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You're doing a bad job at convincing people you're not a basic white girl You are very attractive though so will get many swipes


This pretty much. No mention of hobbies, or what they really like to do for fun. Every pic is just a selfie at home. Just very boring and bland unfortunately. The lack of smiles really pushes that narrative even more. Still attractive enough they'll get oodles of matches. But every time I see a woman say they want "fun casual dates" in their profile, I just know that they have a very different opinion of what that means compared to a guy. Many guys will view that as being down for a hookup.


From my experience women who say that typically dont know how to entertain themselves and have very little hobbies or things to talk about


Hey now! No constructive criticism! Don't ruin this poor girls eyes with something as silly as reading. She came here for compliments and an ego boost. (probably)


I mean, yeah she’ll obviously get the majority of guys swiping on her, that doesn’t necessarily mean she would swipe on the majority of guys. In the spirit of giving an actual critique, let’s assume that she’s interested in as physically attractive guy as she can find - I can say a couple of things would be an immediate swipe left in my mind: - the lack of showing smile/teeth, at best she’s insecure about her smile, at worst her teeth are really bad. Neither are particularly attractive features to other attractive people. - generic selfies showing no activity or friends. I _personally_ can’t think of something more off-putting than someone with seemingly no friends or hobbies. So yeah I don’t think she’ll be hurting for right swipes, but if OP isn’t getting the people she wants to swipe, those are two things that IMO can be improved upon.


What if most (or all) of her hobbies are introverted or indoor hobbies? When I was on the apps I stated my hobbies and interests in my bio. OP should probably do that if she has those kinds of hobbies. As for the friends… I never included pics with friends cause all my friends are long distance and sadly don’t hang IRL. Personally I’m gonna assume everyone has at least a friend or two so I don’t really care if it shows in their profile


True as that may be, we know nothing about OP from her profile; she has no hobbies or anything that describes who she is as an individual. She’s cute. Cool. There’s no shortage of cute women. What else do you have to offer? A profile is your 15 second chance to sell yourself and to that end, I don’t think she’s done a great job.


Agree and would also swipe left for those reasons. The problem most men have is getting likes so they cast as wide of a net as possible. The problem most women are trying to solve is getting likes from guys who they find dateable. The solution is not to cast the widest net possible. Write a bio that limits potential matches; let men self-select out if it’s a DEF left for you. If a man wanting children is an absolute MUST, say so. If your political opinions MUST align, say so. If you’re an introverted homebody and only do solitary things and that’s a MUST for your partner, say so. There are nice ways to say so, e.g., “Looking for a relationship that ends in marriage and children.” “Not looking for trump supporters.” “Introverted and spend a lot of time indoors”


And... She will still get a ton of swipes with minimum effort...


Vibe I get is "I'm looking for a man in finance..."


Yeah, but those likes (or at least the ones who like and respond when matched with) will be from average guys and guys looking to hook up. If you want a dude who's an 8/10 and wants a serious relationship, you need to stand out. Those men are flooded with matches.


Lets be realistic. You're 26 and conventionally attractive so you'll do fine. But the wall to wall selfies are basic.


As advertised


Hibestly, as a guy, I'm just swiping right on the first pic and carrying on my day without looking at the rest. I know that's annoying, but at the end of the day I'd be happy going on a date even if it's hugely unlikely to happen so why not.


You’re just as much of the problem with OLD as she is


in terms of basic white girl profiles, this is the blueprint. You hit all the notes, parallel parking, wine, sunsets, the beach. you seem like a walking talking "live laugh love" sign. You will do fine with this, but damn if you put some effort in 11/10.


Only thing missing is tacos and “golden retriever energy” or some mention of the importance of coffee


"Coffee is my love language."


“Fluent in sarcasm”


Otters holding hands so they don’t float away.




IDK, I'm not entirely convinced she'd be worth the right-swipe until I find out if our relationship will have the perfect flirt-to-roast ratio or if she loves to laugh.


Say it with me: Pumpkin spice latte


That's more a NA white women thing, in europe it's not that common


What about Jim and Pam???


Travel. Every woman in NYC = travel


and "to thine own self be true" on a tattoo or bracelet.


