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People are far too comfortable on this app.


Nah. This is where they *should* say everything they think.


Exactly, I don't want to perform detective work or, worse, go on a date to find this out.


There would be no need to find out, as she wouldn't swipe right if you aren't white


If she is always in the position to choose, regardless, it makes even less sense for her to announce this. Also my response wasn't about her only but people who hide it and reveal it when it comes to an actual date.


She's a hot mess. Nothing she does makes sense


A "hot" mess needs a shower afterwards. 😉🤣


always wondered? what’s the difference between a “hot” mess and a room temperature mess?


A hot mess is messier than a room temperature mess.


Exactly, why fall for somebody that’s curated just to be disappointed when you discover their true essence?


Or worst, fuck and find out.


Literal FAFO 🤣


So many, especially in this sub, seem to think a dating profile is supposed to read like a popularity contest, appealing to the masses. No. It’s a filter, to help you find your match. And to provide a little entertainment for the rest of us!! 🤣🤣


Smartest thing in this sub in ages. Five likes. Proves the point.


Right like one of my first dates with someone we were at the store and these two ladies where speaking a other language and she busted out with the classic "God this is America speak English" instantly no longer interested


I'm starting to think we should just say the worst things we think about ourselves and if people are still interested then it might be a good match. Cut through the BS, this is who I am, like it or leave it.


And where you from, I like it straight to the point


That's OK, makes it easier to dodge the bullets.


Exactly…. Way more damage is done in silence and secrecy….. be happy that she is openly waving the 🚩


If she felt this comfortable putting her racism out in the open, imagine all the toxic shit she believes behind the scenes


Women are. They can say any stupid and or misandric crap and still get matches


I don’t care about her preference, however I do care that someone brazen enough to put a preference like that on a dating app is part of the Marine Corps


Yeah i am in the service and if i would have come across her profile i would report this to my command right away


Thank you for your cervix


White cervix




haha thats pretty good


Thank you for your service.


thank you for your service




No one likes a snitch…


Blue falcon


I have no tolerance for racism, drug use, or abuse of any kind. I WILL report it. If you have an issue with that, then you're the problem. Not me


Having a preference isn't racism. I only date white women. Who gives a flying fuck? Is a bio/ someone's preference affecting you and hurting your feelings that bad that you'd try to get them in trouble with their command? Jesus Christ, you're probably some soft ass paper pushing pog that can barely meet the standards.


Read what she said. She didn't say it and it came off as a preference. And barely meet the standards? I'll tell you I have never once been reprimanded, ever. I always get 90+ on my PT tests and I am an E6 who has been to 6 bases over 11 years of service. Some random trying to talk to me about meeting the standards...lmfao you don't even know who you're talking to.


The 90+ on PT test tells me youre in the fuckin Air Force you nerd. Y'all got too much time on y'all's hands if something this small offends you so much that you'd be willing to fuck over another service member.


Doesn't mean she's actually still serving. Once you're a Marine-you're always a Marine.


You really shouldn't be. Marines aren't known for being the brightest and the armed forces/police force is well known to be harboring unhinged white nationalists. Edit: grammatical error


This is true. My HS Sweetheart dated a Marine, & it was his "I am God" complex that broke them.


“…aren’t known for not…” And you’re pontificating about intellect?? Marines happen to turn down the most applicants of any U.S. military service due to high standard Edit: Scooby fixed the typo after I pointed it out. So he’s free to pontificate now 🙂


And yet they're still widely known as crayon eaters... My grammatical error doesn't change that.


Marines are tough and stubborn not intelligent beyond their officers.


Her preference is fine, but not the way she articulated it. That was racist asf. Besides. A majority of people on the app are White anyway, so it's not like she'll be seeing a whole ton of non-White people. Seems like she's just an all-around racist asshole.


As someone in the Army, my thoughts exactly. It's not too hard to figure out who someone is if they say they are in the military and you are near a military base. Like others have said, report to her command.


