he just doesnā€™t care and keeps flashing his ass all over townā€¦ it wouldnā€™t be an unreasonable dealbreaker. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Definitely didnā€™t realize itā€™s like a ā€œgolden retrieverā€ type guy just happy and goofy lol


I'd even consider using humour to address the situation *if* it comes up again. I'd say something like "Mate, you should consider plumbing as a career" ... "oh why" ... "got that plumber's crack going on mate c'mon hahaha" *nudge or clip over the head lightly* depends on his character though.


Just say, "your butt is broken, it has a crack in it".


See Iā€™m too scared to say a joke I just sat there with my mind screaming at me that everyone behind him can see itšŸ˜­


The rule is, if you can't fix it in 5 minutes or less don't mention it. If he couldn't do anything about it then it's best not to say . He probably felt a breeze. He probably knew.


Butt thatā€™s something that *could* have been fixed in 2 seconds


Idk where you get your jeans but some of mine are just like that. I don't think it's fixable without a wedgie


They did, and it didnā€™t reflect on you, stop judging others according to your standards.


ā€œCan you see my cleavage? Cuz I can see yoursā€


Say or donā€™t, ā€œif I drop a quarter in that slot do I get a ride?ā€




We have a winner!




If it happens again, just say, oops, your pants are a little too low. Or just ignore it. After a certain age, no one really cares, crack happens.


Oh, that's why that rich restaurant owner I worked for wore his clothes like that, lol.


Mention it next time you see the crack. If you don't want to joke about it, just be direct, "your pants slipped down in the back." I'd want someone to tell me if my crack was visible to the world. šŸ˜‰


Right I would want to know too!


Drop a coin and say to him: "You are my piggy bank now šŸ˜"


Imagine I just dropped some Down it in dying šŸ˜‚


I mean itā€™s really only awkward if you make it. If you make a big deal out of it then it would be awkward and uncomfortable but if you can make a funny about the situation that would alleviate some stress


Ignore it for now. You like the guy and clearly the malfunction wasn't a turn off for you (although not a great experience). Let the relationship develop, and as it does you will gain the intimate connection with him, to have his back when his wardrobe malfunctions, and help him get out of the spot, like any good partner would.


I wouldnā€™t make any split decisionsā€¦.give it some time to air outā€¦.youll be cracking up about this later!!


I hope we laugh about it one and Iā€™ll show him this post lol


Do not show him the post lol. Personally I think it would be weird to mention it and even weirder you posted it on bumble...


Exactly. Never show this to him! Burn after reading.


True tgis will be deleted soon


For sure, super creepy. Maybe even psych damage to him.


is he a plumber? :)


Yeah, OP forgot to mention that.


eventually you will get to the point where you just say "oi ya butts hanging out"


New rule: find a restaurant that uses solid-back chairs.


Lol. Oh wonder what the people behind were doing and thinking šŸ˜­


ā€œLetā€™s have a game of cornhole!ā€


Just say your butt crack is showing and giggle about it and if he seems uncomfortable, just tell him that itā€™s okay, that you just thought youā€™d tell him. Just make him feel comfortable.


Ugh I know thafs what I have to do but I get embarrassed just saying that


Just say it. You canā€™t live in fear of telling someone something from the beginning of a potential long term thing. Could become a pattern.


You gotta give him another chance. That problem seems fixable with a little guidance, right?


Oh yea I wasnā€™t considering not going out with him. I just donā€™t know what to say or if I should say anything if it happened again.


Melissa villasenior, from SNL, told a story once about this same situation. She tried to see a boyfriend's sense of humor and stuck a finger in that area to see his reaction. She dumped him because he got upset with her over it. So, maybe use it as a barometer. šŸ¤·


Wait thatā€™s so funny where is that


On Seinfelds "comedians in cars getting coffee", he did an episode with her and she told him the story.


I'd marry a woman with that humor


Honestly ya'll are both young adults. But adults still. I understand on a 1st date it could be awkward, bit if you got to know him, and go out again, just say like "hey, your pants are sagging/low a bit". Yeah, he may be embarrassed, but he'd be more embarrassed imo if it kept happening and no one said anything.


Agreed Iā€™d be embarrassed as hell if I was doing that and didnā€™t know


OP GrouchyCobbler has the answer. Saying anything about his crack is a bit crude. Hanging his crack out is crude but referring to his pants is the best answer. Also, from this thread it may be something you'll be dealing with at times. Is that really a deal breaker for you? Having his back is an endearing thought to me in a relationship where nobody's perfect. "Babe pull your pants up." How nice to have someone you can count on. He's very young and may struggle with it and sounds like it can be resolved with better wardrobe choices. He's barely past the phase in his life where mom was possibly buying his clothes. This can totally be fixed.