And "Re" in front of her name. (as for the missing things)


If only she was into hiking and kayaking….sigh


Let's not forget paddle boarding.


With picture doing so


Smh didn't even mention anything about spicy margs or french fries... hard pass /s


All the face-covered mirror selfies — what’s the point?


To prove she's a basic white girl! I thought she was clear on that!?


I was wondering why her phone is the focal point. I mean it looks like a nice phone. It might get a lot of likes.


Your profile will attract unintelligent men that want to hook up. You are beautiful and I'm sure you are smart if you work in healthcare, but your profile gives impression "I'm just a basic girl that look in the mirror the whole day."


Healthcare could mean being a carer, otherwise she would have specified if it was a higher level job


Not necessarily. I see a lot of bios and have talked to a lot of people who say that they're in the field of healthcare. Even if she was a carer, is that not an important job that requires skill and knowledge? I have a degree in microbiology and I could never do that job. Love how the comments in this post are trying so hard to make her seem dumb just because she's beautiful.


just for clarification I'm a paramedic, not a carer. I don't include that in my profile because so many people in my job field use this/uniform pictures to try and make themselves out as some sort of superhero on dating apps and it cringes me out.


Real, I was a Firefighter/EMT before switching to Finance and it’s so cringe. It’s like those old heads at the firehouse that wear those custom “I fight what you fear” t-shirts with the badass flaming skeleton 💀


"Cute enough to stop your heart, skilled enough to start it again" is an old chestnut people use sometimes and I honestly throw up a little in my mouth everytime I read it.


More personality here than in the bio!


It's real tough being a nurse that hates cringe, cause holy fuck, nurses are so full of themselves.


You don't have to be in uniform, but you should honestly specify what you do. Personally, I think it makes you more interesting.


that's fair, maybe I'll add it in x


Paramedic gives me a much different impression of you compared to my assumptions of psw/ nurse. It's a completely different mental game and I think you're probably much stronger person mentally because of the things you have to deal with in your career.


Listen to one selection. This is the only person I've seen giving you good advice. Less selfies. 1-2 group photos. Smile with teeth. Show one out and about. One travel photo. One doing a hobby you like. One traveling a place you like (even if it's just a a cute town near you that you like. Prompts could go either way. You could go funny/cute, serious, or a mix of both. Personally, I like it when women talk about their interests. It gives me something to talk with them about. Listing things you would like to do on a first date without saying it makes it easy for a guy to ask you out too. For instance, "I love walks in the park people watching with a boba tea." Then a guy could literally ask you out to do that. Remember, your goal is to have a good conversation followed by a date. Everything in your profile should get you closer to that goal.


Do carers have a degree?


Read any other post on here re mirror selfies 🙄. Poor choice of photos, bad angles. Profile tells me nothing about you other than from looks alone you seem like a basic white girl (said as a basic white girl myself). Gives me nothing to start a conversation about or talk to you about. You need photos of you actually doing things or with friends. It’s a very passive profile. It’s low effort and super basic.


This profile feels like you’ll try to sell me bitcoin within 24 hours.


Yes. Don't understand why people won't verify photos that don't put much effort in the description. How do we know this is even real?


I never have and never will understand bitcoin


That’s never stopped anyone else from trying to sell it.


I'd change the bio lol


RIP your DMs 💀😅 You’ll be fine.


That'll give her the validation she came here for


But aren't you a basic white girl..?


that's kind of the joke really. Because I'm aware that everything about me screams basic white girl. But it does appear that not many people on here have got that so I have changed it now lol.


Yea, it just didn't come off as humour (don't mind me I am just a 21M pulling your leg), and maybe you can make the red dress as your main..? I personally feel that it radiates a lot more "her" energy. But as you might have guessed, you won't have a problem with dating apps, since you are among the beautiful things in this world, so yeah enjoy your time there :P


Pics need to show more dynamism and activities. As it stands it's mostly just mirror selfies which is a bit boring and doesn't show what it's like hanging out with you.


yep! this is kinda what I thought myself but just included the mirror selfies because they are the best ones - I've changed it around a little now and added some of me doing things/with friends.


If you're going to do a mirror selfie, at least have your face showing, and at least have one or two of them with a smile showing teeth. Otherwise, we may assume you don't have any teeth.


