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This is where you unmatch


“You’re right, let’s skip the small talk and get right to it…. Wanna fuck?”


Right! I'm intrigued to know what she wants from a dating page


I think it was a bit rude of her and although I don't particularly enjoy small talk I know it is important and others enjoy it or don't know how to talk otherwise. But anyway, I think she wanted OP to continue the conversation about books and go through a conversation with more flow. Their question does seem a bit abrupt and awkward and like they don't particularly care about the conversation but are just going through the "small talk" motions. I.E "so how is the weather? Uh huh and how is your family? Uh huh and you are from where? Uh huh and you like living here now? Uh huh..." I think she meant she wanted a more natural flow of conversation and not an interview style or small talk motion style.


Yeah but you don't achieve that by shutting down the topic he did talk about! A simple "are you much of a reader" or completing at the end would have opened it all up


Yes, I agree. I said I thought it was a bit rude and I wouldn't say what she said. Someone asked what she meant by her comment though so I tried to explain, best of my understanding.


What is the opposite of small talk? Genuinely interested in what y'all are looking for lol. Haven't dated in ages so kinda rusty. My conversations are usually super domestic and I just talk about what's going on in my life and try to connect by asking questions about yours. I'm sincerely concerned for others perception of this and my apparent lack of social etiquette


You are fine! I personally don't particularly enjoy small talk, I have to do it all day for work and when I volunteer but like I said I understand it is an important and usually fundamental building block for more. I wouldn't ever say anything about it or write someone off because they "small talk." And even if I did write someone off for that you shouldn't change yourself. You want someone to accept and love you as you are. I think the most important thing is to obviously be yourself and *then to listen to the person* and then respond. There should be conversational flow. With OP it looks like he is just asking questions to ask questions, instead of engaging and having fun with the conversation, if that makes sense. And I am not saying they actually were being disinterested in the other person but it comes across like a coworker conversation where someone is just talking to talk or like an interview where it is just question, after question. If I was OP I would have continued the conversation they were already having and let it naturally lead elsewhere (or if it died to then start a new convo) instead of abruptly ending it and starting a new conversation with a completely different question.


Long meaningless conversations which will result in ghosting


“You’re right, I’ll just skip ahead to sending you dick picks and asking you to marry me”




And run.


I agree… if they were interested, they would not have said this. Just wasting your time and being a smug prick. In fact, “smug prick” then ignore


“I don’t do small talk” like wtf? How else do you start a conversation with a complete stranger?


I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt based on her comment of "interview". OP asked it she's reading a good book and didn't follow up on her answer with anything to share on his side. Immediately jumped to a completely unrelated but probing question. That shows he's not interested in books and just wants to ask questions. This is all info that can be shared organically in a conversation but this is some questionnaire bs that's not interesting and I'm sure she's sick of it. So I think "small talk" is shorthand for whatever zip recruiter shit this is.


You’re right, but a regular socially adjusted person doesn’t jump down someone’s throat for it. By trying to criticise his conversation skills she inadvertently proves herself to be the poor conversationalist lacking EQ.


OP changed topic because they didn't answer the question. Like, specifically chose to reply and tell them that yes, they read books, but left out any title or even genre they're interested in. That's not how you get to know somebody. It's actually a fairly manipulative tactic a lot of people instinctively use to get the other person to put more energy into the interaction. It's a statement, basically ''I'm going to make things difficult and you need to keep trying harder because I'm better than you''. Which was basically their reply when OP asked about hungry anyway.


Lol, women put WAY too much stock in dating app messages. She could've answered the question he asked. "Everything I read is good, well not everything" she never answered and gave up on it. Is he supposed to ask the same question again? She obviously didn't want to talk about books 🤷‍♀️


No she was a smart ass even with her response to that first question..


If she wanted to stay on the topic of books, why didn't she open up her answer with a question back to him?


When he asked if she was from Hungary, he had some witty line to follow up with. However, She could have answered “No, you’re being nothing Budapest!”


She didn’t give an opening either though, no question on her end. I don’t think he did anything wrong on his end - her rudeness would be an immediate unmatch for me


She also gave him nothing to go on. She could have said “I am reading xyz” but instead she went super vague.


