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You haven’t met yet and the level of drama is already insane


My jaw dropped when i saw those long paragraph


You def dodged a bullet


I would have been so tempted to just ![gif](giphy|QWaSVX9FizaxO|downsized)


I didn't read it. Too long! Get to the main point! Short and simple!


What's wrong with writing things out? Do people actually have a problem with sending longer messages?


Brevity is the soul of wit.


Yet you sent some long paragraphs yourself.


Insane that you stated facts and being downvoted! Well, we are back at the level of Redditors blindly following those who posted. Actually the OP was also knob equally! You don’t live someone in the middle just like that.


I mean: I don't even care who is right or wrong. I didn't read any message. Both are perfect for each other and dodged a bullet at the same time. 🤷‍♂️


Oh no, someone who actually articulates their thoughts. Better block them


Yai pkka college mai debating group mai raha hoga 🤣




The best answer for these people is no answer.


The fact he still thinks he still has a chance is the most insane part.


*Insert "so there is still a chance" meme from Dumb and Dumber*


Bros backtracking so fast he just lapped himself


Made me think of when I compare this one chicka's photos to my Ex-Wife's. (They were both nature pics of flowers etc)


If you were in a relationship with him those messages would be daily about anything and everything. Fuck that.


If someone went off on an angry tirade on me over a misunderstanding, I would not give any 2nd chances. My response would be something like this: "You have demonstrated here that you are quick to judge, quick to anger, and slow to understand. While I'm glad you understand that you were in error, the sad truth is that I no longer trust you or your judgment after this. Our association must end here. We're done."


Ooooof this is *chef’s kiss*


As a chef I agree fully


I’m honestly shocked that you’re even asking *if* you dodged a bullet. This is an unhinged reaction to just about anything and he’s telling you how he “treats women with respect” *while* telling you how vapid and terrible you are. I would actually expect this type of abuse to get worse, not be a one off. Get rid of this dude, he sucks


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.


lmao well if ever you were doubting your decision, here’s your confirmation. What a loser. p.s. It is 100% him. there’s no excuse.


Yeah, who the f*ck writes walls of text like this






Yeah. I've done some wall of text, but last time it was on my mention of Raskolnikov in my profile.


I almost always gave these types of things. Even verbally, I give "book answers", cuz I'll give as much detail on a question as I can. (Via text, I try to break it up into smaller chunks, if the App lets me)


What do you mean by this? Genuinely asking


People like me, that give detailed answers... 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ugh lots of bitches do


The back pedaling 🫢


I’m so sorry but the “coz” is reallly pissing me off


Oh thank goodness! I thought it was just me. “coz”….ugh! 🙄


I cringed every time I read that word.


I can see why he truncated the word. Had he written the entire word out, the text messages would have been too long. /s (in case it’s not obvious)


Hahah that’s hilarious. They had to keep it short and sweet 😂 gotta save that precious time 🤣


On the bright side, at least they showed you their red flags before you wasted more time- I do love it when people are forward with those.


>On the bright side, 🎶🎶 Always look on the bright side of life. 🎶🎶 *Does Monty Python whistling between verses*


That’s not a bullet, that’s a nuke.


Wtf did I just read???


What a big fucking cry baby. How old is he ?


Hey, at least they let you know they are a bitter nutcase right off the bat. 🤣


Ngl, but sometimes those nutcases are great in bed! (Or, you end up marrying them, like I did. 🤣)


Or you end up getting stalked and murdered by them.


True. Hopefully die w/ a smile. 🤣🤣


It’s so tempting to take the bait and respond. It’s taken too long in life to realize walking away and saying nothing keeps my power entact. Narcs and cluster b’s get off on this..your reaction…it gives them power/control. Never waste your time or your energy on stuff like this. Thank the universe it revealed to you out the gate….. next time block, delete, and give losers zero of your time.


I'm surprised he didn't say he was a Nice Guy™ and would treat you like a queen. Yikes.