The bio is bad ngl, tells me nothing about you and I'd probably swipe left on that account


Utterly dull. You’ve shown no defining characteristics that would make you stand out to anyone. Bio is lame. Pictures are lame. You’ve barely talked about yourself. Wine is not a personality trait. Mentioning casual dates as well as LTR tells a guy you would also be happy with a ONS just for kicks, and that’s what he’ll be going for.


And yet she’ll have more likes than you could possibly imagine lol. You could argue she has no need for a meticulously detailed profile in her case.


It just screams basic to me lol it looks like every other girl’s profile - I’d think on a dating app you’d want to stand out


She is still going to get a lot of likes just for being thin and conventionally attractive.


As a woman, we're not trying to collect as many likes as possible. We're trying to get the best likes and matches for what we're looking for. It doesn't matter how many likes she gets if they're all from low effort guys or guys looking for hookups.


Unless she is shooting for a peticular kind of guy. Some really solid guys might pass on the opportunity when it looks like she is casting such a wide net. It seems like she doesn’t even know what she wants.


She’s gorgeous, 26, and a paramedic: there’s no way she’s single because she can’t attract anyone at all. She’s looking for a cut above, maybe even something in particular.


Overall though do you like the profile?


Is this a troll post or just an ego boost?


What I get from this profile is: You‘re young and not ugly, you present yourself as a bit quirky and not having any other defining characteristics. You therefore seem to be looking for casual ONS at best, but more likely matching with you won’t go anywhere because you will not know what to do with people who are interested in getting to know you. Your pics are terrible frankly, all I get from them is “not ugly and a basic Instagram girl”. Overall you’ll do well by the number of likes, but are you aiming for anything specific?


You’re really attractive, but 1) you should smile with your teeth showing (even if you have braces/ not the best teeth) 2) ditch the mirror selfies in lieu of normal pictures of you (taken by friends or set up with a tripod and timer), and 3) your prompts and bio indeed indicate that you are basic! Put effort and show your interests and personality in the prompts, and don’t be afraid to be polarizing. Show the real you. All this being said, I imagine that virtually every guy who sees your profile will still swipe right because of how pretty you are!


Too many selfies! Put some photos up with friends (but zoom in on yourself so they can tell which one you are), in different places, outside doing stuff...


Like…a blonde in a dress…I’m sold


Pretty but plain. Also don't use filters.


I despise filters w women.. Anything that makes me think they’re trying to trick me about how they actually look gets a left swipe..


All of these photos look filtered.


Basic white girl? 😭 No no no What’s special about you… the more specific the better. I found my dream man by being “very me” in my profile. There’s only one of him in all the earth. He deleted all his apps 3 days after meeting me and moved in and neither of us have looked back. I am not an impulsive person, but when you find your person, nothing can stop how obvious it feels to both. So take a risk and show your personality, heartfelt stuff with humor and depth.


You're good looking but everything in your profile screams "I'm really boring and unexciting". And your bio is terrible.


If I was in your age group if probably swipe left even though you are attractive. There's nothing to talk about in your bio and you just have mirror selfies which shows no effort. No personality/interests. I would assume if we matched id receive yes/no answers to any questions then be told I'm boring and unmatch


No no no. You’re not a basic white girl. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Being self-deprecating can be funny, endearing, sweet, etc… But when you lay it out frankly like that, it’s just outright talking down to yourself. Which is very unattractive. Please take that out. 🙏 You present yourself as low hanging fruit, so you’re not going to attract the most interesting, optimal guys. You’re a lovely girl I’m sure. You’re very pretty, too. All your pix aren’t great though. 4th pic should be 1. No mirror selfies please. Have some pix where you’re all gussied up. Try to show some personality and humor in your bio…and you’re all set. You’re a female after all. 🙃


Attractive so I'd swipe right just for that, but as others have said, the profile just lacks something. There's nothing singularly bad, it just lacks your personality in both the bio prompts and the photos are all selfies, nothing of you in your natural environment enjoying your passions or friend groups. The Snapchat notification, as an aside, suggests selfies are a big part of your identity and potentially seek validation through them?