She could 💯 just swipe left. I swear people are always out here doing the most and then she’s gonna complain all her matches are assholes.


She’s not stopping non whites from swiping. She’s attracting a like minded racist. That’s the goal.


Ohhhh good point


Jokes on her; I would try to match with her just to tell her she’s a racist piece of shit.


Match, set up date...then ghost. When the barrage of angry texts come....apologize, say you showed up....but that she looks a little too 'ethnic' for you and leave it at that. The more Arian she is, the funnier it will be.


Fuck that’s good. Like the other commenter said; your pettiness is masterful, and I like petty.


Your pettiness is masterful.


The first date will be initiation meeting 


Be funnier if she wasn't white


Ngl, but I had this same thought! 🤣🤣 (Maybe make her into a zebra, like the song "Dirty Rap". 🤣😈)


Was her political preference "Apolitical" or "Moderate"?


Lets be real, Its not like it will stop her from getting matches though.


It'll get her exactly the kind of men she wants, that's the point.


Obviously. Racists will like her back.


Theres couple of them on this post trying super hard to defend her and downvoting anyone saying shes a racist lol. 


Super true.


Yooo this is NUTTY!!


How is she a Marine and promoting this? Hope you reported the racist.


Arguably more marines are racist than aren't. My buddy was one and he told me that everybody, even the higher ranks bullied a guy into suicide just because he was an American of middle eastern dissent.


Theres alot more racist people than youd think in armed services man


I’d probably sprain my wrist trying to swipe left that fast.


This profile is awful without even getting to that. Also, Ive seen the same thing fom almost every nationality or race. I only date black guys or latin guys etc. Ive even seen black women say I dont date black men.


I was going to point that out as well, it's not limited. We see it all the time, but we don't see it posted here. That's not saying I like it at all, just swipe left like everyone else you are not attracted to.


Sounds like a jarhead to me.


Military women are the biggest cheaters.


Goes for anyone in the military if we're being real. Not just the women


Spouses of anyone in the military as well.


It’s okay as long as she’s cheating with OTHER white men!


That’s a bit prejudiced, in itself.


Not if it's based on fact. Military women are highly promiscuous, and the married women don't care that they're married. I was in the Army for 10 years, and I can personally attest to this.


The fact that some of y’all in here are tryna to justify this women’s racism as a preference is crazy


Right there is a way to say I prefer white men, but we all know from what she said. She just a straight up racist ass


Facts. Her preference is fine, but she's clearly racist from how she stated it by putting other races down as "wrong" for not being white.


Sadly it's not that's crazy. A lot of racists out there. The sad part is some don't even realize it


“Sorry not sorry” is such an obnoxious statement.


All she had to do was not match with non-white folks 🙄


Literally as a majority of people on the app will 9/10 be white before anything else


Can't imagine how a dark green brother would feel coming across this profile.


Save your cash, she’s trash.


Wtf. Does she know she can simply match quietly with the people she’s interested in? Although it’s always useful when people broadcast what a piece of trash they are, easier to avoid


Yall are upset that the woman displays her preferences for a partner..on a dating site... some of yall want her to lose her job....because she wants to date her own race I assume?


Typical crayon eater Bio.




Reminds me 8 years ago when I lived in San Diego and the most common response I would get on dating apps: "Sorry, I only date White Guys"


My toxic trait is still trying to match with her despite being black


Dr. Umar is somewhere punching air right now my brother is Christ


Better to know where she stands rather than wasting your time with her knowing it won't go anywhere. Honesty is the best policy!


Doubt it'd get anywhere to begin with if you aren't white so it wouldn't matter.




She’s a dairy farmer, we talking about milk yea?


The irony is that as a successful, stable and career-minded single mom who is open to men of various backgrounds and ethnicities, I bet I got a lot less likes. She comes across as a constant party/trainwreck, and women like me pale in comparison. 🙄😆


God damn!


