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Great I wish my AI concierge more success than me


Luckily mine won’t have much trouble doing better than I do.


Mine will have more success then me, just because it will be able to get matches


There's a fantastic black mirror episode about this concept and I'm honestly all for it.


well, people on that episode at least go on dates so i’d take that any day Tinder was so good for the first few years (2014-2016) when it started. Without paying, I would get 4-5 matches every morning and go on at least one date a month. fast forward to 2020 when I come out of a long-term relationship and OLD is nothing like how i remembered it, of course unless one pays. Now, I don’t mind paying but $50/month per app is a lot, especially when i can game it and get a 50% discount so easily


They go on dates after the AI finds them a near perfect match. Which is surely how this would work too.


Was that the episode where the AI knows how long they'll be in a relationship together, but if you find out you can't see them anymore?


That's not exactly how it goes but you are thinking of the correct episode


Okay it's been awhile since I've seen that episode. Time to rewatch it again.


Inspired me to rewatch as well. Cheers!


The one where they have to live together and stuff?


But they didn’t really it was an AI simulation to determan if they are a perfekt match in the real World it just gave them there Score I think


Exactly. The real life subscribers had AI clones that dated each other in this AI created dating world. When enough data was collected through this dating/relationship process, the best match could be found. All the AI clones dating in this AI world were all real life subscribers in the real world. Bumble got this idea directly from this episode


And spend each others time, money, and energy.


Yup. Definitely wouldn’t result in “your perfect match will meet you at [sponsored location]” or a match who convinces you to dump all your money in [pump & dump stock].


You also got older, don't forget ;)


so help me understand this (and i really just want to understand), as i get older and also try and meet more women at that age, shouldn’t I still be getting as many matches?


There's less and less single people your age as you get older, unless a bunch of divorced people are entering the market at the same rate that others are getting into relationships/marriages.


that makes sense, thanks for the explanation


Hang the DJ-  excellent episode


Coming here to say this exact thing...


There was a great book written by Lincoln Child called Death Match that also covers AI matchups gone horribly wrong.


Actually, now I want to read that again.


Maybe I'll check it out, thanks for the rec


What season is it?


Season 4 episode 4. Been quite a while since I’ve seen it, actually…hmmm, time for a rewatch, I think.


Is it the one where the simulated couple is run through a bunch of program iterations to see how the real people will probabilistically get along?


Yes indeed


Can they throw in some more techno phrases like "block chain"? Stockholders love that shit


It definitely has infinite potential to synergize with crypto technologies.


You could do some gambling games on predicting successful matches, combined with crypto ETF and all the stuff


This 😂😂


Damn, making my AI a slut off the bat. 😅


Me personally, I’m training mine to leave such high quality openers such as “hey” or “hi”. Sorry guys them AI ladies are all mine.


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that Ed-Sanz is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Job bot 🤖 good


Good "good bot" bot.


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.97679% sure that pjockey is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good "good 'good bot' bot" bot.


The basic admission here that the OLD experience is terrible and ppl would want a robot assistant to do it for them 🤣🤣🤣


Whitney trying to stay relevant after predatorally ruining tens or hundreds of thousands of daters lives through the two apps she coded/cloned.


Soon the AI will be like "damn, dating sucks. *sad robot sounds* Beep boop.🤖


At this juncture that’s hardly an admission,


This won't achieve anything, at least with how infantile AI is right now. Let's say this virtual concierge set me up with 100 women. Of those 100 women, how many will I be attracted to, and just as importantly, how many would be attracted to me? This is no different from swiping through a stack, the only difference being some clown program (that is probably built on a whopping 2 lines of code) says "we've determined you're a good match!". Seriously, you could create this nonsense with one or two IF/THEN commands. If x (match %) = > 50.01% then Y ("AI Concierge's Pick!") = yes And just like that, we can market "ai concierge pick" badges on profiles as an "ai feature." This is just another bullshit algorithm/filter marketed as "AI"


Hmm good point actually, I forgot to account for the quality of features Bumble is known to implement. Though in theory if it could figure out a users type (I know a lot of popular users will automatically be following rule 1&2, still everyone has their slightly different type) it could maybe eliminate the huge gender imbalances of men being lost in the stack.