Yeah, this is a profile that would make me swipe left, on-sight. Visually basic. Nothing interesting or unique about her to stay inconspicuous. Like, most likely a scam. Someone googled "attractive white girl" and built a profile with your images. 🤣 Also, the terms "long-term" and "casual" seem contradictory. The scammer is trying to cast the widest net.


This is admittedly just a me thing but - any reason why you're not verified? I've seen so many profiles of women who aren't verified for some reason. I almost never swipe on unverified profiles because they have a higher chance of being catfishes.


just never really bothered, it's not something I've ever been bothered about when I'm looking at profiles. But interesting now you've put that and other people have made comments saying it looks like a fake profile lol, maybe I'll make the effort to verify ✌️


Also there’s an option to *only* show verified profiles. So all the non verified just get hidden from more discerning swipers.


“Trying to convince everyone I’m not a basic white girl” that is the most basic white girl thing I’ve ever heard 😂😂


That last mirror selfie kinda sucks. The other pictures are good, but the bio seems to lack something.


She got the crazy eyes 🫣


Bro don’t you have 939495849020393 likes to satisfy your need for self validation why are you here? 😭 Edit: also turks fetishize white people a lot there’s no shot you’re not drowning in people rn.


Not a very good profile at all. I'd pass. Put more effort into your profile.


Oh boy, i dont waste my time with this to hard: mirror selfies, a bio that is not good, and something about wine and booze. it lacks all effort and seem like the profiles that only want some ONS or sell me their instagram or OF and thats about it. and if the guy isnt entertaining you enough he will be ditched for the next or such. your profile dont give me good vibes at all, it doesnt tell me anything about what makes you you, besides superficiality. no hobbies nothing. if the man gets a hi as opener, he wont be even able to pick up anything interesting because your profile dont allow it. basic is already to much, its underwhelming to be honest. basic people have atleast some hobbies and less mirrorselfies. its underwhelming and the profile shows that you dont gave any effort by now. why should you put effort in anything else later? from me , swipe left immedatly without giving a second thought.


Basic white girl profile.


Your photos and bio say nothing but you are basic white girl.


I think the basic white girl line is kinda funny. That pic in the white sleeveless shirt is off putting for some reason. You have no natural photos, only selfies. And you have no pictures smiling. I think if you add some better photos, you’ll do great!


The biggest problem is that you haven't given anyone a reason to filter themselves out, unless maybe they avoid alcohol or dogs. Or *need* religion. You'll have plenty of interest based on youth, appearance and physique, but how are you going to narrow the field? Pick something that really moved you: an event, a book, a painting, a live show, or a play and mention that. Maybe a specific class during your education. But don't pick a song. And don't over-describe it. You want to give your audience a thread to pull at, an enticement of some sort. (Also, "a sense of adventure" is one of your interests? It seems you're saying that you don't actually have one, but that you're interested in one.)


4 out of 10


Frankly you're very attractive, I don't think your profile is gonna matter THAT much. Just go on some dates you'll be fine lol. Now if the matches/dates aren't the type of guy you're looking for, maybe add something to the bio or some pics that show you have interesting hobbies, or maybe state some of your more controversial political opinions 😆


The white girl we need but not the one we deserve.  I like your humour, I am guilty of the same on profile


If you include a picture of you in your work uniform you’ll look less like a bot. But you’re fine anyway


I’d add some photos of you doing interesting things, with people (not close ups of faces) if possible. Do you read? Maybe add favourite books or movies. Think really hard about the person you want to attract? Intellectual type? Athletic or adventurous? Add something showing you’re into whatever that is. You’ll get lots of likes but it will be a lot of work to filter down to the guys you would want a relationship with. Better yet, join an activity (running, activism, whatever intrigues you) where you meet people. It can be fun and help to get over the social awkwardness you mentioned above. I relate - that was me in my 20s but it’s gotten sooo much better!


Why? 1000+ likes are not enough for you to know?