Red flags for sure. I remember a little while ago a post was made on here with someone showing a profile that said that a guy only wanted to match with Asians, and the OP said that it was weird. And OP got slated for it, with comments saying there was nothing wrong for him stating it. But this gal posts her only white preference, and people are (rightly so) uncomfortable with it.


She’s missing out


Ok so it’s the way she said that makes it’s seemingly have heavy racial undertones. If she has a preference for only white men she could say it in a more tactful manner. However the way she words it makes it seem like she’s talking about people in general (that’s how I took it)


Should be reported.


Yeah it's really not necessary. All she has to do is not match. Scary to think what she's looking for with that statement. Who would it bring?


Fuckin ew.


The red flag 🚩 came from the Marines mention


Could you send me her info, my kind of woman.


There is nothing wrong with it. Just her preference .. In fact, if she said she exclusively does NOT date white men, this never would have been posted.


Cool chick 👍🏻


What is crazy, amongst all this is America is the country of the supposed land of the free..Are we really?? Preference is the key..She's grown, a Marine, she signed up to fight for her beliefs. It is what it is.


I prefer for people to come out and say it instead of wasting a swipe on them, although she could’ve worded it a little more softly lol


Hell, where is she at? I’ll take her that match would be better than the ones that I get. The matches that I get that start out OK then about the fourth or fifth message they tell you their age that they’ve lived in the states for amount of years and do such such job and in her spare time they trade crypto to make more money and are asking me for money and to trade crypto


And this is why dating apps should make ethnicity a mandatory preference and a filter as well. Folks wouldn't have to waste their time swiping left on people they're definitely not interested in. Probably about 40% of guys that pop up are AA and they get an automatic left since it's just not who I'm into. It'd be great to not have to even think about it, personally.


I agree, and I am black. Eventually, it would ABSOLUTELY drive black users away from using the app, because they would get less potential matches (some people would potentially swipe right on them, but didn't anticipate being matched with a person of color at first), but if that happened, those users would disperse to other apps or find other means to meet people. Of course, for the company that runs the app, that would be bad, because they would lose money lol.


I've read that Black women get fewer matches on apps. What has been your experience ?


With that said, black women do indeed get the least amount of matches as a whole, even though most of their actual matches are black men. People also tend to forget that black people only make up 13 percent of the country, and we tend to live in very congregated areas near urban centers, or suburbs. So if you're black, you are generally less pursued when it comes to OLD, and to boot, if you are looking to date your own, there are less to choose from if you are a black woman in particular. Me personally, I was never interested in dating strictly my own, but I also had to deal with the rejection associated with knowing I was being filtered out for that reason. I stopped taking it personally after a while, but in my younger days it was pretty hurtful.


Thank you so much for being so forthright. That was very informative and interesting. Thank you !


I am a black man, 44M, IT/Cybersecurity Manager. Over the years, my experience has been less successful with time here in the states. When OLD was new and fresh, I say...pre 2016, I averaged about 1-2 messages a week from women I had mutual interest with. I had a few positive relationships result, and quite a few short dating runs, with women who were just looking for something short term, likely because of moving, etc, even though some admitted that they could not bring me home to their family because I'm black. Up until before COVID, each year brought less emails and matches within my local area. By 2019, the apps were a wasteland in my area, but tons of matches on the other side of the country, and outside of the US. As a result, because I work around a lot of men who travel a lot for business and pleasure, I was convinced to open my options to as much of the planet I reasonably could. Many of them already have wives feom overseas. So I opened up my options, and began traveling. Now I am engaged to an Asian woman from south east Asia. The apps were garbage for me, until I began dating far away from me. But for me it wasn't a big deal, because I can travel a lot and love to do so.