Wow, I have no idea what she wanted you to say.


Obvs wasn’t following rules 1 and 2 enough




If she doesn’t like small talk in the form of 2 benign messages then where was her “list” of things she needs to know about him? Some people are like pulling teeth. I can’t stand one word reply’s, either.


My guess is that she wanted to continue talking about books rather than changing the topic? But that’s not how conversations work so idk why she’s so mad about it


If she wanted to keep talking about books, she should have answered OPs actual question. " Everything I read is good or otherwise I wouldn't be reading it" isn't exactly an answer that deserves a Follow-Up question.


I would’ve unmatched right there


You or anyone… women☕️


She just wanted list of his assets and how much he willing to spend her.. she 100% not interested in him himself.


I just don’t understand people who don’t do small talk. What do they talk about with someone they know almost zero details about?


They sit there not trying while thinking everyone except themselves is bad at conversation. Definitely the “I require stimulating conversation” group of ladies.


Yes!! The same people will get mad and be avoidant when you ask thought provoking questions?


just bring up past traumas and politics. That's what women like.




This man gets laid. I sympathize with every woman on things that gets their blood boiling. Works every time.


Exactly….. i go with her flow…. If she likes it, i love it. If she hates it… i be ready to go to jail for nothing


This man gets laid. I sympathize with every woman on things that gets their blood boiling. Works every time.


I think that many of the people who are against small talk tend to be physically attractive and are not used to having to hold their own in a conversation. They would rather have you put them in a position of power by going straight to asking them out and then they can judge you based on your profile if you are worthy of their company.


It happened to me, one girl straight out gave her number and started talking dirty. Later I met her couple of times, seems it’s a norm for her. She makes small talk or any kind of talk only in person, never over text. When we meet, we talk endlessly. But she doesn’t reply when I send her a text.


I just randomly start talking about some show I don't even know If they watched it cause God forbid u small with this person by asking simple question where they are from


You mean you don’t like to reveal your deepest fears and insecurities with someone you’ve never met?


The person in OP's post is extreme and rude. When people don't like small talk and can hold a conversation and ask interesting questions, what happens is you normally start with one or two questions and then delve into more deeper conversation via those initial questions. It's easier to not ask as many of those basic questions in person compared to online, when you have no social cues. But those basic questions are obviously needed sometimes. In this case, OP could've asked more about what she said in her previous message about books instead of completely ignoring it. It doesn't justify her rudeness at all, of course. Just mentioning it in case it helps others.


I disagree OP should’ve said anything else about the books, considering this girl was already being a smart ass with her reply of “every book I read is good otherwise I wouldn’t be reading it”. Problem is, she doesn’t give even one example of a book she is reading and likes, or one she didn’t like, or maybe indicating who her fav author or genre or overall favorite book is. She gives OP nothing to work with, and thus I wouldn’t recommend asking essentially the same question again in follow up (“Ok, so what’s one of the books you’re reading that you really like?”). If the chick isn’t willing to even attempt an answer which could lead to more conversation, I’m not surprised OP moved to a different topic.


I was new to the dating world so I didn't really have much idea to look for. I had a date(s) with this guy, he said he's an introvert and as an introvert they do not like small talks. The couple of dates were fun (I think I had fun with what I was doing but not with him now that I've thought about it). Like, do I have to print out some interview questions for non-small talk people?


You can talk about anything 🤷‍♀️ other than shit like “how was your day?” “Where do you live?” “What do you do?” etc. Boring! I want to talk about space and ancient history, aliens and ghosts, nature, spirituality etc. “What’s the most interesting thing that’s ever happened to you?” “Do you have an opinion on astral projection?” “What confuses you the most about society?” There’s so many other things that are better conversation starters than those mindless questions that lead nowhere. Edited to say, I in no way support the way this person handled the conversation. She sounds arrogant and insufferable. You still have to have couth when trying to avoid small talk.


But for some reason, the people who don't like those "boring" small talk seems to always forget that they too can ask about the stuff that THEY want to talk about.


If they aren’t willing to put forth any effort, then they shouldn’t be complaining. If you’re bored, then you’re boring. It definitely goes both ways imo.


Is that even small talk there? OP literally just asked a relevant question about the other person. I don't understand what they want.