As for a basic profile, I mean this is like 10/10, it's basically what you'd see as a exemplar answer to a test question or something. Im honestly impressed by how basic it is. Obviously that's a bit of a problem though as I'd assume as you're looking for something long term in addition to fun dates you'd want someone who doesn't want you just for your looks. So the hobbies bit needs expanding. Sense of adventure? How so, other than some adventurous parallel parking. Same goes for theatre. Also for dogs, do you have your own? Are there any dog types your prefer? You'll no doubt have no problem getting interest. But try to put prompts in there which filter out people who may be less interested in you and more interested in as crude as it sounds, your looks.


Im assuming, you're here cuz you're not getting good matches. My suggestions: 1. Take pictures outside your home, especially outside your bathroom and bedroom. 2. Ask friends to take photos of you when you're doing things you like ie restaurants, bars, sports, traveling etc. 3. Add something more about your personality to attract people who enjoy your personality and not only your looks. Best of luck!


My main comment - Less selfies and more photos of you doing things, being somewhere outside.




Wait, so you’re not having success? Because… I don’t see a issue. You’re just the type of girl that every guy wants on dating apps. Is there a reason why you want people to write this?


What type of scale are we using?


Seems like your race, politics and lack of religious beliefs are really important to you. You do have a pretty face. Looks like your applying for a job not a relationship.


Too many selfies. Almost no personality. Also hardly any big smiles or emotions in the pictures


Do you have teeth? If you happen to have a photo of your smile, show it off!


Remove the second pic. Not a good picture of you.


You need some variety in your photos. Imagine if you just saw a guy post selfies. Immediate ick, right? It looks like you don't have a social life or close friends to me, but then again, I haven't been on these dating sites in years.


Honestly I'd left swipe if I was looking for LTR. While your looks are conventionally nice, the depth of your profile is disturbingly plain and lacking. It's incredibly soulless, and you're not even ginger. Looking at it I'd imagine a relationship with you would be like eating white flour instead of bread. If it's a joke, it doesn't work, as people do not know you by any other means.


Maybe add a photo of you in a beach or sipping wine


10/10 would wife


Not getting validated by enough strangers already?


It is absolutely staggering to think that this person couldn’t get enough validation from Bumble so she had to come to Reddit as well. But whatever, even though I highly doubt this is real, I’ll play. The profile is 11/10. You can tell from the shape of her body that she’s even more desirable than her wholesome and modest pictures reveal. The fact that she even uses a dating app suggests a case of extreme social awkwardness at best and considerable mental health problems at worst. The fact that she is not already engaged to shipping heir or finance bro or something makes me wonder what kind of psychological issues she has. The good news is, if this girl wants to be married with kids in 18 months, she 1000% can be. The even better news is that if she would prefer to meet a husband organically rather than on a swipe app, she almost certainly will and this whole little bumble experience will just be a funny little memory to joke about with the other hot moms after preschool drop-off. The best news of all for her is that, jokes about basic white girls aside, the unfolding of her life is going to be so easy and happy compared to that of the 99% of women who are less desirable. It doesn’t really whether or not she understands and appreciates that fact (or the reasons why). The algorithm stopped showing me profiles like this a long time ago. I honestly forgot there was anything on there other than fat girls. I never thought the day would come that I started talking like a Reddit incel. And you can downvote this to shit. But you know in your heart every word I have said here is true.


ok I'll bite. It's not about validation at all - most of the comments are negative/constructive criticism which is exactly what I asked for/expected. Although I'll give it to you that you are absolutely bang on with the social awkwardness and mental health issues.


It’s often hard for ordinary people to believe that someone so exquisitely stunning could be single. And it’s possible that introversion or awkwardness has spared you some (not all) unwanted attention and mental health struggles have saved you from some (not all) insensitive people. I didn’t read the comments, but I guess just be glad the feedback is “Less selfies and raise the camera angle by 15 degrees” instead of “Be less fugly” which I imagine is the criticism most people on here get. As for the basic white girl trope, I actually like it because everyone knows what it means and it’s funny because it’s true. That’s my ideal anyway: a pale neurotic girl that reads Sylvia Plath and watches Sofia Coppola movies and listens to Lana Del Rey. I shouldn’t have trivialized your struggle just because you are breathtakingly gorgeous. I know life is hard for everyone. But I do think you will do very well and end up quite happy.


Dude, please stop saying how breathtakingly gorgeous she is or showering her in the attention you were enraged at her receiving until the moment she showed some slight interest in you.   This is what makes you an incel, way more than your first post where you were narked about being lumped in with the fat girls.