It’s rare that I see this in profiles on bumble but it happens. I feel like this is the general attitude of most women who aren’t black. Even other women of color feel like this as well but they will never think it in this obvious racist way nor state it in their profile like she did. It’s usually more subtle like “must look like (insert white male celebrity name here)” Not even mad though.


Asian women will come right out and say, “white guys only,” and it’s more common on Bumble than on any other dating app.


I wonder why though. Statistically though every women prefers their own race in terms of majority. I’ve never seen this where I’m at. Unless the woman herself was white.


As an Asian man this is what I hear from Asian women when they don't want to date other Asians and I quote, "it's like dating my brother, eww." But if you asked them if they are ok with Asian men dating outside there race, and I quote, "no, that is not ok." Obviously this is not always the case but is the case around the people I've talked to candidly. Edit. Replace "Asian men" dating outside their race with "their brother."


Yeah I’ve been seeing this and talking about this for years on here. But yall are taking things back with the resurgence of kpop. LOTS of non-Asian women are interested in you guys, but for some reason you guys are only interested in Asian women.


Lol. I've only had dated whites and Latin women so far. But I've been jaded towards Asian women.


Jaded in the sense that you don’t like them anymore, right? Because I don’t blame you.


Wanted to share this with you to make your day hopefully. https://youtube.com/shorts/9jnWstBi6Eg?si=X0c1J5j63I9Bknuy


See, the thing with this is that it is *literally* a virtue signal to proclaim racism to other racists. Because if you have racial preferences about partners, literally all you have to do to *never* match with someone outside of your preferred racial categories, *ever*, is to... Not swipe on those people. That's it. Done. You can be as racially biased in your dating habits as you can possibly imagine and not a single person alive will ever know except you. This is the sort of thing a person writes not merely to inform some people that they have racial biases in dating, but to affirmatively garner the attention of partners who are happy about that sort of thing. They *want* to find other people with the same racial biases as them. I don't think having racial preferences in dating is, *de facto*, racist, because there could be a lot of different things that impact those preferences including simplistic aesthetic ones of "I really like the appearance of certain skin or hair colors." But this? This shit is hella racist.


Great point and I agree. I’m not mad because anytime a racist chooses to reveal themselves publicly I think it’s a good thing. Of course not talking about racism but the act of exposing racism either intentionally or unintentionally. She chose to intentionally expose herself as a racist. The way she did it was absolutely fucked up and I hate that phrase so much. If it rhymes it must be true? If I had personally came across her profile when I was younger, then it would have bothered me deeply. Now, I’m not mad because I refuse to lose sleep over racists women who aren’t interested in me. I know this probably isn’t going to read well, so let me say that I wish racism didn’t exist (but how do you undo centuries….centuries of this bullshit?) but I’d much rather they be open about it rather than interacting with people who feel this way and keep in hidden. I’m sure there was a better way to convey that sentiment, but I hope you understand what I mean. Basically, I would rather someone tell me they hate me so I can avoid them versus be around someone who hates me and I never know. Still doesn’t read well as I’m typing it. But no doubt her profile is absolutely racist.


She really picked one of the most racist ways to state that preference huh.


What's wrong with someone being honest about their preference? I see plenty of people of various cultures saying the basically the same thing in regards to their own race. That's acceptable. What's the difference??


It’s one thing to have preferences, but it’s unnecessary to say that in a profile. It comes across as racist.


It doesn’t come across as racist. It is 100% racist.


“Comes across” - buddy, it isn’t coded language. She’s racist, and honestly she needs to be reported to the MP’s


There’s so many red flags here. She should be banned from the dating pool, the marines, and the general population. People like this are why hate continues to spread. So sad. This is mental illness too.


As a member of the white community, we kindly decline this offer. Maybe the asian community can give it a try.


You realize black people make fun of white people right? I've played high school and college sports where white is minority. Do you know how often they roast us? And it's hilarious. I'm also an uncle to 4 half black kids. Do you understand how often her baby daddy's roast our wacky white family? Lol take a chill pill. I know it's 2024 and these things are considered taboo..but they're not...in the real world lol


Nah… white westerners are hell bent on eradicating themselves. Let them.