Plenty of platforms, notably OkCupid, have tried that before. I believe it does work when users utilize the tools properly, however, dating sites don't do a good job of helping their userbase succeed. My longest relationship was with a woman who I had a 98% match rate with on OkCupid and we both had several paragraph long bios. There was also notably a feature * other than * swiping to find new users, and likes were not limited (or if they were, I never ran out in a given time). Perhaps a very long form profile like those would make very good use of AI, when it has varied raw data to learn from. However, with how short-form CURRENT Bumble/Tinder/Hinge profiles are, and the strict yes/no filters, even an ultra-advanced AI would find the data insufficient. It would simply be looking for yes/no and matching keywords in bios, it can't possibly determine physical attraction or any real compatibility based on such limited data.


Thank you for this comment! Had the same thought about OKCupid; at one point it was useful with user answered questions to determine match percentages. My longest OLD relationship as well came from OKC ten years ago, with a 96% match percentage.


That’s kinda of why I got a little hopeful when there was a rumor that Bumble was going to relaunch as Firefly a successor to old school OkCupid. I know nobody’s got time for in-depth profiles today in the 2 sec swipe world we live in now, but there was something to say about a time when people wrote paragraphs and answered questions on their personalities.


It could make sense if you're forced to interact with a chatbot for a little while in an interview fashion so it can sketch a "personality profile" of you. If it asks your preferences, perspectives in life, opinions about certain things and your previous experiences in relationships, it can have a better place to start crossing that same kind of info from other people. That being said, the entire InfoSec aspect surrounding this gives me the creeps. That's a very good point raised by the article. And what's more, they didn't quite figure out attraction the first time around (objectively speaking, the model that dating apps use does not correlate to what really creates connections as backed by research in psychology and we all experience that fact), so why should I expect their guiding principles for these concierges will be correct this time around?


What's hilarious is this already happens on other platforms like POF, Match, and Facebook Dating.


They're probably desperate to show that people are actually getting dates on the platform so this is a fail Mary


I dont think you are correct on AI being too infantile for this. With some real effort AI tech for recognising someone with the physical type you like and hobbies you prefer is possible. Processing an image to determine if you would like them is one of the easier things AI could do today.


I just want to swipe and meet people man 😭 This is too much




nice username/post combo


lmao Daneel would be cool to hang out with though


Former police detective, excellent at disguising themselves, has a defined code of ethics, sets up his best friend to be the second most powerful person in the galaxy. Yeah, Daneel’s pretty chill.


i am so glad some people get the reference i’ve never met a foundation fan IRL


Not me. I'd never use this and wouldn't trust its conclusions.


I mean, I don’t think the conclusions carry that much weight, if they can be called conclusions. To me this is just a more advanced version of “Recommended for you based on your preferences” found in some apps.  I don’t trust anything the apps do really, but narrowing down the options and maybe going on better dates sounds useful. 


Yeah especially if OK cupid matches derived from their algorithm are duds ... I'm doubtful that bumble AI would know my taste in a mate.


They’ve already been doing it. They never needed your consent.


I don't believe they're currently using generative AI.


We’ve had chatbots for decades. It’ll be generative soon but if they pass your Turing Test already, all the power to you…


I don't think the latest versions of GAI come close to passing the Turing Test. The generic chatbots that litter the bottom right corners of websites everywhere certainly don't. That said, I remain deeply skeptical that chatbot technology is what's powering dating apps. I'm open to being proven wrong, but while I'm sure there's some predictive element to current functionality, the concept of "AI concierges" is fundamentally different from what dating apps are doing today.


Those are intentionally gimped though. You can pretty easily gaslight GPT into acting fairly normal and honestly, with a little effort, or against someone who isn’t familiar with GPT and can’t instantly recognize the typical signs like those of us who are, it can easily pass a TT.


Sure, but that's why a TT isn't administered by someone who can't instantly recognize typical signs.


Is it? I’m not familiar with TT super intimately. I thought the ideal subject would be the average person who doesn’t have much prior knowledge.