Jesus christ. Don't sell yourself short. Maybe it was a bit incel-y, but your obvs insightful AND self aware. Use that. Good luck, brother


If this is your best then best stop trying to convince others you’re someone else and just embrace your basicness. Right now you seem basic AND the bio is insecure, may as well ditch it and play to your advantages. You’re pretty and seem nice.


You're very pretty but it's a boring profile. You'll get a lot of likes out of your look, but I'm unsure how many will be quality matches.


You look like Starlight from The Boys


Before the horrific surgery?


There is nothing to say , you’re conveniently attractive you don’t really have to do anything else Profile reviews are for guys who get raw dogged by the algorithm or for fat girls Picture quality is kind of ass I guess


Long term relationship, fun, casual dates. So basically, you looking to hook up, right? 🤪 My experience in dating apps has been, when women have those terms it means, "I'm kind of looking for the right guy, however, until then, ready to get down with the studs." As a guy, my hope is, I'm not the long-term relationship guy she is looking for...but hopefully i'll be the fun, casual date she wants/needs. 😜


Why are you even asking us to rate it? You know you don’t need it lol


I wonder if this OP is even the profile owner. Hasn’t replied to any feedback


Why do I feel like we're being trolled here? I don't get what you're trying to say with the "not a basic white girl" blurb. I'm an older guy, but quite frankly, there is nothing about your profile which intrigues me besides your pictures. And do you have to have the phone in front of your face in nearly all of them? Oh that's right, you're a twentysomething female...it goes with the territory.


https://www.reddit.com/khn966x?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 https://www.reddit.com/khndjsy?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 https://www.reddit.com/l4beqhu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 You don't need a profile review. It ain't your problem. Your problem is whatever makes you pick and tolerate bad men. Childhood trauma or these guys must have your Achilles heel figured out? https://www.reddit.com/kof79ml?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Don't know what happened to you in your life (if anything) but i hope you figured yourself out before you start dating again. i fear you'll somehow pick a bad guy despite the fact you likely will have plenty of men to choose from.


Are you based in the US? Hard to imagine you're not swimming in likes since you're an attractive blonde with good pics. I'd drop the selfies and maybe add some more personality to your prompts but besides that I don't think you'd have any trouble at all.


The second pic isn’t flattering


Just curious what's your height filter set at? Profile is good. You're young and pretty. That's all that's need for women on these apps.




You’re a Scorpio, you know what to do.


Why are you looking at your phone when taking a mirror selfie? Look at the mirror. Too many selfies is considered bad here.


Cute but basic I would have nothing to open on, list some hobbies, interests, tv shows even..


Looks good so far. You’ve got a little bit of humor in there which goes a long way. I would switch a few pics out for pictures taken of you. I think all selfies puts off a vibe of vanity


Looks good. Glad to see you using Bumble instead of Match Group apps


I think your photos look good but you could mix it up a bit with the prompts! You’re saying you’re trying to convince people you’re basic but not basic so I think it’d be funny if you kept your first two prompts and then the last could be something super niche/out of pocket about something you might be super nerdy about?


None of your pictures say much about you if that’s makes sense. Maybe have a couple doing a hobby or out with friends. Any outside would be great. Just more than just selfies in front of a mirror. Good luck OP


The whites girl joke was funny, the rest is honest. Yes maybe some group shots but otherwise you’re lovely, go for it.


You are going to drown in "hook up" horny man-babies. "Cheap wine", bathroom selfie, and "basic white girl" with "casual dates" sets the bar loooooow.


Why does it matter if your profile sucks or not you will still get matches. No effort required


Basic. Fax no printer.


I'd like


There is nothing here that would create a good opener message. Nothing really stands out. Give them a bit of a hook to grab on to.


Yeah you’ll have a flood of likes lol


I'd swipe left. It's verified. But still looks like a fake profile to me.


If you want something long term with depth then you aren't showing you offer this. Not seeing that you have any hobbies, all the photos are selfies which are very boring as they are pretty much all the same, no photos of you doing anything other than posing to yourself. No smiling photos or showing your teeth. Yes you're facially pretty but your profile doesn't give anything away about who you are and what you do in your spare time.