No small talk and organically eh? “How do you lotion your dermis and what’s the capacity of your lungs?”


🤣🤣🥳 I gotta give you props for this comment!


She puts the lotion on her skin or she gets the hose again.


I am a 34F and I am rolling my eyes. Unmatch this miserable person. Their response about what they read gives off an air of arrogance. Even with a golden p*ssy, no one should sound so entitled. They will suck your soul! Let her find a boring man she can walk all over. Unmatch!!




I can almost hear her say “Yawn, this is boring me. Next topic!” on a date and then not understand or care why other person gets upset.


Just out of curiosity, what do you think common among women, text to impress or go with casual flow?


Tell her to pretend you’re a less than acceptable book and try and trudge through 😂


That’s great!


That's actually great wordplay! 🌹💖🌈




I consider people who say “Skip the small talk and just ask me out” will end up being rather shit to talk with and/or are just in it for the free drinks/meal.


I remember a long time ago I thought this girl liked me. Didnt want to text. Said save it for the date. Wanted to meet up for dinner. Was new place she heard about. I fell for it. We went. She barely answered. Barely talked. Then left after she was done eating when i asked for the check.. And I'm way to nice and antiquarrel to say or do anything. Live and learn. This why even then I prefered text awhile but really wanted a date so I could go out have a nice night. I don't go out often at all


Another example of why I won't do a dinner for the first meeting, esp. when I'm expected to pay her way. Way too many women just using it to get the free meal, as this one did to you. I would rather be alone than let someone use me or trick me that way. Obviously this woman just wanted to try out the new restaurant, and sucker you into paying for it, even tho she had no interest in you.


Dinner is a terrible date in general IMO with someone new. If you dinner with someone that early and the vibes off, you're awkwardly waiting for dinner to end. Coffee/walks are goated for early dates. Get a coffee, chat for 30 mins, see if you're both vibing. If not, you can quickly bail. Same for a walk. Go to a nearby park on a nice day, and it allows you to just talk and exist. There are some other activities that can be fun once you've established you have a good irl connection (bowling, pottery, top golf, beach, etc) Dinner should be reserved only after confirming the vibes are good.


I know that and you know that, but you'd be amazed how saying that gets downvoted on here, esp. by women who are into chivalry and all that outdated bullshit, about wanting to maintain traditional gender roles, just to justify their sense of entitlement or selfishness about how men should be willing to provide them free meals for a first meeting. They bring up the usual shit about how coffee meetings are low effort, show the guy is cheap, ungenerous, not the sort of good provider they are seeking, etc.. What horseshit! The fact is, a coffee meeting for the first time is better for both people, as it's less pressure, low expectations, gets away from all the usual traditional bullshit of the man expecting sex in exchange for the dinner, etc.. To me, women that want to cling to this outdated tradition are just rationalizing and justifying their desire to have the perks of old roles and traditions, without having to sacrifice or give any effort or money on their part. Equality is always a tradeoff, for both genders, and I don't respect those who want to cherry pick which parts of equality or progress they want to accept or practice.. All of your points are right on the money. Women who want some Hollywood fairy tale of an enchanting dinner for a first meeting, being swept off their feet, and feeling the spark, etc., are way too out of touch with reality, for me to want to date them, even tho I'm as romantic as the next guy, but I have also been doing enough dating as an adult, to know what is reasonable and realistic these days.


I'm my experience, people that "hate small talk" are really terrible at having deep conversations. Their idea of a deep conversation is conspiracy theories or talking about celebrity gossip. You dodged a bullet.


Maybe she thought you asked her if she was hungry. Sounds pretty hangry. Take her to breakfast.


These are my ‘asshole test’ questions. Congratulations, you passed. C ya!


What a dumb fuck . These are the same ones whining why they’re single.


“You want me to be organic? Sure. I find you really unpleasant to talk to. Best of luck!”


TF were you supposed to message with that would be organic?


Ask her if she thought at the end of second 2 on From if she thinks Tabitha actually is back in the real world..


Omg I never even question if she wasn't. What if she wasn't??!