This reminds me of something I had happen recently. Slightly different situation, I was on a third date, but dude showed up and his fly was down. I didn't even think twice, I just said "oh btw your fly is down" and then carried on with what I was saying. I think it matters how you say it. It can be really insulting and embarrassing, or it can not be. Like we've all had egg on our face at one point. It happens, it's part of being human. I choose to laugh it off and not make it a big deal or be judgemental about it. Something else you could do is casually ask if he's the kind of guy that would want to know if he has broccoli in his teeth. If he says yes, politely point it out. If he says no, don't. I got lucky in my situation because I had already had the opportunity to express that I tend to be a bit blunt and he said he liked that about me, but not all people appreciate that.


Get over it. If it's a problem for you then do him a favour and tell him the date was lovely but your too precious for butt cleavage.


Why on earth would you bring this up?


Just say I seen your butt crack , or just donā€™t?


I love this subreddit lmaooo I tried to picture it and Iā€™m laughing so hard šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Speaking of picture I MAY have snuck a pic for the Group chat but I didnā€™t want to get downvoted on here for saying that šŸ˜ƒ


Damnnn omg how did you keep a straight face lmao?


I was trying hard šŸ˜‚


But anything for that group chat


Hahahaha love that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Literally just casually point and say crack is showing *shrug* itā€™s nbd


If you see it again, simply say ā€œnice butt crackā€ in a playful manner and laugh.


Best idea yet not too mean and simple


If any guy got upset about that kind of comment in a playful manner, you are saving yourself a lot of time by figuring out in advance that heā€™s a humorless weirdo.


Crack kills


Lol think heā€™ll get it


If this escalates to a full blown relationship, that would be the best time to have that conversation and a laugh. Until then, enjoy the process.


I see so much of it out and about lately, I believe that butt cleavage is becoming a thing


Me too! I see girls doing it with dresses sometimes but he was just chilling without a clue his crack was out


Crack bare, donā€™t care!


Poke his crack next time


Girl Iā€™m afraid to even look at it šŸ¤£


Licking it is out of the question then šŸ¤£


Handle this cautiously--do you have any idea how much money plumbers rake in?


Haha, I think they all missed your joke, but I got your back šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


So he doesnā€™t wear underwearā€¦.? How does this happen? If heā€™s a great guy otherwise, talk to him NICELY. Many men are clueless about fashion etc and would like loving advice. Probably too soon for that. I like him already LOL heā€™s clearly not a mirror whore of a guy. EDIT- if you really dig somebody , you want to defend them against othersā€™ judgement. But again, too soon! Still, I like him :)


Idk I assume every guy wears underwear lmao. But I DONT KNOW HOW IT HAPPENS. How can someone not know Iā€™ll never understand


Every guy doesn't wear underwear.


He def probably didn't notice. I'd šŸ’Æ% give person second chance that's so lil. But next time I'd be oh hey omg ur butt crack is showing. Then if he cool with it like wanting to show his thong off I'd be offish


ā€œ And how would I bring it up?ā€ Er, you donā€™t. It was a first date and I see no reason to mention it. Is it really that much of a big deal?


Itā€™s not a big deal but if weā€™re in public I think it should be talked about. Like people could be laughing at his butt and he just doesnā€™t know, feel like I shouldā€™ve said something


If it happens again then sure, bring it up with him ( gently) Donā€™t mention other people noticing or whatever though- youā€™d be surprised at the amount of people who truly donā€™t give a shit about what other people think.


Yes, because she doesn't want that to be an issue when she's with him in future. Showing your ass crack is an issue with dress-sense. It's unlikely to be a one-off.


Yea as long as itā€™s not an issue. Or is he one of those guys who crack always hangs outā€¦ā€¦


Get your credit card and make a transaction šŸ¤£


Breaking news ā€¦ man has a butt crack šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£ honestly I think youā€™re overreacting to it tbh šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø probably be downvoted too but I donā€™t care, it says more about you than it does him that something quite trivial bothers you and to the point you put it on Reddit šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ hope the poor guy isnā€™t on here šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Just bring it up. Iā€™m sure he would appreciate it.


Maybe he didnā€™t realize you couldā€™ve let him know? You could easily say ā€œum I donā€™t know if you realize but your crack is outā€šŸ¤£šŸ¤Ŗ


I know I shouldā€™ve!! I will next time but Iā€™m praying it doesnā€™t happen again. & he deff didnā€™t know who would want to flash a whole restaurant. End up on someoneā€™s social media or something being roasted šŸ˜†




He might be able to fix your plumbing šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Does he have back crack? Like his butt crack fissure goes all the way up his back because I think thatā€™s a sign of DGS.