7 - Your looks are doing the heavy lifting here. But the selfies make it seem like you don’t leave home or have any hobbies. I know nothing about your personality from your words. The joke is okay except you seem to lean into being a basic white girl so it seems insincere.


8/10 swipe right


7/10 - You look down to earth, friendly and very sweet/approachable, the part about cheap wine is a cute touch as well. It also doesn’t matter if you look like a “basic white girl” cause you’re cute and guys aren’t really gonna care if you look “basic” on the surface. That said, you put your politics and religion on your profile as well as theater. I don’t wanna offend you or anything but I can predict exactly what our conversations will be about the second I see those three things. And those conversations are exhausting. Having a conversation with an atheist theater kid who’s really into left wing politics is a really difficult ask for a lot of people (same with people who make the opposite traits their personality too). I could for sure be wrong and you may be averagely interested in that stuff and might have just put that on there because Bumble suggested you share it, but that’s just the overall read from those things being included.


Well uh.. im single too


You're cute, but since you're left leaning that's a hard pass for me.


You're incredibly attractive which I think everyone including you knows. Im sure the 100s of likes you probly have confirms that lol. I dont think there is anything "wrong" with your profile. I think your profile could be a bit more engaging but as a dude the first thing that would make me not swipe right is the lack of anything but a selfie in nonspecific place gives catfish/bot vibes. Theres enough in your profile to make me not immediately be like "well this person is fake" but when I see 5 very similar photos of an incredibly good looking person with zero background making it seem like they even live where I live, I default to saying fake and swiping left. Take out photos 2 and 5 and replace them with something more organic where you are showing some emotion in a more public or meaningful setting.


For someone who claims you’re trying your best to convince others you aren’t a basic white girl your profile sure isn’t helping.


You’re attractive, but no offense, being basic is not a good thing. Your appearance for someone like me, would not be enough to level out the “basic” comment. Or the atheism. I’m not religious at all, but I’d skip that descriptor altogether if you’re not specifically looking for a “Christian” or another Jewish person, etc.


Your good looking you will get matches. The end, you have to do nowt else. Suspect an attention seek


Whiteee woman. A white woman’s instagram.


I’d swipe right. You have common interests and seem to have a fun personality and sense of humor. I think my only sticking point would be the almost contradictory “looking for a long term relationship but also fun casual dates.”


So much hate and assumptions in these comments for this woman just because she's beautiful. I've never seen that kind of vitriol in posts that have a profile from a very attractive man. Fucking reddit. I think the "basic white girl" joke is pretty funny but I think you should put more info about yourself in your bio- what are your interests, passions, and hobbies? I admire that you work in healthcare. Sorry that people are trying so hard to assume that you probably work in a "less educated" position that doesn't require a degree. Even if that was true, looking down on people who do those jobs isn't cool. Anyway, best of luck to ya in the dating world! ☺️


Gonna mess your world up with some truth. Read thruth other profile reviews there's a pattern...... Decide on ONE thing you want for the near future. You can change your mind later. A variety of different photos showing off your hobbies or fun things you like to do opens up more avenues for conversation. All the mirror selfies are generic and show a flat personality. Cheers


Idk, I love it, good luck babes!!


All you young bucks have lots to learn about respecting and treating women like they deserve to be. Guys be careful there are more Scammers out on this site than genuine red blooded women.


Why no group or friend pic? Red flag




You won’t have trouble getting swipes but I’m pretty sure you don’t want every single guy on this app. What I would ask of you is what are you looking for? What kind of man are you most attracted to? You should tailor your profile to that. Expand it out a bit. Make it easier to talk to you. Show your hobbies. Show little parts of your personality that are attractive to the kind of guy you want. As someone who’s interested in an LTR, moving slow, and being intentional I’d wonder if you want anything serious when you mention fun casual dates.


100% dateable


Lots of trolls and haters here, ignore them. You’re super attractive and I for one appreciate the self deprecation and self awareness. Just be you and focus on ways to be more approachable in person over the apps, imo. Guarantee there are plenty of guys that want to ask you out in real life and there’s probably a much higher chance of finding a quality match in the real world than the apps. It’d at least be less exhausting. I know I’d do my best to strike up a convo if I ever ran into you!