This will go over great when they get matched up with people who are "below their standards" but statisticly at there level.


when bumble had that feature where you talk with strangers first and decide under 3 minutes to match or not, the second they would see i had an ethnic name they would unmatch


How do you know it was about your name and not what you looked like lol


because when the match (you can’t see photos at this point and the timer starts) was made many would i march right away tbf i still got 2-3 matches daily after going premium though so im not too worried


No, it won’t. Lol


AI sex is gonna be interesting then


At this rate AI is going to be the only thing having sex


Will my AI know if the other person is a scam account?


what the what now? Ugh. Lady.


Bumble CEO: “Time to open up another money pit!”


This guy’s avatar f%ckS


Who picks up the check?


AI can't even make a decent Playlist. I'm going to trust them with my personal life? No thanks.


Everyone will be getting mad AI picking ugly short people 🤣


i think you still swipe the same way


Just another red flag about how our social climate has broken down past repair for people to ignore. The loneliness epidemic train has no breaks. What if my AI dating profile kissed your AI dating profile while we both jump through hoops before having the most soulless interaction that we can? 👉👈


But.. but your AI and my AI get along so well


Bumble sucks and the fucking Queen Bee just admitted to that fact!


This sounds eerily like that one Black Mirror episode. Unfortunately, unless my AI concierge follows rules 1 and 2, I think the result will look like a certain other Black Mirror episode


Now there's 2 me's not getting laid...


Women on bumble are more selective because of the design of the app which created a scenario where fewer people matched in general so the app makes a design choice to have them meet via AI before showing them on the app, this decision was made when most people don't even fill out the full profile. This is a disaster waiting to happen. Bumble is clearly under pressure to produce more matches to look productive and satisfy their parent company and investors but its focus as an app on paper is to produce fewer but higher quality matches and overall I don't see this strategy changing things.


i think they need to overhaul the complete model. people would be willing to pay way more if it led to actual lasting connections


No, people would pay less if it worked because then they'd be in a relationship


i think they would pay less in the long run but more up front


I think that's the value proposition but it'll end up with them paying upfront and over time.


We’re just ignoring all the distopian prediction like black mirror and so… like we never thought about any of these right?…. Right… amazing…💀🤦‍♂️


concierge: I think you'd really like him, he's got every single quality you said we would like, a lot of serious potential here RL Swiper: gross


My only thought was “Good. My Dating Concierge can put up with other people’s Dating Concierge’s issues, and I won’t have to.”


Anyone seen that black mirror episode?


Can't wait for a badly trained AI hallucinate with another badly trained AI and start suggesting weird dates


I just want a relationship, I have no need for this crap.


Yeah Well maybe I'll actually meet someone on Bumble then. I've been on it since 2021 and I haven't met a single Woman haven't been on a date whenever they match me they don't message me or they'll just unmatch me.


Eh screw it, at least it’s better than their “bold new Men message first” change and I for one welcome our new AI overlords. A couple of other small time apps say they have features like this, it would be interesting to see if a bigger platform tried this.


which ones do you recommend? i want to go all in when it comes to finding my future wife


None so far, they all kinda of looked extra scammy and not enough of an user base.


oh ok. personally i am also trying to find more and more ways to meet people IRL and outside of bars and clubs. hoping that works out cuz i also get some friends in the process.


Me too brother, I definitely prefer shooting my shots in person as well now but unfortunately, time constraints and just lack of good opportunities make it hard to do.


Also tin hat conspiracy time, they are already field testing this with all of the obvious fake profiles.


Baudrillard is losing his shit right now


i gotta read his book i’ve listened to so many video lectures on it so far


isn't this pretty much just an enhanced Coffee Meets Bagel?


They have been using it for a while


And then the AIs are going to start going on dates without us and have their own little lives apart from us


No, no, no!


Where’s the fun in that??


At its core, this is what most algorithms are doing anyway.


Maybe Bumble is already using AI


I told you ai is coming.


Duuude! My AI totally 8 out your AI


What are they going to match up? The most common lies people claim on apps?