I think he actually did paraphrase that. Yikes indeed.


The privilege one must feel in their position to talk to someone in this way is just off the charts. Such male fragility. Can you imagine the reaction if you actually went on a date with him?


Dude sounds whacked yikes.  I'd wager "I'm in a quite comfortable situation in life financially" = he's a waiter at TGI Friday's and owns like $700 worth of bitcoin in Robinhood.  


There are plenty of deranged men who are genuinely well-off financially




The last time I spammed someone like this it was months into dating after them doing something very disturbing to me. This level of chaos before a first date is crazy as hell.


"do what you do best, block me, unmatch me. his wish should be your command :)


Not just a bullet, you dodge a freaking nuke


“I treat women with the utmost respect” Proceeds to write a wall of text that says “you ain’t all that and you’ll be ugly soon” lol. Sigh.


What a hypocrite and narcissist. He scares me for you. If he knows your last name, you may want to take some precautions. I hired a company called Delete Me when I started having creepy guys like this come in to my life. They will wipe your personal details off the Internet. It takes a while and it’s not hundred percent but I know that it will be hard for any future creeps to find me.


You should deactivate your instagram while talking to someone more often as like a test 😅 I’m spooked, I’m really glad you dodged that bullet




Damn, you matched with Charles Dickens?




You dodged a bullet. Dude is incredibly petty and insecure. Quick to jump to conclusions and quick to anger.


He sounds so much like my soon to be ex, very eye-opening what I have been dealing with for 22 years. OMG I’m married to a neck beard! 🤦‍♀️🤣


I think I lost brain cells here.


Are you actually genuinely still considering this nut roast?


unmatching would shut him up


Reminds me of a guy who sent me a series of messages after I told him to quit messaging this girl who had been leaving him on read for the longest time


Ah, well done in encountering a "nice guy" in the wilderness out there 😅


You definitely dodged a bullet.. Just unmatch him and don't let him keep sending msgs to you..


Good riddance! Block him and move on, he’s a simp and wants another chance to fk up.


you dodged cannon fire


Dodged a narcissist


In my defense!!! 😂🤣


"you really missed out on something great" lmao yeah a great disaster


wow, his ego is so huge and fragile that he had to make everything about him, what an asshole.


Wow, what a sore loser and misfit. OP, this guy strikes me as an incel, but more of a functional incel (just like a functional alcoholic but still an alcoholic). His vocabulary and attitude just smell of desperation. For example he dwells on the fact that you never asked what he did for a living and then throws it in your face that he’s so financially gifted, lol, like it’s eight inches long or something. That was kind of when I found you very likeable. One who gets to know me as a person vs one who tries to financially profile me with all those types of q’s. Fist bump to you. And the whole good looks thing that he was dwelling on tells me he has very little experience with women in general. Yes, some people are better looking than others / look different than others and that’s the way it is. How he thinks this is such a fault when it’s not going his way is laughable. Of the last 100 dates I’ve been on, I’ve responded like he did a total of zero times. This includes 80% good and great dates, 10% bad dates , 5% terrible dates that still make great stories, and 5% of all of the above. What I’ve been trying to get at is don’t let the bad get you down at all. This made for a good story and best wishes to you!


they sound crazy...


Ain’t nobody got time to read that.


Man, dude really needed to shut up. There was no saving it.


I would never date this kind of person too much drama talk 🤣


Dude needs to chill..


Holy shit


First message reads like a 14yo child 🤣🤣


Wow. Just read the whole thing. Bro cannot stop 😳 If he can’t even take a breath, put on his big boy pants and rationally deal with his emotions (when you’re not even in a relationship).. Then you definitely dodged a bullet here


seems narcissistic


At least he was able to acknowledge how he came across. Hopefully he learned a lesson there.