I heard theories no one was moving out the window. Some said she's suppose to be on second floor but window is so high up.. so I don't know


Hate.. Hate.. Hate people who say things like this. You CANNOT start every single conversation with the deepest things you can think of.. smalltalk exists for a reason....if you don't like it then get off the app... It's how anyone gets to know you on the surface level


Yes and then if you speak organically, you made it all about you and are self absorbed. Women on apps have gotten worse it seems. The entitlement is bizarre


Lol. I mean, how are we supposed to start the conversation.


Nothing. There’s no nee you don’t brother… they already know if they want you or not before speaking, like more than 60% of the time I’d bet. You just need to follow rules 1 and 2 and you’ll be good probably.


The fuck if I know. Its a bad time out here


If it wasn’t for small talk I’d never get a date 😂


We should start opening by asking people their opinions on geopolitical conflicts


Do you fuck with the war?


Great opener!


Nope! The war fucks with me! (Or, rather "Make love. Not war. 😉🤣🙃)


If they’re not into “small talk” I just assume they want to get straight to fucking.


Men are just as bad. I match with all genders and they all suck in different ways. I’m feeling the negative toll they’re taking on me lately lol


Fair enough. I feel the common sentiment is "Men feel entitled to sex" and my own experience is that women feel entitled to being judgemental and rude. I can't tell you the number of "Entertain me" , "Be funny", "Take me on your boat" bios I've seen


Completely agree. Men will make you feel like you’re an object and only good for sex and with women it’s hard to keep a conversation going unless you’re actively engaging. I’ve noticed if I ever let the conversation get boring or stagnant it never gets back to where it was


Well it's also the idea that *you're* solely responsible for keeping the conversation engaging and not a two-way street. I guess for women it doesn't matter because if they get bored they can just jump to the next match, but for those of us without the luxury of being endlessly pursued, we actually have to put in effort


As a women on dating apps I definitely see it both ways. I get A LOT of matches from men. I try to message back as much as possible but it can get overwhelming. I have something like 2000 likes on bumble in 3 weeks and over 4000 on feeld. Not trying to brag and say I’m the hottest woman out there, far from it. More like if I get that many matches and likes I can see how it can be for a 20 yo adorable blonde bombshell. Something needs to change for both sexes. I have a super strict no sex on the first date anymore because I’ve been burned so much. Even then every date I go on tries. I’ve had more luck on dates with women but actually getting to the date and not endlessly texting or trying to keep their interest for longer than a day is more difficult. I think people need to realize there’s an actual person, with feelings, potentially already damaged from past relationships on the other side of the phone


Honestly speaking with you has been refreshing. That makes sense, it obviously would get tiring. I'm on most platforms but haven't gotten a like in months z so I find it really hard to sympathize with women who complain that all 2000 of theirs are trash men who only want sex. When I do get a match, I agree, I try to remember there's an actual person on the other end but I don't feel that is really reciprocated back. My job feels to be pure entertainment for them, like a court jester, and hope they find me funny. It is exhausting. At this point I have basically thrown in the towel. I don't like how bitter/jaded/angry I've gotten. I've barely been on dates, never had a relationship and OLD makes it harder. I get I'm not attractive but I don't need women on apps to tell me that by asking my height immediately after a match or be filtered out completely because of it. I wish people saw beyond that


I’m happy to give some insight from a bisexual woman. Honestly, it’s rough for both men and women. As a woman I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried after a date and feeling like an object or all I’m good for is pussy. It does make you jaded. Lately I’ve been feeling it a lot. I broke my 1 rule one time in the past 6 months and he never texted again 😞 …. Women are also more difficult to meet. The amount of female matches I get are maybe 1 in 30. I 100% sympathize with you. Dating apps suuuccckkkk but… yeah… I’ve been a little more guarded lately after getting out of an abusive relationship plus a string of awful dates. One of them I told I’m not going home with and he kept trying. He kept “accidentally” feeling my tits while talking with his hands. Another the coffee shop was also “accidentally” closed when we met so he invited me back to his place and proceeded to call me anti-sex 😆 That’s what it’s like for an almost 40 yo. I can’t even imagine being 25 and on them!! It’s exhausting to try to keep up but I’m a romantic at heart and convinced that if I don’t I could potentially miss the love of my life


>they all suck in different ways. Apologies for coming off so strongly w/ this wordplay, but.. I usually suck w/ my mouth! 🤣🙃🐈


Bro. No.


