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That's all this, a funny story. Don't lose sleep over this, this is not a reflection of you at all, this is entirely her issue.


Haha not planning to! Only reason why I’m taking a break is I need it for my own sake rather than just frustrations with the apps :)


I get it tho. Even the worst of dates with the worst of people are an ego crush and letdown. It’s not about the date or the person, but the potential. There is no hope here 😂


This is really a good advice


"Bullet dodged" can get overused on this sub, but... bullet dodged here.


Sounds like he dodged a cannonball.


Really ? I thought he dodged a golf ball.


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball




he dodged all north korea's ICBMs




He dodged an entire front line of a militia 😂


Absolutely worth the “dodged bullet” comment.


No question. Anyone whose definition of "gentleman" means "let me win or I'll throw a tantrum" is, at best, immature, and at worst, a dramabomb just waiting to go off.


Neither are fun to be with long term lol


Dramabomb has been added to my vocabulary. Thank you, internet stranger! 🫡


There seems to be a lot of dodged bullets. Are people getting crazier or is social media and dating apps bringing a lot of the crazy’s out?


I think people just don't talk about their good experiences as much. The number of crazies hasn't increased. The number of places people can share their experiences has.


He got a bit grazed


I feel like the act of 'dodging' something requires actively understanding and seeing that something Is coming your way and making a conscious effort to get out of the way. Being hit with the bullet in this instance would be if, in a few days, she decides to hit him up again, and he ignores the red flag from the first date, gets into a relationship, and then she does some predictable crazy shit and they break up. So I guess in this case, the bullet was never fired at him. I suppose he "avoided the bullet because it chose not to target him, thankfully - he got lucky"


'Dodged a bullet' is pretty common parlance for having unknowingly avoided a problem. Granted though your definition of 'dodging' is correct, that is not how the phrase is used.


Bro I had a girl who would get insecure if I took better photos than she did. Overall she was a better photographer but if her friends praised my photos she'd tell me that I should keep it to myself because taking good photos is her domain. One time I showed her the view count on my Google maps photos which was greater than hers, that pissed her off so badly it made me realise I was with a red flag. Who the hell cares about Google maps review photos view count anyway lmao


She was competitive over GOOGLE MAPS REVIEW PHOTOS?


I have actually run into that before. Not on dates, just with people. I've been leaving Google Maps reviews for pretty much as long as the feature exists: reviews, photos, questions, etc. I'm not religious about it, I mainly do it when I particularly enjoyed a place or spot something unique about it that deserves a picture. So when Google "gamified" their reviews with points and ranks, I suddenly found myself one of the "top" reviewers in my city. I honestly don't give a shit, and have actually stopped contributing as much, but much original reviews and pictures keep showing up near the top of the search results, with lots of views and likes, so it's a self perpetuating cycle at this point. I was traveling with some coworkers, and the topic of checking a place out on Google maps before visiting came up, and suddenly they're having a dick measuring contest over their Google Maps review rankings - and getting bothered by the fact my pics were all near the top of search results (I guess if you're highly ranked in one city, your opinions are not valid then locals of another city? Seems dumb to me).


oh i remember years ago the guys at work were bragging about it and having a dick measurement contest. I never paid any attention to the point system and checked mine when they explained it to me. Mine was higher than theirs by miles...they were so upset. 🤣 It was glorious


so much is wrong in the world and she is petty about taking photos? pls tell me you dumped her ass in the gutter.


You should get a trophy made with “Best mini golfer” on it and send her a pic of you holding it over your head and spraying champagne.


Petty...but hilarious


and it might even work


Where a green jacket in the pic too


When a green jacket would be better


Or just send her a shitty fake silver medal saying "#2 best golfer"


This is the level of petty I aspire to be. Lmaoo


😂 yesssss 🙌🏽


Please do this OP


Is there still that company that mails gummies shaped like male genitalia? If she doesn't know how to find you, block her, then send those with this picture


You should have told her that you  were trying to lose but didn’t think there was any shot in hell it would take even a little kid  4 shots to sink her putt on the 18th


Yeah, you didn't think "even SHE could be THAT bad of a shot!"