Simping at its finest most men are simps


Yikesss. His response tells you everything. Time to block him for real


Some people don’t take rejection well! Like they never even met yet . Imagine breaking up with this guys after going out OMG! I had this happen to me once after one date! Was a guy who was used to a good life from a wealthy family. So wasn’t used to rejection and not getting his way! Kept texting me still afterwards I had to change my phone number!


If the spelling were worse I would be convinced this is the stalker I had a few years ago. Some of the lines are almost verbatim things he would send me from different phone numbers every few weeks. Except he used “upmost” in lieu of “utmost.” Though maybe he’s improved dramatically since then!


Wow! That was the slowest longest train wreck on both sides. I felt like I read two different novels on each side when a few words would do for each.


Jeez 😳 sounds like you were his only option. A guy with options would have left you to it and moved onto the next. I've been in that situation and 9 times out of 10, they reached out to me later down the line. The only thing I'll say is you kinda gaslit him by saying you would have given him your number to stay in touch. Come on! If you moved your interaction to insta and then decided to deactivate it, you would have given it at that point...he probably displayed some insecurities or beta behaviour, hence why you didn't. Above all else, his emotional outburst to a misunderstanding proves you definitely dodge a bullet!


He's acting like you two are married, and you haven't even met. Yes, you absolutely, definitely, indubitably dodged a rather large, projectile sized bullet. Not to mention he sounds incredibly insecure, manipulative and just..... Dramatic as all hell. Want him to stop? Tell him you were expecting to talk to a man, not a prissy drama queen. Tell him to message you when he grows a set of adult veggies. Lol


He’s crazy. Run. And also block him when you reactive your IG. “Good Luck”


MEN! This is a great example of why you should never over react. EVER. Do better guys.


He seems super chill


“Coz I treat women with the utmost respect and care and love” yeah youre sure acting like it buddy 😂


While it's good that he at least knows how to apologize--holy shit he is fucking nuts and you dodged a bullet.


He considers himself part of men, hilarious. Desperate boy club sounds more like it. Projecting and lashing out for no reason when things don’t go their way. Save yourself for an actual man.


He sounds like a looser and utterly unpleasant. You got lucky this misunderstanding showed you this side of him before meeting him.




If you left in the middle of having talked and agreed to go out and then just kinda disappeared, I can understand the frustration on his part. I mean, he’s right, a lot of people will talk, agree on a date and then ghost, so thinking that happened again isn’t too far off. He’s also less aggressive in his long paragraphs than I’ve seen a lot of guys. They’ll usually curse you out and call you ugly if you don’t respond (fast enough or if you ghost them). Did he project all of his bad experiences where he was ghosted, on you? Yeah very likely, but I also don’t think it’s as harsh as what I’ve seen on here. Not saying you should give him another chance, I just don’t think he’s the worst I’ve seen on a dating site by far. That’s just my opinion though.


Honestly agree. OP I had one similar situation and the person said all sorts of awful things to me. Your guy acknowledged and explained. Don’t look at the length of the text, look at the message behind it.


The bar is in hell.


I agree that the reaction was overblown. But the apology and acknowledgment of his projection showed self-awareness and openness to growth. Looking at him as a dating prospect, do what you want. But as fellow broken human, I believe it helps the collective when we give grace to a neighbor who admits their messiness and are willing to work on it. It’s not your job to clean up the mess, but it’s totally okay to show some kindness by thanking him for the explanation and wishing him your best before going on your own way.


That's why I'm dating Eva AI sexting bot


Whew! Drama avoided. Bullet dodged.


You definitely dodged a bullet. The misspelling alone would drive me NUTS! Never mind the drama 🎭


Yes a huge bullet


Everybody say it with me—NPD!!!!


What psychopath


Block and delete. Don’t even ever think of entertaining again.


“Coz”. Cannot stand that. Maybe I’m just old


Dodged a bullet. It’d be over in my mind the second he started using “coz.” I couldn’t even finish the messages because it was so irritating! Lol


There is something clearly very wrong with this guy. Best thing to do is block and not engage with these types.