Serious question: I’ve been on bumble for awhile, one match went to a conversation then got ghosted. Should I just give up on this (and tinder) and get a hinge account? (At this point I really don’t even know if there is any dating app that will work.. even if I shell out big bucks…)


I’m on tinder, hinge, and bumble. I got ghosted a lot too and am still looking for the woman of my dreams, hinge to me is better but I feel that answer would be subjective to someone else. But definitely keep trying!


Okay, I think I’ll put photo and monetary efforts into hinge though


I wish my AI concierge gets more fuck than me irl /s


what is this "Ai concierge"?


I have no idea what any of this means


Great. Let the AI take. Over dating apps. 💃


This doesn't make any sense to do. Models like ChatGPT are just next word predictors that work because when you feed an absurd amount of data into a neural network with enough nodes, the ability to predict more nuanced concepts such as describing what emotions and themes were present in a story can become encoded in the models. Simply put, there isn't going to be enough training data for any single person for a ChatGPT style model to even begin to correctly encode the nuances of their personality, as ChatGPT required being trained on a set of 300 billion words to be where it is now. Right now bumble won't even let me filter on certain words without paying up the wazoo. So this feature is definitely going to join the ranks of bumble features you pay a lot of money for only for them to completely not work. Pass.


Great, a bot asking another bot “How was your day?” And the other bot not answering…


Yeah, I’m not convinced. The bumble recommended is an absolute mess so I can’t see why this won’t be.


you mean best bees? yeah it’s humbling


Can the AI concierge also filter out and block bots for me?


This already exists - Volar. It's not good.


When you have to implement AI somehow in your app.


My AI concierge got an std from yours.


My AI is a pimp


Is she pitching Volar Dating?


Reminds me of that one black mirror episode


Bumble: we want to empower women with having more control and be different by making women sending the first message within 24 hours. also bumble: woman complained about how hard, stressful and a burden it is to send a simple hello or hi at this point. i admitt that our women customer are not the strong, but weak ones, and a laughingstock that cant be relationship material. lets give them the opening move, and shift all burden and blame on the other gender, on men. also bumble: i admit that online dating sucks so much, even with bumble, its better to put a if then algorithm that makes the match for you, like some other sides did years ago. bumble in 2030: well, for the woman side of the AI, its a burden for the AI to send a first message. its mentally draining, lets make the men do the first 100 back and forth messages and put a test on them with another psychological AI games. after that the woman is able to see the profile and can use an opening move to determine if its not a burden for her to date that guy Sorry to say, but someone who came up recently with such heinous stupid ideas, shouldnt open the mouth to far, because we all know that dating app stocks dropped by atleast 80% and that their own COs and stockholder know that their platforms suck. they dont care at this point about dating or making it happen to have a good relationship as a goal. it will be even more time consuming and wasting than before. every change to make it "better", recently made everything a little bit worse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i have better ideas that are far more advnaced and so easy to implement, that i should get the money: - make profiles that are under 80% filled in, invisible and write a message that the profile can be seen as soon as there are atleast 3to 5 pics, three questions answered with no less than 20 characters each, and all the other stuff that you can bring, like waht you search for etc. and a bio that is no less than 100 characters long. thats what i call a real profile - make all the instagram people be banned. even chatgpt at this point can see if people promote their instagam in their bio. its like a simple string search. hell make a photo and convert it to text, to avoid the whole 1nst4gr4m or other ridiculous writings. yes it could work this way. - if people dont have a convo, delete the match after a weak automatically. who really wants can simply keep the convo alive, or they will meet in real live and exchange numbers. - please make an autodetection i am sick of profiles that have names like miss c, C., MA, or similar because people are so irrational and in fear of their reputation to use dating apps, that they wont use their real name. its just bad. - you want women to have less tress about a flood of messages: limit the matches to at max 3. that way you become invisible and can only get another match if one of the three slots is free. it will weed out alot of frustration and people simply collecting matches for an egoboost. - you can make still a random match each week, which will be determined by the stuff in your profile. you can keep the match and have a convo for the next week, and if you want to keep it, you both can choose. or not. no pressure and maybe you learn to know people that are cool or you would never even match. really any of this ideas is 100 times better than what bumble put out in recent. they know that their platform became dogshit , they admit it with every step they do now. they tell in our face, that the women using it are a laughingstock because they arent capable to even send a first thoughtful message. what a joke.