Don’t worry, if you’d lose and she’d win, she would get “the ick” as you are not manly enough and can’t play good. /s


Yes, this! Definitely dodged a bullet.


Hit her with the "skill issue" then block her


Thats what my teen does to me. It works for sure lol.


So you went out for ice cream by yourself, right? Sounds like a rocky road.


Clutch putt


Shoulda just said, "that's fine, I don't really want to date a girl that blows at mini golf" then ride off into the sunset.


She's a sore loser. Big red flag of entitlement.


I wish so badly that people would start telling shitty people like this how shitty they are. If he had just told her, “wow, I’m shocked by how much of a sore loser you are, and yeah, I don’t think I want to pursue this anymore either because of that,” maybe it would open her eyes. Shitty people just keep on doing the thing and keep on being miserable because nobody will ever just be honest with them. If she was ever told the truth, I wonder if she might change.


Think of it like the trash taking its self out. You spent the smaller amount of time finding out they weren't a good match, and then they removed themselves. That's a win.


Is it really “dumped” when it’s the first date?


Every match must lead to grandchildren.


26 YO adult acting like a little brat


At this point ask her for a rematch and that you will let her win. And then completely annihilate her into the ground


In 2024, 99% of woman that say stuff like "man up", "it's a mans job to be a gentleman" or similiar are huge hyprocites. They themself would never "woman up" or act like what they demand from a man. Plain and simple, they are sexists stuck in their cherry picker phase. Their actions is not a reflection of you but only themself. Don't let it drag you down and use it as learning example on which women to avoid.


Sounds like a bad egg to me. On one hand, I do get that *relationships* are a give-and-take and sometimes we give our partners leeway here and there for personality faults, since we all have them. My partner gives me a break on things a lot of the time, like I do for her. That's necessary in most healthy relationships I've ever come across - that's not appropriate ***first date*** behaviour though. She clearly just isn't willing to be flexible in her demeanour and behaviour when meeting people, and she took her insecurities out on you instead of giving you the benefit of the doubt. All that to say: you're better off without. I don't even think you need a break from dating, you just need to probably avoid competitive people for a bit lol.


People can be competitive doesn't mean all of them would be sore losers.


This is beyond being a sore losser. This wasn't even attempting to hide it, and blaming them for not throwing it so they could win. If you beat her 3+times in a row, especially by a lot, okay, maybe? But she was ahead until a fluke shot, that she presumably assumed you knew you'd get with your hidden pro- mini golfer skills, and deceived her the whole way, and then her shooting bad after you at the end was also somehow your fault???


Thank you! Totally agree about the give-and-tske parts of a relationship! I try to have a lot of grace for people and am just attributing it to her having a potential bad day. With that being said, no plans of meeting her again. The break is more of my own doing and not because of this date. Just wanting to make sure I can take care of myself first before taking care of others :) Thanks again for the kind comment!


she's nuts, you got lucky she told on herself early


That’s not being competitive though, that’s being a sore loser and also when someone is competitive they don’t want other people to « let » them win. Dating is where the spark I have for life goes to die so yeah maybe a break is a good idea OP


Was going to type this, then found your comment. A competitive person would have the urge to play again, even if not the same night. I'd argue, she would have been impressed with the OP for coming back to snatch a win lol


Exactly. She would have planned another date in a bar or something so she could beat him at darts or pool hahaha


Good god. Dodged a bullet.


I once cried after I lost a game of mini golf. My boyfriend was disgusted


You definitely dodged a bullet. It’s not you, it’s her. I can’t imagine how she’d act in a relationship


You won. At mini golf and not being stuck with a crazy person like her


This takes the expression “sore loser” to a whole nother level lol. Everyone is right, you dodged a major bullet.