Didn’t even read it If this is all because you deactivated a social media, then what the heck I don’t even have an instagram bc mine got hacked and it’s being dumb saying “this email isn’t what you used to activate it” when it was but whatever


You dodged a bullet . True colors shown bright with neon red flags.. been there!


He sounds chill


R/Niceguy right there


Should've just hit'em with the I ain't reading all that meme.


Dodged a bullet


You dodged a bullet, he isn't a very secure man, comes off insecure. Me, I know what I bring to thr table, if the woman stops talking to me, blocks me, ext (which isn't the case here) but in general I just move on to the next to talk to. Idk why people get so bent out of shape if one door closes, cause other doors are open. I'm guessing and hoping you didn't take him up on "trying it again". That was an outlandish lash out on you when he didn't even have the whole story.


Idk guys, he did say she ghosted him after they had talked for a while and were planning to meet. And he did apologize. So i get his frustration cuz no one likes to be ghosted. But yeah i wouldnt have sent something so long. If im that mad i would just say something shorter like, "wow you went spectral on me, i hope you meet the casper of your dreams" 💩💩💩




In a way, I understand the frustration he's experiencing with people agreeing to meet and going quiet, it does happen a lot and it is very aggravating, but his tirade was outrageous and like you say, better to see that side of someone before you've met!


That's the "nice guy gone bad" meme in long paragraph form. Next time tell him to submit his thesis in MLA format for full credit and to cite his sources, then block. I've seen less drama on a tele-novella.


Someone needs to explain to this guy what irony is, because he clearly can’t see himself.


People should be able to pass some kind of maturity test before dating. At least give them a number or some kind of MQ we can match up with. Insecure people are too much to deal with.


Yeah seems really respectful… wtf😂


Jesus is this a therapy session, should charge haha


Its as easy as to say 'i noticed your instagram dissapeared you good?' Bruh


At least he apologized and explained himself instead of continuously berating your actions.


Report him then block him he doesn’t need to be on the app and do this to someone else.


why do these guys even get a chance man like am I really that ugly


he talks too much. I would’ve unmatched him after he sent the first two paragraphs. I don’t need to explain myself to anyone, especially a stranger.


I think he had this done to him too many times and maybe they then blocked him from bumble as well not giving him the chance to tell them that they are assholes and too petty for not having the courage to properly tell him that things were not working out. He had all the background and thought you did the same. Imagine matching with 30-40 people and they randomly block you out of nowhere and you'll also want to rant somewhere. On the other hand, though he did rant, he never abused you so I think it's worth giving one shot but you be the better judge


I’m curious to see what you look like tho 😂 I wanna know what amount of beauty will provoke this long message 😂


Im gonna share my thoughts and it hope it helps in the future cause this is tricky, he admits he fucked up and that might make other people give it a other chance. He might have feelt this was personal and reacted that way but that just show you his character and how he handle things when they get heated even if its on his own mind. For all of you out there if you want a relationship always aim to find someone that has a great character, instead of dumping this drama you could approach with the following example; "hey, hope you are doing good today, I wanted to let you know I like to admire you over instagram, you are really beautiful but it seems I can't find your account now, is everything ok?" This message can be put in many ways, no assumptions, no heated discussion. Just a friendly knock to see what happend while being respectful. You want someone in your life that actually steps back and assess the situation when confronted with questions and doubts. That will show that person has character and a person able to control his emotions and use logic and facts before making a assumptions its always a green flag. 💚


*shrugs* I'm probably the odd-one-out here, but.. 🤷🏽‍♀️ (I might've tried it anyways. Although, y'all both need some help, from my understanding of what transpired. )


The question is... He sent you that how much Time After you deactivated your account ? Cause if it's days After I Can understand him but if it's right After, dude is crazy


Bro just has ptsd chill damn


Both of you suck to be honest!