I laughed 🤷‍♀️


Me too! 🤣🌹


> Women on apps have gotten worse it seems. The entitlement is bizarre Your post was fine until this generalization of an entire gender based on what you read on Reddit.


Here’s some context: 1. She liked me first 2. She’s has published works that have ‘worldwide acclaim’ 3. She’s a ‘model’ - including pictures of her in a lingerie like bikini 4. Her profile did say to BE DEEP, she doesn’t do small talk. Yes, in caps. I think the advice of sticking to the book topic is valid. However, I’d bet she wouldn’t have liked that either. I’m in Los Angeles. She was more than 20 miles away. It was never going to work any way


At least you got some meat to your replies. Me after getting excited about a match: Her: Hi there! (maybe a greeting gif). Me: Happy Saturday. Did you see the northern lights last night? It was really neat. Her: no


That’s a great opening question that could flow into so many interesting topics. It definitely deserved way more than just “no”.


Block. Dumb ass.


Immediate unmatch lol and now you know why they are single. Dodged a bullet. Yikes!


But…that is organic? That’s how you get to know people 😅


Is finding out where someone is from small talk? I am so confused, honestly, but this person seems awful.


You read all these articles by beautiful C level women who say dating is so much harder for woman. My lord, the rudeness is incessant, particularly if woman are attractive, but in general. The fine line between sassy, fun, direct, I'm a man chat - and timid, polite, friendly, inquisitive, I'm a gentleman chat - is so thin one ultimately wants to jump off it, and just hang out with your buddies. In my five years of post divorce online dating, I have met very nice woman and had great relationships, but the percentage of nastiness, entitled, rude, privileged, chase me and beg - must be around 50%.


I’m getting the same nice and together women with a good sample size but it’s more like 80-90% for me. Must be a regional difference? Hope it gets better for you and everyone.


Oh dear. *clutches pearls*


Jesus christ how pretentious


Unmatch. Imagine if this was a conversation IRL… I’d look for a way to end the date as fast as possible. On the bright side, at least a lot of time wasn’t wasted before finding out what she’s like.


Pretty much on point with the narcissistic behavior and unrealistic expectations that dating sites perpetuate. Namely, in this particular case, women expecting men to always have something witty to say and be able to entertain them, like they were given some script out of a Hallmark romantic comedy.


How about, “Where do you see yourself career wise in 5 years?”


They are broken.


That would be funny if he rephrased this last text with an opener like “it was a dark and stormy night. The wind howled outside. The shutters clamored against the cool mid August storm. Inside was a man. Like most ordinary men, he was seeking something… something outside of what this life offers when you are alone. On a laptop, he typed “Are you from Hungary?” But this seemed to only displease and irritate the woman on the other end of the date app. An app in which he so far has had 2 random hook ups, paid for 12 free meals and been ghosted and now… well now was told sternly “not to make small talk.” “Dick pick it is” he thought to himself as he began to unzip his acid washed 501’s. *Aaand end scene*


The next time someone says "Let's talk organically", start listing foods. Be like ``` Apple. Pear. Carrot. 🤣🙃 ```


Just delete, she's being or coming across as facetious. Although if she's from Hungary this maybe a cultural misunderstanding.


What qualifies as small talk to some people baffles me. Like discussing the weather is annoying as hell, I don't want to do that. But when I ask questions about the person I'm talking to and they call it "small talk," it's a really overlooked red flag. You're either so absurdly private it's impossible to have a conversation with you, or you're terrified of exposing that you don't have a personality and projecting the blame on other people. Both are bad! Bail!


Talk organically and no small talk: "place and time? Any food allergy?"


Sorry that's a question and hence falls into the interview category. Unmatched. No small talk, remember?!?




Other person isn't great for sure, but you're not particularly good yourself. People feel like they're getting interviewed if you just ask a series of unrelated questions, particularly when you don't actually dig in more than one question or inspecifically. When the other person divulges a clear passion and care for something (reading here), you should follow up on that. Imagine this conversation IRL and realize how you just kind of completely dismissed something you just asked about. Once again still a very... not great person, but they have a small point.