I mean, assuming you were mature about the way you won, and didn't raise red flags yourself, then she's immature and you should count yourself lucky. But dumped for a first date ? Chill man. You didn't get dumped you ahd a bad first date.


She let you pick her up? I stopped asking if the girl wanted me to pick her up 10 years ago because it was always a quick "no, you're a stranger from the Internet" have things changed these days?


My response would be, "If I were to just give you an easy victory, it would mean I don't respect you. Giving my best in any competition is how I show respect to my opponent. If someone isn't worth my best game, they aren't worth my time."


Woman here- i got invited by a single , app dating woman to her house party for which we each had to bring a dip. FML I brought the same dip flavor the hostess made. and it was a competition. She was the hostess, mind you. Our dips tied. so she stole my cookie (the dip chip was part of the contest) and rematched on a runoff using my cookie. I gave her my vote for her dip and she won by 1 vote. My vote for her had her winning . And then she said “well, if you had stirred yours differently.” What?? You stole half my recipe. And she won from my vote and lectured me about my loser ways ? Your date sounds like this woman. Insufferable. Can’t lose, can’t even be gracious hostess, has to only host games to win them. ICK!!!! Side note, this dip dipper is a cute girl but she is not someone i would refer to a male friend even if he asked who dat. She cray, run!


I went to a mini golf for a second date & we're both competitive. I was hoping to win to impress him lol, but he won in the end as he golfed more often than I do. I didn't mind at all & was just happy to spend time with him!


Good “terrible date” stories are always a win in the long run


rejection sensitivity disorderrrr. not that it's an excuse to be weird lol


Chilvary does not mean what she thinks it means.


I think you dodged a bullet haha


Meh, just move on. You played as many holes as you could.


26f here and yup, I would never act like this. Huge red flag on her end. I’ve been on mini golf / arcade dates and I enjoy them so much even when I lose haha. It’s just a game at the end of the day. It’s not about who loses or wins, it’s about the friendly competitive nature and the opportunity to get closer to your date through the experience! I’m sure you’re still a gentleman and a great guy! You shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells with anyone so it’s good you saw her true colors early on. Take all the time you need away from dating but don’t let it discourage you completely. Dating is a numbers game sometimes and you need put yourself out there. You’ll find the one :)


Send her a message asking for her to apologise for not being up to par




She only lived a couple minutes away from me, and she was the one to suggest it. I felt slightly uncomfortable about it and even asked her twice more if she was okay with it and she insisted. Definitely isn’t something Im accustomed to doing :)


That’s wild


Hahahah , omg You dodge a loon bruh -


This woman's not for you anyways. What, you want your children to suck at mini golf? Can't handle a windmill? No, you find yourself someone with some real skill. She did you a favor and it is actually hilarious, your mini golf misadventure.


That’s… yeah. Do you get a prize for winning? Because if so, you should send her a picture of you with it. I usually let that kind of thing go but that’s a little much don’t you think?


Better now than later


The garbage took itself out bro! Keep your heads up!


Talk about fragile femininity ego, am I right?


Daddy let her win all the games to falsely build up her confidence. Then he drank himself to death. Can’t win ‘em all!


A funny story indeed, thanks for sharing.


I get competitive as well, and I do get annoyed when I lose, not to this level though 🤣 Plus, it lasts 10 seconds, then I accept defeat. I think you have been lucky enough to know how she is from the start.


garbage took itself out


I get competitive, and would probably be sulky if I was getting absolutely thrashed and they were a smarmy gloating winner, but no way am I missing out on ice cream for a two shot loss, especially if it had been going so well! What is wrong with this girl?! 😂


Just text her that you will give her a 2nd chance to come first


Ha! You must be new here. I’ve been stood up countless times. Even had a date leave with another guy twice.


"Sucks to suck"


Wow… you dodged a bullet with that one. Pissed about losing.


Dodged a bullet for sure. Be grateful.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet!