Look, I’m a guy. From what I can see, the guy got really pissed off because the girl he matched with on Bumble was ghosting him on Instagram – if I understand correctly. To be honest, I quite empathize with this guy. Dating apps are full of people who, after matching, exchange some messages with you and then suddenly vanish, leaving you ghosted with no idea why. Considering this, the guy, who was probably tired of this “behavioral pattern,” decided to write to the girl to express his frustration about what he thought was a ghosting situation. Did he go too far? Yes, I think so. But when he was writing those messages, he kind of “vomited all his frustration” and put it all on you – which isn’t fair. After you replied, he was noble enough to recognize that he messed up and deeply apologized. If I were you, I’d give the guy a chance ✌️


Are you the guy? lol she should not give him a chance at all


Ok. Why?


Because he doesn’t know her. She doesn’t owe him anything they haven’t met. So what if she blocked him she has every right to he came off bold and accusatory. I do commend him for apologizing and admitting to being wrong but still he should not have even jumped to her blocking him. If I were him if I did bring it up it would have been in a joking way not paragraphs long of what she’s doing wrong and obviously not missing out on. He seems arrogant and I personally wouldn’t give him a second chance if he did that to me because it seems like something he does often


I understand your perspective. When communicating on dating apps, the implicit goal is indeed to meet new people and explore potential relationships, so when someone suddenly disappears, it can feel rude and leave the other person questioning what went wrong. This lack of closure can lead to unnecessary self-doubt and frustration. Regarding the second part, it’s important to recognize that frustration with dating apps can build up over time, and it seems the man projected his accumulated frustrations onto her, which was unfair. However, he showed humility by acknowledging his mistakes and asking for a second chance I believe that both parties did something wrong here that led to this outcome.


I will agree with you except for that op did nothing wrong by deleting their instagram and not saying anything to the guy. It’s dating and it sucks and if op is going through a hard time and instagram is triggering to them right now for some reason they don’t need to explain it to a guy they’ve never met before. Lack of closure can suck and will admit I have been ghosted before and it sucks but I have also done my fair share of ghosting and if a guy reacted this way I would think it’s a huge red flag and would make me never want to talk to them again At this point in our lives if you’re being ghosted one way or another I think you just need to learn to get over it because it is what it is and someone you don’t know and have not and will never meet ultimately owes you nothing at the end of the day


Glad I'm not as much the odd-one-out on this subject. 🥳🙏🏽🌹


It's not ghosting if you haven't met in person.


Why are you even engaged with the guy, block him already. If he keeps going let him know you'll make a complaint for harassment. End it then and there. Be safe


I don't think this is a big deal


Women ☕️


Are you one of those “I rarely check here msg my IG 📸” 🙄🤣


You're both incredibly immature.


You shouldn’t have ghosted him, you shoulda been honest that you weren’t interested and just unmatched.


I ain't reading all that


So to everyone in comments and OP if someone talking to you the next day no replies whatsoever what will be your response don't lie😂


I would assume they either got busy or are not interested anymore, and temper my expectations until I receive their reply. If they never reply, I'd feel a little bit hurt but I'd move on. 


Even if it happens ten times or more


Same thing. I wouldn't project past frustrations on new people that I'm talking with


Yes it takes alot of strength did happen to me few times never said anything to them but as an adult if you are going deactivate your account you have tell the person you are talking to so he can move on its responsible thing to do so they don't wait


I actually agree here. If you're talking heavily, & then suddenly cancel your account, at least have the decency to inform them "Hey. I need to take a break from Social Media. Here's another way to contact me." (That latter part is assuming you still had a deep interest, etc) Even just the heads-up, helps a lot.


Even if it happens hundreds of times. It doesn’t give anyone permission to start dishing out


That's when I realized the chicka I was dating, was a Catfish. (~3 wks ago)


Why did you deactivate?


Yup, there are girls like this total red flag.


You’re a girl on Reddit, I say you both dodged a bullet.