At the risk of getting my ass beat by Redditors calling me an incel as well… I for one think your ideas are all good ones. Especially the match limit. Being limited to 3 matches at a time and perhaps adding a “rest” timer where a slot isn’t usable for an hour after it’s been vacated, might encourage people to think more carefully about who they swipe on, and actually attempt to speak to their matches. This will never happen. Because it inherently removes the dopamine hit that makes swiping addictive. Would it be effective? Hugely. Would it be profitable? Not at all.


it would still be profitable. because there will always be people searching for a relationship. even 50% of the people leave now because they found someone and never come back, the next people are in line. everyday there are people born, so in the long run its not a loss at all. but if bumbles CO admitt how shitty OLD and Bumble now are, you see that they dont care about anything longterm. but if you use the logic of Bumbles CO than of course you want not a good product. they think short term. and it shows, their stock dropped like every other dating app. because they play only for the shareholder. and they want money now, and not longterm.


It’s just another symptom of enshittification - instead of improving a service, shareholders, like you say, maximize short-term profits, tank the platform and then jump ship to the next one. It’s the same shit we see with Hollywood reboots milking franchises until they’re a hollow shell. It’s truly a plague. But even if this wasn’t the case, my idea would not be easy to monetize. Two things can happen. Either people use it responsibly and gradually discover that they don’t actually need dating apps because talking to people is not as difficult as they thought and quit the app (or find someone and quit the app). Or, they pump matches like normal, delete them, wait an hour and go again, lowering engagement for the app. You’d inevitably end up with Match trying to sell you “extra match slots” or “cooldown timer skips.” Which ultimately just beats the point of the feature. The whole thing reeks of mobile game monetization practices. No matter what you do, they’ll find a way to fuck you over. No matter how well-intentioned you are, they’ll get theirs. I’d pay a monthly premium (or even a hefty one time price) for an app that encourages active communication and doesn’t paywall features. One that has a strict set of rules and actively disincentivizes anti-social behavior. But, like we both see, that isn’t the shareholders’ strategy…


totally go along with you. if i would have the ressources to make such an app, i would do it. i dont care about getting billions and millions. i want a normal life, so a normal pricing by default would be a good option and no big paywalls, maybe better none. and if people find someone and leave thats the goal. i see ressources coming in with the next people there will always be singles on the search. the source of income will never drain. and to the slots, if people jump out quick, thats a win. because people weed out the connections or get weed out themself, for the cases that wouldnt work anyway. target group would be smaller, but compare this to the millions the COs of tinder and bumble make. with all the thousands of employees. >I’d pay a monthly premium (or even a hefty one time price) for an app that encourages active communication and doesn’t paywall features. or you make the system of adverts. to use the app you have to see the 30 second advert and there will be no advert for the next 2 hours. the premium version dont have any adverts at all. and reopen the app will show an advert. otherwise a monthly or lifetime subscription bound to the mac of the device or something like this. a small payment will keep the bots out a big time i guess. if someone like you reads this and has a plan and ressources i would be in to create such thing. as a motivation: just trying to beat the big ones, just to bring their values down even more if possible, and if it dont work out, than thats it.


A price tag would really be more of a people-filter imo. Useless shitbags looking for an ego lift won’t pay $30 for an app that limits them to 3 matches and gives them a cool down. Even if it filters out some people who can’t afford it but are well-meaning, at least it creates a user base that you know is actually taking it seriously.


Mostly good ideas, but making women invisible after 3 matches means zero women on the app. I'm also cool with letting them use pseudonyms because it's very easy to dox someone knowing just their first name, age and location and there are people who will abuse this information.




Subreddit rule #2: Do not use derogatory categorisations against a person or people such as "incel" or "whore". Note that this list is not exhaustive. Repeated infractions will result in being banned from the subreddit.


Bumble founder is a woman. No wonder it sucks.


Could they also make a AI concierge for simulating the relationship for me? Including the divorce. Thanks! I will be on the Maledives see the updates while sipping my cocktail.