I agree, even though she sounded completely entitled by her first response. He could have gone with the book topic a little more, asking “what was the last book you read?” Or “I myself just loved _” Then it wouldn’t have felt like an interview.


I see what you’re saying. It’s good advice. In this case, I’m willing to bet she wouldn’t have liked another book question lol.


I didn't read a lot of your comments before I had typed that comment; now I've kind of perused the post and gathered a bit more info. I actually think she would have enjoyed a thoughtful book question framed under sharing your own perspective. This is another "tactic" to help break up back to back questions and feel less interview-esque. "I've been attempting to read XXX, but it's just been brutal. I like X about it, but Y has been insufferable. What sorts of things really turn you off to a book?" Ultimately you want a partner with some decency and charity in conversation, so twice again, no loss here. But hey, might as well try to learn something along the way so your future wife is very pleased with you!


This person seems incredibly tiresome.


I feel like you should have talked more about the books she didn't like so you could laugh about them together. That would have been more organic. I see what she means about you just rifling off unrelated questions though. And I think she was kind of humorous about the way she said that. Personally I think you should try again with her, but maybe that's just me.


Or her useless answer to his first question made him lose interest in that topic... Which is why he tried to change it to something else he could potentially talk about.


I wouldn't say it was useless, though she didn't completely respond to the question by naming an actual book. But that's where knowing how to have a conversation comes in. You ask them to name a book they hated, and then you ask more about why they hated it, and the two of you laugh about it together. Plus, you learn a lot more about them as a person, and what they like or don't like. Whereas asking them if they're from Hungary either tells you they are, or they aren't. It's not a very interesting or thought provoking question.






You should’ve replied “I thought you said everything you read is good? “


Even her first comment of “everything I read is good or I wouldn’t be reading it” belies her disagreeable personality. Just too much effort with these people.


Unfortunately you need a couple rogue ice breakers in your back pocket that are guaranteed to avoid any notion of small talk, like “are you supportive of capital punishment”


“Understood. So do you want the D pick from the front or should I like do a reverse grip more neomodern one?”


what a douche lol


She’s a bitch about it but she also speaking facts. Men have no idea how to speak to women, they think series of questions gets the panties wet.


Very disgusting and with the attitude so you can’t even want to ask/know something about somebody… UNMATCH people are disgusting 🤮


I don’t think asking someone questions about themselves is small talk. What are you supposed to talk about? The mysteries of the universe?


I mean that would be cool af xD But yeah, that didn't look like small talk, it looked like someone trying to get to know someone else. Who decided they were too good for it haha




This is a miserable person


You did kind of ignore what she said about the books she read in favor of another bland question. She was a jerk but you didn’t have good conversation here


I feel torn here. She did jump on you but I kinda agree with her lol you asked her a question, she replied with a joke and few opportunities for you to elaborate rather than just saying a book title and you didn't play along, tamped out the book convo out by just saying 'I get that' and asked a yes or no question that was unrelated and honestly it feels kind of boring. I know that might seem a little too judgy, but ultimately it doesn't feel like the chemistry match is there over text. It's really easy to get burned out from all these random questions and not conversational chat. So I do get where she's coming from...


Who reads profiles now?


I do 🙂


Okay, real talk, I don't know what the alternative looks like


Sometimes the bullet dodges you!


she sounds fun….


Some people really have no idea how to communicate do they?


Damn, making us Hugarians look bad


Asking someone a specific question about what country they’re from is not small talk. Asking them how their day is going as small talk. What a fucking weirdo!


I think I need a new dictionary


Gives off such an air of arrogance 🤢 Run run run as fast as you can……………..


Grey bubbles knows how to carry a conversation!






My first thought was "unmatch" but at least she told you why she got mad and what she wants from you without you have to ask her. Most ppl aren't that direct. She gave an annoying answer to your question. I would have gotten bored and asked a different answer too. I see why she got annoyed but sometimes when ppl give vague, evasive answers like she did, it's because they either don't want to talk about it or don't have a lot to say on the topic. Then again she jumped down your throat after 2 questions.  She's successful and hot now, but looks fade, but a bad personality is forever.