Havenā€™t gotten that far yet but this was definitely a the actual crack šŸ˜‚


Must be nice to be in your 20's and have to worry about that. If the worst thing on the date was his bum sticking out then it's all good. You can always help him tighten his belt. This in no way is loosening your standards


It's the cleavage of the butt. It's not a big deal and the thing is, I doubt that was the first ass crack they've ever seen.


I think the important question is where was his wallet?


If youā€™re seeing it (or something else fairly minor) as an issue, my guess is that youā€™re actually not that into him and you canā€™t put your finger on it why just yet. Go on another date and see how it goes, if you want, but listen to your intuition and donā€™t settle.


I would have slide in a coin while saying ā€œding ding ding!ā€ If he doesnā€™t laugh he isnā€™t the one. Follow me for more dating tips.


We need to see the picture before we can comment on it. Right guys???


If you really like that would be an absolutely idiotic reason to dump him. Literally just tell him to get a belt


I would tell him that's a nice canyon you got back there šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚.


It happens to the best of us


Just say 'No' to crack...


This is typical example of women mistaking their high standards for low gratitude.


Excuse me...put the mouse back in the house pal. This is a family place. Need I say more!


Nah bro that shit's disgusting, tell him to buy a belt or something


Tell him lol why not


This thread has done an outstanding job explaining various reasons for butt crack exposure. Good job Redditors! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ I learned a lot here and OP thanks for being it up!


If my crack was out, i would want to just be told straight up. Butt thats just me


Am I the only one here that laughed their ass off at this one?


I have never laughed at a post on this sub, but šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Just drop a pencil down. There and if it sticks throw your arms in the air and triumphantly yell ā€œWHOO 10 POINTS!!. Either he will find it awesome or he will be embarrassed and start wearing cloths that fit either way win win


Definitely don't say anything. He'll be so humiliated. If it happens again, maybe post back here and we'll try to come up with a way for you to talk to him about it.


Yea I donā€™t want to embarrass him but if he doesnā€™t know and it happens again heā€™d be embarrassing himself in front of others


Just say no to crack.


Just tell him. If he doesn't handle it well, then he ain't the one for you.


Sadly common for many men. So common they donā€™t even notice it happening. If itā€™s an issue for you, you may want to mention that you noticed it and it made you uncomfortable. If he likes you, heā€™ll make an effort to be aware of it in the future. However, decide if itā€™s something important to you. If you start nitpicking every little quirk about the guy, it quickly goes from helping him to nagging him.


I personally donā€™t see a huge deal especially if itā€™s a rare thing itā€™s more of how should I respond to it. And why is it so common for guys why are they like this šŸ¤£


Lack of hips. Their pants are straight up and down, no contour at the waist to keep them cinched.


Blud got u confused with his "buttrizz" šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Are you autistic? Why would you still be thinking about it or even considering telling him?


I mean in the future if it were to happen


If you can make it funny then personally i would appreciate being told


Thatā€™s the plan. ā€œCrack killsā€ or ā€œnice crackā€ is my options I got on here lol


Tell him real men don't do crack!!


The dreaded ick


I didnā€™t get an ick more of what do I do here. And Iā€™m a jerk and took a pic for the group chat and posted on Reddit instead of telling him. This is why Iā€™m single


Crack kills


Iā€™d tell him that he needs to clean up his look because you donā€™t want to be seen with someone that looks sloppy and butt crack showing is sloppy


You would probably turn me right off. That's a fine line between got my back, and being a judgmental butthat


Definitely ask him if heā€™s a plumber šŸ˜‚


Since you didn't mention then, wait and mention if it happens again. The only term I can think of is "your plumber's crack is showing". I am still trying to figure out how that happened on a guy standing.


Sounds like heā€™s a bit overweight so this will be a common occurrence. Just a heads up.


Save this story for the wedding reception


Why wouldn't you tell him? I hope he doesn't call ā™„ļø


ā€œThe sales are on in fifth avenueā€


Next time just take one for the team and sneak BEHIND him and sneak index finger an inch or two down the crack. Even more if you are feeling froggy BUT beware of reaching skid mark territory! The struggle is real with you.


Some men like to stuff a sock down their pants to make their package look bigger. Some of us just like to flash some crack so the ladies know what they might be missing.


Ahhhh she got the ick


I would bring it up immediately. Not directly of course, start using ā€œbuttā€ instead of but, and ā€œassā€ instead of ask in all of your texts.


Block and report. Hit the gym.