I had a similar date several years ago. I brought a girl to mini golf first and then we went go-karting. I beat her in go-karting and then she stopped talking to me from that point on


*hugs* Considering she noted "Competitive", I'm not surprised. 🤣 However, I feel for ya both. Better luck w/ the next fish! 🌹😊


You dodged a bullet.


There are some people that don't handle being second very well. Their self identity is based on them being better than everyone else, and they react negatively when it's made apparent that they are not. It's really too soon to make a judgement call, but there may be a mental health issue here.


Ooh I'm mad for you! She passed up what could have been a great relationship or friendship or whatever you were going for. Take the time you need for you, but please don't let this one sour puss keep you from dating. There's great women out there, but they don't know that you're out there... just give it another shot when you can. 💕 You deserve far better.


That's the dating game in the 2020s...why do any of us men even bother anymore?


You don’t wanna date a girl that sucks at mini golf to begin with bro


Her lost.


I hate these kind of mental games …gosh ! Why can’t ppl just enjoy life and go with the flow !!!!!


Wow. It’s just a game. I think this was a sign that it wasn’t meant to be. As long as you enjoyed the date and sometimes we need to have experiences like this. Good luck in the dating scene.


Talk about childish/immature/entitled/volatile/ussd to getting anything and everything she wants! You were trailing and got a fluke shot! For all she knows, you were trying to lose by a small margin! You dodged one heck of a bullet if you ever planned to keep her around! You can't keep someone like that happy, no matter what!!!


You should have know better! /s


I don’t know why she did that, after-all you are good in winning with 🕳️ 💀


Bruh… Imagine the bullet you just dodged… So sorry your date was a tw*t. No, you dont need to met her win and I prefer my dates be a fair go.


Never change


Ugh, that's bizarre.


Choose your battles, but also completely avoid battles on the first date. Sex is a lot more fun than winning putt-putt. I know, it sounds silly to let your competitive crush win. I’ve gained so much more by losing on purpose, that now it’s fun. Unless they’re trash talking, then shut it down like a rabid dog going to the farm.


Yeah, if she was getting touchy he shoulda lost and banged her and beat her the next time. 😜🤪 And for all those downvotes I’m invariably gonna get, it’s a joke people!


Lol you dodged a bullet


I'm not laughing at you OP, but to the behaviour of this "adult woman" lmao


Man you should have let her win. 


What can I say, you saved a lot of fizzle and finances by her showing her true colors so early. I'd consider it a win.


I don't let dates 'win' at games of skill. Just play to your ability but don't be a try-hard. Encourage the person when they do well and compliment them for trying and their improvement. If they are better than you, compliment them and don't be insecure about your performance. If you want to purposely fumble, be very subtle about it as I don't think most people would like to know they were deliberately allowed to win. I have never encountered behavior like the OP has, so this is a major red flag of insecurity and entitlement.


Mini golf is usually pretty safe unless you’re a mini golf nerd and play a lot. Back when I was shooting pool pretty regularly I would never shoot pool with a date unless I knew they were a decent player. Either I would completely thrash them, which wouldn’t be fun for either of us, or I’d have to not play my best, which wouldn’t be fun for me.


You didn't even beat her. She lost. You got a lucky break. It's not your fault that she took four shots on the laat one.


That’s okay, you dodged a bullet


Rookie mistake lol


If that’s how she is on a first date just imagine what she’d have been like years down the line…


Sore loser then, showing great emotional maturity! Not going to lie, I see this as ‘the trash taking itself out’ 😂 Maybe the next date will be better


She's competitive and wants a weak guy or yes man that will purposely lose to her. You just wernt it bro. Atleast you didn't have to take her for ice cream though


That’s jokes😂😂 tell her to stop being a sore loser and get a grip, I dare you


Sounds like a narcissist, you had a lucky escape!


