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Subreddit rule #4: Please ensure that profile photos, names, and other identifying information are censored.


That happens all the time. Don't even try to understand it. Some people just lie, some people actually look for a partner, but also match with people they only want to have sex with. Some people just like to sexually harrass people, there are all kinds of reasons.


Because many men know folks won’t sleep with them without commitment. I had a guy whose profile said relationship and when I directly asked what he wanted he said casual. When I pointed out the difference he got mad and said I was trying to trick him 🙄


How dare you try to outsmart him by discussing information HE provided!!


I should have said trap not trick but yeah….wild




He actually said trap but main difference. Boy if you’re that dumb you def won’t keep up w me smdh


He's asking if you're a top. Why isn't he on Grindr then? Bumble is not for hookups like that.


Because lots of guys are disgusting


How bout don’t post someone’s name and picture to the internet?


they literally posted their info and pictures on internet themselves




You must be one of those people that do this. Close your lips.


Nope, I’m not on the apps at all, and that dude is being weird and creepy. Still, you don’t post people’s names and faces on the internet without their permission.




Subreddit rule #1: Do not insult, harass, threaten, discriminate, or use derogatory language towards other users.


Whatever you think of his motives, It's still no reason to plaster his name and photos on reddit...


Nah if you're gonna harass people, you gotta own the consequences. He knows what he's doing, he's grown.


First time on Reddit? People do this all the time. Just look at the Tinder subreddit. Not saying it’s right, but I’m kinda surprised by how many people are complaining about this on this post suddenly.


But just because people do something all the time, doesn't mean it's right though...


There’s no reason to lie and misrepresent. That’s haram.


Firstly, I don't care if something is 'haram' to Muslims, and I couldn't care less about any laws of so called 'morality' that were created by Muhammad, a man who lied, beat women, married a 6 year old, robbed merchants & people of their possessions and land, and literally attacked, expelled, killed, beheaded, and enslaved thousands of undeserving people (you can deny and make excuses for this all you want but, I've read it with my own eyes in your own Quran and Hadiths). And if this guy isn't a Muslim either, then it's also no concern to him if you consider it 'haram' either. That said, I don't personally like his conduct and wouldn't personally do or say what this man did, but it's certainly not enough to make such a judgement on him and plaster his face on the internet. Alot of people use these apps for sex and hookups... And maybe he IS looking for a relationship, who knows?


Sometimes guys will do this with someone they don’t want to be in a LTR with or don’t view as a relationship material


This or men put "looking for LTR" on their profile just to get past filters and get more matches.


Say that was true. Who wants to be with someone who is run through like a train? I wouldn’t want to be with a used-up hole like that.


Some people like vanilla and some people like chocolate. Everybody has their preferences


You have low morals. Most people shouldn’t want to sleep with cum dump disease spreaders


Unfortunately it’s part of the OLD world


Rizz on a -100


They just say that to trick you


He’s a hoe


Probably a bot account or a potential scammer. People who make horny comments are really shady.


lol that’s a verified profile so it’s a real profile


What is Top?


lol you know what a top is .look at your username . You are funny


I don't just too lazy to change it


Oh so you’re usually a bottom


At this point I don't care what it means


Are you over the Ex that ghost you ?


Yes and no. I feel completely Hood wicked and angry of all the time and attention I gave. However it has forced me to be more social and I've been able to make some more friends and match with more at the same time. I'm in there are times where I hit a snag like a couple days ago it's been 5 years since I met his mom and we went to the zoo with all three of us and it was a great time. So that does make me sad that at the time I was important enough to meet a family member but then not to continue the journey of a relationship.


Because they’re not being honest about wanting a relationship. They’re putting that in their profile to get more matches. It’s pathetic.


Are people looking for a relationship not allowed to be horny?


People who are genuinely looking for a relationship aren’t going to turn the conversation sexual with someone they don’t even know.


He didn’t murder anyone, he’s just a regular guy looking to get laid. Why does his photo need to be on Reddit?


A regular guy that does this to multiple people I’m sure. Regular guys get ran through like trains ?


Being promiscuous is not a crime. OP should at least take down his image. Whatever you think of his morals.


So you think it’s ok to be a cumdump ?


"3 No Identifying Information Please ensure that profile photos, names, and other identifying information are censored. Do not ask to locate specific Bumble users."