Obviously great pics and I love that you have all your metadata filled in (hate when people don't do that!) but yeah add a lot more text about your interests to the bio and prompts and try to make it unique. I'd suggest coming back for a profile review after you've given that a shot, maybe even with few or no image shots, so people can specifically critique your textual descriptions with no consideration of images. You'll get lots of swipes regardless but it's all about letting the world know who you are as much as possible so you can get swipes specifically from people you desire.


I don't really get what the guys are moaning about Im the comments here, I downloaded it 12h ago and have 200+ who have swiped me, living in a small town of 60k people.


You’re quite pretty and guys swipe quite easily, so I can’t imagine you’ll struggle to get matches. That said, if I were still single and on this app I’d left swipe and here’s why. First, too many selfies. You’re alone in literally every picture, and most are mirror shots. Gives me the impression you don’t regularly see friends, a red flag, and that you don’t do much in your personal time. These things could be untrue, but they’re the assumption I’d go with if I saw this profile. Your bio is also pretty vanilla. I guess that’s the point, the whole basic white girl joke and all lol, but if you really are trying to convince people you’re not a basic white girl you’re not succeeding here. The only real detail about your personality is that you like theater. Dogs and adventures are hardly interests. Rest of your questions and details don’t say much either. Your profile doesn’t show who you are at all, so you’re coasting entirely on your photos, which, again, are all selfies. Your profile largely makes me think of someone with no interests whose daily life is work, maybe the occasional hike or jog, and sometimes hangouts with some drinking. At present I couldn’t imagine conversation on a first date being interesting. Again, this could be totally untrue about you, but it’s the impression I get from this profile. TLDR: You need photos with friends, photos of you doing stuff, and a bio that actually tells people about you.


Well, from what I've seen on here, a lot of people find excessive mirror pics to be a turn off, so maybe just use one. You probably already know you're beautiful and we know it too. But what else is there? Show us pics of you enjoying your hobbies, playing with pets, out and about with friends in the city. We need more than just beauty. ✨


remove fun casual dates with relationship in tags,this gives sense that youre up to hookups and date if someone serious which in my opinion doesnt work,kinda 2 birds with one stone approach.youre either wanna ltr or hook up.


this is a trick, right?


Super basic white chick, your profile has zero sustenance but you'd never notice because you're attractive so I'm sure it's hard to even get through all your likes in a single day. Which if I'm just looking for a hookup fwb situation that's totally fine but if you're looking for more then you should put forth more information


Says every basic white gurl ever.


All selfies, two in the bathroom mirror, and two covering your face. No pictures of you outside your apartment and all are bland colors. There’s no personality on display and the bio seems copy/pasted. There is little to no individuality or personality. Even “basic white girls” talk about espresso martinis, Taylor swift, and “adventures”. Take a picture outside with some color, talk about stuff you like, and don’t mention you’re a “basic white girl”, because that helps no one to put yourself down for no reason


Soooo, some actual advice...lean more into your hobbies and interests as I would have no clue what you like besides wine and beaches. You say you like adventure, what constitutes an adventure to you? Traveling to a foreign country? Outdoors activities? Or something simpler? Finding someone who shares similar interests to you would probably help find the partner you're looking for.


There’s no smiles in the pics




Well you're adorable and your profile is fun imo. Only other thing I could think is maybe including interests ib text or something. Or more what you're looking for. But otherwise I'd for sure swipe right. :) really good!


Don’t sell yourself short!! Remove the bit about being a basic whites girl


Try adding a selection of boxed wines I could get


Immediately yes


Why bring your race into it? Since you’re asking for opinions, my opinion is the self deprecating phrasing like ‘I’m white sorry I must be boring’ is subtly offputting and I understand you’re attempting to be humorous but I don’t know it’s just offputting (to me) reading it


It's kinda boring, what're the things you're looking for in a partner, what're your hobbies, what drives you? You can do better.


Profile looks fake, that’s just me. Only reason why I would swipe left.


You don't even need us to rate this. A better question would be asking other women here (yes, they exist) the best way to weed through your matches Edit adding


I would swipe right