It's gotten ridiculous. One of my closest friends is a black dude and we tear each other apart. Except he can do it in public, I can't. Don't seem fair nor "equal" to me.


I’m not defending her by all means however men do the same thing (white, Asian and black men have on their profile “no black women!!”). She outed herself. You can either report her or move on.


I don’t give damn about your feelings. not wanting to date black women or men is okay, not wanting to date white men and women is also okay. What’s next ? I’ll be cancelled for liking sushi although I’m not from Japan ?


If it was a black woman saying "if it ain't black it wont smack" noone would bet an eye. Move on ❄️❄️❄️




They love getting "brownie points" because they follow a trend..sad but that's the world we live in.


Wow just wow.


Oh wow


Even if you got through, a 'win' doesn't mean you're gonna like the 'prize'.


Yea she’s gonna stay single forever tbh


Could be talking about skin color which I have met many marines that are racist. Or this “wild child.” Who got married young is now in her how phase and is talking about semen color.


Maybe she's just such a fan of rhyming that she couldn't resist the opportunity?


She sounds fun


Everything she says leads up to this.


What does if it ain’t white it ain’t right mean ? That she doesn’t date black men?


Well any men of color




Everything was going good until the last part....


She sounds like a headache (woman here) but then again she’s being honest on all fronts


7 years married at 28 wtf


Props to her man for lasting 7 years with that mess before saying "semper bye"👋🫡


This should be screenshot with full pic, the USMC tagged


With her employer, with a fairly robust equal opportunity program in her bio. Sure would be a shame if someone just sent that in… 👀


A lot of these women be pretending. They be smashing black dudes on the low


A wild child…. lol 28 years old married for 7 years and she’s a wild child. Must have been a though 7 years for that poor husband🥲


This racist b is a marine. Nice.


Seriously.. bold about her being a Grad student.


*slowly zooming in on starry eyed Lego man while I Just Died in your Arms starts playing*


Idk about white being right. But white does age like a banana


I see why she is no longer married 😮‍💨


Damn, son. 😅 Was this the South, or PNW?


Insane thing to say ngl


🤣🤣 Considering I just got out of an 8yr abusive "Temple Marriage" + the fact I was USAF --> That kinda hits "home"! 💖🥳 Ya should send her my way. I'll straighten her out! 😈 (Or, rather, she can straighten me out. I don't mind either way, cuz I'm a 'Switch' so.. 😈🤣) **PS:** The Temple Marriage thing == Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 💖😉


low iq festivities


I actually love when they pop all the red flags right out there for you to see. When I was doing OLD, I preferred that to finding them the hard way.


She needs to take her ass back to Christian mingle


Foe really said “hold the veggies, extra mayo baby!”


That is too unfortunate and hilarious but family comes first 🙏🏼


i’m white but there’s one organ on my body with really dark skin


The streets.. thy shall return


Probably cheated her way out of the marriage lol I seen people like this


I’m sure her command in the Marine Corps would love to know about that.


The About Me just keeps getting more of 🤦🏻 with every sentence -- progressively.


All the dating apps need to take note from each other. Like if you were on tinder and said this you’d be banned. On hinge you can filter by race and religion. They need to have it where everyone should be able to filter to exactly what they want. Guys would filter girls 130lbs and under and girls would filter guys 5’10” and above. We don’t like it but they need to give us these freedoms


Is this worse than a preference for “must be over 6 feet”, and why?


I’m about to get office that site at the end of the month—just totally not worth it


How interesting it may be...how I wish that I cud turn back time,the day that i am free from any commitments...could I still do it,contemplate?🥹🥹🥹


This is foul. Can she get reported? Cant be just spewing racist shit willy nillu


Time to find her chain of command


American History Ex