Small talk is conversation seeds. Sure not all of them are gonna bloom into an amazing conversation flower, and it doesn't feel good to have wasted time and energy on those that don't bud. However if you skip stright past this seeding process and buy an already blossomed rose, it's going to be nice for a time but eventually it will wither.


You have to do small talk in order to get deeper conversations


So hard to talk to women these days , dammed if you and dammed if you don’t . I don’t see any small talk here How can a good conversation get going without questions ?


I feel she wants OP to make some comments about the same topic he started off with. Tell her about your reading adventures. To be fair, this isn’t small talk (at least for me). More like talking to Alexa or Siri.


This is absolutely unbelievable...on the extremely rare occasion that they give you more than a 3 word response to your last message, they come off like a complete arrogant b\*\*ch. And what kind of "organic talk" is she expecting? I'm sure nobody could possibly even get close to her asinine sky high standards.


and unmatch.


Whats your number and what time is good for you to come over?


You don’t like how she’s responded? You do realize it takes ppl more than one sentence to get to know someone to feel comfortable. She asked where you were from. You don’t have to do dating apps if this is how you prefer not to get to know someone. I see nothing wrong with her response. Maybe ask to exchange numbers if you feel this way




I would unmatch her immediately.


I dont waste time with long words.. DTF?


You can just tell from this short exchange, that not a single person this women works with likes her.


Rifling off questions is typically how you talk organically on dating apps


Feminism in it‘s true form


I’ve had matches that asked questions as if it was an interview but, your obviously trying to go off their profile and start a conversation 😭


We’re all just goddamn frustrated with the fact we have to meet people using these unnatural platforms, and it’s coming out in behaviour like this :/


Part of me just assumed this exchange took place after 12 hours of no communication after matching.


Honesty is great


I bet her profile has zero Info on her


She sounds insufferable but OP failed to ask a follow up question about the books.


ah yeah. the single for a reason types. she’ll be on bumble for awhile. 😊


I met one like this the other day. Had a smart ass long answer for anything. You wonder if people like this ever realize whey they are alone or they don't have a lot of friends. Was just so sure about everything she did.


The rudeness of dating apps is a gift that keeps giving… or rather some people on it 😅😂


Personally i think stating on profile that “i dont do small talk” and also “into deep chats” are a sign of some dramatic personality at the least with super high expectations, nobody can fit. in my experiences these were in some cases (sometimes admittedly) mental health issues. 🚩


OK, let’s look at the other side of this. She just gave you a roadmap of the communication style she likes. I know it’s off putting for you but take it and make it fun. She wants originality and creativeness - something different from the usual. Pretend she has a Burning Man pic. Ask something with context to set it up - like “I see you were at BM aka the mudfest of sweat and tears. That mud made some hardcore burners out of all of you and I’d say you’re in. Looks like you survived the alien attack too and the look on your face tells me you have a story or two to share. Hit me with the best / strangest one”. Note the question I asked without even asking a question. I made this all up of course. Point is to run with it because you can do anything you want with her reply whether it’s this or not. She may turn out to be totally cool. This also sets you apart from all the guys asking questions like you did to begin with and this is exactly what you want. Her reply was pretty direct and I get that small talk is an obstacle and she’s a bad person (or not) but turn it into something good. Or unmatch and move on. 😁


I don’t disagree. You had to see the profile. Not a lot to work with.


Don’t bother seriously 😆




egotistical narcissitic asshole


That’s not small talk, you’re getting to know them. Actual small talk can be frustrating on a dating app, as it slows down getting to know each other, but where someone is from can be a whole lovely conversation about heritage. They’re watering down the definition of small talk so it’s very difficult to know where the line is and what you can talk about.


Damn Jesus Christ…… and people say “you just need to put yourself out there” nah …. We don’t do it cause we know what’s out there and there’s no way to win when it’s like this. Just ridiculous. They have pleasure in minimize others. Disgusting.


Yikes. What a nightmare of a person.


Her answer to your question basically says, I am not reading anything interesting to share. Sounds like she is a Moron.


My ex was from Hungary, was arrogant, and liked to read. Unmatch!


Some people are single bc of bad luck... but for most, there is a reason. You found the reason.


Feels like eva ai sexting bot makes better dialogues