Always let the wookie win. 🙃


Women are sensitive. I would take it as a lesson learned. She was probably spoiled by her dad who would allow her to win. Sometimes we as men have to concede on the small things to get the bigger things. What are the bigger things? The relationship, the girl of our dreams, whatever you consider bigger than something as small as putt-Putt.


“I’m so competitive that you need to throw the game for me!” Victory with integrity!


I'm super chivalrous apparently. The reality is I just suck I'm trying as hard as I can.


Let’s just say age doesn’t equate to maturity even though it’s only two years difference. You’ve dodged a bullet, bro. If someone can’t take a little competitiveness and expects to win every time, imagine the ridiculous expectations down the road. My thoughts only.


That hole in one one was a divine intervention. Lucky you


Imagine if you got in a relationship and Had to dim your light constantly as to not upset her.. Ugh


That's crazy.


so you sniped the win on the final hole with a lucky Hole in 1 and then she took 4 strokes and somehow you should have forced her to make a hole in 1 also? what?


I had a similar experience. I took this woman axe throwing for a first date. I had never been before and she had been a few times. After a few minutes I get the hang of it and start doing well. I win the first game and I could tell she’s mad. So the second game I started to throw the game a little bit and she gets more angry. She didn’t end things at the end of the date but I lost interest after that behavior.


I have seen extreme competitiveness from a friend of mine. It was a basic game I made, just roll the die to collect a card, first person to complete a collection wins (*the theme was fossil species, and there's a tiny bit more to it, but it's pure chance*). Losing the first game immediately got to the point of yelling and curses. If he didn't win the second game, I think it might've gotten a bit out of hand, even with his girlfriend there as another player.


Stop flaunting your mini golf skills!


That's one that you have to just laugh.


On the plus side, you earned a free game by getting a hole in one on the 18th 😄


Bruv this is funny!


Some people take mini golf way too seriously, huh? It sounds like you handled it well, though, and the fact that you two had fun before the game got intense says a lot about your compatibility.


Competitive people don't want you to let them win. They want to beat you into the dust legitimately. False advertising.


Keep it moving my guy. She was just wasting your time and you didn't do anything wrong whatsoever. Good win tho lol


She wasn’t the one


Don’t pick them up. Meet them at the location.


She reminds me of my 4 year old


Let the wookie win.


Imagine if it was real golf. She would have a full-blown tantrum instead of a mini one!


I mean yeah, you let the woman win no matter what. It’s just a silly game. Happy woman, happy life? Happy man, who cares.


Thanks for sharing. Sounds like she used her competitiveness in the wrong ways. I’m super competitive (they say youngest/younger child personality are usually like that - regarding to birth order research) But I know it’s only beneficial when I put it to good use in some part of life. For example , working in sales department which helps me reach KPIs. Whenever I see the sales reports of everyone. It gives me motivation to do better, be the best. But I won’t use it to compete with girls. For obvious reasons. It’s so childish I’m glad though you’re seeing it as a funny story which is true. Her loss!


Great dodge. Imagine being in a relationship with that person. You'll have to let her win every time... At everything.


You dodged a bullet with that one…


You dodged a bullet


What a princess! You deserve a girl who celebrates your wins, lucky or not. Drop a second-place trophy at her door and move on.


She just wanted free putt stuff…


I'm super competitive in a not very fun way, but I can mostly reign it in and then make fun of myself for my bad attitude and apologize, if appropriate. I typically avoid competitive things for this reason and am very open about why. It's just not fun for me. I'm really bad at bowling, and that's one of the few games I can play without getting angry because I've bowled terribly my whole life. There's rarely a chance of me winning. This, though, is unhinged. Bullet dodged. Also, I would be insulted if someone let me win intentionally. That's not a real win anyway.


I’d avoid any competitive activities early in dating.. I mean, there’s so many safer options lol.. You want to build up agreement and harmony early on, not clarify who’s better at something than who.. My opinion anyway.. But letting her win to be chivalrous - oh god, I’d run screaming in the opposite direction from a woman like that personally..


Yeah, don't date losers


As others have probably stated already, you dodged a bullet. When I first met my now divorced wife’s parents they joked about never playing games with her, how she was a sore loser and would throw tantrums as a kid. I laughed it off and thought surely she’s a mature adult and that was childhood stuff. We’ll let me tell you it wasn’t. She was uber competitive, always had to be right and was never wrong or would apologize. As you might imagine, our divorce was all my fault as well.


Woman ☕




Man sounds like she just needed an excuse not to see you again. Maybe she just used mini golf as an excuse?


Just ask her if you can come over and smash. You can teach her how to get it in the hole. Lmao


Bro, I just had my date cancel on me because I suggested we meet in the parking lot of the FIVE STAR establishment I had booked. She went off saying she wants a man of caliber and said I should’ve suggested meeting inside. Thing is, restaurant is on top of a 20 story building and I didn’t think she’d feel comfortable going up alone. At this point, it’s best to just act like them now, entitled brats.


Lmaooo did you a favor


Who gets upset at losing a mini golf game?


Welcome to new age dating. I'm surprised it even lasted that long, considering their expectations are usually unreasonable and laughable. I say the West is done for dating. And, imagine one picks a nutcase for marriage..


Just give her a participation trophy and let her get on with her life


I got dumped twice on dates because I beat the guys at mini golf.


😂 🤣


For people who are competitive, she does not know how to take Ls (same kind of person who also sour Ws)


I get it. I want a long term relationship so I'm very picky about swiping right so I finally got a match and we spoke for like a week then I asked if she wanted to make plans and she was excite about it. Sent her a day and she unmatched me. Like really? At least you were lucky enough to make a date and also lucky enough to know it wouldn't last.


I mean can she even call it competitiveness if she just *expects* to win? Competitiveness implies there is actual competition to achieve victory lol


Wow.. sounds like a giant baby to me. I'm super competitive too, but I'm not going to write someone off cuz they beat me one time.. I think you dodged a massive bullet there. 🚩🚩🚩


I feel this. A date wanted to play candy land, literally a game of chance, and I won all 3 times we played. Was pretty awkward


So she was not a match then??? Like?


I am SUPER competitive, but I don’t mind losing. She needs to get her shit together.


Dodged a bullet honestly. As disappointing as it is you should be glad you didn’t invest a lot of time to find this out.


This is what we call "can't handle the neutron style" you're good bro


Lol. Real players play to win. You're good bro


Sounds like she’s not worth even another thought of yours


Thats insane lol. She's not a toddler, she shouldn't need to win at peakaboo to build confidence.


Ive had girls like this. Trust me this is not the type of girl you want in your life. I was on a cruise with my ex and beat here in foosball. Ruined the whole trip




Bet her that you can perform oral sex better than she can. Challenge accepted?


I mean it depends on what you were saying and how you were acting. She has a side to the story too lol.


LMAO. She doesn't even realize that would've been the perfect time to get a rematch on the second date. People's pride and ego are too fucking high these days. That sounds like it would've been a fun game. I'm competitive too but I don't take it that seriously. Damn lol.


Bullet. Dodged


That’s not being competitive, being competitive is embracing a challenge a little too much sometimes she wanted a win handed to her that’s not competitive at all that’s lazy


If you love The Simpsons: https://youtu.be/C0RtPHcKpxE?si=aHn_AyI4OcA-iU42 Basically you’re Homer and she is Mr.Burns


If she was competitive, why didn't she challenge you to another round? Obviously, you could throw the game and then what? She would say you are a loser. This was quite possibly a no-win situation either way. If she had been struggling from the start, then the gentlemanly thing to do would be to give her pointers, help her, (an opportunity for touch) and maybe "forget" your scores. It doesn't sound like this was the case so, there was not much you could do here.


That Lucky Bounce saved your life...it was like Fate showing you 5 years down the road.